I’ve Been Cultivating Immortals For Thousands of Years

Chapter 198: , Creation God really exists

Ma Huateng smiled and said: "I'm really looking forward to moving to Titan. Titan has an atmosphere, very similar to Blue Star, except that the temperature is too low. According to the exploration of Titan, the lowest temperature above is minus 197 degrees."

197 degrees below zero.

It's dead as soon as it comes out!

Let alone settle down.

Lin Xiao said: "At that time, there will naturally be a solution, just move Titan to earth orbit."

Move to earth orbit.

How to do?

Bring Titan with a long rope and pull it over?

Isn't this nonsense!

The corners of their mouths twitched.

Come on.

You are always joking!

Just when a few people were in a daze.

International forums.

NASA issued a warning.

"According to the latest news, Titan is leaving the orbit of Saturn and is flying in the direction of the star. Titan is flying at a very fast speed, and about a year later, it enters the orbit of the earth."

"Titan is being drawn by mysterious forces, which is totally unexplainable in science."

The news has been broadcast.

It exploded in international forums like a blockbuster.

: Titan out of the orbit of Saturn?

: What kind of power is this, is this a masterpiece of God?

: How could this happen? Why did Titan get out of the orbit of Saturn? What a great power.

: It's terrible, I believe this is a masterpiece of God.

: God, the great **** of creation, this is what I want to do!

There was a lot of discussion in international forums.

Yue Xiaopeng quickly turned on the TV and entered the official channel.

Above is a picture.

The image of the official Titan leaving Saturn, the Titan, which originally revolved around Saturn, ran away...

Something seems to be pulling Titan.

Lin Xiao was taken aback.

They have all started to act, and China has made rapid progress.

The three big men were shocked.


How can this be?

All this is true, it turns out to be true.

The three big men looked at Lin Xiao.

This is unbelievable.

Countless countries are reporting this rare event.

This is beyond their imagination.

Countless people wondered whether Titan has some kind of unknown life.

Only a few people know that this is a masterpiece of the Shenzhou Quantum Life Form.

The host began to report again: "According to the latest data, there is huge energy behind Saturn pushing Titan to fly toward the star. Once Titan breaks into the star, it will cause disaster."

This scene is completely beyond imagination.

It has subverted their cognition.

The live broadcast room exploded.

"What Grandpa Lin said just now is true. Titan really broke away from Saturn and flew towards the star."

"It's so awesome, it's so scary to be imaged, it's a planet!"

"Changing the planet is so simple for God."

"Our move to other planets is really going to happen, great."

"This is the greatest feat in the world, awesome..."

How much power is needed for a planet to get out of orbit.

Only God can do it.

Ma Huateng asked; "Grandpa Lin, will Titan rush to the stars?"

Lin Xiao shook his head: "What you do to rush to the sun should stay in a predetermined orbit, change a planet, and run along the sun. You don't have to make a fuss."

"It's quite simple."

Come on.

It's pretty simple.


Old Versailles.

It was a planet, a little smaller than the blue star, but it was a huge celestial body, and anyone other than God could sit on it.

The three big bosses can no longer be described in words.

The three big men chatting with Lin Xiao are not at the same level at all.

What they are thinking about is what technology is going on today.

What Lin Xiao said is that today, a planet is changed and it enters an orbit near the earth.

The three of them were speechless for a moment.

How should we talk about the next topic?

Ma Huateng smiled bitterly: "Grandpa Lin, what you always say is really eye-opening."

"Yes, we can't keep up with your old pace at all."

Dozens of people stared at the TV.

Countless astronomy enthusiasts watch Titan with a telescope.

At this time, a huge blue light appeared behind Titan, a dozen kinds of beams were superimposed, and the blue aperture behind him was as long as three kilometers...

A huge meteorite drags its tail and runs through space.

The host introduced; "This strong blue flame pushes Saturn out of orbit, and it seems to be a legendary planetary engine."

At international forums, countless people were dumbfounded.

Anyone in the world is guessing.

What exactly is this.

: Is this an alien invasion?

: God’s masterpiece, only God has this supernatural power.

; What exactly does Titan want to do!

: Planetary engine, this can't be true, who can make such a powerful machine.

: How many resources are needed to make it.

Just when everyone was guessing.

Shenzhou has appeared.

The screen switched to Titan.

"My name is Shenzhou. This Titan will be the second blue star, synchronized with the Earth's orbit. In the future, humans can move to Titan and enter the life of Titan."

"Titan will become the second moving planet."

At the moment of the live broadcast, I was looking at the huge planetary engine.

A huge blue flame appeared in the sky.

Thousands of vertical blue flames lifted into the sky.

It's more beautiful than fireworks.

On the forum.

"How did he do that?"

"Shenzhou Quantum Life Form? This is the life form created by Grandpa Lin."

"Shenzhou is too good, he is from China."

"Upstairs, people are gods, not humans. Only gods can sit with this ability."

"Oh my God, what is the jet of blue light? Is it a burning tail flame? How long is it!"

"Is this the same principle as the movie Wandering Earth? It's just a science fiction movie."

This is the meeting room.

Mr. Dong looked at Shenzhou in surprise.

Old Dong asked: "Shenzhou, what are you doing? Didn't you say that you didn't show up? It's a big deal."

Several old men nodded.

This is directly broadcast live all over the world.

Isn't this asking for trouble!

Shenzhou: “It’s nothing. Titan has been transformed. It’s only a year later and it’s docked in Earth’s orbit. Instead of letting others explore, it’s better to explain it directly.”

Several people looked helpless.

This is too fast, you went to Titan, and it was only a few days later.

Was it successfully remodeled?

Shenzhou Road: "In the future, when the aura recovers, countless people will come, the barrier will no longer exist, the blue star will also be exposed, and the Titan star will be the beginning of the aura recovery."

Mr. Dong was blindfolded.

What do you mean?

Reiki recovery?

Old Dong asked: "What is Reiki Recovery?"

"What's the barrier?"

Shenzhou Road: "The solar system is a world created by God, why can't it fly out of the solar system, but the blue star is surrounded by trillions of meteorites."

"This meteorite can not only stop visitors from the sky, but also stop the cosmic energy."

Several people were stunned.

At this moment.

On the screen ~www.readwn.com~ Shenzhou also repeats these words.

The solar system is a world created by gods, why can't it fly out of the solar system, but the blue star is surrounded by trillions of meteorites.

This meteorite can not only stop visitors from the outside world, but also stop the cosmic energy.

Wait until someday in the future.

The cosmic energy will enter the blue star, and after the blue star absorbs the cosmic energy, an era will begin.

A whole new era.

Lin Xiao watched TV.


This guy is really speechless, you have to say it too.

Lin Xiao shook his head: At the beginning, you were created to improve technology. You improved too fast. How long has passed since then revealed the secret directly.

It's another blockbuster.

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