I’ve Been Cultivating Immortals For Thousands of Years

Chapter 231: , The Microsoft president almost vomited blood

, I am the fastest to update immortality for thousands of years, and I am yearning to expose the latest chapter!

The president of Microsoft looked at Li Fuzhen.

Then looked at Lin Xiao.

The president of Microsoft said with a smile: "Grandpa Lin, how is your old health?"

"It's Xiaobi, why are you here?"

The live broadcast room was stunned.

Numerous barrage followed frequently.

"Fuck, what is Grandpa Lin's name, Xiaobi?"

"Little Bi? Little B?"

"This homophony is a bit interesting, why are you here, little B? It's so funny."

"Grandpa Lin, don't take your nickname anymore. This nickname makes me laugh."

"Little B, Little B, Grandpa Lin is so cute, he will give someone a nickname."

"Grandpa Lin is so good at playing, Bill Gates has become a little B?"

The live broadcast room laughed and peeed.

He is the president of Microsoft, not a little B.

As soon as you come up with this title, you must not make people laugh.

Bill Gates said: "I wanted to see you a long time ago, but I just didn't have time. Now it's fine, you are living well."

"Come and sit down!"

Bill Gates nodded: "Thank you, Grandpa Lin."

Bill Gates looked at Li Fuzhen: "Director Li is also here."

"Hello, President of Microsoft."

Both of them are business tycoons and know each other.

Bill Gates took out a share contract from the box.

Said; "Grandpa Lin, this is your old man. You used to give money back then, but now you are officially repaid."

Lin Xiao nodded: "Do you still remember."

"Of course, remember that when you established the group, you were the first to invest, but the stock price has fallen sharply recently, and your shares have lost several billions!"

Bill Gates said;

Lin Xiao looked at him.

This kid is here to set me up again.

Lin Xiao looked back at Zifeng: "Little girl, put it away."

Zifeng came over and took a look.

This is a ten percent contract.

How much is this worth?

Bill Gates said, "Grandpa Lin, can you discuss something with you?"

"you say."

"You must always have the source code of Chang'e. It is better to let us do it. Microsoft also has your shares. If this continues, the company Microsoft will fall."

The live broadcast room was shocked.

"Fuck, one is too much!"

"Just ask for the source code, what is this going to do, is Grandpa Lin an idiot?"

"This president is too much, but this is our thing, why should I give it."

"The Lion speaks loudly, just like the chairman of Samsung Empire, one by one is too much."

"Too irritating, Grandpa Lin will never give it."

What is the source code?

It is the core part of a software.

The domestically produced operating system with completely independent intellectual property rights is the hope of countless people.

No matter how good the windows operating system is, after all, it is from another country, not ours, and we cannot control our security independently.

But with the Chang'e system, I have my own system in the true sense.

And it's better than Microsoft's operating system.

A complete operating system has more than 100 million codes alone.

Bill Gates said;

"You may never know that the Chang'e system is too good, and the Microsoft system can't be compared at all. You are the old net."

Lin Xiao coughed.

"I don't understand any of these technologies, and you are asking me for nothing."

Bill Gates is speechless.


"The Chang'e system is the world's top system, and it has far surpassed Microsoft. We can cooperate to develop a more powerful system."

Lin Xiao shook his head:

"For this technology, you can just find Shenzhou. I'm just a bad old man. It's nothing more than to live longer."

Bill Gates was taken aback.

Didn’t you always create Shenzhou?

As long as you keep saying, Shenzhou will not listen to you anymore.

Bill Gates asked: "Where is Shenzhou?"

Li Fu really laughed.

Where is Shenzhou?

On Titan, go find it!


Bill Gates was blinded.



The live broadcast room laughed, and the crowd laughed.

"I knew that the old man would say that, Titan, go find it!"

"President of Microsoft, how about you go to Titan on the rocket."

"Grandpa Lin knew about it a long time ago, so does China hide on the Titan and transform it?"

"Grandpa Lin is a clever calculation. I'm a bad old man who doesn't know anything. It's the right thing to look for Shenzhou, but Shenzhou is on Titan."

"I laughed and pissed, and the president of Microsoft was slumped."

"Haha...Grandpa Lin is awesome."

"Grandpa Lin is playing around with them. The Samsung Empire and the president of Microsoft are not the same in front of Grandpa Lin."

The audience in the live room heard the two talking.

Smiled instantly.

Grandpa Lin is so funny.

This is the rhythm that makes people nowhere to survive.

You can go to China, but China is on Titan.

Bill Gates looked helpless

When Shenzhou comes back, it is estimated that the day lily will be cold.

Want to surpass the Chang'e system, at least ten years of research and development, or even decades, the Chang'e system is already an intelligent system, completely surpassing the Microsoft system.

Artificial intelligence has always been the direction of Microsoft's research.

But to this day, there is still no improvement.

It is not that simple to study an intelligent operating system.

Nearly 30 billion are spent on the system every year.

Lin Xiao said: "Little Bi, what do you have to worry about! Enjoy your retirement life, isn't it better!"

Bill Gates nodded: "Grandpa Lin said that it is time to retire, but after all I created Microsoft. This is my life's painstaking effort. I can't just watch him fall."

Science and technology are advancing, and without progress, it can only become history.

Lokia is the testimony.

Kodak is also a witness.

Bill Gates said: "I'm wondering whether in the future, as in movies, machines will generate intelligence and replace humans."

"You think too much."

"But isn't it Shenzhou?"

Lin Xiao shook his head: "No, there is life in China, and he is not a robot."

Bill Gates just wanted to ask.

Is Shenzhou a human or a robot?

Quantum life forms, are they humans?

Lin Xiao said: "In the future, we will enter quantum civilization, and science and technology will get a qualitative leap."

Bill Gates was shocked.

Is it a quantum civilization?

This speed is too fast.

How long has human civilization developed before it has entered quantum civilization.

"Quantum civilization is the only way to enter the high-latitude space."

The live broadcast room was extremely shocking.

"Really, once we enter quantum civilization, can we enter the high-latitude space?"

"I believe what Grandpa Lin said, God lives in a high latitude space, and they are watching us."

"God is terrible, even the solar system was created by God."

"I really look forward to that day ~www.readwn.com~ Entering quantum civilization, human life will be greatly improved, and even immortality!"

"I am looking forward to it, entering the high latitude space, this is the future of mankind."

"Come on, China, strive to enter the quantum civilization."

Just in the middle of a few people chatting.

Great earthquake cracked...

In the depths of the sea, a ship is transporting goods.

The sea roared.

A huge wave of three kilometers high was set off, and it could be seen from ten kilometers away.

The person standing at the bow of the ship looked up...

That is a huge city.

The people at the bow were stunned, how could there be cities on the bottom of the water surface...

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