The price of housing in the city of Yu Nu City in 2012 was only about 6,000 yuan. Compared with the price of 40,000 to 50,000 yuan per square meter 10 years later, it is still very cheap now.

Nanyuan's father runs a factory and his mother is on the public rations.

The family lives in a large flat in the city center, with an area of ​​more than 200 square meters, which is very spacious for a family of three.

At first glance, his family conditions are indeed good, but Nanyuan really doesn't know how much money the family has.

Even in the previous life, every time Nanyuan encountered difficulties in starting a business and wanted to use this opportunity to test the waters, the two elders never revealed it clearly.

He only said one sentence——[The factory at home still owes a large sum of money, and life is not easy].

This also caused Nanyuan to feel that his family was very poor for a while, and the previous brilliance might have been the result of the two elders' hard work.

So after graduating from college, in order to [repay the debt] for his family, under the reluctance of the two elders, he went all the way north to Beijing and started his own entrepreneurial journey.

But the strange thing is that every time I went south to visit Yu Nu City in my previous life, the two elders were either playing cards or playing chess somewhere, and there was no so-called debt crisis at all.

OK, OK, it's [not easy] like this, right?

In his previous life, Nanyuan only thought that the two elders just pretended to be very relaxed and comfortable in front of him in order not to make him worry, but now that he has been reborn, the more he thinks about it, the more he feels something is wrong...

Are the two old Dengs playing me?

After thinking for a long time, I had driven the ghost fire back to the familiar downstairs of the community without realizing it.

Walking in the community garden, Nanyuan immediately saw a group of old players playing chess in the pavilion near the artificial lake.

Seeing this scene, he was immediately happy, turned around and went back to his own building, and walked straight to the pavilion.

As soon as he entered the pavilion, he saw a familiar old player who was gagging [General], and killed another old player on the opposite side, scratching his head and waving his hands.

"Oh, Lao Nan, you are awesome!"

Hearing the praises from all around, Nanjun was already very happy in his heart, but his facial expression was still well controlled. He waved his hand and said lightly:

"It's just a slight victory, not worth mentioning."

Happy, and a slight victory.

After Nanjun finished speaking, he gave a thumbs up to the chessboard with his left hand, and took out his mobile phone with his right hand to take a photo of the battle in front of him.

Seeing this, Nanyuan held back his smile and thought to himself that he might have to brag in the pavilion for a long time later.

In his previous life, Nanyuan's father, Nanjun, had this habit after playing chess. He liked to take pictures of his victories.

This feeling is just like a fisherman who catches a big fish and walks around the streets for three or four times.

Old Nan was in a good mood and was ready to get up and go to the next community to challenge, thinking that he would have to kill seven in and seven out today.

He took out a box of Huazi and gave one to his opponent, and then planned to turn around and give one to "Lao Deng" who praised him.

As soon as he turned around, he froze.

"Huh? I was wondering why your voice sounded so familiar. It turned out to be you, you little brat? Why did you come back so early today?"

"I came here specially to congratulate the general."

Nanjun thought that a dog can't spit out ivory, and it must be short of money again.

"Your father is also very tight on money recently, go back and ask your mother to go."

"Does your son seem to be such a superficial person? I'm really not..."

"Well, just understand each other, no need to say more."

Before Nanyuan finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lao Nan.

He looked at his father's back as he left, with a kind of momentum of "I must get back what I lost with my own hands."

"Wish the general a triumphant return!" Nanyuan shouted at last.

Nanjun just waved his hand without replying, and left with an unfathomable aura.

Damn, are all chess players like this?

Nanyuan also left the pavilion and returned to his building. Then he took the elevator to the 24th floor, came to the door and pressed the doorbell, and then heard a familiar voice from inside.

"Oh my God, who's back so early?"

Hearing this, Nanyuan's mouth twitched slightly.

Both Lao Deng are weird in connotation!

But it's no wonder my mom said that. In my previous life, the first thing I did after school was to send Wen Hanyu home, and then I went to the Internet cafe with Wang Tao to play CF. I almost didn't get home until late at night.

In 2012, CF was at its peak. At that time, anyone who had been to an Internet cafe would

People can see that at least half of the 10 computers are playing games.

So normally, Nanyuan would not go home so early.

And Lao Nan would not do that even more. Since he stopped caring about the factory, he has been playing chess with others outside until midnight every day. Just now, judging from his momentum, he might not be back until eleven or twelve o'clock.

Thinking of this in a short moment, Nanyuan suddenly felt a little overwhelmed, but he immediately announced his name loudly.

"Mother, it's your son who comes back to pay his respects to you!"

"Hehe, the sun is rising from the west, and the brat is back so early?"

As soon as the voice in the room fell, the door was twisted open with a click, and a middle-aged woman with a beautiful face and still charming appeared in front of him.

Seeing this face that was younger than the memory of his previous life, Nanyuan couldn't hold it back.

It feels so good that my mother is still young!

"Mom, I miss you..."


But before he finished speaking, the door was closed.

Voices came from the room.

"I'm sorry, I don't have a son like you."

Nanyuan: "???"

The atmosphere was so exciting, but it suddenly disappeared.

Nanyuan yelled, "Old Liu!!!"

Click, the door opened again.

"Wow, son, it's really you!"

Liu Xue reached out and touched Nanyuan's short hair, a little confused.

"But... where did your long dog hair go? I really couldn't recognize it for a while."

Can't recognize it? You better!

Nanyuan didn't knock off his hands that were constantly rubbing his head. He walked straight into the house with a resentful breath. Looking at the strange and familiar environment inside, he was full of emotion for a while.

After 10 years, the family will change more or less. It will be a little different to go back to 2012 all of a sudden.

Liu Xue looked at Nanyuan who came back so early and looked around after entering the house, and suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Oh no, has this kid done something wrong?

After closing the door, Liu Xue leaned against the wall with her arms folded, and said in a bad tone:

"Come on, tell me what the hell you did."



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