The school was in trouble, but the school was in trouble.

Nanyuan paused while packing his backpack and looked sideways at Haodaer who was asking a soul-searching question.

Tight in high school, loose in college?


Tight in high school, but not necessarily loose in college!

Based on his experience in his previous life, Nanyuan felt it necessary to give Wang Tao a good lecture and change his inherent ideas:

"Taozi, there is something wrong with your thinking, do you know that?"


Wang Tao thought, didn't the head teacher say that? I just asked a question and it became my problem?

"High school is indeed very tight, but college is not necessarily not tight. Not everyone chooses to play around after entering college, understand?

For example, postgraduate entrance examinations, civil service examinations, and recruitment examinations, you have to start preparing for these after entering college. Often, people like this don't have a day to relax."

Wang Tao understood immediately after hearing this.

Indeed, according to this, college is indeed tight, but...

This doesn't seem to have anything to do with me, right?

After two or three months of subtle influence, Wang Tao's total score has reached about 450. At this rate, he will have no problem getting into a general university in the college entrance examination.

In this way, he can have another 4 years of happy life, and he doesn't have to go home so soon to inherit the family property.

Moreover, even without the support of his parents, Wang Tao can live well alone now.

To be precise, he lives a very comfortable life.

After coding 20,000 words a day, Wang Tao's Alipay account will immediately receive 5,000 yuan, and the speed of making money has caught up with the young lady on the roadside who needs support.

Although it was only a month after "God of War" was recommended, his balance has accumulated to more than 170,000 yuan.

And according to what Nanyuan told him, the content of "God of War" will continue to be extended and expanded, at least it can be guaranteed that it will be completed after the college entrance examination.

As for [Extension and expansion], in layman's terms, it is just water writing, but...

None of these is important.

The important thing is that Wang Tao knows that as long as he continues to write according to the detailed outline, he will be able to maintain a daily income of 5,000 yuan for at least half a year!

Even if the ranking of "God of War" falls out of the top ten of the Tianbang later, it doesn't matter. Anyway, according to the current popularity, it will definitely be in the top 50 of the Tianbang before it is completed.

According to what Nanyuan said before, the first 500,000 words on the Tianbang will be 1,500 yuan, so he can earn 3,000 yuan with 20,000 words a day.

After the book is completed, Wang Tao will at least have nearly one million yuan in royalties!

A ghostwriter, a million yuan in royalties, he himself feels like a dream.

Thinking of this, Wang Tao couldn't help but take a breath.

As a ghostwriter, his income was so outrageous. As the initiator of two popular novels, how much would Nanyuan earn?

"Hey, did you understand? College will also be tight!"

Nanyuan looked at Wang Tao who was in a daze, wondering if this kid had crashed, why didn't he respond for a long time?

"Oh, I understand, Brother Yuan, but I'm fine."

Nanyuan: "?"

Wang Tao paused and continued to explain:

"I have completed my mission by going to college, and I won't be pulled back home when I go to college, and I can continue to follow you, so I don't want to be so tight in college life."

This period of time has really exhausted Wang Tao.

High-intensity study during the day, high-intensity coding at night, and sometimes I have to reward myself with high intensity when I sleep...

This is indeed a bit stressful for a child in his teens.

"Well, whatever you want."

Nanyuan thought, anyway, this guy has made a lot of money under his management now, even if his parents don't care, he won't starve to death.

"Brother Yuan, you don't have to be so tight after you go to college, right?"

Wang Tao felt that according to the income during this period after the two books were recommended, Nanyuan now has at least more than 1 million in his hands.

After all, these are two hot books.

Many people on the Internet have begun to speculate on the candidates for the 2012 Newcomer King.

Among them, Nanyuan's author name [Shuizhuyu] has the most voice. After a week or two, this title will most likely fall on his head.

"Who said I don't care? I have to be tight, I can't relax even if I go to college, okay?"

"But... you have earned a million now, right? After the college entrance examination is over,

You have at least 10 million in your pocket! Why don't you relax?"

Nanyuan sneered, "It's only 10 million. You haven't even reached a small goal yet. Is this all you can do?"

Wang Tao: "? ? ?"

10 million... only?

Wang Tao continued to ask, "Are you still planning to write a new book when you go to college?"

Nanyuan had thought about the question of a new book a long time ago.

Books must be written continuously. The income from the codeword studio can serve as a cash flow in the future, allowing Nanyuan to try various business tracks continuously.

"I will definitely write a book, but writing a book alone is too boring, and the money is a bit slow. "

Wang Tao: "..."

I've made over a million in a month, and it's still slow?

Nanyuan wanted to say a few more words, but he found that it was suddenly dark in front of him.

He raised his head to see what was going on, and was stunned the next second.

An Xin?

Nanyuan looked around and then he knew why the socially anxious girl dared to come to him.

It had been a long time since school was over, and the students in the classroom had left sparsely, with only a few left cleaning.

Before Nanyuan could speak, An Xin stretched out her white and tender little hand and said five words concisely:

"Nanyuan, hold, and eat."

Wang Tao took a look and couldn't help but raise his recent questions:

"You two have dinner together every day recently? ”

It’s ok to eat in the canteen at noon, but why do we have to eat together after school?

Hearing this, the girl with social anxiety nodded seriously.

The next second, she realized that they were not only classmates, but also employees of the studio, and she became even bolder.

Director An then turned his eyes and looked at the burly Wang Tao beside him:

“Because the studio provides meals, Xiao Wang can also come to eat together.”

Wang Tao was stunned for a moment, but two question marks popped up in his mind directly after just a short sentence.

[The studio provides meals], [Xiao Wang]


“Wait a minute, what did you call me?”

Nanyuan glared and explained: “An Xin is now the director and supervisor of the studio. You are just a small coder, what’s wrong with Director An calling you Xiao Wang? "

Director An nodded quickly, indicating that Nanyuan was right.

Wang Tao did know that An Xin was also helping Nanyuan write, but...

What about [Director] and [Supervisor]?

We all work together, how come I don't know anything?

Let's not talk about why we need so many positions in a studio with only three people. Even if there are really two positions, they shouldn't appear on one person, right?


Why the hell don't I know about [Free meals in the studio]?!

"Brother Yuan, does the studio really provide meals..."

Before he finished speaking, he was glared back by Nanyuan.

Seeing this, Wang Tao knew what was going on.


It's obvious that these two people are playing some weird paly!



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