After eating, the crab meat was eaten.

With a pop, Nanyuan pulled the spoon out of Anxin's mouth.

"Hey, isn't this the right amount?"

"Well... no... a little less..."

The socially anxious girl puffed her cheeks and chewed the crab paste in her mouth. Because she took too much at once, a light yellow paste oozed out of the corners of her mouth.

Seeing this, Nanyuan picked up the wet tissue on the table and wiped it for her.

After Anxin swallowed the food in her mouth, she said angrily:

"Nanyuan, did you do this on purpose?"

Nanyuan blinked: "How is it possible? Do I look like such a stingy person?"

Anxin: "..."

You are!

After a while, the socially anxious girl's operation of dismembering the hairy crab came to an end, and her small bowl was filled with white crab meat.

When Nanyuan saw the small bowl full of crab meat, he subconsciously wanted to reach out and take it.

After all, he had given all his crab roe to the socially anxious girl, and she must have eaten her crab meat herself.

One thing for one thing, this is a very fair exchange of equal amounts.

But the next moment he stretched out his palm, he was hit by a white and tender little hand.

Nanyuan: "???"

What do you mean?

So you want both the crab roe and the crab meat?

The socially anxious girl hit back the big hand that was stretched out, and then picked up the chopsticks to pick up the crab meat in her bowl.

"Nanyuan, ah~"

"No [ah], can I?"

As soon as Nanyuan finished speaking, he saw the delicate melon-seed face opposite him fall down.



The expression on someone's face suddenly changed, and a pair of peach blossom eyes curved into crescents.

An Xin stretched out her little hand and passed the crab meat on the chopsticks to him.

At first, Nanyuan refused, but he got a little addicted to it as he ate...

Because the crab meat is really sweet!

Family, it's a waste not to eat such sweet crab meat, you must finish it!

The diners passing by were also attracted by their actions.

If it was just a normal feeding between lovers, everyone would just take a glance at most.

But the boy is so handsome, and the girl is so beautiful, the rate of turning heads for the golden boy and jade girl is simply too outrageous.

Especially the girl is wearing an attack speed JK suit, what else can you do at a glance?

What's more, this pure lustful girl is still feeding the boy next to her, which makes those passers-by even more jealous.

I eat lemons!

Jealousy made them look completely different, and they only hated that it was not them who were being fed.

Some other young couples also noticed this scene.

Young couple boys: How come such a fairy girlfriend is not mine?

Young couple girls: How come such a handsome boyfriend is not mine?

Nanyuan naturally noticed this scene, but he still enjoyed the crab meat fed into his mouth comfortably.

He didn't care. Usually, his handsomeness was often noticed by girls. Even if more people looked at him, he was very calm.


What surprised him was that the socially anxious girl didn't seem to be affected much.

When they sat in their seats at the beginning, Anxin was indeed a little nervous.

Since she changed her style and outfit, she naturally noticed the eyes around her looking at her.

After all, from childhood to adulthood, even if she was noticed by others because of her good grades, she didn't exaggerate to the point of looking back every three steps.

But now that she is eating, the socially anxious girl no longer feels cramped. She is as cheerful as a sparrow returning to nature.

Nanyuan was relieved when he saw the relaxed and comfortable look of this idiot.

As expected.

Food can cure everything. This thing is the antidote for the socially anxious girl.

After finishing the crab meat, Nanyuan took Anxin to continue wandering in the food self-service area...

At first, Nanyuan wanted to take her to eat some other meat dishes, but Anxin stood still completely after passing the ice cream refrigerator.

She shook her big hand and made a request:

"Nanyuan, I want this."

"You just ate two bites of meat and now you want to eat ice cream?"


According to this situation, if this idiot is not allowed to eat a bite, he may have to stand until the store closes today.

He picked up the small paper cup prepared on the cabinet, opened the refrigerator, picked up the small iron spoon inside and started digging.

Soon, the palm-sized paper cup was filled with various colored ice cream balls.


Vanilla, cantaloupe, mango

Fruit, chocolate, taro paste, strawberry, 6 different flavors of ice cream balls entered the mouth of the socially anxious girl one by one.

Nanyuan originally planned to take the ice cream back to her seat and let Anxin eat it slowly, but...

Who could have known that this idiot would eat one by one, and he fed her even faster than she ate? !

Is it so delicious?

Anxin saw the thoughts of the people around her, and then she also followed suit and picked up a small paper cup and an iron spoon to dig in the freezer.

"Hey, what are you doing? Still eating? Eating so much will give you diarrhea."

Anxin retorted: "I want you to try it too."

Nanyuan watched the white and tender little hand digging snowballs non-stop, and in a few seconds, the paper cup was filled with more snowballs than he had just dug!

He immediately asked a soul-searching question:

"It's okay for me to try it, but... you don't have to dig so much, right? Are you sure you don't want to eat it yourself?"

The girl with social phobia knew that her little thoughts were discovered, she turned her head and stuck out her pink tongue at Nanyuan:

"Nanyuan, you are so smart!"

"Don't try to change the subject!"

After Nanyuan finished speaking, he reached out and grabbed the iron spoon, preventing the freezer from being emptied.

"After eating hot food, eating so much cold food at once, the stomach will not be able to bear the alternation of hot and cold. You want to cry and have diarrhea alone, right? I tell you... well..."

Before Nanyuan finished speaking, the girl with social phobia took the small spoon and put an ice cream snowball into his mouth.

She continued to say heartlessly:

"Nanyuan, you eat it too, so that we can both have diarrhea together!"


The socially anxious girl blinked her clear and bright peach blossom eyes, indicating that she had come up with a perfect solution!

Nanyuan: "???"

If one person has diarrhea, he will cry, but if two people have diarrhea, they won't, right?

Pulling me into the water is the idea that your little brain came up with, right!


Nanyuan smacked his lips and thought that the ice cream tasted really good.

Anxin saw him like this, and immediately her eyes were full of stars, and she asked excitedly:

"Do you think it tastes good too?"

"Ahem... One snowball ice cream is a little less, and I can't taste the specific taste. I need another one... um..."

The same operation, the same picture, Nanyuan was forcefully fed a snowball again.


Can you wait for me to finish, you idiot!

"Is it delicious? Is it delicious?"

Nanyuan did not respond, only "Ah~"


Two and a half minutes later.

"Director An, another one, ah~"

"But... there is only one snowball ice cream leftԾ‸Ծ"

The socially anxious girl looked at the remaining vanilla snowball in the paper cup, and a small pearl was left at the corner of her mouth.

Nanyuan really is!

It was clearly agreed that it was just a taste, how come there was only one left in the blink of an eye!

Nanyuan felt that the scene at this moment was inexplicably familiar, but......

Why bother? Eat it first.

"Director An, don't talk, I'm in a hurry, ah~"



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