After leaving school, Nanyuan rode on the will-o'-the-wisp and took the socially anxious girl straight to the vegetable market.

During this period, the two of them added a new place to eat - a large flat.

Of course, Anxin was mainly responsible for cooking, and Nanyuan was responsible for eating.

The socially anxious girl talked nonsense seriously -

[Anyway, I don't have to review anymore. It's healthier to buy vegetables and cook them at home. And I can write after eating, which is very convenient. 】

Nanyuan didn't refuse this proposal.

Because refusal is invalid.

He was afraid that if he refused, the socially anxious girl would call him and he would be beaten by the two elders.

And he didn't resist the existence of the socially anxious girl in his heart.

On the contrary, every time after sending Anxin back to the barber shop at night, he always felt that something was missing when he returned to the empty flat.

Nanyuan knew that this feeling was fatal, but now was the critical juncture of the college entrance examination, and he could not spare too much attention to think about it.

No matter what, everything should be decided after the college entrance examination, anyway, there are only a little over 100 days left.

Now let this feeling take its course.


In the room.

Nanyuan sat at the table, writing the test paper with a pen.

He had to seize every moment to consolidate the knowledge points and eliminate the blind spots in the content.

He didn't know if he could get into Tsinghua or Peking University, but he had to go to the second-class university.

Half for himself, and half for Anxin.

After all, this idiot emphasized that he wanted to go to the same university as him...

After brushing another test paper, there was a knock on the door.

With a click, the door was opened.

"Nanyuan, it's time to eat!"


The two came to the dining table, and the girl with social phobia asked while smacking her food: "Um... Nanyuan, how do I get the speech?"


Nanyuan was slightly startled, and when he came to his senses, he realized that the girl with social phobia was asking about the speech in two days.

"Don't worry about it, just stand next to me when the time comes."


Nanyuan took a mouthful of rice, thinking that when the time comes, he can just give a few bowls of poisonous chicken soup to the group of ignorant boys and girls below, so what speech is needed?

After all, as a boss, he is very good at giving others CPUs.


Time passed quickly, and before he knew it, it was the day of the 100-day oath.

All the senior three students of Yu Nu No. 1 Middle School were gathered in the playground early in the morning.

The front row of the stage was various school leaders, and the students sat in order according to their classes behind them.

At first glance, the whole scene was like a small talent show, with school leaders as judges and students as audience.

The content of the principal's speech was very official and formal, and it felt a bit stereotyped.

But the students listened very carefully.

This kind of 100-day oath-taking speech on stage happens every year for the principal, but for students, it may only happen once in a lifetime.

After more than ten years of hard study, anyone who has really worked hard during this period will inevitably feel an indescribable emotion in their hearts.

After countless days and nights, writing countless papers, and emptying countless refills, the day of the final battle is finally approaching.

After the principal's speech, the host hurriedly went on stage to echo a few words, and then it was time for the student representatives to speak.

"Next, please invite Nanyuan and Anxin to speak as student representatives!"

Anxin wanted to go on stage, which was something that everyone thought was natural. After all, no one was more suitable to be a representative than her, but Nanyuan's appearance on stage made them a little confused at first.

However, when they thought of Nanyuan's rapid progress in the past few months, they immediately understood.

Of course, what confused them even more was that Nanyuan and Anxin walked up to the stage holding hands.

This operation not only confused the students below, but also the school leaders in the front row.

Zhang Xiaoping thought it was nothing and said that he was used to it.

Two microphones had been set up on the small wooden podium table.

Nanyuan led the socially anxious girl to the front of the stage, first adjusted the position of the two microphones, then cleared his throat, and then said:

"Hello, students, teachers and school leaders, everyone, I am Nanyuan."

After Nanyuan finished speaking, he squeezed his palms a little harder to remind the people around him that it was time to speak.

Anxin's voice was a little trembling: "I... I am Anxin, the first in the grade.


Nanyuan turned his head and gave a look to the person next to him, indicating that she didn't need to speak next.

The socially anxious girl understood and immediately closed her mouth.

The speech of the student representative was more interesting than the principal's speech. After all, they were people of the same age, and many people wanted to hear what they would say.

Nanyuan looked around the audience, changed his frivolous appearance in the past, and became solemn and serious.

"Maybe some classmates are confused about my going on stage. In fact, when I first received this news, I had the same idea as everyone else.

I was also confused about the arrangement of the school leaders at first.

After all, how could I, a small tenth grader, stand on this stage?

But after careful consideration, I realized the good intentions of the teachers and school leaders.

I think the main reason may be the earth-shaking changes in my grades during this period. My enlightenment may bring some inspiration to everyone.

Even if it only helps one person, it is good.

At the beginning, like many people, I was confused and even fell.

But fortunately, I woke up not too late.

Because I don't want to stick to this little fisherwoman, I want to see a wider world, travel the world with a sword, meet more interesting people, and make my life more colorful!

There is a saying that goes well-

There are always one or two winds in the world to fill my hundreds of thousands of dreams.

In a person's life, there are not many opportunities to find the wind.

The college entrance examination is the only way we have known since childhood, and it is also one of the few opportunities to realize our inner dreams.

I sincerely hope that everyone can find their own wind and fill the seemingly unattainable dreams in their hearts.

On the road of hard work, there will always be many misunderstandings and prejudices.

But so what?

There are gossips all day long, but they will disappear if you don't listen.

The college entrance examination is approaching, and I know everyone is a little nervous, and so am I.

But as long as you close your eyes and think about your previous efforts, confidence will gush out!

After all.

Someone has to win this college entrance examination, so why can't that person be you?

We will definitely give a satisfactory answer to our unremitting youth!

The world is still uncertain, you and I are both dark horses!

College entrance examination, come on!!! "

Nanyuan didn't say much, and finished in just two minutes.

At this moment, there was silence in the audience until a soft voice sounded from another microphone-

"Come on!"

The words of the socially anxious girl were like a fuse, instantly igniting the blood boiling of the senior high school students below.

I don't know where the word "Come on" came from, and then the whole venue was filled with deafening shouts.

"Come on!!!"

"Come on!!!" ”


Nanyuan saw that the atmosphere had been fully mobilized. He took the hand of the socially anxious girl and came to the center of the stage, bowed, and then left towards the stairs behind.




(Warm reminder that the following content is irrelevant to the main text, you can choose to skip)

ps: In campus articles, student representatives’ speeches are actually too common. I didn’t want to write such a stereotyped plot, but now that the college entrance examination is approaching, I can’t help but want to write some of my own feelings.

To be honest, in fact, I was confused and degenerate in high school. What the protagonist said is really a true portrayal of myself in the past.

But fortunately, I woke up not too late.

If you are also confused in front of the screen, I hope you can wake up as soon as possible! (Don’t sleep!!!!)

Family members who read this book, if there are junior high school or high school students, please accept the blessings of me, a stranger, and also accept the blessings of the protagonist in the following text——

You must, must, must submit a satisfactory answer sheet for the unremitting youth years!!!

Come on!!!!!!

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