"Damn it, it's fake."

Qin Mu's murderous intention was prosperous, and he spent a hundred exquisite immortal veins, but he actually bought a fake one. It doesn't matter if a hundred extraordinary immortal veins, but someone dared to play him.

The guards beside him couldn't believe it.

"How could it be fake?"

"It's really fake, this is dragon skin, just made it not long ago!"

"It's not right, since it's fake, it does exude an ancient atmosphere, exactly the same as the other two."

"Who is it that dares to use a fake map of the secret realm of Absolute Beginning."

Qin Mu's face was cold.

"It seems that you are really in the hands of making this fake, and you dare to deceive this seat. You are really bold, and let the shopkeeper come to see me immediately."

In less than a minute, the shopkeeper appeared in front of Qin Mu.

When the shopkeeper heard that this was a fake Absolute Beginning Secret Realm map, he broke into a cold sweat. The one in front of him was the prince of Xianting, the son of the Immortal Emperor Fortune, the real prince.

The shopkeeper knelt on the ground, feeling uneasy.

"Prince Qin, I really don't know it's fake."

Qin Mu looked at the shopkeeper coldly; "The aura on this is exactly the same as the real one. It's no wonder you can't find it, and I don't blame you either."

"Who is this who brought fake goods to auction, do you know?"

The shopkeeper responded: "I tell the prince that there are 5 stinky girls. These 5 stinky girls left as soon as they received the exquisite immortal veins."

"I'm afraid it's still in the city now."

"I will definitely catch them and let the Prince handle them."

Qin Mu said;


Qin Mu grabbed it with a big hand and grabbed it on the head of the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper's memory appeared in Qin Mu's sea of ​​consciousness, and Qin Mu immediately knew what Feng Xiaoxiao looked like.

Right now.

Qin Mu's spiritual thoughts spread out and surrounded the surroundings for dozens of kilometers.

All the immortals felt this idea and looked at the streamer auction house.

Who is so bold, dare to expand the spiritual sense in the streamer domain.

Right now.

Qin Mu locked Feng Xiaoxiao and the other five.

Feng Xiaoxiao's five people were walking on the street, and suddenly they felt bad, and a strong breath locked on them.

Lilith exclaimed: "No, someone must have been discovered!"

"Damn, so fast!"

Feng Xiaoxiao immediately said: "Go..."

The five turned into beams of light and fled to the west in an instant.

Just as Feng Xiaoxiao and the other five left, Qin Mu instantly got up from the streamer domain and followed behind Feng Xiaoxiao.

Countless people were stunned.

"what happened?"

"It seems that Prince Qin bought the fake Absolute Beginning Secret Realm map."

"What, who dares to be so daring to put a fake map for auction at the Streaming Auction House."

"Who knows, it seems that Prince Qin has followed suit!"

"These people are dead!"

"It goes without saying that Prince Qin can be a golden immortal and dare to lie to the prince. The fate of these people can be imagined."

Prince Jin and Prince Jade are standing in the air.

The two looked at each other.

Jin Xinji asked; "Yuyangbo, after a long time, it turned out to be Prince Qin, what do you think should be done?"

Yu Yangbo smiled coldly: "Everyone is a prince, what are you afraid of, Jin Xinji, do you want to give up? That is the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor, and it is impossible to find."

"You are not afraid of Prince Jade, I am naturally not afraid, Immortal Emperor Fortune is not there, even if it is the son of Immortal Emperor Fortune, so what."


Jin Xinji followed behind Qin Mu.

Yu Yangbo also followed closely behind him.

Since Immortal Emperor Fortune disappeared, Immortal Court was not as majestic as it used to be, and now His Majesty is the queen of Immortal Fortune Fortune.

The queen is an immortal emperor, not an immortal emperor.

Can not control the entire fairy garden.

There are as many as eighteen immortal emperors in the immortal court. These eighteen are in the immortal courtyard, each with their own power, and even many sects are attached to the immortal emperors.

Although the power is not as good as Xianting, but the eighteen together, the queen is helpless.

Unless the queen becomes an immortal emperor, they can completely control them.

Eighteen Immortal Sovereigns each took charge of one party, divided the power of Immortal Court, and made Immortal Court empty. Now the entire Immortal Court is just waiting for an opportunity.

Waiting for the opportunity to **** luck.

With these lucks, he can become an Immortal Emperor.

Feng Xiaoxiao and a few people fled quickly.

Qin Mu followed far behind.

Zuo Qianrou looked back and was shocked.

good guy.

Eight masters of Taiyi Jinxian followed closely behind.

If this catches up, you will have to shed a layer of skin if you don't die.

Not only that.

Several people also felt that behind the eight Taiyi Jinxian, there were two groups of people chasing after them. Among these people, there were also Taiyi Jinxian.

Zuo Qianrou asked in confusion, "Elder Sister, why don't we go back and ask the master for help!"

"What's the hurry, there is still a small half of the map of the secret realm of the beginning in the far west. Take this opportunity to find another one."

Feng Xiaoxiao explained;

If you want to open the secret realm map of the beginning, you must fuse the four maps together before you can open it.

Lilith smiled: "Senior sister, you are a disaster, but with them around, we may not be able to get the remaining map."

"I've figured it out. When the secret realm of Absolute Beginning was opened, many people would come to compete, not only the Taiyi Golden Immortal, but also the Daluo Golden Immortal."

"Masters from all sides gather, and it's time to show it. They're all following, but don't let them catch up."

Several people quickened their pace to escape.

Qin Mu followed closely behind him.

"These five little golden immortals are really fast!"

"Damn it, even if they escape to the ends of the earth, they have to catch up, and let them live rather than die."

"Yes, they have locked their breath, they can't escape!"

Qin Mu looked back.

Jin Xinji and Yu Yangbo also followed behind.

Brows furrowed.

Qin Mu turned his head and said, "Da Hai, stop and tell them that you belong to me, Qin Mu, in the secret realm of the Absolute Beginning. If you catch up again, don't blame me for being rude."

Yu Dahai nodded: "Understood, please rest assured, Prince."

Stop at the sea.

Waiting for Jin Xinji and Yu Yangbo to come.

"Stop, Prince Qin has a life, and the secret realm in the beginning is something that the prince must have. If you are catching up, don't blame the prince for being rude."

Jin Xinji smiled coldly: "Prince Qin? We are also princes, with the same status. This secret realm in the beginning is an ownerless thing. Whoever gets it belongs to whoever gets it."

"Retreat, even a little guard of you dares to stand in the way."

Yuyangbo can't say a word, eighteen pieces of immortal artifact are combined together to directly attack the sea.

Behind him, Taiyi Jinxian also attacked, forcing him into the sea.

Under the bombardment of the Dao Law.

It will be blasted out directly into the sea.

Yu Dahai was furious: "You guys really deserve to die."

"Idiot, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you now."

"You even a little guard dares to hinder us, get out of my way."

In the sea they are losing ground.

The two are no longer in love and gallop to the west...


Feng Xiaoxiao and the five continued to escape.

Qin Mu and the others followed closely.

"Damn it, immediately leave the map of the secret realm in the beginning, spare you from dying."

A roar came.

Feng Xiaoxiao and the five continued to flee without responding.

ten days later...

Feng Xiaoxiao's five people are already in the vast desert, passing through a desert and entering another city, and there are countless chaotic auras in the air ahead.

Qin Mu smiled coldly.

"Let's see where you're fleeing now, there's a chaotic energy inside, there's no way to escape."

Right now.

Feng Xiaoxiao and the five stopped.

Looking down at a town below.

Can't go wrong.

The last map is here.

"Who dares to come to the ancient temple to be presumptuous?"

A group of Taiyi Jinxian flew up from below, looked at Feng Xiaoxiao and the five people, and looked at Qin Mu at the back.

Qin Mu frowned.

Ancient temple?

This is one of the ancient sects, and it is the site established by the ancient emperor, but the ancient emperor is dead, and Qin Mu is not afraid.

Feng Xiaoxiao said: "Finally here, here is a map of the secret realm of the beginning."

One of them stood up and asked.

"What are you? Why did you break into the forbidden area of ​​my ancient temple?"

Feng Xiaoxiao turned to look at Qin Mu.

The introduction said: "This is the Prince Qin of Xianting, who came to find the last map of the secret realm in the beginning."

Qin Mu's face was startled.

The last map?

Could it be that the last map is here?

In his opinion, they have a map on them. Could it be that they had already planned to guide him here?

The ancient temple Taiyi Jinxian looked at Qin Mu.

Immortal Prince.

"This is the realm of the ancient temple, no one is allowed to break in, no matter who it is, even the prince can't break into the forbidden area."

"Yes, everyone, go back! You will not be held accountable."

"What is the map of the secret realm in the beginning, we have never heard of it."

"Leave immediately, or you will be killed without mercy."

Qin Mu put his arms around him.

Look what the **** this stinky girl is up to.

Feng Xiaoxiao was confident, and took out which map of the secret realm of the beginning of time from her arms, and a force of destiny was injected into it.

Suddenly, a white light appeared in the temple.

at the same time.

The map in Feng Xiaoxiao's hand also followed a white light straight into the sky.

Two white lights appeared on Qin Mu's body, rushing towards the sky.

The sky was covered with dark clouds.

A huge formation appeared above the sky. The formation was square and seemed to be missing something in the middle!

Qin Mu looked up at the sky.

Immediately wake up.

This map is the key, and when the four of them are gathered together, they can open the passage of the secret realm of the beginning, and go to the secret realm of the beginning from the passage.

Yu Yangbo and Jin Xinji looked up at the sky.

Immediately his face was overjoyed.

"This is the passage of the secret realm in the beginning, absolutely can't go wrong!"

"The four have been gathered together, and they just entered it and obtained the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor."

The complexion of Taiyi Jinxian in the ancient temple changed greatly.

A young man flew out from the desolate ancient temple, holding a map of the secret realm of Absolute Beginning, looking at Feng Xiaoxiao and the others, as well as Qin Mu.

"I have seen the young master."

The young man nodded and stepped forward: "It seems that the map of the secret realm of Absolute Beginning will be opened today, who are you?"

Qin Mu's face was stern: "You are the headmaster of the ancient temple, and I am the prince of Xianting. Give me the map of the secret realm of the Absolute Beginning in your hand, and I will give you what you want."

young man smile

"Prince of Immortal Court? Prince of Immortal Court is not one thousand but eight hundred. I don't know who you are."

"The son of Immortal Emperor Fortune, Qin Mu."

"The son of the Immortal Emperor Good Fortune is actually a Taiyi Jinxian? It's really a shame for your father if you don't even reach the Immortal Emperor."

Qin Mu's face sank: "Who are you?"

"Who am I? Only when your father is here is he qualified to ask me. As for you, forget it!"

The young man glanced at Jin Xinji and Yu Yangbo.

The corner of his mouth smiled: "Come on, two more princes!"

Qin Mu didn't need to look to know who it was!

Qin Mu frowned.

The young man in front of him gave him an unfathomable feeling, especially the breath on his body, which was ancient, terrifying, and exuding a terrifying feeling.

This man is strong.

Zuo Qianrou asked in a low voice, "Eldest sister, this young man seems very strong!"

Feng smiled and nodded.

"It's really strong, I actually can't see through his cultivation, but don't worry, he should only be Taiyi Jinxian, not Da Luo Jinxian."

"Then there's nothing to be afraid of."

The young man looked at the wind and smiled at the five people.

more and more curious.

"Hey, you guys are really geniuses. It's really interesting to combine the power of the divine veins with the Three Thousand Great Dao to achieve new exercises."

"In ancient times, some people did this too, but they all failed!"

Feng Xiaoxiao was silent.

This tone seems to be an ancient immortal, I am afraid that it has lived for hundreds of millions of years, but why is it only Taiyi Jinxian?

Could it be that he has died, been reincarnated, awakened his memory, and started to practice again?

Jin Xinji became interested: "Since the four maps of the secret realm of Absolute Beginning have gathered together, it is better to open the secret realm channel of the beginning, and everyone can take what they need. What do you think?"

Yu Yangbo smiled and said, "Prince Jin is right. Let's look for the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor according to his ability."

The young man nodded.

"You're right, but there are only four copies of the four maps. We have one, and we are naturally eligible to enter them. He has two, and the five little girls have one."

"And you don't have any, why let you in?"

Jin Xinji and Yu Yangbo were at a loss for words.

Empty-handed, there is no map of the secret realm in the beginning, and there is no qualification to enter.

Jin Xinji looked at Qin Mu.

"Prince Qin, everyone is from the Immortal Court. How about working together to fight the enemy together?"

Qin Mu smiled coldly.

"I don't join forces with idiots."

Jin Xinji was furious: "What did you say?"

"Didn't you hear clearly? What kind of prince are you? How can you be compared with Prince Qin?"

"You are not qualified to be with Prince Qin."

"Prince Qin is the real prince, the son of Immortal Emperor Fortune, what qualifications do you have to join forces with Prince Qin?"

Yu Yangbo smiled coldly: "If the Immortal Emperor Fortune was there, we would not dare, but now that the Immortal Emperor Fortune is gone, the so-called Qin family has long existed in name only."


Qin Mu turned back with murderous intent on his face.

Jin Xinji and the two were startled.

Qin Mu originally wanted to take action, but looking at the young people in the ancient temple, he gave up in an instant. It would be unwise to turn against them now.

Especially here is the ancient base camp.

Losing soldiers and destroying generals is not good for him.

Qin Mu looked at the wind and smiled at the five people.

The corner of his mouth smiled evilly: "Jin Xinji, Yu Yangbo, if you two want to go in, you must get a map."

The young man in the ancient temple nodded.

"That's right, if you want to go in, you must get a map, or just stay here!"

Jin Xinji and Yu Yangbo looked at each other.

An agreement was reached in an instant.

Qin Mu and the others didn't dare to take action. After all, he was the prince of Xianting, and he was a master of Taiyi Jinxian. To **** it from him was no different from courting death.

It is even more impossible to **** from the ancient temple~www.readwn.com~ This person is even afraid of Qin Mu. Obviously, he is a master. This is still his old lair.

Now there are only five people named Feng Xiaoxiao!

Persimmons should be soft.

Feng Xiaoxiao and the five people heard this and instantly understood.

I want to **** the map of the secret realm of the beginning from their hands, but Jin Xinji and Yu Yangbo are both golden fairyland, and there are four masters of Taiyi golden immortal.

Jin Xinji laughed loudly: "That's right, you five stinky girls, are you going to hand it over obediently, or wait for us to do it?"


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