After the incident, the two of them were in a mess.

Chen Hua remembered clearly that the trash can was empty when she left, but it was almost full less than an hour after she left?

And it looked like...

It was full of wet tissues.

She felt that the plot she had expected was probably still happening.

But it was a little strange.

Why did the two of them change places all of a sudden?

Don't want to continue at home?

Chen Hua took out his mobile phone, hesitated for several times, and still resisted the urge to call to ask.

Forget it, let the young people handle their own affairs.

Anyway, both of them are such excellent children, there should be no problem.

Chen Hua reheated the food, took a shower after eating, and went back to his room to sleep.



Will-o'-the-wisp stopped in front of the barber shop.

Because there were fewer cars at night, Nanyuan drove much more smoothly this time.

Mainly because he was afraid of encountering rain again, he almost never let up on the accelerator along the way.

He turned around and rubbed the little head leaning on his back, "Hey, Director An, we're home, go back to bed and sleep more comfortably."


The socially anxious girl loosened her arms, rubbed her eyes, and found that she was indeed in front of her own barber shop.

She actually wanted to say that she could sleep on this back until the next morning.

Nanyuan: "Get off the car quickly and go back to sleep. You won't go to school today. I'll take a day off for you. Have a good sleep."


Anxin got off the Ghost Fire, opened the door of the barber shop and walked in. She turned back and raised her little mouth:

"Good night, Nanyuan."

"What time is it? Good night, go to bed!"


With a click, Nanyuan watched the door close, then started the Ghost Fire and drove towards his home.

Back to the familiar building, just as his butt left the seat of the Ghost Fire, he saw something on the hook under the front of the car...

What the hell?

Did this idiot forget to take her slippers when he left?

He took off the plastic bag containing the slippers and planned to put it in the storage box under the seat, but when he took it in front of him, he saw that there was still a little sand on the flip-flops...

Forget it, take it back and rinse it.

Just wash it and send it back, otherwise she will have to wash it again when she takes it back.

He snapped the seat cover shut and went upstairs with his small flip-flops...


Chen Hua slept very lightly tonight. After all, this was the first time her precious daughter had gone out and not returned since she grew up.

She slept for an unknown period of time when she suddenly heard the sound of a lock being unlocked downstairs, and she woke up instantly.

Is there a thief in the house?

She listened carefully and immediately gave up the idea.


It was Xiao An who came home.


That was even more wrong.

Going home at this time?

She felt that there were thousands of question marks in her mind now, and she wanted to rush out of the room and ask her daughter a question.


She thought about it from another angle.

In the middle of the night, her mother didn't sleep and asked her a lot of strange questions...

It didn't look right.

Chen Hua suppressed her inner impulse and lay back on the bed to sleep.

After An Xin returned home, she simply washed her feet and lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

After playing all day today, she was tired and sleepy, and she no longer had the energy to take a shower.


The first thing Nan Yuan did when he got home was to wash himself, and by the way, he rinsed the sandy slippers.

He habitually put the washed slippers on the shoe rack at the entrance of his home.

Regarding the matter of [it was almost 2 o'clock in the morning but the two elders at home had not returned home], Nan Yuan no longer wanted to complain.

Whatever happens, he can't control it.

Normally, there should be three days of holiday on New Year's Day, but senior high school students only have one day to rest, and they have to go back to school to study the next day.

Nan Yuan plans to call the head teacher Zhang Xiaoping tomorrow to ask for leave. It's so late now, and it's not okay to disturb a pregnant woman's rest.

The next moment, he closed his door and lay down on the bed and fell asleep.



"I just said, if I get another game, I will definitely beat him without leaving a single piece of armor!"

"Kill, kill, kill, what? I just heard someone say that you haven't won a game all night.

, that's enough."

"Didn't you just say that you lost the whole night playing cards?"

"If you talk back again? You don't want pocket money next month, right?"

"Wife, I was wrong..."


With a click.

Nan Jun opened the door of his house.

He turned on the light in the hallway and put his shoes on the shoe rack. The next moment, his hands froze.

Empress Dowager Liu ordered from behind: "What are you daydreaming about? Bring me the slippers."


Nan Jun raised his index finger to his lips to make a silent gesture.

Liu Xue was stunned, not knowing what was going on: "Huh?"

Nan Jun waved his hand and whispered: "Wife, look, what is this."

Liu Xue just took off her flat shoes and held them in her hand. Seeing this, she turned her head and looked in the direction her husband pointed on the shoe rack.

Liu Xue: "!!! "

The flat shoes in her hand suddenly lost their strength and fell down, but Nanjun caught them quickly when they were about to fall to the ground.

Nanjun turned around and carefully put the shoes on the shoe rack.

Liu Xue came to the shoe rack, took off the small flip-flops, and found that they were even a little wet. She whispered:

"These are definitely not my shoes. I can't wear size 36 shoes."

Nanjun nodded: "Of course I know you wear size 37 shoes, so there is only one possibility for these shoes..."

The two looked at each other and figured out the [facts] in a short moment.

This must be worn by Yuanzi's girlfriend!

Nanjun gently turned off the lights in the entrance corridor, and the two tiptoed into the house without even turning on the lights.

When passing by his own bathroom, Nanjun bent down and touched the floor with his fingers, then stood up and whispered to Liu Xue beside him:

"There is still water on the floor of the toilet, which means that he just took a shower not long ago. "

Liu Xue nodded in agreement.

However, she was a little puzzled. Since the girl had just finished taking a shower in slippers, why didn't she go directly into the room, but put her shoes on the shoe rack?

Could it be that...

The next moment, she turned her head to look at her husband and gave him a meaningful look.

Nan Jun immediately understood and nodded in affirmation.

The two elders were both experienced people, so how could they not understand?

It was obvious that the girl was acting coquettishly after taking a shower and didn't want to wear shoes and walk back to the room. Her son could only carry her out of the bathroom, and then Nan Yuan held her and put her shoes on the shoe rack while the girl was embarrassed, and then the two returned to the room...

For this plot after imagining it, the two elders felt that it was almost the same as the fact.

Then the two of them tiptoed to the outside of Nan Yuan's door and listened.

After a while, they looked at each other and shook their heads in disappointment.

It seems that the good show they expected in their hearts has ended, and the two people inside have probably fallen asleep.



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