, I am the fastest to update immortality for thousands of years, and I am yearning to expose the latest chapter!

Several people from Zifeng came over.

Peng Peng asked: "Grandpa Lin, you are always coming back so soon."

"It's not a big problem, it will be solved afterwards!"

Lin Xiao returned to the pavilion.

Put the Holy Grail away.

A few people came around curiously, looking at the cup, the ancient holy grail, with countless inscriptions on it, glittering with gold, exuding infinite charm.

Several people looked at the Holy Grail curiously.

Zifeng asked, "Grandpa Lin, where do you always get your cup? It looks unique!"

Peng Peng held it in his hand, pondered, and asked; "It looks very old, it must be an antique!"

"Let me see."

Teacher He held it in his hand: "It should be a European medieval cup, it should be an antique."

"That must be very valuable."

Yue Xiaopeng said with a smile;


Is Grandpa Lin someone short of money?

The big yellow dog said; "Let me take a good look, what kind of cup is this?"

The big yellow dog stood on tiptoe and looked at the Holy Grail.

"Fuck, is this stuff?"

The big yellow dog took a look and exclaimed...

A few people were stunned!

Teacher He asked with a smile; "Rhubarb, do you know this cup?"

"Of course I know, this is the famous Holy Grail, the cup filled with the blood of **** in the legend!"

The live broadcast room was shocked.

"What, is this the Holy Grail?"

"Fuck, why is this cup in Grandpa Lin's hand?"

"The Holy Grail, the legendary Holy Grail, I heard that drinking the water in it can live forever, I don't know if it is true."

"Is that the Holy Grail? Isn't it a legend? It turned out to be true."

"God, Grandpa Lin went out and took the Holy Grail back!"

"Grandpa Lin is still awesome. Grandpa Lin once said that the Holy Grail is a divine tool and I don't know what it does!"

"Is that the holy grail that the knights are looking for? King Arthur knows if he will come to snatch..."

After the big yellow dog said that this was the Holy Grail.

The live broadcast room exploded directly.

This is the legendary Holy Grail, filled with the blood of Jesus.

Several people were stunned when they heard what the big yellow dog said.

Peng Peng exclaimed; "This thing is the Holy Grail?"

Big yellow dog: "Of course. Didn't you see the inscription on it? This is the word of the angel family, and there are still words written on it!"

"What's the word written?"

The big yellow dog took a look: "Great dog brother, you are the master of the world."

Zifeng: (⊙o⊙)...

Teacher He: (⊙o⊙)...

"Brother Dog, you can stop making trouble, you can't make a joke like this!"

"Brother Dog, you're sitting a demon again!"

"Haha... Brother Gou, are you trying to laugh at me?

"The holy grail of others, how can your name be engraved, Brother Gou, you are too much."

"Brother Dog Niubi, 6666..."

"Brother Dog, it's so funny."

Zi Feng gave a white glance.

"Rhubarb, can you stop making trouble, what's the word on it?"

Several people also understand.

Rhubarb is simply a funny comparison. Will the Holy Grail be engraved with such boring words?

The big yellow dog coughed: "Believe in me, and you will gain eternal life."

Several people looked at the ancient text on it.

Yue Xiaopeng asked: "Brother Dog, are you kidding me!"

"When did the dog go joking!"

Come on.

You made a joke just now, and now you are pretending to be serious.

Peng Peng came interested.

"Should we go get a glass of water and try it?"

Several people's eyes lit up.

This is a good idea.

Huang Xiaochu shook his head: "Farewell, this is the Holy Grail, what if you drink poisoning? Don't only devout believers can drink it!"

Zifeng asked, "Grandpa Lin, use this holy grail to drink water. Drink it all right!"

Lin Xiao smiled.

"It's okay, it's just an ordinary cup. I don't believe you can taste it."

Peng Peng entered the kitchen.

He flicked a pot of water and brought it out.

Peng Peng poured water into the Holy Grail.

A few people look at me, I look at you······

No one wants to drink the first one.

Peng Peng said: "Let me come!"

Peng Peng took the lead, holding the wine glass and putting it to his mouth, feeling uneasy. Although Grandpa Lin said it was all right, this is the Holy Grail!

The legendary Holy Grail once contained the blood of Jesus.

At this moment, Peng Peng was excited.

Peng Peng took the Holy Grail and took a sip first.

No taste.

Then drank it...

Several people looked at Peng Peng with dementia.

Zifeng asked, "Brother, how do you feel?"

Peng Peng said: "Feeling..."

Peng Peng's face changed drastically, and he choked his neck.

"Not good, poisonous..."

Peng Peng fell to the ground, foaming at his mouth...

Several people were shocked.

Countless people in the live broadcast watched Peng Peng fall to the ground.

"Fuck, call a doctor, is this holy grail really poisonous?"

"How can this be?"

"What's the matter, it shouldn't be! Why is Peng Peng poisoned?"

"Foam at the mouth, this is a sign of poisoning. The Holy Grail that Grandpa Lin brought back is poisonous?"

"This...Pang Peng, don't be poisoned."

Peng Peng's appearance scared everyone in the live broadcast room into a cold sweat.

No one thought of it.

This ancient holy grail is poisonous.

The director is also blinded.

This shouldn't be poisoned to death!

What's wrong with this...

Peng Peng was lying on the ground, convulsing all over, foaming from the corners of his mouth.

It's over.

Zifeng was shocked: "Brother, how are you, don't scare me."

"Peng Peng, are you all right!"

"Peng Peng, you wake up soon."

Zifeng looked back at Lin Xiao.

Begged: "Grandpa Lin, you are always saving my brother."

Lin Xiao nodded: "This can only be cured by boy urine. Rhubarb, ask your son to pee and heal it, hurry up."

The big yellow dog nodded: "Okay."

When did Peng Peng learn to be funny?

What are you worried about!

This kid is obviously pretending, but he pretends to be quite similar.

The big yellow dog barked.

A few little wolves trot over.

Peng Peng heard this.

What, drink urine?

Peng Peng got up instantly, his face was stunned: "It's okay, it's okay, I was just joking just now, what do you think of my acting?"

Several people stared at Peng Peng.

Zifeng slapped it first.

"Brother, are you crazy? We were worried about you just now. You guy is still interested in joking. You are really enough."

Zifeng rolled his eyes and was not angry.

damn it.

We thought you were really poisoned, but you were acting.

Teacher He breathed a sigh of relief: "Peng Peng~www.readwn.com~ We were really scared by you. When you foamed at the mouth just now, we really thought you were poisoned."

Huang Xiaochu shook his head: "The acting is realistic, you are the future actor."

Peng Peng was heard speaking in the live broadcast room.

"Fuck, this guy used to pretend."

"I was really scared to death just now, this young man Peng Peng has gone bad."

"I really thought Peng Peng was poisoned just now, and the acting is too similar."

"In fact, we should have understood it a long time ago. How could the Holy Grail brought back by Grandpa Lin be poisonous? Obviously it was performed."

"The acting is so real, we were all deceived."

The director looked at the video and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was acting, if it was true.

The longing life is dissolved immediately...

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