I’ve Been Cultivating Immortals For Thousands of Years

Chapter 309: , Back to the past, Qin Shihuang ascended the throne

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Zifeng exclaimed: "Then China God Kingdom has three artifacts, the gene map of the Kryptonians, the Holy Grail, and our innate gossip mirror."

"Three artifacts, this is simply awesome."

"I don't know if other races have artifacts?"

Lin Xiao said: "The universe is huge, and it's normal to have other artifacts, and these artifacts are just gadgets made by gods, don't make a fuss."

"If Grandpa has the materials, he can make any of them, they are better than those."

Lin Xiao didn't care about drinking tea.

Zifeng exclaimed.

"You always make artifacts?"

Big Yellow Dog: "Nonsense, Grandpa Lin is a god, and he can naturally make artifacts, but it is a pity that the three-dimensional world cannot be created at all and there are no available resources."

"When you enter the high-latitude space and time, Grandpa Lin will make a magical instrument that will shock the world and dominate the world."

Lin Xiao smiled.

"You dead dog, how could you see it from where you might have seen it?"

"I saw it in the novel."

Zifeng walked over and poured tea for Lin Xiao.

Beat back.

A massage.

Teacher He laughed.

Nothing to show courtesy, whoever trespasses or steals, I don't know what idea Zifeng this little girl has.

Lin Xiao: "Let's talk about it, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, it's right to beat Grandpa Lin on the back."

Lin Xiao smiled: "You girl, you won't be so kind. If you have something to say, grandpa is so old, and I don't know your careful thoughts."

Zifeng responded with a smile: "Then I can say it."


"Can this modified gene jump in the queue? You see, Sophon is now transforming soldiers. We only have a few people, and it doesn't take much time."

Zifeng asked cautiously;

Lin Xiao said: "You are not on the battlefield. Sophon transforms them. In the future, they will face the Zerg invasion and fight against the Zerg. Millions of Zerg warriors, do you think you can defeat it casually?"

This little girl still wants to jump in the line!

Wait until the soldiers are reformed.

"You can always take action, as long as your boss waved his hand, you can kill the Zerg in minutes."

Lin Xiao shook his head: "It's as simple as that. You still have to rely on yourselves. Unless God shows up, I will do it. Even if you are not a God, I will be too lazy to do it."

Lin Xiao refused unceremoniously.

I have to do everything, what do you want~!

Teacher He nodded: "Grandpa Lin is right. Sophon transforms the soldiers. That is to resist the Zerg invasion. Let's wait."

"Hundreds of billions of Zerg? The strength of the Zerg is terrible."

Zifeng nodded: "That is, let's wait for the soldiers to become descendants of the gods, Grandpa Lin, you said just now, take us back to the past, you can't help but count!"

Lin Xiao was holding a teacup.

"What's the hurry, Grandpa Rong first drink a few sips of tea. You have old arms and legs. You young people are tossing you, and you don't know that you feel distressed."

Several people laughed.

"Grandpa Lin, we feel distressed."

"Yes, what do you always want to eat, we will make it for you immediately."

"Grandpa Lin, you are always a god, and you know how to act like a baby."

God is also human, so can't you pretend!

Lin Xiao asked, "Which dynasty do you want to go to? Who do you want to see!"

Several people looked at each other.

Huang Xiaochu said: "Qin Shihuang, Qin Shihuang unified the six kingdoms and proclaimed himself emperor, one day must be particularly exciting."

"Yes, let's take a look when Qin Shihuang ascends the throne."

Several people nodded.

The director was forced.

Hurried to the courtyard.

Excitedly asked: "Grandpa Lin, can you go back to the past for live broadcast? Now many viewers are asking to see it."

Lin Xiao was stunned.

"It should be possible, I'm not sure."

"Okay, I'll go with your old man."

Lin Xiao nodded, not much to one person, and a lot less to one person.

The live broadcast room looked excited.

"Really go back in time? Oh my god, this moment is so exciting."

"This scene needs to be recorded. I don't know if Qin Shihuang's ascension to the throne can be broadcast live."

"Qin Shihuang is known as the emperor through the ages and established the emperor system, which has always been used."

"Qin Shihuang ascended the throne in 220 BC."

"During the reign of Emperor Qin Shihuang, he built the Great Wall of China, unified the six countries, and established an immortal meritorious service, known as the First Emperor."

"It would be great if Qin Shihuang had a look at us now."

"Upstairs, this is impossible. Grandpa Lin said long ago that history cannot be changed."

"Why can't it be changed, is there a butterfly effect?"

"Rules, rules, rules of the universe, change is equivalent to breaking the rules."

Lin Xiao stood up;

"Are you all ready?"


"Is this going?"

"Grandpa Lin, will we be seen by Qin Shihuang, will we be arrested? As slaves?" Peng Peng asked;

Lin Xiao smiled: "No, they can't see us, we are just a passerby in time, just like you watching a movie, we will do it again."

Zifeng asked: "Then can we go to the future?"

Teacher He looked at Lin Xiao.

This is an important topic.

Lin Xiao shook his head: "No, time has not passed. It is impossible to travel to the future, but we in the future can return to the present."

Lin Xiao drew a small circle in the space with one hand.

"Let's go, follow my footsteps."

Several people nodded.

Several people followed Lin Xiaoran inside.

A avenue of rays leads to one side. With each step, time goes back a few minutes, and several people even saw Zifeng sitting alone in the yard sulking.

Sitting on the stool with his hands propped on his chin, sitting alone on the stool.

Lin Xiao said: "This is the timeline. Following this bright place, you can go back to the past. The back is dark. Remember, you must never go back. Once you cross over, your body will become nothingness."

"Why is this?"

"Because this is the rule, you have touched the power of the rule."

Several people looked back at the darkness, startled, and quickly followed Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao asked, "In what era was Qin Shihuang ascended to the throne?"

"220 BC."

Lin Xiao nodded.

"Sit down."


Back in time, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the whole world. During the Anti-Japanese War, the Qing Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, the Song Dynasty...

Several people looked at the vicissitudes of life.

Things have changed.

Several people were deeply shocked.

Ten minutes later...

220 BC.

Qin Dynasty Xianyang.

In the live broadcast room, everyone was stunned.

Countless Chinese people watched the live video, this is really the Qin Dynasty Xianyang, the capital of the Qin Kingdom, where Qin Shihuang proclaimed the emperor.

A magnificent hall appeared in front of several people.

The huge bronze statues stood around, and countless people were shocked.

"Fuck, is that the Twelve Bronze Man?"

"Twelve bronze statues, these are the weapons that Qin Shihuang seized, and they were cast into twelve bronze figures."

"These bronze figures are ten meters tall. How were they made?"

"The Twelve Bronze People turned out to be real."

"Look at someone coming out of the palace."

Wearing a black dress, a crown, and an exquisite gown, one walked out of the palace with a cold face.

"Fuck, is that Qin Wang Yingzheng?"

"My God, that's the first emperor, Ying Zheng, who finally saw me."

"It's too magnificent. The hundreds of thousands of soldiers around are majestic."

"Their weapons are spears and bronze swords."

"Is today the day when Qin Shihuang became emperor? Many ministers."

Countless people exclaimed.

Zifeng and the others were also stunned. At this moment, standing in the direction of the imperial palace, they also saw Qin Shihuang.

At this time, Zifeng and the others were worried whether they would be discovered.

After all, they were standing in the center, wrapped in a halo of light.

Zifeng asked, "What is this? Why are we surrounded by bubbles?"

Lin Xiao explained: "This is the power of time rules. Once you break this rule, you can change history, but it is impossible to break the rules."

Dozens of ministers passed through several people.

Teacher He was taken aback.

Several people immediately backed down and waited for the minister to pass.

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "Don't worry, they can't see us. Now that we are in a four-dimensional space, in a different space, we can see them."

"For us, this is history, and for them, we don't exist."

Huang Xiaochu nodded: "Understood."

An **** stepped forward and said: "The auspicious time has come, and the ceremony of enthronement begins."

At this moment.

Qin Shihuang walked out of the hall with a fierce look in his eyes.

Countless people were shocked.

"Is this Qin Shihuang Yingzheng? It's terrible."

"Seeing Qin Shihuang's eyes, I almost peeed on my pants, with endless murderous expression in my eyes."

"Fuck, one emperor in the ages is different, this look makes my scalp numb."

"Nima, I was so frightened to pee on my pants, if I saw myself, I would kneel on the ground in fright."

"The person next to Qin Shihuang, who is that?"

"It won't be Zhao Gao!"

"It is very possible that the most favored **** next to Qin Shihuang is Zhao Gao. It seems that Zhao Gao has deep trust in Qin Shihuang, but it is a pity that Zhao Gao indirectly destroyed the Qin Dynasty."

Countless people talked about the people around Qin Shihuang.

This Zhao Gao, who falsified his will and became a sinner in history.

After Zhao Gao finished speaking, he remembered the sound of drumming.

The sound spread thousands of miles away.

Wait until the drum beat is over.

Ying Zheng said: "The widow has successively destroyed the six kingdoms of Han, Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan, and Qi, and completed the great cause of reunification, comparable to the three emperors and five emperors, and the widow is the supreme one in the world."

The ministers bowed down.

"I have seen the first emperor, long live my emperor long live long live long live..."

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers knelt to the ground.

"I have seen the first emperor, long live my emperor long live long live long live..."

The voice resounded thousands of miles away.

The momentum is overwhelming.

Zifeng and the others couldn't think of ~www.readwn.com~ They saw the scene of Yingzheng ascending to the throne. What a stalwart this is.

Feng Xiaoxiao looked at the sky: "Look, there are still people in the sky!"

Several people looked up at the sky.

Who knew that the person from the sky also came down, several people were shocked...

This person turned out to be Lin Xiao.

It turns out that Grandpa Lin was here long ago.

The live broadcast room exploded.

"It turns out that Grandpa Lin was here long ago."

"It's no wonder that there is nothing good about King Qin ascending the throne. Grandpa Lin has already seen it."

"Speaking of which, Grandpa Lin and Grandpa Lin, one is the past and the other is the future. I don't know what will overlap."

"Hey, what do you expect them to say?"

"Speaking to yourself, will you fight?"

"Who knows!"

"Grandpa Lin came down, and Qin Shihuang didn't find him either."

"Lin Xiao" said: "It's been more than two thousand years. Time flies so fast."

Lin Xiao nodded: "It's really fast."

Zifeng said excitedly: "Grandpa Lin, your original self can see us."

Lin Xiao glanced back.

Isn't this nonsense!

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