I’ve Been Cultivating Immortals For Thousands of Years

Chapter 299: , The Zerg begins to invade

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Sophon and Lin Xiao both said that there was an alien invasion.

"It seems that the aliens who came this time are different. Listening to Tomoko's tone, it seems that they are here to destroy Blue Star."

"I don't know which race it is this time. In order to avoid the dark blow, the earth should be shut down."

"Thinking too much, Grandpa Lin just wants the alien races to know that Grandpa Lin must have some means."

"Didn't you hear what Grandpa Lin said? Let's talk after eating, and wait until the aliens arrive."

"Even the powerful Kryptonians surrender, let alone other alien races."

Talking about aliens in the live broadcast room.

For the alien races, the melon-eating people have already taken offense.

Zifeng asked, "What kind of alien race is Grandpa Lin this time?"

"It's a Zerg."

Zifeng jokingly asked, "Are you a reptilian? Is it an octopus, a rhino, or a giraffe?"

Tomoko explained: "It is the Zerg, a very powerful race in the galaxy. They directly destroy other civilization resources, even genes, and bad genes."

"Good genes, they will keep them and transplant them on themselves, thus creating the strongest fighters."

"No one knows where their planet is. They wander in the universe. Once any civilization is discovered, the ultimate outcome is destruction."

Zifeng took a deep breath.


Zifeng asked: "Why are these zergs destroyed?"

"Fuck, when I heard Tomoko say that, I knew the horror of the Zerg."

"There are good people and bad people in the world, and there are naturally good and bad people in the universe. I think most of them symbolize peace, but there are exceptions."

"I think it's quite simple. It's the same as trampling a colony of ants to death. Perhaps in the eyes of the Zerg, we are no different from ants."

"Then what to do, these Zerg people are not good!"

"It's no wonder that the Trisolaran people can't wait to come to Blue Star, probably because they are afraid of the Zerg!"

"Tomoko must know something!"

Tomoko answered Zifeng's question: "Does it take a reason to destroy a civilization!"


This answer is simply brilliant.

Why would you need a reason.

Tomoko looks at it differently from humans. In Tomoko's eyes, it seems a matter of course for one civilization to destroy another.

Lin Xiao said: "This is caused by the genes of the Zerg race. They are all militant genes in their bodies. The Zerg queen gives birth to countless Zerg races every day. There are too many."

"When a Zerg grows up to become a queen, Her Majesty the strongest queen will give her a part of interstellar warships, let her wander in the universe, waiting for opportunities to plunder other civilization resources."

"The civilization of the Zerg has been highly developed. Like the Kryptonian civilization, it controls the wormhole technology."

Zifeng was stunned.

Wormhole technology.

The big yellow dog once said that wormhole technology is a very powerful technology. From one space node to another space node, as long as the amplitude is the same, it can shuttle between two space nodes.

This is the most important technology for traveling into the universe.

Even the warp-speed engine can't match the wormhole technology.

It's too early for Bluestar to get wormhole technology!

Now it is only entering the realm of quantum civilization.

For technological exploration, there is still a long way to go.

Zifeng said, "Grandpa Lin, then you still don't make a move?"

Lin Xiao responded with a smile: "What are you panicking? It's just a little queen who is here, not the real Zerg Queen."

"Could there be more than one queen in the universe?"

"Grandpa Lin meant that there is only one true Zerg queen. When the Zerg queen gives birth to a new female worm, the female worm will be driven out and build a base on her own."

"Upstairs, your analysis is good. Grandpa Lin said that he was only a little zerg, not a real queen."

"In that case, isn't it that the universe is the world of Zerg."

"Could the galaxy form an alliance to resist the invasion of the Zerg?"

"Looking at Grandpa Lin's aura, this is an attempt to wipe out the Zerg."

At this moment.

Trisolarans, Lizard Races, Sky Dragon Races... these alien races started to warn in an instant.

The whole Blue Star remembered the alarm.

‘Zerg invasion detected. ’

‘Zerg invasion detected. ’

‘Zerg invasion detected...’

Alien races have launched early warnings. Once the Zerg comes, not only the humans on the Blue Star, but also the Lizard and Sky Dragon tribes will become slaves of the Zerg.

In the eyes of the Zerg, there is only one clan, and the rest will be destroyed.

A joint headquarters was quickly established.

Start preparing for war.


The Oort Nebula.

Thousands of huge warships appeared outside the Oort Nebula. One of the huge warships, equivalent to one-third of the moon, houses billions of Zerg warriors.

This is just the offspring of a queen.

There are countless Zerg warriors all over the universe, plundering the universe.


"My Lady Queen, a blue planet has been detected, with native humans, trisolarans, Dracos, lizards, and Nibiru people..."

The Zerg queen said: "Very good. I can't think of a small blue star hiding so many aliens. I will immediately check whether this blue planet has joined the Galaxy Alliance?"

"My Lady Queen, this blue star has not joined the Milky Way."

Zerg Queen: "It's another advanced civilization. It immediately attacked the blue planet system and studied their genetic map. Is it useful to us?"



On the blue star.

The Shenzhou system is confronting the virus formulated by the Zerg. Shenzhou has invaded all networks and integrated the entire network in order to cope with future changes.

A line of protection is established.

For the invasion of the Zerg, China had to be cautious.



Tomoko's face changed drastically: "No, the Zerg started to use the network to attack the Lord Shenzhou. It seems that they want to control the entire network system."

"This is normal. The high-tech era has already entered the strongest intelligent network. This is the shortcoming of high-tech civilization. If you invade the network, you can control the entire Bluestar."

Zifeng was silent.

Grandpa Lin is right.

"The battle between civilizations ~www.readwn.com~ is to see whose system is the strongest?"

"This kind of battle is terrible. If China loses, wouldn't our entire network be paralyzed."

"Once the network is paralyzed, it will be a disaster, and Bluestar will plunge into darkness."

"Countless technologies are now controlled by the system. If there is no system, they can't control it."

"Upstairs, you think too much. Without systems and procedures, we will go back a hundred years and re-enter the industrial age. By that time, people can easily destroy mankind."

"This is the drawback of technology, and Grandpa Lin is right."

"It's no wonder that Grandpa Lin is not a fan of technology. You only need to control the terminal system to control a civilization."

Countless people discussed in the live broadcast room.

Technology can make Bluestar powerful, but once it is breached by others, Bluestar will be over in an instant and return to the industrial age.

Inside the Zerg.


"My Lady Queen, cannot invade the entire network. Blue Star has a powerful protective cover to prevent us from invading. Their terminal network is already impeccable."

The Zerg queen was stunned.

Can't invade?

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