I’ve Been Cultivating Immortals For Thousands of Years

Chapter 304: , The God Creation Project was successful

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The reporter began to ask questions: "Tomoko, many people ask you, what is the God-making plan? Can God really create it?"

Sophon nodded: "It can be created. The so-called god-making plan is to enhance the strength of human beings."

"How to improve?"

Tomoko: "The way to change genes to promote humans, there are many alien races in Blue Stars, such as Lizard, Sky Dragon, Nibiru, Greys, and Trisolaris..."

"The genes of every race are stronger than humans, and they can live longer than humans, five hundred, one thousand, or even five thousand years."

"Now we have obtained the gene map of the Kryptonians, and even the energy stone. The so-called God Creation Project is to integrate the genes of the Kryptonians."

The reporter asked: "Are Kryptonians a Superman? Many of us are Superman fans. In movies, Kryptonians are very powerful and can lift a bus with one hand."

Sophon responded: "Yes, according to the hierarchy of the universe: being able to lift a ton of objects, equivalent to 1 star strength, is completely impossible for humans now."

"Lifting a ton, let alone a ton, I can't even lift fifty catties."

"Heavy lifters can lift objects weighing three to four hundred catties, but there is still a big gap between one ton and one ton."

"It now appears that human beings are really weak, with only 0.1 star strength."

"If it can really change, I want to be a superman."

"Kryptonians are humans just like humans. Lizard tribes, Draco tribes, and Nibiru tribes are all reptilian tribes."

"It is ridiculous that foreigners are still fusing reptilian genes, and we are directly fusing Kryptonian genes."

"Then the question is, are we Kryptonians or Humans?"

Countless people are discussing this topic.

After the fusion of genes, are we still humans?

The reporter nodded: "You are right. I can lift an object in ten kilograms. There is still a big gap from the one ton of power you said!"

"Tomoko, what I want to ask is, once we fuse genes and become stronger, are we still descendants of dragons? Are we humans?"

Tomoko responded: "The problems you look at are different from the problems I look at. What you inherit is culture, the culture of China for five thousand years, and it is not limited to the body."

"Culture itself is meaningful."

The reporter was stunned.

Sophon thinks about the problem and looks at it differently.


Several people listened to Tomoko's explanation.

As long as the culture is immortal, it will still be the heir of the dragon, inheriting concepts, culture, and ideals.

The reporter asked: "We have changed our genes, are we the same as the Kryptonians?"

"It's not the same, the strength is quite different. The Kryptonians have been handed down from generation to generation, their bodies have changed long ago, and the places they live are different. Humans should be able to reach about ten stars."

The reporter asked: "Ten stars, that is, lifting ten tons of objects."


"So is the transformation voluntary?"

"Yes, we will start with the army, everything is voluntary."



Zifeng exclaimed, "We will be able to fly in the sky in the future?"

Lin Xiao smiled and said: "You think too much. After the gene is merged, you can only make your body stronger. This is the same as becoming a blood race."

"It's just a different way."

"What kind of dark magic academy did this little guy Dracula do? I heard that the business was good, and many people went there to gain the power of the curse and gain immortality."

Yue Xiaopeng nodded: "Grandpa Lin, what you always said is correct. Many Chinese people have gone. Tickets are now expensive, each costing 100,000 yuan. This is just a ticket."

Teacher He smiled and joked; "Yes, fortunately Dracula didn't open a college in China, otherwise it would be full every day."

"I heard that the threshold of the Dark Academy has been broken, and the fees are not low!"

"If this continues, it is estimated that everyone in the world will become a blood race."

Huang Xiaochu said without joking;

Lin Xiao nodded and said: "Becoming a blood clan is equivalent to being in the darkness. The blood clan body is also a kind of power, but this is the dark curse power, becoming a blood clan, and the strength has increased a lot."

"Grandpa Lin, you can't open any academy when you are old, teach something, and let us improve! Look at other foreign countries, the Academy of Holy Spirit Magic, the Academy of Supernatural Magic, and the Academy of Dark Magic..."

"Does China Divine Kingdom fall behind?"

The live broadcast room was angrily praised.

"Zifeng's question is brilliant, why don't we have it?"

"Why is there no way to practice in a big country, and it depends on genetic changes to let us improve our strength."

"If Grandpa Lin opens a school of spiritual practice, I will be the first to sign up."

"Upstairs, you have already queued to the back, I don't know how many people are waiting in line!"

"Didn't Grandpa Lin say that now is the era of lack of spiritual energy, no one can practice at all. Only when the ancient times come can they practice."

"Why is it okay for the blood family."

Lin Xiao explained: "The blood race is also a way to change genes, but this method needs to be evolving through blood. Kryptonians improve themselves by absorbing sunlight and radiation."

"For these two methods, I prefer to absorb sunlight. That's why I will go to Krypton and get the Kryptonian's artifact and genetic map."

"If you want to practice, you have to wait until the ancient times. Don't worry, it will be here soon..."

Zifeng asked, "Can I still practice if my genes are changed?"

Several people looked at Lin Xiao.

If this is to merge with the Kryptonians and change their genes, will they still be able to practice?

Lin Xiao nodded: "Yes."

"Then are they really gods?"

Lin Xiao smiled.


How could it be so easy, it's just a boo, it's just more power.


The reporter asked: "So what is the level of the Kryptonians?"

"The average rating is around 80 stars."

"Why are humans so far apart from the Kryptonians? You said just now that the fusion of the Kryptonians' genes barely reaches ten stars."

Sophon responded: "This is caused by different environments. At that time, the Lord Shenzhou will establish an environment similar to Krypton, and once the Krypton gene is integrated, he will go to that place to practice."

"After the gene is changed, will the offspring be the same. Are they also human?"

"Yes, the new generation is naturally different, so you have to be careful."

"Be careful?"

"Be careful of the child's power. He may be able to break your fingers just after he was born."

Reporter: (⊙o⊙)...

The video turns.

Next to the moon.

A huge interstellar mothership lies in a pool of water in the middle, which is full of green liquid, and countless soldiers stand beside it.

These soldiers have signed a voluntary reform plan.

The God Creation Project begins.

Tomoko said: "If you are unwilling to increase your strength, you can withdraw from the application and modify your own genes, and you will suffer a certain amount of pain."

The commander said in unison: "We are ready."

"Well, you are the commander of the interstellar battleship, go down, the pool water will transform your body, and you can explore in the void."

A dozen people were extremely excited.

Looking at the water, strode down...

The green pool water submerged the top of the head, and a dozen people stood in the pool water.

This is the first group of people with gene fusion.

The green liquid enters the body.

Countless people watched them through video, and at this moment the ‘God Creation Project’ began.

Other countries are watching them.

Concerned about the God-making plan of China God Kingdom.

Ten minutes later...

Ten people floated in the air and the transformation was completed.

Tomoko said: "Very well, it's done, now you go to the void and feel the sunshine!"

Countless people watched the video.


"What, go to the void and feel the sunshine?"

"My God, it's very hot in the void, even reaching a few hundred degrees high temperature, won't they die?"

"I wonder if it can really absorb sunlight?"

"Don't you need to wear protective clothing? Just exposed in the void?"

"Will it be scorched immediately?"

Countless soldiers watched them enter the second layer of protection, the door closed tightly, and the air inside was drained, just like the outside world.

When opening the hatch.

A shocking scene appeared.

The ten people floated in the air, looking at their hands in disbelief, glanced at each other, only excitement in their eyes.

They are exposed in the void without any protective cover.

"how are you feeling?"

"It feels very comfortable, and the sun is very comfortable on the body."

"Yeah, it's like taking a hot bath in a bathtub. It feels great."

"Our bodies are absorbing sunlight and then cosmic rays."

Countless people were stunned.

It really can.

Tomoko: "Well, come back! Congratulations, you succeeded."

Ten people returned to the mothership.

International forums.

: My God, China has succeeded, and it has successfully transformed mankind.

: It’s horrible. Did you see that they were exposed to a vacuum environment without wearing protective clothing. If they were humans, they would have died long ago.

: Human beings are exposed to the void, it only takes two minutes to die immediately.

: So I can really sit there, but I also want to transform my body and become a god.

: So, will Huaxia not all be gods in the future?

: I want to join China, and I want to change my nationality.

: Upstairs, stop dreaming, do you know how difficult it is to join China God Country!


Zifeng was surprised: "It's successful, it's really successful."

Peng Peng smiled: "I have a bold idea."

Several people looked at Peng Peng.

Not only you, but so many people in China have bold ideas and want to transform their bodies. Just imagine that once they are transformed, they can travel in the void.

Even standing on the moon, looking at the earth.

Teacher He smiled and said: "Yes, I also have ideas. If there is no danger, we are also interested in reforming and trying."

"Come on, we will become Kryptonians in the future."

Yue Xiaopeng shook his head; "It's definitely not a Kryptonian, and we can't say that our culture invaded Krypton. The Kryptonian became the descendant of our dragon!"

Ling said: "What the Zerg wants most is the gene map of the Kryptonians~www.readwn.com~ This is their magical tool."

Several people looked at Ling.

Ling said again: "The Zerg has incorporated many genes, but compared with the genes of the Kryptonians, it is still far from the same. Once the Zerg acquires the genes of the Kryptonians, the entire universe will become the Zerg's food."

"How many people are there in the Zerg?"

Ling shook his head: "Only my subordinates have 8 billion Zerg warriors. I am not very clear about the rest, but on average, every Zerg queen has almost 10 billion Zerg warriors!"

Ten billion Zerg warriors.

This is still a subordinate of a Zerg queen.

Zifeng asked: "How many eggs does the Zerg queen lay in a day?"

"It used to be 10,000, but through genetic modification, it has reached 100,000 a day."

100,000 a day?

"This is too much, it's just a reproductive machine."

"One hundred thousand a day, not more than thirty-six million a year, this...it's terrible."

"No wonder the Zerg can rule the universe, so many Zergs."

Several people were shocked.

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