Chapter 588, the war will start

The head of the Nine Palaces Holy Land, Pope Zhiqiang, watched this scene.

Immediately emotional.

"It's only been two months, and there are only a few thousand people left in the Nine Palaces Holy Land. My dignified Nine Palaces Holy Land has been passed down for tens of millions of years. Now it's like this, and I can't blame it."

The elders were comforted.

"Headmaster, don't be discouraged, with us here in the Nine Palaces Holy Land, we will definitely be able to make a comeback."

"Yes, Feng Xiaoxiao is just relying on the number of people. A real expert will never join Heaven's Fate."

"Don't forget, there are still many big families in the Central Region, and the disciples of these families will never submit to the rule of Feng Xiaoxiao."

Zong Zhiqiang shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Did you think that Feng Xiaoxiao was just building a sect? Did you forget what happened to the Yan family in Yancheng?"

"For a true fairyland disciple, the Yan family approves Ma Dai Xiao."

"She can stand out for a real fairyland disciple, and she can kill everyone for a real fairyland disciple."

Dozens of elders were silent.


What happened to the Yan family, they remembered it in their hearts.

They even went to see the Yan family with their own eyes.

For three whole days, everyone in the Yan family wore hemp and filial piety, and even Taiyi Jinxian wore white cloth.

How ironic this is.

The only one who died was a true immortal disciple, and in the Holy Land of the Nine Palaces, he was just a handyman disciple.

This kind of honor makes everyone in the Destiny Sect see hope.

No one can leave the Destiny Sect.

Why is this happening? They know that the Destiny Sect has become unstoppable, especially Feng Xiaoxiao, who killed Daluo like an ant.

Zong Zhiqiang said again: "I can see that Feng Xiaoxiao wants to change the entire Liuli Immortal Realm and spread the purpose of Destiny Sect."

"With the sect as the power, open up the territory and expand the territory, when they control the central region, they will inevitably control the fairy court."

"Maybe this is really the trend."

"In the future, the entire Liuli Immortal Realm will be completely changed. Everyone will be equal to the cultivation of immortals, and it will definitely be a new scene at that time."

Zong Zhiqiang said with emotion.

Zong Zhiqiang had already seen that this Feng Xiaoxiao was going to make a big move.

This is preparing to completely change the pattern of the glazed fairyland.

Feng Xiaoxiao made such a change.

In the future, there will be no sect, no family, even if there is a sect and family, they will have to follow in the footsteps of the Destiny Sect.

The era of equality and immortality for everyone.

Everyone is equal to the cultivation of immortals, which is a huge challenge for the sect.

At that time, once all the immortals in the Liuli Immortal Realm accept this concept, then it will truly change the world.

Right now.

The elders of the Nine Palaces Holy Land felt threatened.

There were two big Luo Jinxian present.

Zong Zhiqiang took them into the sky and watched the two figures fly quickly.

Zong Zhiqiang frowned.

It turned out to be Yan Xing'an. He used to be the deputy suzerain of the Nine Palaces Holy Land, but now he came with a big Luo Jinxian. There must be nothing good.

The elders were furious.

They were angry.

"Yan Xing'an, you are no longer the deputy head of the Nine Palaces Holy Land, what are you doing in the Nine Palaces Holy Land?"

"You traitor, you still have the face to return to the Holy Land of the Nine Palaces."

"Leave immediately, this is not where you, a traitor, should come."

Zong Zhiqiang waved his hand.

Tell everyone to shut up.

Today's Destiny Sect, they can't afford to offend them.

Yan Xing'an looked at Zong Zhiqiang.

He said: "Sect Master, this is the general trend, you should understand the purpose of my visit."

"Are you here to prepare to conquer my Nine Palaces Holy Land?"

Yan Xing'an nodded.

"Well, Sect Master Feng upholds the will of the immortal world and establishes the Destiny Sect. In the future, he will inevitably establish an immortal court to realize the concept of equal cultivation of immortals. Today's sect and holy land rules are outdated."

Zong Zhiqiang's face sank.

This isn't just a joke.

What is it that everyone is equal to cultivating immortals.

Ready to rule the entire fairyland.

Zong Zhiqiang asked, "Could it be that Sect Master Feng is not afraid that other holy places will unite? He is preparing to fight against the entire Liuli Immortal Realm by himself."

"You must know that the entire Liuli Immortal Realm is a holy land and controlled by a family."

Yan Xing'an smiled: "You should understand that Sect Master Feng understands the domain of destiny, even if the Immortal Emperor is alive, he cannot suppress the Sect Master."

"Don't you want to join the Destiny Sect, understand the power of destiny, and completely control your own destiny."

"I used to be a person in the Holy Land of the Nine Palaces, and naturally I don't want to see the rivers of blood in the Holy Land of the Nine Palaces."

Zong Zhiqiang was silent.


These words did tempt these elders.

The number one art of destiny, how wonderful this is.

It's a pity that they don't want to give up Jiugong Holy Land.

It's not that the Nine Palaces Holy Land did not send disciples into the Destiny Sect, and there were quite a few spies, but none of them had comprehended the art of destiny, and even people like Taiyi Jinxian could not comprehend it.

Zong Zhiqiang already understood.

Sect Master Feng sent Yan Xing'an here to fully integrate the Nine Palaces Holy Land into the Destiny Sect and occupy the site of the Nine Palaces Holy Land.

Zong Zhiqiang nodded: "Okay, I agree to join the Nine Palaces Holy Land."

The elders were astonished.

"Sect Master, it is absolutely impossible, even you have surrendered, what will we do in the future?"

"Yeah, we will never give in."

"Sect Master, you have to think twice. You are the headmaster. Once you join the Destiny Sect, the Nine Palaces Holy Land will be completely ruined."

Facing the elders to persuade.

Zong Zhiqiang smiled: "The general trend, this is the general trend, and no one can stop it. In fact, everyone can join, and they can understand the legendary art of fate and completely control their own destiny."

Yan Xing'an's face was overjoyed.

"In the future, I will call you senior brother. Our Destiny Sect is called senior brother, and everyone is equal."

Zong Zhiqiang nodded helplessly.

Seeing this, the other elders also joined the Destiny Sect and became disciples of the Destiny Sect.

Yan Xing'an nodded: "Okay, my Destiny Sect is open to all rivers, anyone can join, even ordinary people can become disciples of Destiny Sect."

"When all immortals in the Liuli Immortal Realm recognize the concept of Destiny Sect, there will be no disputes in the entire Liuli Immortal Realm."

Zong Zhiqiang shook his head.

Well said.

But it is very difficult to implement it.

Once the Destiny Sect becomes stronger and the Immortal Court is established, various forces will surely rise in the Destiny Sect, and then it will return to the ancient times.

There are many sects.

Yan Xing'an took them back to the Destiny Sect.

Smile at the wind.

Feng Xiaoxiao is very welcome to their joining; "Welcome to the Nine Palaces Holy Land to join the Destiny Sect, and everyone will be brothers in the future."

Zong Zhiqiang smiled bitterly: "I have seen the Sect Master."

"You don't need to call me Sect Master, just call me Senior Sister, and our Destiny Sect will change Sect Master every four years. After four years, any of you can be Sect Master."

Zong Zhiqiang exclaimed: "What do you mean?"

Feng Xiaoxiao explained: "The purpose of our Destiny Sect is to change the suzerain every four years. You can set up a party here, and all the disciples of the Destiny Sect will elect the suzerain."

"Whoever gets the most votes will be the new Sect Master of the Destiny Sect."

"The entire Destiny Sect has no elders, no senior elders, only the law enforcement team, the procuratorate, but these can only be realized when the Destiny Sect completely controls the central domain."

Feng smiled and waved his hand.

Spread your ideas.

form a complete set of laws.

The city lord, deputy city lord, law enforcement team, procuratorate, each position is independent and does not interfere with each other.

Law enforcement teams are responsible for catching.

The Prosecutor's Office is responsible for prosecution.

As for the city lord, it is selected by the whole people and promoted step by step.

Zong Zhiqiang was stunned when he saw this set of laws.


This is completely subverting the entire sect, and even subverting the entire Liuli Immortal Realm.

Zong Zhiqiang nodded; "I will definitely assist Senior Sister."

"Okay, it's much easier to do with you there. The rest are the rest of the sects and the family. When the entire Liuli Immortal Realm is completely changed, it's time for me to retire."

"At that time, my master will take you into the land of origin."

Zong Zhiqiang asked in doubt:

"Where is the place of origin?"

Feng Xiaoxiao explained: "You should know that all the Golden Immortals will disappear after they become Immortal Emperors. The place where they go is the place of origin."

Elder Taishang heard this.

They exclaimed.

"What? Is that another place?"

"Whether it's the Blood Devil Immortal Emperor or the Liuli Immortal Emperor, after he became an Immortal Emperor, he disappeared for thousands of years. Could it be that what Senior Sister said is true."

"But there are rumors that they are dead."

"How can they die, after becoming an Immortal Emperor, who can kill them."

"The Immortal Emperor is already a supreme existence, and he will never disappear without a reason, and he will definitely go to a mysterious place."

Everyone in the Liuli Immortal Realm does not understand.

Why did the Immortal Emperor disappear for no reason in the end?

Now I know from Feng Xiaoxiao that they went to another place.

Feng Xiaoxiao continued; "That is the origin of the entire universe, and the place where countless immortal emperors pursue their ultimate power."

"Of course, only the Immortal Emperor can enter it, and you can't sense its existence at all."

"It's the same as mortal becoming immortal and ascending to immortal world."

Everyone suddenly realized.

"Only one Immortal Emperor is born in each epoch in the Liuli Immortal Realm, but in the Land of Origin, becoming an Immortal Emperor is as simple as the promotion of Xuanxian to Jinxian."

"And all the Golden Immortals can become Immortal Emperors."

Another heavy bomb exploded in the hearts of several people.

It is very simple to become an Immortal Emperor in the Land of Origin.


how can that be?

In the Immortal Realm, there are countless people competing for luck, nothing more than wanting to rely on luck to become the Immortal Emperor.

But after Feng Xiaoxiao said so.

If Daluo Jinxian knew this news, he would not have rushed into the place of origin.

To achieve Immortal Emperor is their dream.

Zong Zhiqiang asked in doubt: "Sect Master Feng, is your master an immortal from the place of origin?"

Feng smiled and nodded.

"You will naturally meet him when it falls."

"How much do you know about the place of origin?"

"I don't know. It was also told by the master. It won't be long before the master will take you back to the place of origin."

Zong Zhiqiang was heartbroken at this moment.

If what Feng Xiaoxiao said is true, he must enter the place of origin.

A few people chatted a little.

Feng Xiaoxiao immediately ordered to go down and subdue the remaining nine holy places.

At this moment.

Zong Zhiqiang was completely integrated into the Destiny Sect.

Led by Feng Xiaoxiao, plus a few Da Luo Jinxian, starting from the Sea of ​​Blood Sect.


Blood Sea Holy Land.

The Blood Sea Sect Master led the elders to face Feng Xiaoxiao and a few others.

His face was solemn.

The Sect Master of the Sea of ​​Blood looked at Zong Zhiqiang with a sneer in his eyes: "I can't believe that even the Sect Master of the Nine Palaces Holy Land has become a lackey of the Destiny Sect."

"Zong Zhiqiang, you bastard, I didn't expect you to be the first to betray you."

The Ten Holy Lands are the strongest sects in the Central Region.

Originally wanted to unite to deal with the Destiny Sect.

But as the Nine Palaces Holy Land is a complete betrayal.

Zong Zhiqiang shook his head; "Brother Lu, this is the general trend, you should also join the Destiny Sect!"

"Hmph, I don't want to be a lackey like you. My Blood Sea Holy Land would rather die than give in, and would never join the Destiny Sect."

Facing the wind and smiling.

The elders of the Blood Sea Holy Land resisted.

Feng Xiaoxiao looked at the elders of the Blood Sea Holy Land who refused to join the Destiny Sect.

said slowly:

"Okay, since you don't join, then leave. Now my Destiny Sect adheres to the will of the immortal world, and will inevitably lead the entire colored glass immortal world."

"Now there is only one way for you to go, and that is to enter the land of chaos and re-open space."

The Sect Master of the Sea of ​​Blood Holy Land sneered: "If I say no!"

"Then there is only death."

Lu Ran laughed wildly: "Haha... I guessed that you would come, I really thought we would be easy to bully."

"Come out, let Sect Master Feng take a look."

At this time, countless black shadows fell from the sky.

The remaining nine holy places came one after another, and there were countless aristocratic families of Daluo Jinxian, adding up, but there were more than 100 Daluo Jinxian masters.

There are countless Taiyi Jinxian masters behind Da Luo Jinxian.

This is to prepare for a contest with Feng Xiaoxiao, the fish will die and the net will be broken.

In the face of a large number of big Luo Jinxian masters.

Feng Xiaoxiao frowned.

That is more than a hundred big Luo Jinxian, even Feng Xiaoxiao can't bear it.

Yu Junya whispered, "Elder Sister, what should I do? There are too many people. Once they appear in the Destiny Sect, it will be a disaster!"

Zong Zhiqiang also frowned.

This is to gather all the Golden Immortals in the Central Region, and prepare to destroy the Destiny Sect in one fell swoop.

Hundreds of big Luo Jinxian surrounded them.

On the other hand, Feng Xiaoxiao only had five Golden Immortals.

Not a combat force at all.

Yan Beifei roared angrily: "Feng Xiaoxiao, that day you asked my Yan family to wear filial piety for an ant, but have you ever thought that today, all the disciples of your Destiny Sect will be destroyed, and you will be eradicated."

"Make you pay for what you did that day."

Yanbei Fei Jie Jie smiled strangely.

Scene of the day.

Everyone in the Yan family is a disciple of the real fairyland. This is a shame for the Yan family.

After that day.

All holy places and families in the entire Central Region are united.

Prepare to kill the Destiny Sect.

Feng Xiaoxiao glanced at it: "It's just that you are here, so let's catch it all."

Facing what Feng Xiaoxiao said, they didn't take it to heart.

"Hey, can you do it!"

"Feng Xiaoxiao, you are indeed very powerful, but there are more than 100 Great Luo Jinxian here."

"You alone challenge more than a hundred people, do you think you are the Immortal Emperor?"

"Even the Immortal Emperor will be beheaded by us."

"Feng Xiaoxiao, if you want to subvert the entire immortal world, don't you ask us holy places and noble families to agree?"

"What are you talking just do it directly."

Feng Xiaoxiao slowly took out a piece of hair from her hand.

"Master, now it's your turn to take action."

That strand of hair turned into an old man, looking at the great Luo Jinxian.

He smiled and said, "I said girl, what the **** have you done, and let these great Luo Jinxian unite against you."

Feng Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed: "There's no such thing as taking bigger steps."

"When you take a big step, you are not afraid of hurting yourself?"

"Didn't you always be there?"

Lin Xiao:  


You are here as a calculator master.

(End of this chapter)

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