The eleven levels of the labyrinth--that was the city.

There is no building because it is in a labyrinth, but instead, the room is left as it is in a shop and inn.

I've seen bandits in the labyrinth before, but I can't believe it.

"Amazing, isn't it? This labyrinth has eleven levels, forty-one levels, and seventy-one levels where there are no monsters, and there is a point where drinking water springs up, and the adventurers who used the labyrinth as a livelihood have been based there for a long time."

So it seems that at some point, adventurers were able to bring in various things, such as an inn, a cafeteria, and a blacksmith.

"... however, they seem to be quite expensive compared to outside the labyrinth"

Huh, that's how it works.

I asked Miri about it, but she didn't seem to know either.

Well, Miri used the southern continent as her base of activity in her previous life, so I don't know anything about the northern continent.

"But if you leave something like a labyrinth, it will be absorbed in the labyrinth, right?" You can live well in such a place, right?

"Then don't worry." If you put it on a magic cloth like that, it won't absorb anything. "

Root points to the blue cloth. There was a stall on the cloth, where the meat was baked.

In the labyrinth, this delicious smell is irresistible.

As Natasha said, the price of meat was a little higher than buying it outside, and I didn't buy it this time because the meat was enough in the item bag.

But how does this cloth work?

Speaking of which, I think there was something like that magic cloth stuck to the bottom of the luggage that was placed in front of the bandits on the floor.

It's simple.

It was Carlo who suddenly appeared.

"What, what? Why is Carlo here?"

"I came to this city to wholesale goods. It's an adventurer-only labyrinth, but special access is granted to combat-ready pedestrians carrying supplies.”

Is there such a way out?

However, it seems that pedestrians are not allowed to enter below the twelve levels.

Ichino-jo-san, where is she?

She's a pedestrian, Carol.

"Ichino-sama's wife."

That's what I'm talking about.

When Root heard that, he saw another wife, Hal and Carlo, and thought it was a complicated relationship? No, more than that, I think you're looking at me with some kind of contempt.

Is this a monogamous country?

"Ah, all three of you." Carlo is older than you, isn't he? "


Root and the others open their eyes in surprise.

Oh, that way.

Apparently, Root didn't have two wives, but was disgusted with calling women younger than themselves wives.

It seems that there are few dwarfs (mini-hum) in this northern continent, so there is no choice but to make such a mistake.

But if Carlo were to come here, we should have come to the labyrinth together.

"I was desperate to do that, but since this job is to travel back and forth through the labyrinth in one day, I will try to avoid monsters." Because it is difficult to enjoy the pure labyrinth. "

What round trip is possible with an item bag?

"There are some things that I can't carry in my bag."

Speaking of which, Caro's got a big load on his back.

When I saw it, it was a magic cloth.

"It's a magic cloth... but if you carry it in an item bag..."

"Oh, that's right. Here you are, this is a slime."


I don't know the identity of the magic cloth, Hal, and the five of us spoke up unexpectedly.

"Are you processing slime corpses into cloth?"

"Not a corpse, but a suspended state." When slime loses its moisture, it can dry out and fall asleep in a suspended state. Maybe it's the magic cloth that's waterproofing the dried slime. "

"Well done, Miri-san." Even though it's a suspended state, it's a slime that's still alive, so it won't be absorbed into the labyrinth. This slime is also affixed under the bed, etc., as the nucleus will not collapse to the extent that you can ride it. The difficulty is that you can't adjust the size by cutting with scissors. Also, I can't put it in my item bag because I'm not dead. "

I see, Caro is carrying this slime cloth.

"Well then, Ichino-sama, excuse me!" I'll see you later! "

Caro said that and ran lightly.

She's a really hard-working wife.

But isn't the last statement a bit dangerous?

Looks like Root and the others haven't noticed.

"So... what do we do for dinner?" Go to the cafeteria or share the rice in the item bag. "

Ichino-jo-san's rice!

Right, yeah.

I'm interested, but I don't have any fresh vegetables, so I definitely think the taste is better.

Therefore, we decided to go to a tavern where we could bring our own food and eat together, if we could just ask for a drink.

And Natasha ordered first fruit water, and all the others ale.

"I'll take the ale too..."

"No, you're fruit water."

Huh? But fruit water is about three times the price of a brew.

"You must still be a minor in this world." Or do you want it to be cooled with hot water? "

"Ahh, fruit water is fine"

I know that the Miri guy actually likes sake since he was in Japan.

Because, after my parents died, there was no one to drink, and the sake that had been left behind was less than half.

Miri evaporated, didn't she? I deceived him, but it was roughly clear that he had been drinking.

Besides, I have received reports that I am still hiding and drinking my own sake and wine from My World.

But while you're with me, don't let them drink alcohol. This is the minimum rule.

Remove food from the item bag before the ale is brought in.

Because it was a fish burger earlier, I decided to do two kinds of pizza this time: freshly baked (preserved).

Cheese made from Suguy's milk goes well with pizza.

"What, this is so good!" This yellow crush and the white sauce is really good. "

"Pizza with tomato sauce is also delicious"

"...... It's all really strange cooking. It's very delicious.”

The route is mayo pizza, the line is pizza with tomato sauce, and Natasha probably liked both the same.

The customers around me throbbed as they watched it.

I'll say it out loud.

"Hey, big brother. Can you share some of that thin bread with me, too?" I'll do this dried shellfish instead. "

"Me and you!" Please divide it into three senses. "

I'll split it for free!

I knew it would be.

"Good, I still have pizza."

That's what I said, and I put the tomato sauce and mayo pizza on the empty table as well.

Can I have some of that, too?

The store owner who put the ale asked me that, so of course I agreed.

If it was Carlo, I'd have brought it there for a price discount.

Well, I don't hate this kind of atmosphere, okay?

Hal was also shaking his tail in a good mood.

Mistress ─ ― Recently, you've touched your tail less often, right?


Did you realize I was watching Hal's tail? She said that.

Has Master gotten tired of my tail?

"No, I'm not tired of it." Rather, I like it-- "

"I'm trying to fix my tail, but I'm now able to control my tail."

Hal said that and stroked my thigh from the next seat.

With a tail.

Nonsense. This is how you used your tail?

I used to use brushes in a lot of those videos, but this is definitely more than that -- no, I don't even know about that experience.

─ Kuu

Ah, I'm asleep.

I was aware that she was drunk, but her tail felt too good to stop.

"I'm sorry, I'm taking Hal to the room. We'll go first."

We haven't eaten much yet, but we decided to go back to the inn after paying for a drink for the number of people.

Feeling the weight of the Hal on my back - when I returned to My World this evening, I immediately decided to ask him for his tail.

When I left the store, I heard the line and route muttering.

Couples are amazing.

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