After all, the birthday cake was a big success.

Nanyuan felt very embarrassed now. After all, how could he make up for the birthday gift next time?

This is even more outrageous than making up for the birthday cake!

However, while thinking, he saw that the socially anxious girl was actually ready to attack the last piece of birthday cake...

The 8-inch big cake was divided into 6 pieces. Nanyuan had only taken two bites of the second piece in his hand, and Director An had already finished 3 large pieces.

When the white and tender little hand touched the last piece of cake, it was patted by a big hand.

"Ah? Nanyuan, what are you doing?"

"Eat, eat, eat, you only know how to eat. This is the last piece. Did you forget that Auntie hasn't eaten it yet? You can't let Auntie have a bite of your birthday cake?"


Yes, Mom hasn't eaten it yet.

It's all because the cake Nanyuan bought is so delicious that I can't stop eating it.

The socially anxious girl pursed her lips and took back her hand, then looked at the cake in someone's hand eagerly.

Nanyuan grabbed the cake in his hand and was about to put it into his mouth, and the next moment a pitiful voice came into his ears-

"Nanyuan, can I eat a little bit of your cake?"


"Let me eat a little."


Although Nanyuan refused ruthlessly, he had already put the cake in his hand into the pink and rosy mouth of the socially anxious girl.


Director An opened his mouth wide and bit off nearly half of the cake in one bite.

Hum, hum, hum, this time I will continue to take revenge!

She smacked the cake in her mouth, and then looked at the person opposite with a pair of peach blossom eyes.

However, she did not see the angry expression she imagined, but instead heard a voice urging her -

"What's wrong, keep eating." Nanyuan shook the birthday cake in his hand.

He looked at the socially anxious girl who took a big bite of the cake, with her cheeks puffed up, and suddenly wanted to laugh.

He actually got tired of eating cake after a few bites, and he chewed the cake slowly in his hand for this moment.

Because he knew that the socially anxious girl must eat very quickly.

Not to mention an 8-inch cake, even if there was another one, Nanyuan felt that she could stuff it into her stomach.

If she were to participate in a big eater competition, Director An would definitely stand out.

The second bite, the socially anxious girl only took a small bite.

"Nanyuan, you eat it too."

Nanyuan was about to say [You can eat it yourself], but the next moment the cake in his hand was snatched away by a small hand, and then the cake quickly enlarged in his eyes——

"Nanyuan, ah~"


Nanyuan has become numb to the actions of the socially anxious girl.


Nanyuan took a bite of the cake.

He had to open his mouth. He knew that with Anxin's stubborn character, she could really hold the cake in her mouth until dawn.

After watching the person in front of her take a bite, the socially anxious girl took the cake back to her little mouth and smacked it.

In this way, one bite each, the cake in the white and tender little hand went into the stomachs of the two people.

Nanyuan pushed the last piece of cake on the tray back into the box and began to clean up the mess.

He was stunned when he sorted out the forks.

Because the fork's packaging paper bag was opened, but the quantity inside was not missing, the two of them just grabbed it and ate it with gloves on...

Grabbing birthday cake to eat, this is something that Nanyuan has never experienced in his two lives.

He turned his head to look at the person next to him and found that he seemed to have gained two pounds since he met the socially anxious girl.

Director An was about to put his little hand into the red plastic bag next to Nanyuan, but as soon as he made a move, he found that the person turned his head and looked at him.


Her little hand froze and blinked.

However, after finding that her action was not stopped, she planned to continue.

"Hey, you want this, right?"

Nanyuan took out a small sand cannon box from the red plastic bag next to him.

An Xin nodded obediently: "Yeah."

He took out two small boxes from it and slapped one of them on his little hand.

Nanyuan looked at the red and yellow small box in his hand and felt a little emotional for a while.

This thing can be bought almost anywhere in this era, but in the world ten years from now, such things can't be found except during the Chinese New Year.

After all, in the future, people will be obsessed with their phones. It's better to watch a few short videos than to play with these things.

Nanyuan was daydreaming when the words coming from the side almost made him feel sick.


"Nanyuan, is this how to light it?"

He turned his head and found that the girl with social phobia was holding a white tadpole-like sand cannon in her left hand and a lighter in her right hand.

Frightened, he quickly snatched the lighter from her little hand.

"Hey, don't mess around!"

"Ah? Why did you snatch my lighterԾ‸Ծ?"

"This thing will explode if you throw it on the ground, no need to light it."

Then he opened his sand cannon box, grabbed one from it and threw it to the beach in front.


The sound was very loud.

The girl with social phobia was frightened and trembled.

But when she came to her senses, she immediately showed an eager expression.


The sand cannon in her little hand was thrown out.


Another sound came.

"Hehe, Nanyuan, I'm blowing up your shadow."

"Tsk, so childish."


After Nanyuan finished speaking, he also threw a sand cannon at someone's shadow.

Pah pah pah...

For a while, the two threw very vigorously, and the sound of sand cannons exploding came one after another.

The two sand cannon boxes were empty in a blink of an eye.

Nanyuan threw the two empty boxes back into the red plastic bag and put them away, then picked up his mobile phone to check the time.


Well, it's almost time to go back.

He turned his head to look at the people next to him, and then he found that Anxin was looking for something with her little head left and right...

"What's wrong? What are you looking for?"

"Well... I want to continue playing with sand cannons, but the old lady just now seems to have packed up and left."

The white face of the socially anxious girl showed a regretful expression, indicating that she still wanted to continue.


Nanyuan raised his phone, "Director An, check what time it is, others must have to go home too!"


"So let's hurry back......"

Before he finished speaking, Anxin interrupted him.

Anxin: "So let's hurry up and go play in the water!"

Nanyuan: "......"

Okay, okay, you're not going to listen to me, right?

But before he could continue speaking, he saw a pair of long legs flashing in front of him and rushing towards the splashing waves.

Forget it, let's go play if we want to.

After all, we've come to the beach, and if we don't play in the water, it's the same as not coming at all.

He looked at the socially anxious girl who was stepping on the water and laughing not far away, and the corners of his mouth inadvertently curled up.

How can this idiot be so happy like a child when he's 18 years old, just playing in the water.

Soon, the pair of straight and slender long legs quickly enlarged in his field of vision.

The socially anxious girl reached out and pulled Nanyuan, who was sitting on the picnic mat, and said anxiously:

"Nanyuan, don't sit here anymore, come and play in the water with me!"





PS: This chapter is an extra chapter (3/3), and I finally paid off my debt!

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