I’ve Been Cultivating Immortals For Thousands of Years

Chapter 189: , God doesn’t dare to be presumptuous in front of me

"I have been cultivating immortals for thousands of years and I was yearning to expose the novel ( to find the latest chapter!

The white powder on the ground began to surge.

The five-pointed starburst array slowly lifted into the sky, and the handwriting on the ground turned into two marks.

at the same time.

Countless clouds in the sky began to separate, and two strong rays of light came down from above, making people unable to open their eyes.

Teacher He was shocked.

What power is this?

The clouds in the sky separate and circle into a circle, speeding up...


Two phantoms descended from the sky and landed in mid-air.

Goddess of Wood: "My believer, kneel down and accept my mark!"

Zifeng was dumbfounded.

Is this God?

What kind of power is this.

Zifeng was trembling with fright, feeling an incomparable strength, pressing on his body, stalwart and irresistible...

Zifeng's legs bent.

The big yellow dog reminded: "Don't kneel down, watch your brother's operation."

"The art of stealing the sky and changing the sun."

Brother Gou yelled, a phantom appeared, and a phantom identical to Zifeng knelt on the ground.

Zifeng was stunned.

what's the situation?

The goddess of wood has no expression on her face: "Very well, my believer, accept the reward."

The goddess of wood stretched out a hand.

A ray of light penetrated Zifeng's body, Zifeng felt refreshed, this feeling was great...

"Bold, dare to deceive me..."

Abnormal changes occur suddenly.

The eyes of the goddess of wood exude incomparable power, and a force pours down...

Bang bang bang...

All the electronic products smoked one after another, the powerful force exploded in an instant, and several people could not move.

Live room: network failure, please check your own network·····

Countless people look silly.

"Fuck, what's the situation?"

"This is because there is no signal, what the **** is going on?"

"Just saw two lights and shadows come down, and then they are gone."

"In the end, did the goddess of wood get angry? What kind of power is this?"

"Nima's, what is going on?"

The live broadcast room went dark directly, and countless people became angry.

It's a wonderful time.

You give me a sentence: network failure, please check your own network····

Check your sister's.


The cold wood goddess phantom stared at Zifeng. Zifeng's legs were so frightened. What kind of power is this? Looking at the goddess phantom, it was like an ant looking up at an elephant.

The big yellow dog was taken aback: "No, I was found."

Lin Xiao stretched out a hand.


The power radiated by the goddess of wood shattered in an instant.

The Goddess of Wood is indifferent; "Dare to blaspheme the dignity of God and die."

The Goddess of Wood waved at Lin Xiao.


A huge shock came, and countless branches and leaves turned into huge palms to capture Lin Xiao.

Several people looked silly.

Is this the power of God?

too frightening.

Several people seemed to be in a huge abyss, countless trees turned into monsters, and they stretched out their long claws to grab them.

Lin Xiao sneered; "Hmph, the little phantom dared to be presumptuous, and I am not afraid of it when the body comes, and it is nothing more than a god."

Lin Xiao stretched out a hand.

Simply spit out two words: "Destroy..."


The phantom exploded...

"If you dare to blaspheme the dignity of God, you will be hunted endlessly, and I will definitely not let you go..."

Lin Xiao said indifferently, and said: "Yes, your soul will be my slave, your head will be my wine glass, and your bones will be my scepter...you will fall into the boundless darkness , Forever as a slave."


The goddess of wood disappeared instantly, leaving a roar of horror.

Lin Xiao turned to look at the goddess of water.

The goddess of water was taken aback.

"Give you strength, I'll go first."

After saying a few words, he ran away instantly, disappearing without a trace.

too frightening.

How could people in this lower realm be so powerful?

Is this still a mortal?

This is simply killing gods.

Peng Peng felt inexplicable, is this over?

The goddess of water seemed to be scared just now? Afraid of Grandpa Lin?

Damn it.

Isn't Grandpa Lin even better than God?

Lin Xiao was taken aback.

This goddess of water walks very fast, but the goddess of wood is really not exalted, to give you a little lesson, but a little lower **** dares to be presumptuous in front of me.

Zifeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Glancing at the big yellow dog: "Rhubarb, you almost killed him."

The big yellow dog coughed;

"Unexpectedly, she found out about my stealing the sky and changing the sun. This is just a small mistake. Don't be angry, aren't you all right!"

Zifeng trembled angrily.

At that moment, I felt like I was going to die.

Fortunately, a force repelled it.

Zifeng said: "If Grandpa Lin hadn't saved me, I would have died long ago, Da Huang, you wait for me."

Peng Peng looked at his hands and couldn't believe it.

"I have succeeded? That goddess was scared away by Grandpa Lin just now?"

Several people looked at Lin Xiao.

Teacher He asked, "Grandpa Lin, are you better than God?"

"Yeah, just now you stared at the Goddess of Water, so scared that you left the inheritance and ran away."

"The goddess of wood screamed finally, what's the situation?"

Lin Xiaodao;

"Well, it's just the phantom of two little gods, without much power, how do you feel?"

Peng Peng walked to the water tank.

With a thought, the water ran towards Peng Peng's arm.

Gravity has no effect.

Peng Peng said excitedly: "I feel stronger than just now, thank you Grandpa Lin."

"These trees are like arms now, and I also feel much stronger than before."

Said the big yellow dog;

"Okay, you are now magic contractors, you can use their magic, just now the little girl wanted to shoot Grandpa Lin, she was looking for death."

Lin Xiao looked at the big yellow dog and didn't care.

Lin Xiao said: "Rhubarb, you must be in awe of the strong, they are gods anyhow."

"I see, Grandpa Lin."

Lin Xiao nodded.

This big yellow dog really can think of it, and also thinks about the art of stealing the sky and imitating the two to worship the gods, and the gods also have dignity.

At this moment.

Holy area.

The Goddess of Wood was sitting on the throne, her hands were constantly being corroded, her legs turned black rapidly, her eyes watching her own changes in horror.

Who the **** is that?

Why is there such a powerful person in the lower realm.

This person used the technique of cursing, communicated through the phantom, and cursed me.

Such people are terrible.

The Goddess of Wood roared; "I sacrifice with my life and get out of my body."

As the wood goddess Yuanshen came out of his body, he watched the body corroded and was dragged into the bottomless abyss.

The goddess of wood breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately I am the goddess of wood, awakened to life and rebirth.

Otherwise, it must fall.

The goddess of water floated from a distance and asked, "Sister, how do you feel?"

The Goddess of Wood shook his head: "I need to recast my body. I can't imagine that there is such a strong person in a world where aura is scarce, sister, are you all right!"

The goddess of water complained.

Fortunately, he ran fast, otherwise he would definitely be cursed to death.

Of course, the goddess of water also knew ~www.readwn.com~ this kind of power didn't embarrass her at all, or she would be dead.

The goddess of water shook her head: "It's okay."

The Goddess of Wood asked, "What plane was that just now?"

"It's not a plane. It's just a small three-dimensional world. It's weak and pitiful. It doesn't even have a chi, and I really don't understand how such a big guy can live on it."

The goddess of water shook her head: "Don't think about it, now it's important to condense the body."

The goddess of wood nodded.


This curse was too powerful, and instantly cursed the flesh to death.

Outside the courtyard.

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