I’ve Been Cultivating Immortals For Thousands of Years

Chapter 256: , Dracula’s blood makes people immortal

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At this moment.

Countless people were stunned. Is this the archbishop? After decades of faith, he fell in one step, reached a deal with the devil and became the devil.

The pope was stunned.

Several archbishops were also stunned.

Zifeng and the others were even more stunned.

In live broadcast rooms and international forums, countless people watched the archbishop drink Dracula's blood.

Only Lin Xiao smiled.

Hey... Another kinship was born.

Dracula knows the fool.

Think about it and you will understand.

Huaxia didn't know how many emperors sought longevity through alchemy. Qin Shihuang, Han Wudi, Tang Dynasty Zong, Yongzheng...every emperor in power wanted to obtain longevity.

Perhaps this is where the charm lies.

Even if the emperor knows that he has become a blood clan, he can't stand the temptation, because the temptation is too big...

The Pope pointed at Karl and said angrily: "You...you actually made a deal with the devil, you have abandoned your faith."

Several people watched Carl's changes.

At this time, the wrinkles on Carl's face have slowly disappeared, his dry arms have become firm, and every inch of his skin has begun to become plump.

Carl became middle-aged.

Carl looked at his arm in disbelief.

"I got eternal life?"

Dracula nodded: "Congratulations, you are now immortal, you have become twenty-eight years old, rejuvenated."

Everyone watched this scene.

Very shocking.

It turns out that Dracula's blood can really make people live forever and rejuvenate.

"Fuck, this is too awesome, it's just like the ancient elixir."

"This is definitely different. Although he has gained longevity, he has become a blood clan and he is no longer human."

"So what, as long as you live long, regardless of his race, doesn't he change the way he eats? I can accept it."

"It's great, I also want to live forever, this kind of ability I don't know how many people dream of it."

"It's too powerful. This is the elixir of life. Dracula is just like Tang Monk. He will live forever after eating Tang Monk meat, and it will be the same after drinking Dracula's blood."

International forums.

Countless people have witnessed this scene.

Countless believers began to waver, what is their faith!

All want to follow Dracula and get longevity!

"Carl, why are you doing this?"

"Carl, are you crazy as the archbishop?"

"Carl is no longer human when he trades with the devil, he has become a servant of the devil."

Several archbishops accused Carl one after another.

Carl didn't care.

What kind of belief, how important is immortality, he has lived for most of his life, and at the end of his life, he made a deal with the devil.

Karl knelt on the ground: "I have seen Count Dracula."

This old man has no effect at all for Dracula

It is nothing more than the identity of the old man Karl.

What status is he? He is the cardinal.

It plays a very good role in fighting the Holy See, and casts a shadow on the Holy See. Even the archbishop in red has betrayed God and joined the devil. How do other people feel?

The pope was angry.

Several archbishops were angry.

Countless believers were angry.

Karl not only betrayed God, but also knelt in front of Count Dracula, which is simply a shame, a great shame.

Dracula was overjoyed: "Well, get up, you will be my slave from now on."

"Yes, Master Dracula."

Karl got up and stood beside Dracula.

The pope's face sank, and he didn't expect to come over today, he would be so aggrieved.

The pope said angrily: "Carl, you are no longer an archbishop. As the pope, I will immediately deprive you of your bishop status."

Carl didn't care.

Now that he is immortal, the position of the bishop does not matter to him.

Carl smiled: "Pope, you have not had a few years to live, you still follow Count Dracula, Master Dracula will definitely give you blood and the power of immortality."

Dracula smiled.

How would it feel if the pope knelt on the ground!

The great pope made a deal with the devil...

Dracula was very satisfied with what Carl said: "Yes, Pope, as long as you promise, I, Count Dracula, will assure you that you will have eternal life."

The Pope shook his head: "When I die, I will return to the embrace of the Father, and my soul will gain immortality. Karl, you can only associate with the devil in the future."

Carl smiled and said: "Haha... you are wrong, God has abandoned us, why do we insist that you die when you die, really think you can enter the kingdom of heaven?"

Enter heaven after death.

This is recorded in the Bible.

But who added it?

No one has seen it, just a statement.

Carl looked at another cardinal archbishop: "Angus, you have also seen my changes. We are looking for the Holy Grail together and want to gain eternal life. Now I have it. Come over and join us."

Several people looked at Angus.

Angus shook his head and refused: "Yes, we are really trying to find the Holy Grail for immortality, but I will never make a deal with the devil, and I will not betray Heavenly Father."

Carl shook his head: "That is your loss."

"Dear believers, the Holy Grail is just a symbol. Join my arms and join Earl Dracula's camp, and you will have eternal life!"

Dracula was taken aback.

Is this guy inciting the power of believers?

As the archbishop in red, there are many people around him who follow him.

The pope fainted angrily.

Lin Xiao stretched out a hand to support the Pope.


I went home to take care of my life when I was old, and I was so tired.

The pope woke up slowly: "Thank you, senior."

Lin Xiao said: "Okay, this farce of yours is over, Dracula takes your followers away. I am not interested in the battle between the blood race and the angel race."

Dracula nodded: "Understood."

Lin Xiao delineated a space, and Dracula led Karl into the door of the space.

Dracula nodded: "Carl, very good. Now I give you a task, which is to summon your believers. Our blood will be born."

"The only thing about our kin is the long life span~www.readwn.com~ there is an endless life span."

Carl nodded; "Understood."

"Carl doesn't understand a bit."

"you say."

Carl asked: "Why don't you just bite the pope and let them join the blood clan?"

Dracula turned his head and said;

"Just remember one thing, Grandpa Lin will never offend, if I really do this, I will be wiped out immediately."

What a joke.

Do I have a long life in Grandpa Lin’s courtyard house?

Although we claim to be immortal, we will be killed.

Lin Xiao's methods were too powerful, he could kill anyone casually, even if he was a god, he couldn't be presumptuous in front of Lin Xiao.



The pope shook his head and said: "Unexpectedly, Karl would do this to make a deal with the devil."

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "What's the matter? Everyone wants immortality. He just changed the way."

This little guy Dracula makes such a fuss.

I don't know how many people will join the blood clan and how many believers will betray.

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