The two walked into the Apple store, and the salesperson who greeted them was an intellectual sister in her 30s, wearing a uniform skirt, black stockings, and a standard professional suit.

"Hello, let me introduce you to the current ..."

Before she finished speaking, Nanyuan interrupted her directly, raised the black iPhone 4 in his hand, and said:

"No, I'm also an old user. This time I just came here to buy one more. You can just take out the configuration with the highest storage."

The intellectual sister was stunned at first, but she quickly reacted.

Like Nanyuan, who is handsome and confident in his speech, he is obviously a child from a wealthy family. Buying an Apple phone is not to the extent of selling a kidney.

And the shy girl next to her with her head down is probably the girlfriend of this rich second-generation.

After a short moment of thinking about the plot, the intellectual sister was a little envious, thinking that she was also good-looking and had a good figure when she was in school, so why couldn't she meet such a boy?


She responded and turned to walk towards the warehouse at the back.

"By the way, take out both black and white colors."

Nanyuan originally planned to pick up the iPhone 4s with 64G storage and pay for it directly, but just now he suddenly thought about it and decided to let Anxin choose the color herself.

Otherwise, it would be too chauvinistic to help her choose all the options, which would make her look a little silly.

After a while, the intellectual sister who left came back with two boxes.

At present, this generation of Apple only has white and black options, unlike ten years later, when the colors of mobile phones are varied and it is easy to be dazzled.

If you want to see the color, you don't actually need to take the phone in the box directly. You can just look at the phone in the counter. Let the shopping guide take two colors with the same storage specifications, just for convenience to go to the counter to check out later.

Nanyuan saw Anxin staring at the black and white phones in the glass cabinet for a long time, and her little hand didn't make a choice.

'"Don't look at it, just pick one first. Although the fifth-generation model has been released, it is not available in the store now. We can change it after the college entrance examination."

For Nanyuan, who used iPhone15 in his previous life, it doesn't matter which generation of Apple mobile phone he buys now, they are all antique phones...

Anxin is not entangled in the model style at all, but she is completely dumbfounded when she sees the price on it.

6988 yuan?

Did I see it wrong? It should be 698 yuan, right?

The socially anxious girl blinked her peach blossom eyes again, and the number in front of her was still no.

But why can a mobile phone be sold for almost 7,000 yuan?

According to the fact that her mother only charges 5 yuan for a haircut, it would take at least half a year to get it!

She really didn't dare to choose, and hesitated to make a decision.

Nanyuan saw the socially anxious girl like this, and waved to the black silk shopping guide in the store, asking her to leave first.

The intellectual sister understood at a glance, and immediately stepped aside. She knew that this was probably the rich second generation who wanted to negotiate with his girlfriend, such as completing some master tasks...

After the shopping guide left, Nanyuan asked: "What's wrong? Are you not going to teach me?"

Anxin said quickly: "I... I don't have it!"

"Then choose one quickly!"

"Know... Got it."

Nanyuan thought, it turns out that you can't be too gentle, you still have to be a little strict at critical moments, otherwise you will probably stand here for an afternoon today.

The socially anxious girl quickly stretched out her hand, but still hesitated between black and white.

At this time, two boys and girls in elementary school uniforms passed by the store and played rock-paper-scissors. They each held a [Wangwang Black and White Sandwich Roll] in their hands. They walked and chanted:

"Black and white, boys and girls match!"

"I win, I want to eat yours!" The little boy immediately reached out and took out a sandwich roll from the little girl's hand and ate it, with a satisfied smile in his eyes.

The little girl looked at her sandwich roll being taken away, pouted her lips and said angrily:

"Come again!"

"Black and white..."

The voices of the two children gradually faded away and soon disappeared from the store.

Nanyuan looked at Anxin's expression when she suddenly looked at the door, and felt that she was probably unable to make a choice, and she probably only had the supermarket in her mind.

Didn't see this little look

What? My soul has already floated outside, so how can I care about choosing a color or a phone...

Nanyuan thinks it doesn't matter what I choose, because I will have to change it later anyway, and I don't need this little money now.

"Mine is black, so you can choose a black one like me, because we will have to change it in the future anyway..."

Anxin suddenly turned around and said seriously: "No, I want to choose white!"

"It must be white!" The socially anxious girl paused and repeated it again.

"Okay, okay, white is white."

Why are you so excited? I didn't say that you can't buy white.

He thinks girls are really strange. Whether they are in their teens or in their teens, their emotions are a little unpredictable.

I asked you to choose just now, and you were wavering here. I was about to help you choose one, and you immediately made up your mind...

After paying the money and walking out of the Apple store, the socially anxious girl was very excited holding the white iPhone 4s. Nanyuan thought that Anxin was probably so happy because she had her first mobile phone in her life.

He remembered that when he got his first mobile phone, he almost didn't sleep all night, constantly exploring some mysterious knowledge there, and studying all night long...

After buying the mobile phone, of course you have to get a mobile phone card, but in 2012, there was no so-called real-name authentication. Mobile phone cards can be bought directly as long as you pay, and even in many cases, mobile phone cards can be used as recharge cards to directly recharge the game.

At this time, the choice of mobile phone numbers is also diverse, and the number you want can generally be selected, so there is no shortage of numbers.

However, it is still not so easy to get a leopard number, and you have to pay extra to buy it, but Nanyuan and Anxin don't have too many requirements for these.

Yu Nu City is located in Guangdong Province. People in this area are more or less superstitious. Even if they are not superstitious, they still hope to get a good omen. For example, the last four digits of the mobile phone generally need to be auspicious numbers such as 6, 8, and 9. Numbers like 0 and 4 are taboo numbers, which are unlucky.

The two rode the will-o'-the-wisp to the telecommunications business hall. Nanyuan was about to ask for a mobile phone card with the last digits of 6 and 8, but Anxin tugged at his clothes, saying that she had an idea this time.


Nanyuan was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the socially anxious girl was so sensitive about numbers that she actually wanted to choose it herself.



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