After all, going to school is a big challenge for Anxin, especially the part of taking the bus. The scene of people crowded around can make Anxin panic. "I think the classmate who picked you up looks familiar. Have you seen him before?" "Yes, the one who came to our shop to get a haircut last time." When Anxin said that, Chen Hua remembered it instantly. After all, in the barber shop she opened in the urban village, except for some elderly aunts and uncles and children, older students rarely come here. So when a boy came wearing the same school uniform as her daughter, she was indeed a little surprised at first, especially because the boy was quite good-looking and had a unique haircut requirement, which was to "shave it all off".

Therefore, Chen Hua still had a deep impression of Nanyuan, but she didn't remember it for a while because she didn't see it clearly from outside the door just now.

"Is it the boy who accidentally bumped into you last time?"


"Why would he send you back?"

Chen Hua was a little confused, but she didn't think about it in the direction of early love at all.

What a joke, how could she not know what her daughter was like? Let alone early love, An Xin didn't even dare to make ordinary friends outside, let alone friends of the opposite sex with special meaning.

So sometimes, Chen Hua even hoped that her daughter could really fall in love early. As long as she didn't do things that shouldn't be done at this age, she would completely agree. After all, this would help An Xin get out of social phobia and inferiority.

Chen Hua felt that as a mother, she actually wanted her daughter to fall in love early, which was probably a bit weird.

But she really wanted to be good to her daughter, and a big part of the reason was that Chen Hua and An Xin's father were truly in love.

An Xin was not a helpless choice for their marriage, but the fruit of their love.

Although An's father died early, Chen Hua has never dated other people and has never thought of finding a stepfather for An Xin. This is not because Chen Hua is old and ugly. On the contrary, her face has been baptized by the years, but she is still radiant and moving despite not being well maintained.

The reason why Chen Hua did not do this was that she had always loved An's father and was afraid that An Xin would be treated unfairly.

Once she remarried, even if the man was not the kind of person who could take care of children, she would definitely need children after marriage. In this way, she didn't know whether it was good or bad for An Xin. In order to avoid bad situations, she was fortunate to support the family alone with hard work.

Seeing that his daughter didn't answer at the first time, Chen Hua asked again:

"Why did the boy send you back?"

Yes, why?

An Xin didn't know, but the next second she seemed to think of something and answered seriously: "Because I am his teacher An."


An Xin continued to say with reason: "He said that it is natural for students to respect teachers, so when he saw me miss the bus at the station, he sent me back."

Chen Hua thought about it and felt something was wrong:

"Mom can understand the rest of the words, but what does the first sentence "Teacher An" mean? Aren't you classmates? Why did you become a teacher?"

"Because he has been asking me questions recently. He said that anyone who can solve problems can be called a teacher. I don't think there are any problems."

"Well... it seems to be true." Chen Hua swallowed a mouthful of food. In the hazy state, he still felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Then you have to thank others. Even if it's on the way, they don't necessarily have to give you a ride."

Being a civilized and polite child is what An's father hoped for An Xin before he died, and Chen Hua has always kept it in mind.

"I know." An Xin nodded obediently, and then silently scooped a spoonful of minced meat into her mother's bowl.

Chen Hua felt that the boy who sent An Xin back was probably just an ordinary classmate of hers, but if they could develop into ordinary friends, it would be very good for An Xin, at least it would help to slightly untie the knot of loneliness and inferiority.

As a mother, Chen Hua knew An Xin's situation best. When she was in school, she was quiet, well-behaved, obedient, and had good grades. These were all plus points, but when she graduated and entered society, she couldn't survive by relying on these qualities alone, and it was very likely that her daughter would be cheated.

An Xin didn't know that her mother would think so much. She

She quickly emptied the rice in the bowl, washed the bowl and chopsticks, and went upstairs to her small room.

Originally, there was only one large room on the second floor, but it was later changed into two small rooms by Chen Hua. As a mother, she was also at An Xin's age. She knew very well that children of this age needed some private space. Chen Hua could not give An Xin other things, but she tried her best to satisfy her in this aspect.

The modified room was very small, so small that after placing a chair and a table, An Xin had to walk sideways to barely pass through it. However, in recent years, she found that it was difficult for her to pass sideways, mainly because the two things on her body were too big.

An Xin lay on her bed, lifted up her two white feet and shook them, and took out a copy of "Battle Through the Heavens" bought for her by Nanyuan from her backpack and read it happily.

Now she has read the sixteenth episode, and the newsstand owner said that the seventeenth episode has not been released yet and will arrive next week, so now she deliberately reads this novel very slowly, otherwise she will have to go through a long wait to finish it all at once, which is too painful.


The one who is really suffering at this moment is Nanyuan. He has to type 30,000 words every night before he can go to bed when he returns home.

"God of War" has 10,000 words, and "Dragon King" has 20,000 words.

Within five or six hours, his fingers are so fast that only a shadow remains.

Now the amount of manuscripts saved for the two books is barely enough for a week. Wang Tao can type 10,000 words for "God of War" to help himself, so that he won't be too uncomfortable, but there is no way for "Dragon King", he needs to type it purely by hand.

Type 30,000 words a night, about 6,000 words per hour, it doesn't matter in a short period of one or two months, but it will be a bit rushed if it takes a long time, and he has to spend time on studying, which is not enough.

After spending almost two hours to finish the word count of "God of War", Nanyuan felt that it was time to find a new gunman.

It was a bit uncool to always do the money-making work by yourself. When others were reborn, they just moved their mouths and waved their hands, and then picked up money with a sack. Why was it that I was still as tired as a dog?

Although it was tiring, Nanyuan did make a lot of money now. The actual income of the two books added up to about 70,000 a day. As long as the large amount of updates and the freshness of the content were maintained, the income would definitely not decrease, and there would even be room for growth.

This was different from the previous new book list. At the beginning, the two books did receive a large amount of money, but the daily income gradually decreased, and directly fell to only one or two thousand. There was no way. The upper limit of the new book list was just that much. If you want to break through, you can only recommend it.

Nanyuan logged into the computer QQ and searched through the friend list, hoping to discover another talent.



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