The girl who was afraid of social anxiety asked immediately after getting in the car: "Nanyuan, do I look good in my clothes?" Hearing this, Chen Hua felt relieved. He was finally not asking her alone. Nanyuan sat in the main driver's seat, and before the car started, she turned around and replied: "Looks good, you are the best-looking in the world!" Nanyuan said the important word three times. The girl who was afraid of social anxiety said she was very happy: "Hehe!" After the college entrance examination results came out, some people were happy and some were sad. The happy family had gathered in large and small restaurants at this moment. The sad ones were more painful, mainly because the person involved was in pain. Those who were slightly better would have started to prepare for the re-examination. Sadly, you may have to eat a mixed doubles game between your parents, and then consider whether to repeat the year or just give up.

Studying is like this. Being serious and pretending to be serious will get different rewards.

Grades really won't play along with you.

What you think is serious is just what you think.

Many people say they want to study hard, but the mock papers and exercise books they bought may still be lying in some corner, gathering dust, and they may not even write two pages after the exam is over.

With emotion, Nanyuan drove back to Yindu Hotel again.

After parking the car in the parking lot, he immediately chose to send a message to inform his parents, then got out of the car and went to the back to open the door near Chen Hua.

He smiled and said, "Auntie, you get off first."

"Okay, thank you, Xiaonan."

"It's my duty, Auntie."

You must be respectful to kind-hearted elders. More importantly, this auntie is Nanyuan's mother-in-law~

The socially anxious girl on the other side couldn't wait to get off the car before Nanyuan went over to open the door.

Anxin held her mother's arm with her right hand and Nanyuan's big hand with her left hand, and the three of them walked into the hotel.

On the way to the private room, Nanyuan specifically informed Chen Hua in advance that his parents had dismissed relatives and friends.

When inviting others to dinner, if the situation changes temporarily, you still have to explain it. This is also one of the most basic etiquette.

This is just like a friend inviting you to dinner. If you go alone, there is no need to be verbose. If you bring someone with you, you must notify in advance.

For the mother and daughter, the fewer people, the better, because they are willing to come to this dinner because of Nanyuan and his parents.

The socially anxious girl got even more excited after hearing this!

She had originally planned to consider whether to pay attention to her image in front of Nanyuan's family relatives, such as whether to be more reserved and polite when eating...

But now there is no need to consider these!

Nanyuan took the mother and daughter around the hotel for a few laps and returned to the area where the private room was.

When he left to pick up the mother and daughter, the table was still empty. Now that he came back with people, the table was already filled with all kinds of delicacies.

Nanyuan didn't pay attention to the names of the dishes, but at a glance, almost all the meat dishes that he remembered were there.

Roast suckling pig, white-cut chicken, lobster, squirrel fish, roast duck, sweet and sour spare ribs, preserved vegetable braised pork...

Basically all hard dishes.

"Sister Chen is here, come on, come on, sit here."

The moment the three pushed the door in, Empress Dowager Liu had already stood up and walked towards them, greeting them non-stop.

Chen Hua replied with a smile: "Okay, Sister Liu."

Nan Jun was responsible for reaching out to greet the two young people:

"Come, An An, you two sit here."

The socially anxious girl pulled Nan Yuan to sit next to Nan Jun and replied sweetly:

"Thank you, uncle!"

After everyone sat down, Nan Jun picked up the chopsticks and said to Chen Hua with a smile:

"It's dinner time now, no one will come here anymore, let's eat something to fill our stomachs before chatting."

Before Lao Nan finished speaking, Nan Yuan had already started to pick up food for Chen Hua.

If it were in the past, Nan Yuan might at most pick up some food for the socially anxious girl and be done with it. For her mother's words, he probably wouldn't pick up his chopsticks.

But now it's different.

Family, this is the mother-in-law!

And she is the only relative of his girlfriend, these small things of picking up food must be done well.

"Come on, Auntie, try this lobster meat."

After picking up the food, Nanyuan picked up the disposable glove box on the table and took out a glove:

"An'an, it will be more convenient if you put on the gloves first."

Hearing this, An Xin put down her chopsticks, stretched out her left white and tender palm, and nodded:



After the few people had eaten all the dishes on the table, they began to chat.

The protagonists tonight are still Nanyuan and An Xin, so most of the topics are inseparable from the two of them.

The socially anxious girl swallowed the food in her mouth and said to the person next to her:

"By the way, Nanyuan, many teachers from the university admissions office called my house during the day."

Nanyuan was stunned when he heard it.

He came back to his senses the next second.

Hmm... According to the socially anxious girl's first place in the college entrance examination in Yu Nu City, a lot of schools must have come to her.

Chen Hua nodded and added: "Yes, that's true. Even the Education Bureau and the TV station called and said they would come to interview us in two days."

Empress Dowager Liu was very excited: "That's great. Then our An An will be famous!"

Nan Jun smiled and echoed: "It's really not appropriate to keep a low profile at this time."

The socially anxious girl smacked the food in her mouth, tilted her head and looked at the handsome face and continued:

"Well... Nanyuan, the questions for the TV interview have been sent to our home in advance this afternoon. One of them is about which university to go to, so are we going to Shanghai University?"

An Xin didn't plan to consider her score at all.

She thought that the only university city options before were Shanghai and Beijing.

If she went to Beijing, she would definitely choose Tsinghua University or Peking University, but according to Nanyuan's score of 670, it was still a little short, so removing this option, the only choice was Shanghai University.

After listening, Nanyuan did not choose to answer the person next to him at the first time, but stood up and walked to Chen Hua and bowed.

This sudden action made Chen Hua stunned for a moment, and he quickly stood up and helped him up.

"Xiao Nan, what are you doing..."

Nan Jun and Liu Xue just watched quietly without saying anything, waiting for their son to perform.

Nan Yuan looked sincere and serious, with a little guilt in his expression:

"Auntie, there is something I have to confess to you. According to An An's college entrance examination scores, normally speaking, going to Tsinghua and Peking University is definitely the first choice, and entering Tsinghua and Peking University is definitely a sure thing, but..."

Nan Yuan paused, took a deep breath, and continued:

"But purely because of my personal reasons, she decided to go to the same university with me before the college entrance examination, but my learning ability and scores are not enough to meet the requirements of Tsinghua and Peking University, I really..."

Before Nan Yuan finished speaking, his arm was covered with a soft and cold touch.

The socially anxious girl blinked at him: "Hehe, Nan Yuan, I told my mother about this a long time ago."

Nan Yuan was stunned for a moment:




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