I’ve Been Cultivating Immortals For Thousands of Years

Chapter 544: , Taiyi Jinxian of Wanxie Valley

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Feng smiled and nodded.

Feng Xiaoxiao also understood what Sun Jian meant, that is, to let them enter Wanxie Valley to exterminate the remaining evil, this kind of trick could not be concealed from Feng Xiaoxiao.

This is indeed a nice place.

Sun Jian did not hesitate to say anything!

She is not afraid of Feng Xiaoxiao's objection, the big deal is to change the place!

Sun Jian asked, "How do you feel about Miss Feng?"

"Aren't you cheating!"

"Since there is rebellion in it, you are asking me to help you eliminate the remnants!"

Zuo Biyun also saw what Sun Jian was thinking.

Sun Jian smiled: "With your identities, it's not easy to eliminate rebellion. If you don't want this fief, then there's another place!"

"But if you want to build a sect, Wanxie Valley is indeed a good place, and it may not be suitable to go to other places. Even if you plant high-grade immortal veins in the ground, you will have to go through decades of changes to change your appearance."

"Wanxie Valley already has a place for sects. It only needs to be implanted with high-grade immortal veins. This is dozens of times faster."

Sun Jian hurriedly talked.

Nothing to worry about at all!

Feng Xiaoxiao asked: "Okay, then Wanxie Valley, Wanxie Valley is a second-rank sect, there was once the guardian of the Immortal King!"

Sun Jian nodded.

"It's true, but don't worry, the Sect Master of Wanxie Valley has been wiped out, and the rest are hiding inside to survive."

Feng Xiaoxiao ordered Wanxie Valley.

Sun Jian took out an ancient book and registered it.

Sun Jian asked, "Who is the suzerain?"

"Wind smiles."

Sun Jian; "Tianmingzong, the sect master Fengxiaoxiao, who is ordered by the sky, has longevity and longevity."

A rune flew into the air.

The Destiny Sect was established.

Feng Xiaoxiao and a few people said their goodbyes.

"Wan Xiegu has residual strength, and the strength is not under Jinxian. After paying several times, he has returned without success. The Lord of the City is a good strategy!"

"If they build a sect in it, they will inevitably be destroyed by the remnants of the Wanxie Sect. Lord City Lord, this is killing two birds with one stone."

Sun Jian shook his head and said, "You guys think too much, have you ever seen the secret report from Immortal Court?"

The two shook their heads.

"The Temple of Merit recorded a sect in the mortal world. This sect is the destiny sect. How can a sect in the mortal world compare with the sect of the immortal world, and it must be supported by experts behind it!"

The two looked shocked.

Is there someone behind?

"If you think about it, you will understand. There is no one behind you. How can you become a golden immortal in the mortal world? You must know that the mortal world is short of materials, and it is far from being on a par with the immortal world. Those who can become immortals are the best."

"So don't underestimate the immortals from the mortal world. They are far more terrifying than those who become immortals in the immortal world."


Feng Xiaoxiao and a few people went back.

Zuo Qianrou was puzzled: "Elder Sister, why did you choose Wanxie Valley! I think the city owner is uneasy and kind!"

"Since the second-rank sect was selected in Wanxie Valley, it naturally has his intentions, and not every place can establish a sect."

"The good places are all selected by the sect. The rest are either deserts or swamps. It is not suitable for building a sect at all."

"Only Wanxie Valley is suitable."

"Let's go and see the situation in Wanxie Valley first. If you really encounter a master of the Immortal King Realm and a master takes action, what are you afraid of!"

Several people nodded.

What is the Immortal King, the master takes action and settles it immediately.

Several people quickly flew to Wanxie Valley.

The entire Wanxie Valley was surrounded by Hessen's evil spirits. As soon as a few people stepped into it, the evil spirits rushed towards them and entangled them!

Feng Xiaoxiao and several people only felt that their whole bodies were bound.

"What's going on? What kind of evil spirit is this? Why is it uncomfortable?"

"What a terrible power, I'm afraid that the real fairyland can't resist it!"

"My whole body is uncomfortable, it's really uncomfortable."

A few people waved their hands and used the technique of cause and effect to exclude evil spirits.

Feng Xiaoxiao said: "This is the art of ten thousand evils, and it is also one of the three thousand avenues. Obviously, the valley of ten thousand evils used to be based on the art of ten thousand evils!"

"This is just right. The Art of Ten Thousand Evils can be used as a barrier to prevent others from entering the Valley of Ten Thousand Evils, so that you can practice with peace of mind in the future."

"That being said, so many disciples on Shenzhou Island, wouldn't they also be affected?"

Feng Xiaoxiao shook her head and said, "Naturally not. When the time comes, the evil spirits will be excluded, and the formation formation can be arranged outside."

Feng Xiaoxiao waved her hands and used the power of destiny.

The surrounding evil energy was condensed into an evil bead.

This is the evil pearl that must be possessed to practice the magic of all evils.

Several people were taken aback.

And this operation.

Use the spell of fate to collect evil orbs.

"Let's go, let's go in and see, there must be treasures in the depths, otherwise it wouldn't emit such a powerful evil spirit."

Several people flew into Wanxie Valley.

As the five people deepened, the entire evil spirit became stronger and stronger.

Rush into the sky for three kilometers.

There are skulls all over the valley floor, and skulls are scattered on the ground. It is obvious that there has been a big battle here.

Zuo Qianrou's face was ugly: "There are so many heads, it's too scary, and you can't see your fingers, how can you build a sect?"

Feng smiled and said; "The five of us cast the spell of destiny to disperse the evil energy in the real valley, revealing our original appearance."

Several people nodded.

Join forces to cast the spell of destiny.

One after another, the light of destiny appeared in the valley. Wherever it passed, the evil qi retreated and spread out in all directions with the five people as the center.

At this moment, evil spirits began to appear on the ground again.

Feng Xiaoxiao frowned.

Originally, I wanted to use the technique of fate to shake the evil qi away, but now it seems unrealistic. There is something in the ground that can continuously nourish the evil qi.

Unless the root cause is completely found out, the sect can be established completely.

Several people also saw clearly where the evil spirit was.

The five nodded, and instantly cast the technique of escape from the ground, going deep into the ground to find the root cause.

100 meters...

200 meters...

One thousand meters

Until five thousand meters deep, a square appeared, the whole square was dark and dark, and a coffin was placed in the center of the square.

Evil qi is constantly emerging from the coffin!

Nourish the Valley of Evils.

Feng Xiaoxiao felt that this coffin was the root of Wanxie Valley.

Feng Xiaoxiao's face was solemn: "Be careful, there is a problem with this coffin, it is very likely that a senior is sleeping in it."

"I don't know who this coffin belongs to?"

"It's better to be careful, it always feels like it's going to be swallowed up."

"Hey, you feel that way too!"


At this time, Wanxie Valley.

Five men in black entered the depths of Wanxie Valley.

"Senior brother, this time, the immortal liquid has been refined, and it should be able to restore the consciousness of the ancestors."

"Our Wanxie Valley is a second-rank sect. Our ancestor is already the pinnacle of the Immortal King, and he is one step away from becoming the Immortal Emperor. If it wasn't for the siege of Xianting, the Wanxie Valley would have been destroyed."

"Hey, someone has entered Wanxie Valley!"

"No, is it because the people from Xianting are disturbing the ancestor's sleep?"

These five people are none other than the disciples of Wanxiegu, who have cultivated in the Golden Immortal Realm.

At this time, five people saw it.

Someone went deep underground.

The five immediately escaped into the ground to check the situation.


At this time, Feng Xiaoxiao and the five people gradually approached the coffin.

At this time, countless inscriptions were engraved on the coffin, and the five people sensed a kind of power, the power of a law, this kind of power is the same as the law of ten thousand thunders in the Ten Thousand Thunder Immortal Pond.

The power of the law, that is the power that the Immortal King can control.

At this time, the five finally understood.

Inside this coffin is an immortal king who comprehends the law sleeping.

I don't know why it didn't die.

and hidden in it.

Obviously, this Immortal King is only afraid of being seriously injured!

Feng Xiaoxiao pushed open the coffin board.

Suddenly a law rose into the sky, shaking Feng Xiaoxiao and several people back tens of meters away...

Feng Xiaoxiao and the others immediately used Taoism to resist the impact.

I saw an old man lying in the coffin.

The whole body radiates the power of the law.

The five looked overjoyed.

Zuo Qianrou said excitedly; "That Sun Jian is right, there is indeed a treasure in it, is this the power of the Law of Ten Thousand Evils?"

"You can't go wrong, this power is the same as the law of ten thousand thunders!"

"It's really a treasure. Once the golden fairyland is at its peak, the power of refining the law can become an immortal king."

Just when a few people were overjoyed.

Five figures quickly flew down from the sky.

Blocking the way of Feng Xiaoxiao and a few people.

The first person scolded angrily: "Who are you, dare to break into Wanxie Valley? Disturb the ancestor's sleep?"

"Junior sister, you go to wake up the ancestors first, we will resist them."


One person quickly arrived in front of the coffin, and with a wave of his hand, poured a stream of immortal liquid into the old man's body, which was instantly absorbed by the old man.

Feng Xiaoxiao watched the old man sit up from the coffin.

"Very good, I finally resurrected again, you are all my good disciples!"

The old man stretched.

Open your eyes slowly.

The five were overjoyed.

Immediately knelt on the ground: "I have seen the ancestor."

"Well, you have worked hard all these years. In order to resurrect me, you must have suffered a lot."

"No matter how much you suffer, it is worth it. Now that the ancestor is resurrected, he can finally restore the glory of Wanxie Valley."

The old man nodded.

Very satisfied with the five answers.

Then looked at Feng Xiaoxiao five people.

Zuo Qianrou said, "Elder Sister, what if this old man is resurrected?"

Feng Xiaoxiao also looked helpless.

At first glance, this old demon is a master of the Immortal King, a master of the law of slavery.

The old man looked at the five people: "You five little dolls are all masters of Jinxian, and their physical fitness is exceptionally strong. It is better to submit to my Wanxie Sect, and the old man will let you be the chief elder!"

The five men in black heard the words.

"Don't kneel down to meet the ancestor!"

"This is the Sect Master of Wanxie Valley, Taiyi Jinxian, the ancestor of the law of slavery."

"It's your honor to join Wanxie Sect, don't kneel down and thank you."

Several people angrily scolded Feng Xiaoxiao.

Feng Xiaoxiao stepped forward; "Thank you? Do you think he is the emperor, even if it is Immortal Emperor Fortune, I will not kneel."

"That's right, isn't it the Immortal King, it's nothing special!"

"Rebirth after death, just to hunt and **** the Law of Ten Thousand Evils."

The ancestors of Wanxie Sect were completely blinded.

When did Jinxian become so rampant.

Dare to provoke Taiyi Jinxian.

Are today's young people so arrogant!

The five men in black were also stunned.

In the face of the awakening of the ancestors, these people dare to provoke, this is simply courting death.

Right now.

The man in black who was closest to Feng Xiaoxiao shot instantly, turning into a black mist and rushing towards Feng Xiaoxiao.

Feng Xiaoxiao's eyes never left the old man.

Just when the black mist approached Feng Xiaoxiao.

Feng Xiaoxiao stretched out his right hand, grabbed the man's neck directly from the black mist, and pinched it casually.

"The law of 100,000 Golden Immortals is too weak!"

The four were completely dumbfounded.

Who is this?

Squeeze to death.

This is the Golden Wonderland cultivation base. Is the gap so big?

The old man of Wanxiezong frowned.

He didn't find out what kind of power Feng Xiaoxiao was using to kill the Golden Fairyland cultivation base in one fell swoop. This kind of power has surpassed his cognition.

"Are you from the Nether Race? I feel the power of the divine veins!"

Feng Xiao smiled and nodded; "You have good eyesight, this is indeed the power of the divine veins."

"Since we are from the Nether Clan, we can cooperate to overthrow the Immortal Court and kill the Immortal Emperor Fortune."

Feng smiled for a while.


This old devil's tone is really not small!

Kill the Immortal Emperor Good Fortune?

You are nothing but the Immortal King, not even the Immortal Emperor, let alone killing the Immortal Emperor Good Fortune!

And listening to what he meant, he was preparing to join forces with the Nether Race!

Feng Xiaoxiao would not agree.

The Nether Race is a lifetime enemy and will never allow anyone to betray the Human Race.

Feng smiled and said; "Junior sisters, we are going to take action. This old man is quite powerful. Just try to see if he can defeat the Immortal King master."

Lilith held the Godkiller spear and licked the corner of her mouth: "I've been waiting for this sentence for a long time. It doesn't make sense to kill you who are sleeping. It will be interesting when you recover."

"What are you waiting for!"

The five did not hesitate to sacrifice the magic weapon.

Lilith took out the god-killing spear, then killed a man in black, took out the Golden Immortal Law from the body of the man in black, and then swallowed it.

Zuo Biyun did the same, killing a man in black with one punch.

Grab the Golden Immortal Law.

Zuo Qianrou and Sun Jinghan each killed the man in black.

Before the four men in black could react, they died at the hands of Feng Xiaoxiao and the other five.

The old man of Wanxiezong was furious.

His brows were furrowed, and his face was full of chills.

"Damn, if you dare to kill my disciple, you will bear the wrath of the power of the law, the Fist of the Evil God."

The Sect Master of Wanxie Sect punched.

The power of a law erupted from the body.

A monstrous demonic energy erupted from the old man's body. The huge fist symbolized death, and there was a strong wave of death emitting, making the scalp numb.

The power of law kills everything.

The power of law shakes the void.

The entire Luoxia City was trembling, and the ground was shaking.

The city lord of Luoxia City was even more terrified. Looking at the direction of Wanxie Valley from a distance, the only thing that could mobilize this kind of power was the power of law.

The immortals in the entire Luoxia City felt the world spinning.

Lin Xiao looked up.

The corner of his mouth smiled: "These girls are too bold, dare to face Taiyi Jinxian, bullying a boy who just woke up, it's not good!"

Lin Xiao shook his head.

Fishing is more important, but don't scare my fish.

Lin Xiao was not worried at all about Feng Xiaoxiao fighting against Taiyi Jinxian.

After comprehending the power of the Divine Veins and the integration of the Three Thousand Great Dao ~www.readwn.com~ Although it cannot enslave the law, it can already compete with one or two.

There is also the art of destiny to restrain the three thousand avenues.

These add up to enough resistance.

The wind smiles and fights.

Haha laughed; "Very good, the power of the law is indeed strong, but I am not weak, take me a move, Wanhua Shenquan, this is my own boxing method."

The power of the divine vein and the power of destiny are mobilized, and several avenues cooperate with each other.

Feng Xiaoxiao's body instantly swelled with a punch, his muscles knotted, his feet sank, he fell from the top, and a few bricks on the ground cracked immediately.

With a tempered will and a strong spirit, Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his face, and with a knife and axe, he was able to chat and laugh.

Facing Taiyi Jinxian, Feng Xiaoxiao finally showed her true strength.


Feng Xiaoxiao flew out.

On the other hand, the old man was not feeling well, and his body also flew out.

At this moment, Zuo Qianrou and the others were overjoyed.

"Elder Sister, it's amazing, you can actually resist the power of the law."

"This old man is just like that!"

"Kill this old man and **** the Law of Ten Thousand Evils."

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