I’ve Been Cultivating Immortals For Thousands of Years

Chapter 313: , The Zerg in quantum form

, I am the fastest to update immortality for thousands of years, and I am yearning to expose the latest chapter!

The queen was shocked.

Hearing incredible things, who has the courage to **** the gene map of the artifact from Krypton, that is the artifact that Krypton left on Krypton, and it is the belief of the entire Kryptonian.

And the person who took away the gene map is on the blue star.

How can this be?

A queen excitedly said: "In this case, it is much easier to invade the blue star, **** the artifact, and attack the entire star system than to invade the entire Andromeda Alliance."

"Yes, according to the above information, the surrounding space fluctuates and there is no wormhole base established here, which means that this blue star has not yet joined the Andromeda Alliance."

More than a dozen queens were extremely excited.

In their view, there is only one possibility without joining the alliance. Technology is not enough to join the alliance. As for advanced technologies such as wormhole technology and space compression technology, Bluestar still has no control.

The eldest sister shook her head: "You are all wrong. This blue star is more difficult than invading the entire galaxy. If you don't believe it, you can launch a particle cannon to destroy the star."

Particle cannons destroy stars?

Does this directly want to destroy the entire stellar civilization!

They haven't invaded yet, but don't want to destroy the star system so quickly.

Zergs rarely use this cutting-edge technology to destroy stars. Zergs invade civilization and grab resources. This is important. As for the destruction of stellar civilization, the civilization will be destroyed only after the civilization is divided.

"Sister, wait until I invade!"

"Yeah, isn't it too early to destroy the stars now?"

"Wait until the human race is controlled, become slaves, and become food, it will not be too late to destroy."

The eldest sister looked at these sisters.

Asked: "What are you going to do?"

"Just go in."

"Hundreds of thousands of warships, occupying a small blue star is not simple."

"If we hadn't waited for Her Majesty's order, we would have taken action long ago."

The elder sister nodded: "Then you try! See if you can break through the defenses and enter the star system."

With this sentence.

More than a dozen queens contacted their fleets and invaded the entire solar system.

But at this moment.

Countless warships rushed into the Oort Nebula at full power.

But at this moment.

All the interstellar warships that invaded the Blue Star lost their power inexplicably, all the interstellar warships were paralyzed, and any equipment could not be activated.

Thousands of interstellar warships floated inside the Oort Nebula, hit by meteorites, ruthlessly destroyed...


A series of explosions sounded.

Many queens were shocked.

How can this be?

Just in the meteorite, it loses power.

"how so?"

"Why do you lose contact when you enter the meteorite, and all the interstellar warships are gone."

"I feel a distinct explosion."

"How is it possible, I have a hundred interstellar warships, and they are gone in an instant."

The eldest sister dismissed it: "I told you a long time ago that there is a mysterious power that surrounds the entire solar system. Now it seems that this mysterious power can instantly disintegrate the interstellar warship."

Next to the moon.

Within the mothership, Shenzhou has already felt that the Zerg has begun to invade.

Tomoko said: "Master Shenzhou, hundreds of thousands of Zerg warships are on standby outside the Oort Nebula, ready to attack the solar system at any time."

Shenzhou nodded: "I know that there is a magical gossip mirror guarding the entire Blue Star. They have nothing to do. The innate gossip mirror will block the entire space unless the **** breaks the defensive cover, but once the **** does it, Grandpa Lin will do it."


"Well, continue to improve the strength of the soldiers, transform the genetic warriors, it is time to fight against the Zerg."

Tomoko asked puzzledly: "Why doesn't Grandpa Lin make a move?"

"To deal with these little ants, he will not do anything, unless it is the moment of life and death..."


Outside the Oort Nebula...

"Wait first, I will go inside to detect the situation."

A dozen queens looked at her.

Sister, are you going to do it yourself?

Quantum life forms are already the strongest existence, giving up the physical body, and even every cell is life, and every cell is energy.

As soon as the voice finished, the first queen disappeared.

Countless queens are excited.

"The eldest sister shot it herself."

"A eldest sister makes a move, and it's a good deal."

"The eldest sister has evolved into a quantum, with a quantum form, no one can stop the step of the eldest sister."


Inside the mothership.

Shenzhou's complexion changed: "A person with a quantum form enters the solar system, so they can only act on their body."

On Titan.

Shenzhou felt the change, and looking at the sky, there was a zerg in quantum form. I don’t know what this zerg is going to do!


Lin Xiao was drinking tea, and his expression was stunned.

Ling: "Grandpa, there was an invasion of the Zerg, very tyrannical, and the first daughter of the queen of the Zerg."

Lin Xiao nodded: "It seems that the Zerg is still possible. It already has a quantum form. It is not easy to be able to have a quantum form in the three-dimensional world!"

Zifeng asked, "Grandpa Lin, don't you always say that if there is a gossip mirror guarding, there will be no Zerg invasion?"

Lin Xiao explained: "There are exceptions. For example, the Zerg who just broke in has been able to shuttle in space at will, possessing the highest quantum form."

"Grandpa Lin, is it a quantum form?"

"Yeah, we have never figured it out."

Several people asked Lin Xiao, they didn't understand quantum forms at all.

"This is a way of soul evolution. When a person's soul can escape from the physical body, it is called the urgency of practice, which is called the soul out of the body, turning around the house...explained by science, it is the quantum form."

"Quantum is the so-called primordial spirit."

Zifeng asked: "That quantum form is the so-called god?"

Lin Xiao dismissed it: "It's still a thousand miles away from the real god. How can a **** be as simple as you think. The real **** is a hegemon, and it only takes a finger to destroy the entire galaxy."

"It doesn't matter if you come over and take a look at this little bit. If you come over and destroy it, grandpa, I'm going to take action."

Although it is not a god, it is also a demigod!

Shots are not considered as insulting Lin Xiao's identity.

The live broadcast room was shocked.

"Grandpa Lin is ready to do it?"

"Finally I can see Grandpa Lin wipe out the Zerg."

"It will definitely hit the sky and the earth will be dark, the sun and the moon will be dark..."

"Upstairs, you think too much. Grandpa Lin said, destroying a Zerg in quantum form is as simple as pinching a small ant."

"I don't know what this quantum form of Zerg will do. I really hope she will mess around, and then Grandpa Lin will take action."

"This Zerg is not even a god. I remember that Grandpa Lin's biggest hobby is to kill the gods and kill someone who is not a god~www.readwn.com~ which insults Grandpa Lin's identity."

"Haha... This is like an adult and a child of two or three years old. Grandpa Lin doesn't want to see the Zerg."

On the blue star.

The Zerg queen turned into a human form and walked on the street.

Looking at all kinds of people.

Is there a car that can run?

The civilizations that the Zerg queen has seen are all flying vehicles flying in the sky, and no one can run on the ground.


"Beauty, you are blind, what are you standing in the middle of the road and want to do, do you want to die?"

A car whistled at the Zerg queen.

The Zerg queen was angry.

This **** human dare to scold me...

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