The food was very delicious, but it was not easy to eat.

Speaking of eating, Nanyuan habitually took out his mobile phone and opened the Meituan app, wanting to find the nearby food list and decide where to eat.

However, as soon as he opened the app, he was stunned, and the next second he put his phone back in his pocket.

Because he found that there are fewer merchants on Meituan now than he had seen at a glance...

Well, it's been 12 years, just get used to it.

When the two walked out of the supermarket, they didn't hold hands anymore, mainly because they had to carry a large bag of snacks, which was a bit inconvenient.

At the beginning, Anxin strongly asked to carry it herself, saying that the snack director should look like a snack director, and the snacks must be fully responsible.

Nanyuan knew she was talking nonsense as soon as he heard it, and she was obviously afraid that he would not return the snacks to her after taking them in his hands!

Because they didn't buy any drinks, even a big bag wouldn't be particularly heavy. Nanyuan, who has eight-pack abs, can carry this stuff like a toy. He can run two kilometers without breathing.

However, at the insistence of the socially anxious girl, the two of them still carried half each, mainly because it wouldn't be too heavy to cause a pinching of the hand.

Glancing at the surrounding food and beverages, Nanyuan was at a loss for a moment. He was not very picky about food, otherwise he wouldn't order takeout every night.

But he didn't know what Anxin liked to eat.


Nanyuan suddenly recalled the scene of the socially anxious girl feasting in the cafeteria...

There shouldn't be anything she doesn't like to eat!

Since he couldn't make up his mind, why not...

"Director An!"

Nanyuan suddenly looked at Anxin with a serious face.

An Xin was stunned by the sudden tone, and then replied softly:


Nan Yuan stared at An Xin for a long time, and saw that the socially anxious girl did not dare to look him in the eye, and then he said:

"There is an urgent matter, I decided to give you an important position again."

"Ah? What...what position?"

"In addition to the snack director, a studio also needs a life director,

and you, my Director An, are very suitable for this position."

The capitalist began to show his claws at this moment.

"Ah...can I not do it?"

The socially anxious girl was dumbfounded. She felt that she had not even started to write and work officially, why did she keep putting one position after another on her head?

The key point is, if I become this [Life Director]...

What about my [Snack Director] position!

The position of director is one level lower than that of director, is this a demotion?



"No anyway!"

As long as it involves snacks, the girl with social phobia suddenly becomes bolder, and even stops stuttering when she speaks.

Seeing this, Nanyuan sneered and continued, "I'm the boss, you can't refuse the boss's request, thank you."

"No, I must refuse, thank you!"


After being together for so long, it was the first time he saw a girl with social phobia with such a strong spirit of resistance.

What's going on? Why is she reacting so strongly?

Nanyuan narrowed his eyes and threatened, "Haha, you dare to contradict me?"

Anxin raised her little mouth and said stubbornly, "I'll contradict you!"

The atmosphere was a little stiff for a while, and even the pedestrians passing by couldn't help but glance at the two of them.

Oh, the young couple quarreled, it's really interesting.

After thinking for a while, Nanyuan immediately understood the key point, but he was a little uncertain, so he planned to continue asking.

"Are you... afraid that I will remove you from your position as snack director?"

The socially anxious girl pursed her lips and said nothing. Her tall, white nose twitched, and her peach eyes kept blinking. Her eye sockets were filled with moisture, as if they were about to burst at the next moment. Her whole expression was dominated by a grievance.

Forget it, there's no need to ask. Isn't it obvious?

Nanyuan stretched out his hand and pinched Anxin's rosy face, and said:

"Are you stupid? Who stipulated that the [Snack Director] cannot concurrently serve as the [Life Director]?"

The socially anxious girl heard that, so she was not going to remove herself?

"Then... what does this life director do?"

"Responsible for eating... ahem, responsible for finding food."

Find food?

"Does our studio really need this position?"

Anxin was puzzled. There are only three people now, and everyone usually goes back to their own homes for dinner.

I won't need this position for a while...

Nanyuan said nonsense with a serious face: "Have you forgotten what I told your mother? The studio provides [food], so this position is extremely important!

Besides, I am the boss of a studio after all. How can I be responsible for such a trivial matter as eating? Isn't it very uncool?"

Anxin felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong for a while.

"It seems... that's the reason."

The socially anxious girl has read all kinds of romance novels since she was a child. She thinks Nanyuan is like a domineering president at this moment...

No, he is like a domineering boss!

"Then what should I do about this life manager now?"

The snack director manages snacks, and the life manager manages [finding food]...

Anxin feels that her position seems to be inseparable from eating?

No matter, it's the position she likes anyway.

Nanyuan turned into a cold and domineering boss, and coldly ordered: "I'm hungry now, you can do it yourself."

Although he said coldly, Nanyuan was very happy at the moment.

Do I need to think about what to eat? Can't I just throw this question to the socially anxious girl?

She and I are not in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, we are clearly in an employment relationship!

If a boyfriend throws the topic of [what to eat] to his girlfriend, he will definitely be labeled as having no opinion, but if you don't discuss with the girl and directly tell her what to eat, you will also be labeled as disrespectful to women, after all...

Why don't you ask the girl before eating? So male chauvinism is desperate?

You say that men and women are equal, but version T0 will not reason with you.

So after a man falls in love, asking = no opinion, not asking = disrespect, and his status is as humble as a dog.

But Nanyuan is different as a boss, and this instantly reversed the situation.

After all.

It is only natural for the boss to tell his subordinates to do things.

Otherwise, wouldn't the salary be given in vain?

If you can't even do a job well, what's the point of having you?

An Xin was a little panicked now, she thought to herself that she had no experience at all!

Nan Yuan saw that the girl with social phobia looked uneasy, he coughed lightly and continued to talk nonsense seriously:

"Well, since you are the [Life Supervisor], you are fully responsible for eating, so you can eat whatever you say, and I can't deny it at will even if I am the boss, because this is the right you should have in this position."



After receiving a positive reply, someone's peach blossom eyes immediately emitted starlight.



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