I’ve Been Cultivating Immortals For Thousands of Years

Chapter 397: , Absorb the real person of the heavenly king, refine the pill

The cult leader of the Heavenly King grasped towards the cauldron, his huge palm turned into black energy and spread rapidly, covering the whole Bagua furnace.

At this moment.

In an instant, the Bagua furnace absorbed the mana cleanly, and the huge suction attracted the leader of the heavenly king.

The leader of the heavenly king looked horrified.

What power is this?

Actually want to **** me in.

A flame sprayed out from the gossip furnace, forming a hurricane of flames, instantly grabbing the leader of the heavenly king, and sucking his body into the gossip furnace.

"Ah...Senior, I know I was wrong."

Screaming again and again, a heart-piercing scream came out of the gossip furnace.

The blood demon leader looked surprised: "This is the voice of the real heavenly king."

"What kind of magical device is this, it **** the real heavenly person into it."

"My God, is this preparing the real heavenly king to practice a pill? That's a master of the Nascent Soul Realm!"



Feng Xiaoxiao several people looked at the screen.

Feng Xiaoxiao asked, "Grandpa Lin, how could this be?

"Grandpa has set a prohibition on the Bagua furnace. Once someone wants to **** the Bagua furnace and take it forcibly, he will immediately be countered and **** the enemy into it and practice it into a pill."

Lin Xiao looked at the so-called Nine Religions and Thirteen Sects.

But it is the Nascent Soul Realm who also wants to be wild here.


Lin Xiao said again; "They want to **** grandpa's things, they are not qualified."


The heads of the Nine Sects and 13 Sects retreated one after another, and the Heavenly Kings Sect was sucked into it and there was no sound anymore.


The Church of Heaven has been refined by the furnace.

At this time, the Eight Diagrams furnace ejected countless pills.

These elixirs were crystal clear, and millions of elixirs were sprayed out.

"What kind of medicine is this?"

"It goes without saying that it must be the pill formed by the Bagua furnace refining that person just now."

"These outsiders are still thinking about snatching the gossip stove, isn't this looking for death!"

"This is what Grandpa Lin prepared for us, who dares to **** it."

"Hey...this pill seems to be different!"

"Nonsense, that person just now is a real person, the so-called Nascent Soul Master."

"Creating people into pill, are we eating people?"

"You are so funny, the vegetables you eat are watered with feces, are you eating feces."

"How can it be the same? The Bagua furnace has been transformed into a pill, which is naturally different."

Countless practitioners talked about it.

Originally, the alien beast was thrown into it, but now it was a real person who entered, a pill transformed by a master of the Nascent Infant Realm, countless people snatched the pill of Dao and hesitated.

Is it swallowed?

Ma Yun snatched two pills: "Which real person was sucked in just now, didn't I tell you, this is Grandpa Lin's thing, it is Grandpa Lin's fairy weapon, no one can **** it."

At this time, the Nine Religions and Thirteen Sects did not dare to **** them.

For fear of repeating the same mistakes.

The cauldron at this time is no longer a treasure, but a man-eating demon.

The real person of Danding took the sprayed pill and sniffed: "It can't be wrong, this cauldron has already refined the real person of the Heavenly King. This is the flesh and blood of his body, and the real person of the Heavenly King has been refined into a pill."

Ma Yun reminded: "Everyone, don't even think about robbing the cauldron, otherwise the real heavenly king will end."

Several people nodded silently.

The blood demon leader sneered: "Dare to **** Grandpa Lin's things, this real king is really looking for death, Ma Yun doesn't need to worry, we won't snatch, we are decent people."

The rest of the real people looked at the blood demon leader.

A moment of speechlessness.

Decent man?

Your blood demon sect is also considered decent. I don't know how many people have been killed. The blood demon saint clothing on your body is dyed red with the blood of real people.

Ma Yun nodded: "That's good, Grandpa Lin is a god. In Shenwu Continent, no one is Grandpa Lin's opponent."

This is a bit of an exaggeration.

God, the master of Qianyuan Realm is not without.

This Shenwu Continent also has ancient sacred places. These sacred places are not only in the Qianyuan realm, but also have Zhiren and half immortals sitting in it.

Real Man Dan Ding shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it may not be true. There are still many strong people in the entire Shenwu Continent. This senior has high mana, but he may not be their opponent."

"Yes, this big man may be the pinnacle of a god-man."

God-man peak, is about to step into a stateless state.



Feng Xiaoxiao asked, "God-man? What realm is that?"

"Qianyuan realm is called a god-man, Wuxiang realm is called Zhiren, and Tribulation Realm is called Half-Xiang. Ma Yun dare to call himself a real person, and his tone is quite big."

Lin Xiao shook his head.

Ma Yun!

If you don't know how many times you have died outside, only the Nascent Soul can be called a real person.

They have lived in Bluestar for many years.

I don't understand the rules of Shenwu Continent at all, and I don't call it casually.

Especially in front of the strong.

A cultivator of the Qi-training realm claimed to be a real person in front of the Nascent Soul realm master.

This is no different from looking for death.

In Shenwu Continent, there are no rules, let alone laws. Whoever has the most power will be the rule and whoever is the boss.

Feng Xiaoxiao exclaimed: "They don't think you are always a master of Qianyuan Realm!"

"Perhaps it is!"

Lin Xiao was too lazy to explain, whatever they thought.


Ma Yun took a few people forward.

"This is the place to test our abilities. By pressing our hands on the stone, we can detect how long it will take us to advance."

Ma Yun stepped forward and clicked.

Name: Ma Yun.

Realm: Five levels of Qi practicing realm.

Age: 58 years old.

Qualification: ordinary.

Spiritual root: Fire and water are the four spiritual roots.

Practice exercises: breathing method.

Practicing Taoism; Palm of Flames·····

Basic combat power: 504

To the next level: 2700 hours of self-cultivation...

The blood demon leader exclaimed: "This stone is so magical, it can also detect its own ability value."

Real man Dan Ding looked at the stone up and down: "This stone should be a certain kind of detection stone. We are the masters of the Metaphysical Infant Realm~www.readwn.com~ I don't know if it can be detected."

"Go up and try it out."

"Yes, who will try it."

The Gorefiend Lord smiled: "I'll try it first to see if I can test my physique."

The Gorefiend Lord stepped forward.

Press on the rock.

Name: Yang Ke.

Realm: Seventh floor of Yuanying Realm.

Age: 1730 years old.

Qualification: first class.

Spiritual roots: the eight-level spirit roots of fire and water attributes.

Cultivation method: blood demon magic.

Practicing Taoism; Blood Demon Dafa, Five Poison Palms·····

Basic combat power: 710,000···

To the next level: three hundred years of self-cultivation, the blood demon's divine power is not complete, and you can practice to the Qianyuan realm. This life must not be hopeless.

Ma Yun looked shocked.

Damn it.

710,000 combat power?

So awesome.

What kind of blood demon Dafa, blood demon corpse solution Dafa... What kind of Taoism is this, unheard of, this age turned out to be an old monster over a thousand years old.

Countless people looked at the green beam of light.

One after another cast envy eyes.

"Oh my god, is this a master Yuan Yingjin, terrifying combat power."

"The combat power reached 710,000, this..."

"Looking at this combat power I was scared to death."

"Don't say you were scared to death, I almost peeed my pants in scared, it's terrible, one finger can kill us."

"The terrifying combat power is 710,000. You see, the Horseshoe Master still calls them brothers and sisters."

"Hey... Is the Horseshoe Master preparing to tie your thighs?"

"What thigh, Grandpa Lin is the biggest leg."

Looking at the green beam of light, countless practitioners were shocked.

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