"Why is that?" An Xin licked her little finger and blinked, expressing her dissatisfaction with Nan Yuan's answer. Nan Yuan picked up the phone and pointed at the lit screen. "Because I'm going to be late for school, An Xin, you're a foodie!" An Xin glanced at the message, and the picture of her holding her finger in her mouth froze instantly. 13:35. There were only 25 minutes left before class, and the fastest way back was 15 minutes. If there was a little traffic jam, she would probably be late. The key point was that she was still eating snacks in the Internet cafe? Click. The curved snack mountain collapsed instantly, and the snacks were scattered everywhere like a landslide. An Xin raised her bare feet towards Nan Yuan and hurriedly shouted: "Nan Yuan, hurry up! Help me put on my shoes!"


"Oh? Why should I help you put on shoes? You asked me to help you put on shoes, so I will help you put on shoes? I don't want to save face?"

The girl with social anxiety said seriously: "Because you should respect your teachers, you said so yourself."

Nan Yuan sneered, "It's just talk, you won't take it seriously, right?"

It's so funny, I helped you put on shoes once, but now I'm doing it again? Don't push your luck!

Hearing the words of the person in front of her, An Xin pursed her rosy lips, and the joy on her little face dissipated, and the white and tender feet that stretched forward also retracted.

She bent down and was about to pick up a pair of small white socks on her shoes, but the next second she saw a pair of big hands snatching them away with a swish.


An Xin raised her head and looked at Nan Yuan, her eyes seemed to say: What are you doing with my socks?

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen a handsome guy?"


After 5 minutes, Nanyuan stood up and said seriously:

"Respecting teachers is what I always say. Of course, this is true. As a student, I must do what I promised."

Anxin tilted her head, a little confused:

"Help me put on my shoes, but you..."

Before the socially anxious girl finished speaking, Nanyuan replied seriously again: "Don't talk nonsense, I clearly said last time that this is to promote blood circulation. Why don't you understand?"


Before leaving, she looked at the snacks behind her reluctantly, and finally Nanyuan pulled her hand away.

On the way back to school, Anxin sat in the back seat of the Ghost Fire and asked:

"Nanyuan, can I come here next time?"


Is the Internet cafe a place for you, the first in your grade, to come? You are addicted after coming here once, right?


"This is not the place you should come to."

"Then why did you bring me here?"

"This is to apply for QQ!"

"Then can I apply again next time?"


After a while, An Xin saw that the cyclist did not reply, so she lowered her head and closed her mouth. It was not because she was sad, but mainly because there were more people around her, and she did not dare to speak actively.

After arriving at the school, looking at the crowd of students around her, An Demon, who was in the Internet cafe just now, completely turned back into a socially anxious girl, lowering her head and following Nanyuan in silence.

Nanyuan, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped, and An Xin's small body bumped into him unexpectedly.

Why did you stop? Keep going!

She raised her head in confusion, not understanding what was going on.

"If you want to eat snacks, you don't have to go to the Internet cafe. Next time I'll take you to the supermarket to buy them. There are more categories there."

After Nanyuan finished speaking, he continued to walk forward.

An Xin's eyes, which were originally dull and lifeless behind her black-framed glasses, were now full of stars, and her pink little mouth was slightly raised, but these expressions only appeared for a moment and then disappeared.

She quickly followed, stretched out her slender fingers and slid them on Nan Yuan's back, as if she was writing something...

Nan Yuan felt something strange on his back, and was shocked at first, and then quickly realized that this was a socially anxious girl who didn't dare to speak loudly in a crowded place, so she could only choose to write on his back with her little hands to convey the message.

Soon, An Xin's actions stopped, and Nan Yuan also felt the message she sent, a word [good].


The afternoon class was mainly about the content of the monthly exam. Nan Yuan listened very seriously, but he felt that sometimes the teacher's explanation was not as clear as An Xin's.

Not only was the process very complicated, but sometimes the ideas were also very convoluted. Things that could have been explained in one sentence were very troublesome to say.

Oh, Teacher An is still good.

After a few classes, it was finally time to leave school, but the students in the classroom hadn't left their chairs yet, and the head teacher Zhang Xiaoping walked up to the podium.

"Students, let me say a few words, it will only take up one minute of your time."

Nanyuan thought, wow, classic saying: [Just a few words, it will only take up one minute of your time]

Head teacher Zhang Xiaoping, a 5-month pregnant woman, has been with Nanyuan and her classmates from the first year of high school to the third year of high school. All the students have seen Zhang Xiaoping's single, dating, married, and pregnant stages.

As a head teacher, she was deeply moved to have such a group of students accompany her through the most important stages of her life, and this was also the first time she had led graduating students, so she was particularly attentive.

Based on the results of this monthly exam, she emphasized on praising several students who had made progress, of course, this also included Nanyuan and Wang Tao.

When these two names appeared on her statistical list, she was a little dazed at first.

Especially Nanyuan, she had talked to him more than once before, but the result was always perfunctory.

Nanyuan was admitted to Yunu No. 1 Middle School with the first place in the city. Zhang Xiaoping naturally knew about this. Thinking that there would be a seedling of Tsinghua and Peking University in her class in the future, she was so happy.

But she was only happy for a month before she was dumbfounded. Nanyuan's ignorance after entering high school gave her a headache. She tried all these operations such as private conversations and home visits, but it still didn't help, so she didn't do it later.

In the past month, she would see Nanyuan running to Anxin's desk with a test paper from time to time. Originally, she thought it was another way for bad boys to cheat good girls, so she wanted to stop it after the second monthly exam results came out.

As long as Anxin slipped from the first place in the grade, she would use this reason to have a good talk with Anxin.

But what she didn't expect was that An Xin's grades not only maintained the first place in the grade, but also the gap between her and the second place Wen Hanyu in total scores was getting bigger and bigger, with a tendency to be as stable as Mount Tai.

What surprised her even more was that Nan Yuan's grades did not continue to be at the bottom. After only one month, he climbed directly to the middle level of the grade.

For a moment, Zhang Xiaoping had to change all the preaching lines he had prepared.

However, this was also a scene she liked to see. After all, which class teacher didn't want to see his students' grades improve by leaps and bounds?

"Every monthly exam, some people improved and some people regressed. The same is true for the college entrance examination. If you don't improve, you will regress. One point can crush ten thousand people..."

"There are many students who have improved this time. The most eye-catching one is Nan Yuan. He went from the bottom of the grade to the middle level of the grade. During this period, he must have worked hard. This spirit of striving for progress is worth learning from..."

The students below were so awesome.

Teacher, are you serious? Learn from Nan Yuan?

"The first in the grade is still An Xin from our class. I hope An Xin can keep this trend until the college entrance examination..."

The students who were delayed for billions of minutes finally left the classroom before the sun set.

Nan Yuan was also a little anxious.

Fuck, I can finally leave. I still have to write when I go back!

When he thought of those comments urging him to update, Nan Yuan's mouth twitched.

The next moment, his thoughts were broken again. Zhang Xiaoping came to him, signaled with his eyes, then walked to An Xin and said something, and then took the lead to walk to his office.

The moment he met Zhang Xiaoping's eyes, Nan Yuan knew that he was going to be pulled in for a talk.

He turned his head to look at An Xin who was sitting by the window.

It seems that this time he has to bring the socially anxious girl with him.



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