I’ve Been Cultivating Immortals For Thousands of Years

Chapter 278: , The dragon's corpse

, I am the fastest to update immortality for thousands of years, and I am yearning to expose the latest chapter!


What is the life of God!

Peng Peng exclaimed: "Grandpa Lin is this true?"

"Think too much. Only when you become gods will you have the opportunity to experience it. Ordinary people want to experience the life of gods, do you think it is possible? Only by entering the four dimensions, you have the possibility of becoming immortals, of course it is only possible."

Lin Xiao smiled.

How could it be so easy.

You can experience the life of God by entering the four dimensions. You think too much.

Zifeng looked excited: "Then how sure are we?"

Lin Xiao shook his head: "I don't know this. After all, depending on your qualifications, it is not so easy to become a fairy."

Lin Xiao stood up.


"I'm getting old, I have to rest, you can talk for yourself! Back pain, leg cramps."

Lin Xiao walked into his room.

Come on.

Speaking of the critical moment, Grandpa Lin went home to sleep again.

Every time...

Several people looked at the big yellow dog.

The big yellow dog said, "Don't look at me, I don't know. I have never been to the four-dimensional universe. Only when I reach the four-dimensional universe can I practice and my two wives can transform into human form."

The big yellow dog gave a low growl.

A dozen little wolves ran over.

The big yellow dog said: "This is your Auntie Feng, this is Teacher He, this is your brother Peng Peng..."

Peng Peng laughed.

This guy······

Zifeng glared: "It's Sister Zifeng, Da Huang, you guys are not at ease."

The little wolf called a few times...

Seems to understand what the rhubarb said.

The little wolf was walking around randomly, Zifeng lowered his head and picked up one, and touched the little wolf's head.

The big yellow dog said: "What can I do to touch my son, come to me with the ability..."

Ha ha·····

Several people laughed.

The live broadcast room laughed even more.

"My dog ​​brother is teasing sister Zifeng again."

"I have the ability to come to me, there is nothing wrong with this sentence!"

"Googe Niubi 666..."

"Brother Gou is so compelling, worthy of the name, Big Yellow Dog..."

"Brother Dog, now Zifeng knows magic, so be careful to stew you."

The live broadcast room laughed, and the big yellow dog was teasing Zifeng this little girl again.

Zifeng was furious and furious.

This **** rhubarb.

Huang Xiaochu smiled and said, "Come on, it's time to cook, and eat steamed grouper at night."

"Let's help."

"Do one or two?"

"One piece is enough, one piece is at least ten kilos, enough for us to eat."

Several people entered the kitchen.

Busy for a while.

Huang Xiaochu took out the grouper from the freezer to clean it up, and Mr. He prepared other dishes.

Huang Xiaochu said: "Seafood is usually steamed, and there is no need to put any seasoning. Steaming can completely preserve the umami taste of the grouper."

"Especially fresh grouper, just add some ginger, spring onion, cornstarch, oil, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, water, and steam."

Huang Xiaochu introduced.

While seasoning the grouper, place the grouper on the steamer.


Huang Xiaochu nodded and said;

Yue Xiaopeng asked, "What else can I do besides steaming?"

"As for other methods, there must be, but steaming is the best. Only steaming can maintain the umami taste. People who are accustomed to eating will naturally taste good, and those who are not used to eating will not do it. The umami taste is too strong."

Peng Peng said: "Then we will roast it next time."

Roast it?

You are simply a waste of materials!

I have never heard the saying that grouper is grilled and eaten.

Huang Xiaochu nodded: "Okay, try next time and see how it tastes when you roast it?"

The big yellow dog walked in.

"Hey, why is there only one? I quickly make three more. I and my two wives each have one. My son hasn't eaten it yet, so make two more."

Come on.

Your family will eat five pieces...

This appetite is not so big.

Zifeng said: "Rhubarb, you don't have the power to do anything. You have the privilege to go fishing on your own if you have the ability. There are a dozen of them, which is not enough for your family."

"Don't be stingy, everyone is a family, besides, I'm still half of your master, and my apprentice respects the master, this is what it should be."

Several people laughed.

At this time, the big yellow dog began to teach the seniority of the teacher and apprentice.

Huang Xiaochu nodded: "Okay, make a few more, this steamer can only hold one, wait."


"Grandpa Lin, come out for dinner..."

Zifeng stood at the door and shouted.

Lin Xiao opened his eyes and walked out of the room.

"Oh, it's getting dark, so fast."

"You always sleep so soundly."

"Don't you know that grandpa is old, how energetic like your young people."

Zifeng rolled his eyes again.

here we go again.

You can't help but pretend.

Huang Xiaochu said, "Grandpa Lin, how about trying this grouper?"


Several people gathered in a table and ate.

Lin Xiao grabbed a piece and took a sip: "Well, it's really good. The steamed taste is good."

Huang Xiaochu smiled: "Everyone try it."

"This fish is so tender."

"Well, it's delicious."

"It's really good. I heard that the large yellow croaker in the sea is quite expensive, but it's a pity that I didn't catch it."

The big yellow dog said: "What the hell, when you get to the 4D universe, you will even have dragon meat, don't talk about these things."

Teacher He was taken aback: "Grandpa Lin, do you always know about the incident of falling dragons in Yingkou?"

Several people looked at Teacher He.

Yingkou Falling Dragon?

How never heard of it.

Zifeng asked: "Teacher He, what are you talking about, I have never heard of it."

"Yeah, when did this happen?"

A few people wondered;

Teacher He put down his chopsticks: "This is a long time ago. You don't know it. I haven't been born yet. I guess Grandpa Lin knows."

"Tell me, when did it happen?"

Teacher He said: "I also accidentally read the news and saw it. It was 1934. A dragon appeared in Yingkou, but many people saw it, and there was a newspaper!"

real or fake?

Several people searched quickly.

Several people were stunned.

It was really in the newspaper, and many people even saw it.

"This is true. My grandfather used to be in Yingkou. According to the elderly, they actually saw the dragon and touched the dragon's body."

"In this incident, a patent team was set up to decrypt it!"

"It's really true. It's not just as simple as going to the newspaper, but Huaxia was too chaotic at the time, and finally the body disappeared."

"A lot of people saw it at the time, but these older generations are already dead."

"It's true, it's true."

"Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, it was allowed to be refined."

"I don't know if Grandpa Lin knows about this~www.readwn.com~ The incident of the dragon falling in Yingkou is really thought-provoking.

Even the corpse exists, only in the war years, the final corpse is unknown...

Zifeng was taken aback: "It really is!"

"In the end the body was gone? What happened?"

"It must have been taken away by the devils."

Several people searched for the news on the mobile phones.

The big yellow dog said: "You said that dragon, that dragon was injured. It came from the dimension and has been made into a specimen by Grandpa Lin."

Several people were shocked.

What is made?

Make a specimen?


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