I’ve Been Cultivating Immortals For Thousands of Years

Chapter 123: , Yue Xiaopeng Petrochemical

Does Grandpa Lin really hope to go to the moon?

   "You said, what should we do if we meet the Fairy Chang'e? Would you like to ask her to sit down?"

   The big yellow dog looked at the sky, and said nothing.

   Several people were stunned.


   Is rhubarb serious?

   Chang'e doesn't live on the moon, you read too many novels, right?

   Zifeng smiled: "Rhubarb, where is there any Chang'e? That is a story in mythology. There is a vacuum on the moon, and it is impossible for people to live."

   Yue Xiaopeng persuaded: "Yes, Brother Dog, you think too much."

   The big yellow dog said: "Oh, forget, Chang'e lives in a parallel world, not here."

   Lin Xiao glared: "Only you talk too much."

   Several people watched Lin Xiao express his attitude.


   Why did the big yellow dog ask this?

   And listening to Grandpa Lin's tone, there is something secret hidden in it.

   The five are more curious.

   The audience in the live broadcast room is also curious.

   "How do I feel that what the big yellow dog said is true, there is a secret"

   "There can be no Chang'e on the moon, this may be a joke of the big yellow dog, but Grandpa Lin's attitude, how do I feel that there is Chang'e? Is it my illusion."

   "Yeah, it doesn't feel right."

   "Could Grandpa Lin have seen Chang'e? That is a fairy who only exists in the legend."

   "There is a Chang'e detector. As for the Chang'e fairy, I don't know."

   "Something is wrong, the big yellow dog seems to be hiding a secret."

   Countless people discussed in the live broadcast.

   Zifeng asked tentatively: "Grandpa Lin, what do you think of Fairy Chang'e?"

   Zifeng always feels that Grandpa Lin's words are opposite, as if he doesn't want the big yellow dog to say it, maybe there is really a secret.

   "How do you look at it, of course, you see it with your eyes, that is a character in mythology, who deceived a three-year-old child, you also believe it."

   Lin Xiao persuaded him to go back.

   You really thought there was a fairy named Chang'e.

   Drink too much!

   The four laughed out loud.

   What else can I see, of course I see with my eyes.

   Yue Xiaopeng said: "Hurry up and eat, Grandpa Lin is also going to take us to the moon for a stroll!"

   Yue Xiaopeng gobbled it up.

   I swallowed a few chopsticks.

   Teacher He smiled; "You eat slowly, and be careful to spit it out when you reach the moon."

   Yue Xiaopeng suddenly realized.

   Stop the chopsticks.

   "Don't tell me, there is no gravity on the moon. If it really vomits, it will be ugly. I still don't eat it."

   Several people looked at Yue Xiaopeng.

   This really makes a lot of sense.

   After all, in the case of weightlessness, it is really possible to fly out of the stomach.

   Lin Xiao said: "You want to go so much!"

   Yue Xiaopeng nodded: "That's for sure, we are the first people to go to the moon."

   Lin Xiao nodded: "Big yellow dog, take Yue Xiaopeng for a walk first, and then come back for dinner."


   The big yellow dog said to Yue Xiaopeng: "Come with me, you are the first person to go to the moon, you will be recorded in the annals of history, praise and praise you will be incomparable glory."

   Yue Xiaopeng was stunned.

   his face was overjoyed.

   Zifeng's four faces are dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

   Why did Yue Xiaopeng go alone?

   This is not right!

   Yue Xiaopeng is overjoyed: "Thank you, Grandpa Lin, what do I need to prepare?"

   "No need to prepare, just follow the big yellow dog."

   Lin Xiao said indifferently;

   Yue Xiaopeng nodded: "Okay."

   The big yellow dog asked: "Are you ready?"


   "Follow me, you can't fall behind."

   The big yellow dog led the way, and said as he walked: "First, we started the aircraft, and the aircraft was too fast, it was infinitely close to the speed of light."

   "Swish the aircraft flies into the sky like a rocket."

   At this time, the big yellow dog walked under the eaves and turned back.

   Yue Xiaopeng followed all the way.

   At this time, Yue Xiaopeng's face was dumbfounded.

"what's the situation?"

   The big yellow dog said: "Don't talk, we are in the aircraft at this time, our speed is too fast, we have moved away from the ground and entered the clouds."

   "Because we are in the clouds and are already in a state of weightlessness, our bodies are floating in the air in the state of weightlessness."

   "At this time, Yue Xiaopeng glanced at the earth and was very excited. He was the first person in China to set foot on the moon. His name will be recorded in the annals of history, and his glory will be all over his body."

   "At this time, our aircraft has already flown out of the earth's orbit, and is flying to the moon along the set route."

   "Yes, we finally saw the moon."

   "Yue Xiaopeng was very excited, he saw it, and he finally saw the moon."

   "Yue Xiaopeng let out an exclamation, he is extremely excited at this time, he will be the first person to land on the moon."

   Yue Xiaopeng is still being forced.

  Don't talk about Yue Xiaopeng.

   Even Teacher Huang is being forced.

  What the big yellow dog is doing, talking to himself

  Who knows what is going on?

The big yellow dog stopped and turned back to Yue Xiaopeng and said: "Yue Xiaopeng, stretch out your right foot, your stepping out will be the first step in your life, Yue Xiaopeng is a small step, a big step for mankind. "

   Yue Xiaopeng was blinded.

What exactly does that mean?

   The big yellow dog said, "Raise your foot, you idiot."

   Yue Xiaopeng involuntarily raised his foot.


   The big yellow dog pushed a small ball with his right foot and placed it at the feet of Yue Xiaopeng

   Big Yellow Dog: "Successful, successful, this is a great leap in human history, Yue Xiaopeng finally landed on the moon, toast to the great Yue Xiaopeng."

   Yue Xiaopeng petrified instantly.

  Looking at the moon at my feet


   I became a clown.

   Zifeng and several people looked at this picture, and instantly laughed.



   Big yellow dog, you are really a dog.

   What kind of special come this hand.

   This is what you mean to land on the moon~www.readwn.com~ Come directly to a lunar instrument?

   I saw this picture in the live broadcast room.

   Countless barrage.

   "Fuck, brother dog, you are so talented, you are simply the number one dog in the world."

   "What's the matter, I've been looking forward to it for a long time, Brother Gou, give me this, I laughed and pissed."

   "Fuck, I was eating dinner, I saw this picture and sprayed a table, I just ate the meal, and instantly vomited."

   "I'm shit, the **** is back."

   "Haha, really a dog."

   "Damn, did it for a long time, how did you land on the moon?"

   Countless people complained in the live broadcast room.

   It's okay to go to the moon.

   As a result, a lunar instrument came?

   That's how Grandpa Lin landed on the moon.

   Yue Xiaopeng is still in petrochemical industry.

   The big yellow dog said: "Yue Xiaopeng, you landed on the moon, are you very excited at this moment?"

   Yue Xiaopeng said: "I am very excited."

  The big yellow dog said: "Do you have anything you want to tell the audience?"

   Yue Xiaopeng smiled: "A lot, too much, because I am so excited, I just want to express my current feelings in one sentence."

   "What are you talking about?"

   "Rhubarb, you are a real dog."

   Zifeng and a few people laughed.

   After watching for a long time, I finally recovered. Is this a new show performance?

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