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Coming out of the law enforcement inquiry room, Li Ge’s body continued to tremble. Not because of fear, but because of anger.

He could not accept the law enforcement department’s inquiries like interrogation of prisoners, nor could he accept the law enforcement department’s judgment on his nature.

Greedy attack, beat the grass to scare the snake, leading to cut off important clues, remember to be over once, demote Rank 1.

“How about leaving Captain?”

Li Ge walked slowly and deafly.

“From Captain, we believe you …”

Li Ge still walked by, like a dead body without a soul.

“Leave Captain, Director Li asks you to go.”


Li Ge turned around and came to the door of Li Weixin’s office.

“da da da -“

“Come in!”

“Lieutenant Li Ge, report to you.”

“Lieutenant Li Ge? Accepted the punishment so soon?”

“Do I have room to accept the punishment imposed by law enforcement?” Li Ge asked with a wry smile.

“You are not convinced?”

“How do you convince me?” Li Ge shouted angrily as if Li Weixin lit a gunpowder barrel. “What evidence do they have that I am greedy? Why do they deny the facts I said?”

Chang Yu suddenly packed up and left, less than one minute before and after. I ask for instructions? I asked her and ran away. Am I wrong in ordering to catch?

Chang Yu is Self-destruction, she didn’t escape from me. Can my action fail? Chief Li, do you say He Mingxue judges this fair? Doesn’t he mean a little bit to replace the Wang Lan platform? “

“Enough!” Li Weixin flicked the table and stood up angrily. “You can still stand in front of me and yell at me, but Lu Hua and they can’t even get together. Do you have a face roar? You go now to see Looking at the bodies of the brethren and looking at them, can you still shout?

Li Weixin’s words made Li Ge’s face painful, “I don’t want … I really didn’t expect … they are my brother. I am not convinced, not just for my own grief, I grieve for them.

They all died in battle, but … but they got a conclusive conclusion … they … wu wu wu 鈥斺€?“

“At this time, you know you cry and you regret it? How did you expect when you ordered the arrest? Your task is to monitor Chang Yu’s every move. Surveillance is surveillance. What right do you have to order arrest?

Even Wang Qianfeng and He Mingxue 2 did not know how to stay with Chang Yu, what level do you have, and what Jin 2 can leave her? Do you really think you are Suzhou City Heavenly Sword Bureau number one genius? These years have gone so smoothly that I have forgotten my self-knowledge? “

“But I almost succeeded …”

“How do you know that your near success is not a trap that Chang Yu deliberately laid? Is it to lead you to the side and then pull you together perish together?”

Do you think Self-destruction is really a way out, as a last resort?

Since she is monitored by Heavenly Sword Bureau, then she cannot escape our palm. Do you think she got rid of your eyeliner just from Heavenly Sword Bureau? dream!

Even Changyu knows better than you! Only you idiot thought Chang Yu was going to run.

Is she going to run? She knew she was exposed, so the illusion of running tempted you to come close, and then Self-destruction ruined her clue, and by the way pulled you a few backers.

Do you dare to say that when the arrest was ordered, you did not have a little greedy idea?

If you report, the communications department of the Intelligence Department can still track Chang Yu. In Suzhou City, there are cameras everywhere and surveillance everywhere, and she can’t go anywhere. Do you really want to understand or not?

Still feel wronged? Do you still feel wronged? “

After being reprimanded by Li Weixin, Li Ge’s stubbornness collapsed. He has always been right since I was awake. I almost succeeded. If even her head was sealed, it would definitely not be the situation now.

But at this moment, all persistence was disappeared in Li Weixin’s sharp words. If, from the very beginning is Chang Yu’s trap? from the very beginning Chang Yu is holding the plan to pull them back cushion?

He is not right, but wrong and hopeless.

Li Ge squatted slowly, covering his face and wailing.

“Wipe your tears away, the Soldiers of Heavenly Sword Bureau will not hang your tears on your face.”

The crying stopped abruptly.

“This time, you are wrong, but I hope you can learn a lesson, and I don’t want to see that you have only suffered a setback and then you will be depressed. If you fall, you will not be terrifying, but if you fall, you will not be able to stand up. It is terrifying.


Because of major changes on Chang Yu’s side, the clues to excavate the cause of the Demonization star martial artist were completely interrupted. Wang Lan wanted to join Xu Shiyun’s tracing plan, but he still had to go to school.

A student is an identity that can provide protection, but also an identity that can impose restrictions. At least, Wang Lan does not have this ability to break away from being a student’s status restriction.

Do you dare to leave school? try it yourself? Auntie Wang Qianfeng, Wang Lan will let Wang Lan quickly recognize the reality.

But … seeing such a big task exuding an attractive fragrance in front of him, Wang Lan really wanted to take a bite.

Wang Lan refreshed the information bulletin board of Heavenly Sword Bureau when he was fine. He didn’t find the clue about Chang Yu. Instead, he found a chase announcement. In the process of chasing Changyu, the six Heavenly Sword Bureau soldiers sacrificed were martyrs, and they were awarded the second-class medals.

And immediately after that, it was Li Ge’s punishment report. Penalize Li Ge for being guilty of trespassing, and remember to pass it once, lower rank Rank 1 and lower rank Rank 1.

Wang Lan commented on Li Ge 鈥檚 bad behavior, at least, when it was impossible to determine whether Chang Yu had actually found himself under surveillance and chose to escape. But you can be sure that Li Ge has decided this pot.

A week later, Sunday.

Wang Lan is planning to go to Heavenly Sword Bureau to understand the situation, but Xu Shiyun came on his own initiative. Wang Lan quickly invited Xu Shiyun into the house.

“Fuck, your home is so big! How many rooms do you need?”

“There are only a few rooms, only six.” Wang Lan invited Xu Shiyun to come to the conservatory, bathed in the warm sun of autumn, and the cells in his body seemed to recover.

“How did Big Brother Xu come home today? What younger brother can help?”

“It’s nothing? It’s just depression. This mess is made by Li Ge. Why should Laozi wipe his butt for him? When he got the credit, he was so dexterous. Now he’s not active to clean up the mess.”

“Don’t he take the punishment?” Wang Lan smiled and reached the coffee in front of Xu Shiyun. “Even if you want to take it at this time, don’t you let it go?”

“Due!” Xu Shiyun said with a sneer. “If it weren’t for his greed, he would rush into arresting, and we might not have monitored him. In fact, this time, Chang Yu suddenly fled the comrades in our communication office to monitor, originally thought She may flee with other Mozu spies, thinking about squandering troubles. Didn’t expect was destroyed by Li Ge. “

“I think Chang Yu It shouldn’t be so stupid, and go to meet other people under the premise of being monitored. By the way, how were they discovered by Chang Yu?”

“Someone should report the news. Before Chang Yu left, someone called Chang Yu on a public phone, and Chang Yu was ready to flee. We were immediately traced after we were informed, but unfortunately, he ran away.”

“Have you found no clue in Chang Yu’s family?”

“No! I found nothing.”

“Chang Yu was monitored by us for half a month. Nothing was discovered during this period?”

“Chang Yu’s life is very regular, or that Demon Spy is very regular. In addition to work, it is to go home from work to play mobile phones, read books. Never go out, and there are no good friends.

“Chang Shuangyue had something wrong, she didn’t have any abnormalities?”

“Is there anything abnormal? Chang Shuangyue was not killed by herself. We said that Chang Shuangyue was deliberately wounded and caught, and Chang Yu’s performance was also impeccable. It was just that we didn’t know there was a problem with Chang Yu.

Hey … wait … “Suddenly, Xu Shiyun paused,” We are sure that Chang Yu has a problem, and we don’t know much … Even Chang Yu thought that he was hiding the top secret, and only noticed it after receiving a report from others. . How did the person who reported the news know? “

“Will … there is a traitor?” Wang Lan asked solemnly.

“This possibility is not ruled out! It seems that the Heavenly Sword Bureau will conduct a review internally.”

“Big brother Xu, Chang Yu was replaced by the Mozu half a year ago. So who has Chang Yu met in the past six months?”

“I’m following along this line and haven’t found it for the time being. Her colleagues haven’t found anything suspicious yet. But now we dare not easily rule out probability. Chang Yu can avoid our sophisticated testing equipment, other magic The race should be okay. Perhaps, Chang Yu 鈥檚 associate is a certain person in Renhe Hospital. “

Xu Shiyun left after sitting in Wang Lan’s house for a while. The purpose is to spit a bitter water. Unusually Yu died, leaving a big mess, and trying to follow the clues from the left behind is almost impossible for the intelligence service.

Although Wang Lan also feels sorry, but what is the matter now?

In the evening, Wang Lan was brushing up his questions with enthusiasm. Suddenly, the penguin in front of the computer flashed and a message from Jiang Xinyu appeared.

“happy Birthday–“


Wang Lan took out his phone and glanced at it. Sure enough, today is his birthday. Wang Lan even forgot his birthday, it seems …

Wang Lan, the previous life, has read a passage. Before 30 years old, a man remembered his birthday every year. That day, he will look forward to who will send blessings, and who will remember himself.

After 30 years old, in addition to the people who care about you most, even you will forget your birthday. After 30 years old, birthday wishes will be sent to you, leaving only family members.

It seems that I will call myself an old man in the future.

Wang Lan laughed, reply a thank you!

Opposite the network, Jiang Xinyu hesitated biting his finger. What should I say? Such an awkward chat is not what she wants. But … there seems to be nothing to say?


“Bring the red envelope.”

Jiang Xinyu smiled and sent a red envelope.

“A penny? Are you still the rich woman I know?”

“At least more than you sent. On my birthday, you never sent a penny red envelope!”

Across the Internet, the 2 people fought very easily. To face each other, Wang Lan may not have such a guts.

Planning to fight back, Wang Lan suddenly complexion changed.

Eyebrows wrinkled, a flash of light crossed his mind like a meteor.

Suddenly, Wang Lan stood up, picked up his coat and hurried out.

Jiang Xinyu was typing quickly, and suddenly stopped. In the lower right corner, the other’s Penguin was already offline.

For half a second, Jiang Xinyu put out a breath deeply, “The moonlight is quiet and beautiful tonight, suitable for killing.”

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