The sound of the dormitory door opening did not allow the two people on the balcony to turn around and take a look. They continued to immerse themselves in their own sorrow.

Nanyuan did not disturb the sad duo on the balcony, and silently waited for their jade syndrome to end.

After a while, the song ended, and the dormitory returned to a quiet atmosphere.

Nanyuan leaned against the glass door of the balcony and continued to watch the two 2b quietly without saying a word.

Zhang Wenhao turned around first and sighed: "Oh, if there is a regret pill in the world, it would be great."

Lin Yeshen next to him echoed: "I want one too."

Hearing this, Nanyuan covered his mouth with his palm: "Well, you guys keep talking, I'm listening."

The melancholy little prince looked lonely: "Hehe, if we don't want to be together, then don't be together. Anyway, life is not long."

"Well, keep talking."

Military Advisor Lin looked at the night sky and murmured: "A swan song, love is nothing more than seeing who becomes a cocoon, love is just a cocoon for oneself."

Nanyuan couldn't help laughing: "Yeah, yes, that's it, keep talking."


The two of them broke down instantly.

Zhang Wenhao put the guitar back to the bed, picked up the phone on the table, looked at it, and put it down again.

"Brother Yuan, you said it would be nice if love can be replayed like galgame."

Lin Ye Shen nodded: "Yes, in this case I will invite Miaomiao to dinner at noon."

If love can be replayed like galgame...

This sentence reached Nanyuan's ears, and suddenly he was stunned.

After coming to his senses, he rushed to the chair and turned on the computer, and the keyboard immediately made a crackling sound.

Nanyuan has already thought of a new theme at this moment!

A theme that has been popular for a period of time in later generations and has no shortage of readers even now-simulator flow.

This genre is too wide, it can be said to be a variant of the system flow.

Simulators can be interspersed in almost any type of novel, fantasy, cultivation, fantasy, urban, history...

Before writing a novel, you must examine the reader group. In this period of 13 years, most men and women are still in a shy state, and most people are still very conservative about love.

Not to mention 13 years, even in the next 10 years, there are still many people who choose to bury their love in their hearts, and would rather secretly love Bai Yueguang for a lifetime than dare to get close to her, for fear that their approach will be disliked.


If a simulator similar to galgame appears at this time, which allows you to repeatedly attack a girl or a boy, who would not want it?

Nanyuan has already determined the reader group, which is all college students of this era, or more precisely, those idiots who dare not bravely take the step forward to confess.

Most of these people who yearn for love very much, but are very cowardly and inferior in action, are affected by family environment factors.

More than 90% of children of this era are in families with repressive education.

No matter how well and perfectly you do, it is difficult to get a compliment from your parents. They often magnify your small shortcomings infinitely, exaggerate your evaluation without limit, and almost ignore all your advantages.

The most frightening thing is that under this kind of family education, the school will also require students to often say the three words "I love you" to their parents.

Under this kind of education, even if you really understand that your parents are doing their best, who can say these three words without any awkwardness?

Children raised in such a family are prone to have unconfident and timid personalities. No matter what they do, they will be timid and afraid of failure.

No matter what they do, they like to pursue almost 100% success before doing it.

This is even more true in the matter of love, so in the end, they can only stand there silently and watch the person they like being taken away. They never dare to express their true thoughts in front of the person they like, and even laugh at themselves and say that they don’t really like it.

But, love itself is impossible to wait until everything is ready before taking action.

Because the thing that everything is ready is marriage.

The lack of confidence in youth often waits until you are still a single dog in your 30s, and then you will realize it, but it is too late by then.

There are some people who are more terrible than secret love - licking dogs.


People like this, often when they listen to NetEase Cloud Music at midnight, they will post some Yuyu syndrome comments, most of which are about unrequited love and regret.

Is it sad?


In fact, it is very sad.

You say that you love deeply and like her very exclusively, to the point that you can only have her in this life, but if you don’t say it, who else will know except yourself?

Thinking of this, Nanyuan shook his head slightly. He felt that it was time for the times to speed up.

If there were fewer licking dogs and secret crushes in the world, there would be fewer T0s.

He decided to write a simulator love guide to wake up these ignorant college students.

Apart from anything else, at least in the future, there will be fewer classic comments on NetEase Cloud Music that moan without illness.

According to his current popularity, coupled with the current situation of young men and women in this era, he will not be a big hit, but at least he will not fail.

Unknown things are easy to make people afraid, but if there is a chance to try and fail in advance and the ending can be seen in advance, it will make people feel at ease.

In addition, Nanyuan also plans to open two simulator fantasy novels. He wants to mix new elements into it to impact the currently popular traditional fantasy.

Zhang Wenhao and Lin Yeshen are very tacit. Seeing Nanyuan's serious look, they did not choose to disturb him.

Instead, they are still somewhat looking forward to what kind of new book this time.

Half an hour later, Nanyuan's flying fingertips slowed down the pace.

He chose to make a simple outline for the two books temporarily, and the subsequent plot content needs to be gradually improved and supplemented.

In order to catch up with the progress of study in high school, he had to let Xiao Wang and the socially anxious girl write for him. This time he plans to complete these two works himself.

After a little thought, it will take about the end of the month to complete the framework content of the two books, so the new book will not be released until around the National Day at the earliest.

Thinking of this, he sent a message to Editor Lin, who he had not contacted for a long time, informing him of his plan to publish a new book.

In fact, Nanyuan contacted Editor Lin every month, and every time the topic was Editor Lin repeatedly asking him when to publish a new book...

Editor Lin, who was far away in Beijing, was reviewing the manuscript at this moment. When he saw the avatar in the lower right corner jumping, he didn't care until he saw it for the second time.

Three seconds later.

Damn, this kid is finally going to publish a new book!

Editor Lin quickly discussed with Nanyuan about the content of the new book preheating. After all, a new king who created a new genre is completely worthy of the website's investment.

404 was very quiet, except for the sound of Nanyuan typing on the keyboard, there was no other sound, until a song sounded outside the dormitory door -

"♪Write poems for you,

♪Stand still for you,

♪Do the impossible for you..."

Then, a show-off opened the door with a bang and shouted:

"Wuhu~, brothers, let's get high!"



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