The two of them were very busy, and the two of them were very busy.

"Can I take a suitcase?"


"What color and style of underwear should I bring?"


"Do you want to buy a small box?"


From the studio community to the school gate, the topics asked by the socially anxious girl became more and more outrageous, which made Nanyuan a little confused.

On the first day of the National Day holiday, there were still many parents driving to the school to pick up their children, so when the two drove the car in, the security guard did not stop them and directly lifted the barrier to let them go.

"An'an, stop for a moment."

"Ah? Uh-huh."

After the car passed the barrier, it stopped on the side of the curb.

Nanyuan opened the car door, picked up the two cans of iced Kuo Luo that he had just brought from the studio, and took out two packs of Hua Zi from the storage compartment in the car, and then walked towards the security room.

The pink Panamera was very attractive, and the campus security naturally noticed it.

Nanyuan came to the security room and handed over the things in his hand cryptically: "I have to be on duty during the National Day. Thank you for your hard work."

"It's my duty, not hard, not hard."

"Young people are awesome! You are worthy of being students of Magic City University."

There were two middle-aged people in the security room, and they naturally knew Nanyuan's intention.

Several people boasted casually again, and Nanyuan even complained with them about why they didn't give them a raise for the National Day duty.

Two minutes later, Nanyuan left the security room with the laughter of the two security guards.

Cigarettes and water are all trivial matters, mainly for the convenience of driving into the school in the future.

A little thing, in exchange for the good attitude of the duty staff for four years of college, is still worth it.

Moreover, even if he is blocked and not allowed to enter in the future, the security office will promptly explain the details to him.

At that time, at most, he can go to the counselor to use his connections and re-register the vehicle.

There are many such small details, such as you usually collect the cardboards from unpacking express packages and give them to the dormitory aunt downstairs. Although the profit after selling them is not much, she will still happily treat you as her own son in school. Even if you come back late in the future, the aunt will turn a blind eye.

This is the charm of human relations.

The pink Panamera is driving on campus, and the rate of turning heads is more exaggerated than on the streets outside.

The low roar is very penetrating, and it can be heard clearly even when the accelerator is lightly pressed.

Not only the students on the roadside will look at them, but also many people in the dormitory building will stick their heads out.

The car arrived at the downstairs of the girls' dormitory and parked.

"Nanyuan, I'll go up first!"

"Don't worry, take your time. When you're ready, send me a message. I'll go back to the dormitory."


The girl with social phobia came out from the main driving seat. As soon as her long legs touched the ground, she rushed to the dormitory gate.

Seeing the girl with social phobia running away, Nanyuan's mouth twitched.


She promised not to rush, but she ran faster than anyone else.

He came to the driving seat from the co-pilot seat and drove the car back to the downstairs of the boys' dormitory.

Nanyuan also needed to bring some clothes to change. After all, he couldn't wear the same clothes all the time when he went out to play for two days.

Back to 404, the whole dormitory was still empty.

Other college students were playing games in the dormitory during the holidays, but they were collectively letting themselves go.

Nanyuan felt very relieved. Under his constant encouragement and instigation, each of the three of them attacked the girls they liked.

After all, in college, the stupidest people are those who play games all the time.

If you make money or pick up girls through games, that's fine, but basically more than 90% of people are wasting their time.

They may retort: ​​I'm not interested in girls, I don't like anyone at the moment, I don't like any girls in the class, I don't have the desire to fall in love, what else do I do if I don't play games?

Well, you're right, I'm not interested in girls, I don't have the desire to fall in love.

Then let me ask, when you're playing games, if there's a girl in the queue who opens the microphone, what do you single dogs mean by barking like you've never seen a girl?

Is this called not interested in girls?

I don't believe you!

To put it bluntly, it's just that I don't dare to take the initiative in real life.

Thinking of this, Nanyuan smiled dumbly.

He was packing clothes and daily necessities with a suitcase, and suddenly, the dormitory door was opened with a click.

Nanyuan looked up and found that it was the melancholy little prince Zhang Wenhao


"Huh? Brother Yuan, are you going home?"

"No, I'm not going home, just going out to play for a few days."

"Oh oh."

Before the two of them could continue talking, there was another cry of surprise from outside the door-

"Fuck, brothers, did you see that pink Panamera below? Wow, it's so sexy."

Zhang Wenhao raised his head: "I was just about to say that it's really sexy."

Zhou Xiaoxin came to the chair and sat down: "Brother Yuan, what do you think?" "I think?

Nanyuan suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Is there anyone who commented on his sexyness?

"I won't comment."

Zhou Xiaoxin poured a glass of water and sighed while drinking: "Oh, I didn't expect that there are still hidden dragons and crouching tigers in our dormitory building. I'm really envious."

Zhang Wenhao was puzzled: "What are you envious of, don't you have a mine at home? ”

“Oh, Brother Hao, you don’t understand. My family is very strict. Apart from a little money given every month for living expenses, there is nothing else. I guess I can only have my own Pamela after graduation.”

Zhou Xiaoxin sighed softly: “With this car, I don’t have to take the initiative to find girls at school. Girls will definitely throw themselves into your arms. It’s great.”

Throw themselves into their arms?

Well... at present, there is only one girl with social anxiety.

Nanyuan zipped up the suitcase and said casually: “It’s not that exaggerated. There is only one girl who throws herself into your arms.”

“How do you know?” Zhou Xiaoxin raised his eyebrows. The next moment, he seemed to realize something and sweated profusely. “Fuck, no way?”

Nanyuan nodded: “I guarantee it.”



Nanyuan pulled up the suitcase, waved his hand, and walked out the door.

Zhang Wenhao was confused when he heard it: “No? You two are talking in secret in front of me? "

"Oh, Brother Hao, you've been misled by women, and your brain is not flexible anymore."

"What do you mean?"

Zhang Wenhao was even more puzzled. Didn't you follow Lin's assistant class every day?

Zhou Xiaoxin tilted his head towards the door, "Go to the corridor and have a look yourself."

Zhang Wenhao came to the dormitory door in confusion.

Just at this moment, Nanyuan downstairs just opened the trunk of the car and put the suitcase in.

This scene came into view, and Zhang Wenhao jumped back to the dormitory in an instant, shouting: "Fuck, that car belongs to Brother Yuan?!"

Zhou Xiaoxin had prepared in advance, so he didn't feel much after knowing the truth. He patted Zhang Wenhao on the shoulder:

"Haozi, Brother Yuan is young and promising, and he is not inferior. He has money, a car, and a sister. You have to work harder. ”

Zhang Wenhao slapped his palm away and sneered: "You said it as if you don't need to work hard."

"I'm different from you. I'm going to succeed in holding hands soon."

"Go away, you're daydreaming again."

"Really, I'm telling you..."

"Don't listen, don't listen, you're just a jerk."


Nanyuan drove the car back to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory. From a distance, he found that the socially anxious girl had been waiting in front of the dormitory gate without knowing when.

He got out of the car quickly and came to the socially anxious girl to take the suitcase.

"An An, how long have you been standing here? Why didn't you send me a message to tell me?"

The socially anxious girl smiled and said, "I just came down! "

At this time, the dormitory auntie sitting in front of the gate of the girls' dormitory had a strange expression on her face when she heard what the socially anxious girl said...

Standing there for 10 minutes = just got off.

Nanyuan touched the little head of the socially anxious girl and left the passenger seat to her.

For safety reasons, Nanyuan planned to drive himself this time.

The roar of the car gradually faded away and soon disappeared from the dormitory building.



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