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Many changes have taken place in Blue Star at this time.

After the destruction of mobile phones, countless people began to enter the practice, wanting to change their thinking, not overnight.

Originally living in the technological world, mobile phones are everything.

Suddenly let them put down their phones.

Don't let people be suffocated to death.

However, with the general environment, everyone began to destroy their mobile phones to practice.

Lin Xiao gathered up all the alien beasts, put them into one space, and classified the alien beasts into elementary, intermediate, advanced...

Half a year later...

on the square····

"Come to a practitioner who knows the Five Elements Formation."

"Come to a practitioner who knows how to practice the fire attribute, and use the five-element formation to trap the alien beast."

"Iron cloth shirt with a golden bell, can fight and resist, please bring..."

"Recruit the level three or more of the Qi-training realm, and those with the wood attribute skills will enter the advanced map to fight monsters and upgrade."

"Don't practice physical exercises, say again, don't practice physical exercises."

"Damn, why look down on the physical practitioner!"

"You don't know this. People who practice physical exercises are of inferior aptitude and have no spiritual roots, so they can only practice this kind of low-level exercises."


Feng Xiaoxiao was followed by a few people, Daermei, Xiao Tuantuan, Peng Peng, Lilith...

They are ready.

Enter the space at any time, enter the advanced map to fight monsters and upgrade.

After killing the alien beast, decompose the alien beast into the alchemy furnace, and practice the basic pill.

"Senior Sister Feng, please bring him!"

"Senior Sister Feng will take us, none of us want it!"

"Sister Feng, you have pity on us, we have been standing for two days, no one is willing to take it in!"

Feng Xiaoxiao looked at these people, all of them were on the first level of aura.

Feng Xiaoxiao wanted to ask how you practiced.

It's been half a year, how can I still practice the first level of aura?

Feng Xiaoxiao asked; "Why is this?"

"There's no way. We practice all martial arts that strengthen the physical body. No one wants us to form a team."

Feng Xiaoxiao understood.

Lin Xiao summed up all the alien beasts and divided them into three different areas. Often several people formed a team to enter the space-time tunnel and unite to kill the alien beasts.

Several people unite, usually arrangement of formations.

Most of them are in groups of five.

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth cooperate with each other to form a formation to kill foreign beasts.

These people did not practice any spells, only ordinary exercises.

No wonder no one wants them.

Feng Xiaoxiao made a difficult decision: "I will react with Grandpa Lin for the problems you mentioned, but we are going to the high-level area, and you can't enter it yet."

Feng Xiaoxiao has practiced for half a year and is now on the eighth level of Qi-training realm.

The speed is fast.

No one can beat it.

Even Daermei and Xiaotuan Tuan are practicing the fourth level of Qi Realm.

As for Lilith's faster path of cultivation, she is already practicing the ninth level of Qi, and she is only one step away from building the foundation and becoming the first person to build the foundation.

Absorbing the aura of heaven and earth is as simple as eating and drinking water for Lilith.

After all, he was once a god.

The road to practice is faster.

Lilith said: "Okay, follow me behind, by the way, help you kill the strange beasts, and practice for so long, how can you practice the first level of Qi? It's just a fool."

Several people looked stiff.

Can we compare with you!

You are from God.

Xiao Tuantuan asked, "By the way, Lilith, what Dao skills Grandpa Lin taught you, can we also learn?"

"Come on, this is private customization, you can't learn it."

Lilith was triumphant.

Xiao Tuantuan looked unconvinced: "Grandpa Lin is still good to you."

"Okay, don't be jealous. Lilith is also one of the great gods anyway. Now that you are practicing again, you have to keep up with Lilith."

Lilith said: "Isn't it just the training realm? It's too simple. Absorb the spiritual energy into the dantian, relax the whole body, open the pores, and absorb it crazy, and it won't take long to enter the foundation building realm."

Lilith took a casual breath.

The whole body's pores are opened and absorbed like crazy, no matter what you do, these auras seem to enter Lilith's body automatically.

Feng Xiaoxiao looked at them: "Let's go, take you to the low-level area first, when you have to go back automatically, I will remind Grandpa Lin to see if you can practice Taoism."

Several people were overjoyed.

"Thank you Sister Feng, you are the best."

"It would be great if Grandpa Lin could also customize the exercises personally."

"Don't think about it, Grandpa Lin doesn't have that time."

"Who said that, Grandpa Lin drinks tea every day, he has a lot of time."

Feng Xiaoxiao shook his head.

Take a few people into the time and space opened up by Lin Xiao.

One day later...


Feng Xiaoxiao several people returned, holding the newly refined medicine in their hands.

Lin Xiao said; "I'm back."

Lilith has no fun: "It's too weak and small. It's boring to kill with a single sword. Grandpa Lin, when do you always go to the void to catch a few powerful monsters."

Lin Xiao said: "After the cultivation civilization, there will naturally be powerful monsters. You can practice on your own. Now it's just for you to practice your skills."


Feng Xiaoxiao asked, "Grandpa Lin, there are still people who are practicing at the first level of aura and have poor aptitude. Is there any way for them to practice Taoism as well?"

Lin Xiao was taken aback.

Inferior qualifications.

These ordinary people are not suitable for spiritual practice at all.

Qualification says it all.

Spells are usually divided into seven categories: gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder...

Five attributes plus two variant attributes.

There is no way to practice without the spiritual roots of attributes.

Stay in the realm of Qi training for life.

Lin Xiao nodded and said: "You don't need to practice Taoism. The practice of physical skills is the same. There are thousands of ways and spells are just one of them, and physical skills are the same."

"I remember that there is a Buddhist magical power that the King Kong is not bad, all evils are not invaded, and all laws are not broken, just let them practice."

Countless people listened to this.

"Isn't King Kong ruining magical skills? Just listen to the name and you will know it is awesome."

"It's great, you can finally practice physique, who will look down on physique and kill him in the future."

"Haha... after waiting so long, I finally waited until Grandpa Lin spoke."

"I don't know if Zhenwu Pagoda has this kind of magic."

"Mortals with inferior qualifications can finally exhale."

Lin Xiao took out a cheat book from Qiankun's bag.

Just throw it into Zhenwu Tower.

Lin Xiao said: "Okay, this kind of exercise has been placed in the Zhenwu Pagoda. People with poor aptitude should practice physical exercises ~ to reach Consummation, no need for weak spells."

"But to practice physical skills, you must know how to endure hardship."

People with poor aptitude immediately enter Zhenwu Pagoda.

Practicing physical skills.

Feng Xiaoxiao asked, "Grandpa Lin, can we also practice the magical power of King Kong?"

Lin Xiao nodded: "Of course, even if it is to practice spells, the stronger the body, the stronger the spells will be. The so-called practice is the practice of essence, energy, and spirit."

"Essence represents the physical body."

"Qi represents true Qi."

"God represents the soul."

"When the three elements of spirit, energy and spirit become one, you can become immortal."

Xiao Tuantuan asked: "You still can't solve their inability to cultivate true qi!"

"Who says it can't, not using spells, doesn't mean that you can't condense the true energy! Weak water for three thousand, only take a scoop of drinking, physical skills are one of them."

Lin Xiao looked at Lilith: "For example, Lilith, as the ancestor of the blood clan, has also created his own way of practicing. By absorbing the essence and blood of others, he can improve his own strength, but this way is the practice of the demon clan. "

"Grandpa doesn't recommend you to use this method."

Several people nodded.

I have been cultivating immortals for thousands of years, and I was yearning to expose the latest chapter address: https://

I have been cultivating immortals for thousands of years and I was yearning to expose the full text. Reading address: https://

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I have been cultivating immortals for thousands of years and I was longing to be exposed. Read on my mobile phone: https://

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