I’ve Been Cultivating Immortals For Thousands of Years

Chapter 174: , The little brother and the big yellow dog show car skills

The live room was moved.

"It's really little brother, he came too fast. Yesterday he said he would visit Grandpa Lin, and he will be here today."

"It's good if the little brother is here, but they are known as the Demon King."

"Wen Neng cuts plums, Wu Neng hehehehe...I really want to hear my brother tell a joke."

"Brother Dog, why aren't you here!"

Fei Yuqing walked to Lin Xiao and bowed his head respectfully: "Grandpa Lin, I am happy to see you. I haven't seen you for decades. Grandpa Lin still has the same style and brilliance."

Lin Xiao smiled: "You child, you are already old, so don't flatter yourself. Come and sit down!"

Fei Yuqing nodded: "Thank you, Grandpa Lin, this is my granddaughter, Zhang Ting."

Zhang Ting lowered her head and said with a smile: "I have seen Grandpa Lin."

Lin Xiao nodded.

Fei Yuqing looked at Teacher He and Teacher Huang, and said with a smile; "Teacher He and Teacher Huang, I am so happy to see you."

Teacher He responded with a smile: "I dare not call the teacher in front of you, just call me Xiao He."

Teacher He was ashamed.

Fei Yuqing is a senior in front of Teacher He.

Huang Xiaochu responded: "Teacher Fei still calls me Xiao Huang."

Fei Yuqing hurriedly waved his hand; "I dare not call myself a teacher in front of you. If you don't mind, you should call me little brother. This is a good name."

The little brother is still so gentle and elegant.

Suits and shoes that never change.

"Brother is over sixty, and he is still so young."

"Brother takes good care of me, but it's a pity that I've been single all my life, so I really feel sorry for my brother."

"Hey, what a good man, he is lonely and grows old."

"I still can't forget which song, a plum cut, I grew up listening to this song."

"We all grew up listening to this song, it's so nice."

The little brother sits next to Grandpa Lin.

Zhang Ting stood beside her little brother, very excited.

Lin Xiao looked at Zhang Ting: "Little girl, sit down too!"

"I won't sit. In front of you, there is no place for me to sit."

Lin Xiao shook his head: "Don't be constrained, you can call me an old man, and I won't care."

Lin Xiao didn't care.

What Grandpa Lin, what a good old man.

Appears cordial.

Listening to Grandpa Lin every day, my ears become callous.

Zhang Ting shook her head: "I don't dare."

But Zhang Ting sat down obediently.

Teacher He poured two cups of tea, and the two quickly stood up.

Take the teacup with both hands.

"Trouble Mr. He to pour the water."

Teacher He responded: "You are sitting, I call you little brother, don't call me Teacher He, we have hosted shows before!"

The little brother smiled and said: "Xiao He's hosting style, I have long admired."

Teacher He smiled: "Brother, always be the younger brother."

"Who is the little brother, then am I not the big brother."

Everyone heard the voice.

Look back.

Sure enough, the big yellow dog arrived.

Just listen to this voice and you will know who it is!

Fei Yuqing smiled: "It turns out that it was Big Brother who came back. It's been a long time since I saw him, Brother Dog."

"Who did I say! It turns out that Xiao Zhang is here. He is in good health and very strong. Does he often go exploring black holes?"

Said the big yellow dog;

Huang Xiaochu and the two laughed out loud.

I heard Brother Gou speak like this in the live broadcast room.

There was a lot of laughter.

"It's my dog ​​brother. He drove if he didn't agree with him. The speed is too fast to catch up."

"I often go exploring black holes, Brother Dog, are you serious?"

"This is even worse than the Demon King."

"Two Demon Kings collide, I don't know who is better."

"A hehe, a snooping black hole, it's quite evenly matched!"

At this time, the little brother was forced.

Snooping on a black hole?

Brother Gou, are you serious?

The little brother smiled and said, "Brother Dog is really good at joking."

The big yellow dog looked at Zhang Ting.

The little brother introduced: "This is the granddaughter, called Xiaoting."

Xiaoting smiled and greeted: "Grandpa Dog, how are you!"

Xiao Ting looked at Rhubarb. There really was a talking dog. This was so cute, and the Rhubarb dog seemed to be quite talking.

This is too weird.

Big Yellow Dog: "Come on, you should call me Brother Dog, how dare I be called by Grandpa."

The little brother smiled and said, "Well, this is my granddaughter. Call me grandpa. If you call you brother dog, then you call me grandpa. I can't afford it!"

The big yellow dog was taken aback.

"Okay, brother, I know it's taking advantage. How are you, Grandpa Zhang!"

The little brother was embarrassed for a while: "Brother Dog, this is a joke, how can I be your grandfather! It's almost the same for you to be my grandfather."

The big yellow dog said: "Why didn't you see your wife?"

Brother: "You forgot, Grandpa Lin made the fortune for me. If you miss it all your life, you will miss it. You can only be alone for the rest of your life. It's not just being alone all the time."

"I still want you to introduce it!"

The big yellow dog said: "Okay, I will introduce my wife's sister to you, and you will be the younger brother in the future."

The little brother smiled: "I have no blessings, and I still learn from Grandpa Lin. Just stay alone."

"Single, it would be a shame not to use it for decades."

Said the big yellow dog;

The little brother smiled, naturally knowing what the big yellow dog was talking about.

Understand at one point.

The little brother replied calmly: "It's not a pity at all, sometimes you can still find substitutes."

The two people were heard talking in the live broadcast room.

Explode instantly.

"Fuck, these two drove when they didn't agree."

"It's amazing, these two people are a bit like doing a show."

"You say, I say, Brother Gou is digging a hole for little brother again!"

"Brother is amazing, and his answer is not leaking."

"What is this substitute?"

"Listening to the conversation between the two is really interesting."

The big yellow dog looked at Teacher He.

"How to be like Teacher He? Teacher He told me that his right hand is faster. As for you, is it the left hand or the right hand."

Teacher He was taken aback.

I murmured in my heart: Why did you get involved with me again? Brother Gou, when did I tell you that my right hand is faster.

Don't buckle your hat!

The little brother responded with a smile;

"The hands are as fast, but I don't use it."


"I have an automatic throughput function, which is still pretty good, just vomit once a month."

The little brother answered readily;

The big yellow dog nodded: "Those up once a month?"

"Yes, girls also have it once a month, but men are still the same. My eldest aunt comes quickly and goes quickly..."

"Have you thrown up recently?"

"I haven't vomited up, people are getting old, sometimes get stuck and can't vomit out."

The live broadcast room was dumbfounded.

"This answer is awesome!"

"The little brother is the little brother, and the eldest aunt, I really laughed and peeed."

"Haha... it's amazing to hear them talk, IQ is too high."

"It's great, it's the first time I heard of the automatic throughput function, my little brother is awesome."

"Brother Gou, this is digging holes for my little brother~www.readwn.com~ But my little brother is a master at filling pits. He digs one, and I fill one, which is too good."

"Brother, 666..."

Numerous barrage in the live broadcast room frequently appeared.

The little brother smiled and said, "Brother Dog, in fact, we still envy you."


"You don't have to take off your clothes, you see, sometimes we are in a hurry, sometimes our belts are tight, and we can't take it off. It's not like you carry a gun and go into battle without any scruples."

Big yellow dog:·····

"I envy you!"

The little brother was taken aback and asked: "Why is this?"

"Eighteen martial arts are all proficient, but I only have one trick."

Brother: -_-|||

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