I’ve Been Cultivating Immortals For Thousands of Years

Chapter 287: , 3 body people exclaimed, China God has a god

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How can this be?

"The leader, through quantum technology, has intercepted the Three-body World novel."

The leader nodded: "Translate, I want to personally verify what secrets are revealed in this!"


In an instant, the leader of the three-body novel knew the information of the three-body novel.

The three-body leader breathed a sigh of relief.


It’s just Sophon, Water Drop, and it seems that Blue Star’s technology has just entered the quantum realm, and there is still a long way to go before it can enter quantum civilization.

However, enough to invade the Blue Star, put these humans together, and catch them all in one go.

The three-body leader said: "Let Sophon fully expand and block the technology on Blue Star."


Since Tomoko was mentioned above, Tomoko blocked their technology and made them feel desperate, according to the book.

Once Sophon unfolds, it will deepen the fear of everyone on the Blue Star.

Everyone will despair.

The technology of the Three-Body World is far better than what the book says. They only mentioned the water droplets, sophons... even if they control nuclear fusion.

Nuclear fusion is only the beginning of quantum civilization, only the beginning.

The Trisolaran leader smiled. It said that the Trisolaran world had reached 15% of the speed of light, and the Blue Stars were too naive.

Don’t you know that Trisolaran has developed a speed power system?

Not only the speed power system, but also the development of quantum teleportation.

It only takes a few seconds to get from one galaxy to another.

You are just bugs.

At this moment.

On the Blue Star...

Everyone looks at the sky, there is a huge time above, everyone’s eyes only have time, and there is a line of words...

You are just bugs...86400...

You are just bugs...86399...

You are just bugs...86398...

Countless people looked at the sky.

On international forums·····

"Is that the space where Tomoko expands? Why is it changing."

"That's time, more than 80,000 seconds, which is ten days. After ten days, the Trisolaran will reach the world."

"We are just bugs. This is exactly the same as mentioned above. In ten days, the Trisolaran world is about to invade."

"It's over, everything is over."

"We surrender, don't kill us."

Countless people in foreign countries knelt and wailed, countless people entered the church to pray, and the streets were full of chaos...

China God Kingdom.

"Hey, these three-body people are a bit crazy!"

"I really thought we were bullying. Is this the picture of Tomoko unfolding? As expected, it is the same."

"Hurry up and take out your phone to take pictures!"

"What kind of bugs, three-body human beings are bugs, not even gods!"

"Go to work, clock in, get off work..."

The Chinese people don't care about the unfolding scenes of the Three-Body World. They have gods, which makes no sense to them.

Zifeng and the others looked at the sky.

"Grandpa Lin, you always look at the sky."

Lin Xiao looked at the sky: "Nothing has changed, it's not the same!"

Several people looked at Lin Xiao.

Something's wrong!

Do you always see the time? Have you never seen those few lines?

Zifeng explained: "Sophon expanded the picture, we saw a few words'you are bugs', there is a timetable, and the three-body world will invade in ten days."

Teacher He nodded: "Well, time is decreasing every moment, can't you see it all the time?"

"Why can't Grandpa Lin see?"

Lin Xiao said: "Without seeing any words, I saw dozens of warships wandering inside the Oort Nebula of the solar system, flying towards the blue star, and thousands of transparent Trisolarans."

Several people were completely trapped.


What kind of eyes are your old eyes? Can you see the Oort Nebula?

"Fuck, can Grandpa Lin look so far? Can you see the Oort Nebula?"

"Oh my God, what are those eyes?"

"The Oort Nebula is 0.8 light-years away from the Blue Star. Can Grandpa Lin's eyes see that far?"

"This is the eyes of God, don't make a fuss!"

"People's Grandpa Lin is a god, and these are all normal to the gods."

There was a commotion in the live broadcast room.

Can see the Oort Nebula, dozens of warships wandering around.

Several people complained in their hearts; are your old eyes clairvoyant? You can see things that are 0.8 light-years away.

The big yellow dog explained: "Didn't I tell you that the world in your eyes is different from the world in Grandpa Lin's eyes, and what you see is different."

"Your eyes see the big mountain ahead, which is equivalent to the fairy galaxy seen by Grandpa Lin, don't you understand?"

See the Andromeda Galaxy?

This looks far enough.

The big yellow dog said, "Trisomy invades the Blue Star, which is equivalent to a few little ants walking a few more steps."

Come on.

The vision is indeed different.

In the Oort Nebula, in the Trisolaran Fleet.

The leader of the three-body system asked; "Sophon has surrounded the entire Blue Star, what has changed on the Blue Star?"

"They all entered the church, praying for God's blessing."

"Many people are beating, smashing, and robbing in the street, and there has been chaos on the street."

The three-body leader nodded: "Very well, this is the result we want."

"But there is another country that didn't take it seriously at all, and it continues to operate. We invaded Blue Star, and for them, they didn't care."

The three-body leader was stunned.

In the face of powerful technology, can they still not fear our invasion?

"Which country are they?"

"China God Kingdom."

Three-body leader; "Immediately tell me everything about China Divine Kingdom, and their network is vulnerable. They only need to invade China Divine Kingdom to know how they are not afraid of us invading Blue Star."

"The report leader, you cannot invade Bluestar Technology. There is a powerful firewall on it. We invaded and were completely blocked by the door."

The Trisolaran was shocked.

This is impossible.

Can't invade China God Kingdom, our technology is countless times stronger than them, how can it be impossible to invade?

"Could it be that the technology of China God Kingdom has far surpassed us?"

"This is impossible. They are only in control of nuclear fusion now and cannot compete with us at all."

"But why can't we invade the network of China God Kingdom? Sophon is the quintessence of our research and development~www.readwn.com~ It is impossible to invade."

"China God has a secret."

The trisomy people are thinking and communicating information to each other.

"According to other countries’ network information, other alien races have appeared on the Blue Star. The lizard race is on the moon, their location is in Draco, there is a bunker project on Mars, and their planet is in Orion..."

The Trisolaran was shocked.

There are other alien races.

The three-body person quickly called up the information and checked the information.

Draco is 150 light-years from the earth, and Orion has reached 1600 light-years...

The Trisolarans were extremely shocked, they were only 4 light years away from the earth, and the technology of these aliens had far exceeded their imagination.

"The leader, the lizard tribe, the Tianlong tribe and the China God Kingdom have reached an alliance. Once we invade the China God Kingdom, we will inevitably suffer the confrontation between the lizard tribe and the Tianlong tribe."

"According to data analysis: China Shenzhou State System protects the network of China God State, and there is one more point..."

The three-body leader asked: "What else?"

"China God has a god.

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I have been cultivating immortals for thousands of years and I was longing to be exposed. Read on my mobile phone: https://

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