After eating, I was so anxious that I didn't even bother to eat the noodles.

"Hmm? Are you still struggling?" Nanyuan picked up a piece of rice noodle and put it into his mouth.

Zhou Xiaoxin was so anxious that he didn't even bother to eat the rice noodle soup.

"Brother Yuan, time waits for no one. I'm going to meet Senior Sister Lin after this meal. I want to appear in her life as soon as possible!"

Nanyuan looked at the person next to him seriously, "Don't be anxious. Eat breakfast first. After meeting the female classmates in the class later, you can consider whether to appear in her life."

This sentence was not only heard by Zhou Xiaoxin, but also by the other two roommates.

The implication was very obvious.

I'm not afraid that you like the senior sister, I'm afraid that you like every one you meet!

That's not called liking, that's called coveting someone else's body.

Zhou Xiaoxin looked frustrated: "Oh, okay, it seems that I can only show my firm belief to make you believe."

At this time, Lin Junshi suddenly said: "Brother Xin, if this is the case, I won't ask you to join me when I see a beautiful girl later."

Teacher Zhang echoed: "That makes sense, the two of us can't touch Mr. Zhou's tenacious heart."

Zhou Xiaoxin: "..."

After breakfast, several people followed the route photos sent by the instructor in the freshman group.

Huang Lin, the assistant class, had built the freshman group during the summer vacation, but there were relatively few people who joined at that time. Yesterday, when she registered for school, she added the dormitory heads and instructed them to add people to the group.

On the way to the assembly classroom, several people looked at the girls passing by from time to time.

Nanyuan was mainly looking for the figure of the socially anxious girl, while the other three were looking for all the girls.

It seems that in order to establish his affectionate personality, Zhou Xiaoxin only mentioned to each girl, and turned his head away after taking a glance.

When they arrived at the gathering classroom, the four of them immediately caused a small sensation as soon as they entered.

"Wow, are the boys in the class so handsome?"

"Hehe, I want to add v~"



During this period of 2013, the male-female ratio of the Chinese Department was about 3:30, just like the liberal arts class in high school, which meant that it was good to have two or three boys in a class.

So after entering the classroom, all I could see were girls, and the boys seemed to have not arrived except for them.

This was different from the architecture major that Nanyuan chose in his previous life. In that stupid major where you either plastered or worked overtime to draw, the male-female ratio was as miserable as only 20:1.

That kind of pit major was not only a pit to study, but also a pit to work. Others were paid monthly, but the jobs in the construction industry were paid annually, and they might not be paid in full.

In short, Nanyuan felt that his major in his previous life was a complete pitfall from beginning to end.

Nanyuan was the first to enter the classroom. He was supposed to be the last one to follow. Who knew that this group of cowards didn't dare to enter the classroom first when they reached the door, and pushed each other.

Nanyuan had long been immune to the exclamations of the female classmates in the class. He had been handsome since he was a child, and his face was the focus wherever he went.

He didn't choose a seat specifically, and just sat down by the window.

The other three people in 404 were different.

The "so handsome" sounds immediately made them enter the military training state in advance. When they walked, they mainly walked with a straight back and chest, and looked straight ahead.

Especially Zhou Xiaoxin, when he saw Huang Lin next to the podium the first moment he entered the classroom, he was excited.

There were still 15 minutes left before the agreed gathering time, and almost everyone in the class had arrived.

On the first day of school, everyone was very active in the classroom. Almost everyone arrived early. As for whether it would be the same in the future, that was uncertain.

After a while, a mature woman wearing slim trousers, long wavy hair, and frameless glasses walked into the classroom.

She walked straight to the podium, glanced at the students below, and raised her fair wrist to look at the lady's watch on it.

"Okay, classmates, it's almost time. I think everyone should be here. My name is Lin Shishi. If nothing unexpected happens, I should be your counselor for the next four years.

I am also in the class group. If you have urgent matters, you can find me directly in it."

At this point, Teacher Lin stretched out his palm to signal Huang Lin next to him,

"Of course, if you can't find me, you can also directly find your assistant Huang Lin. I believe

You should have met her when you registered yesterday. She can handle most of the things for you directly on my behalf.

I won't say more. Your senior sister should have explained the size of the military training clothes to you yesterday. You will start the military training rhythm tomorrow...

Regarding the content of the military training, senior sister Huang Lin has already sent you relevant information in the class group. Students who are still unclear can check it out later. I won't go into details here...

The purpose of today's class meeting is for everyone to get to know each other. As a counselor, I have taken the lead in introducing myself. I hope you don't be shy. ”

Teacher Lin said this and looked around the classroom.

“Let’s start with the students near the window and take turns to introduce ourselves. Come on, everyone, give some applause~”

Pa pa pa...

The applause was very enthusiastic, because the first person near the window was the most handsome person in the class - Nanyuan.

Self-introduction is a must in college, but Nanyuan didn’t expect that he would start from his side.

Normally, don’t we start from the seats near the door?


It doesn’t matter.

Nanyuan came to the podium and first said to Lin who had retreated to the front door. The teacher smiled, and then turned to face the classmates below.

To be precise, he was facing a bunch of girls below.

The view from the podium was so good that he realized at this moment that all the boys in the Chinese Language and Literature Class 2 were actually gathered in their 404, and the rest were girls!

When he first entered the classroom, it was not full yet, and he thought there were still some boys who hadn't arrived, but they didn't expect that 404 was all of them.


That's really a bargain for those three cowards.

"Hello everyone, my name is Nanyuan, and I'm very happy to be in the same class with you all."

After saying this with a smile, Nanyuan turned around and planned to go down.

"Student Nan, what are your hobbies? "Lin Shishi asked softly while leaning against the front door.


Nanyuan glanced at the person asking the question.

He didn't intend to say too much, but since it was the counselor who spoke, he should cooperate.

After all, no matter what, he was the first to go on stage, so it was necessary to make a good start.

"I usually like to read novels and write something casually. Thank you everyone."

Nanyuan said and left quickly.

Writing casually, he has already written a sack of money...

When the other three people in 404 heard the second half of the sentence, they felt their scalps tingling.



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