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About half an hour later, the whistle sounded suddenly outside. Wang Lan quickly came to the window and looked down. More than a dozen cars are stuck at the door of Penguin Company. The rest were martial law around, Wang Qianfeng and Xu Shiyun almost broke into the penguin branch.

Under the leadership of the division president, Wang Qianfeng and Xu Shiyun came to the cloud data analysis department.

“Secretory Wang!” Wang Lan quickly stood up and saluted Wang Qianfeng.

“Wang Lan, you said you found the spy team including Chang Yu? Which one did you find? Did you have any contact with Chang Yu? Are you sure?” Wang Qianfeng asked in a hurry.

Wang Qianfeng, who has always been calm, also lost his calm in this brief moment. This information is too important. Once confirmed, this credit is great enough to shock the Ministry of Defense.

In the fight against the Demon Spy, Heavenly Sword Bureau has always been at a disadvantage. The reason for the disadvantage is not the lack of strength, but the enemy in the dark and we are in the light.

Mozu is not a brain disability that the 100 surnames think about, not to mention that it is not so bad in TV movies. Demon races are higher intelligent races, they have their own civilization.

Although the demon battle method is primitive, it does not mean that their technology is primitive. On the contrary, Mozu may have technology that is no less than or even superior to human civilization.

They learn human things quickly, such as using electrical energy. In different spaces, they successfully used electricity under different physical laws. How to use electrical energy in heterogeneous space is still a problem for human scientists.

Before Red Maple Forest Park, Wang Lan discovered that the secret bases and conspiracies of the Mozu had a certain amount of luck. Although they were given a good start, they also received relatively heavy credit, but they cannot be copied after all.

But this time to be able to determine the identity of another Mozu spy again after breaking the clue, it is the victory of meet force with force.

“Secretory Wang, can you be sure that I dare not guarantee it. But not one, but 3 other than Chang Yu, maybe a complete spy group.”

“What?” Wang Qianfeng’s eyes widened in disbelief, and Xu Shiyun on one side was flushed with excitement at the moment.

Xu Shiyun didn’t believe it when someone else said this. But changed Wang Lan, Thaksin. Because Wang Lan is metaphysics! Which newly awakened star martial artist can encounter the Demon Troubles like Wang Lan’s one after another, so lucky?

This is no longer luck, it is luck.

“Hurry up, how did you find out?”

“I chat online with my friends today. I talk less and my friends talk more. Suddenly I realized that if Chang Shuangyue does not actively consume traffic, but passively accepts, she can also receive instructions.

I heard Big brother Xu talk about the scope of our monitoring before, but it seems not at all to monitor what websites Chang Yu browses and monitors what she sees. The focus is on her intersection and contacts.

So I came to Penguin and asked Minister Lou to help me analyze Chang Yu’s half-year traffic status. Then he found a strange contact in his Penguin. “

With that said, Wang Lan called up Qin Jiaqing’s chat page. This person added Chang Yu’s friend on April 4st, and he has sent more than ten advertisements with a length of 1000 words in the past six months.

Changed a normal person, what do such friends keep? It has long been black. But Chang Yu is not at all. If you do n’t respond, you do n’t see it.

So I became suspicious of this person. From here, I secretly logged in the penguin number of the other party and found that he had sent the same advertising message as 3 people in the past six months. The strange thing is that none of these 3 people even blacked him.

After that, I asked Minister Lou to investigate the traffic usage of these 3 people and found that they, like Chang Yu, were only concerned about military affairs and current affairs. And they were very active on the Internet before, but after a certain point of time, they suddenly stopped seeing the Internet and entertained as if they saw the red dust. “

“What’s not sure about this … aren’t you all stone hammered?” Xu Shiyun put out a breath after listening to all this.

“Secretory Wang, it’s all on this one, can it be wrong?”

Wang Qianfeng brows tightly knit, “These can’t be used as evidence, and even if they can be proved, what is their purpose? Are there any plans? Is there a spy team parallel to them. These need to be confirmed.”

“Secretory Wang, do you want this again? It’s true that you get the bowl, don’t put long lines to catch big fish. 10000 If a big fish is not caught, and the bait is gone, you will lose money.

“Maximizing the receipt is our consistent pursuit. If it is not necessary, we must implement it with the standard of maximizing benefits. You can arrest now, but the biggest possibility is that these 3 demon spies committed suicide. We excepted A pile of corpses can’t get anything. “

“Don’t you destroy a Demon Spy Team?”

“Our purpose is to destroy a Mozu spy team? We have no worries about destroying this Mozu spy team? We not only have to pull out the spies, but also follow the tricks, get their intelligence, and completely eliminate the devil in Suzhou City Clan spy, we have a lot to do. Print these materials and bring them back. “

Then he said to Minister Lou and a group of cooperating Penguin employees, “Today’s affairs are state secrets. You must rot the things that happened tonight. No matter who you disclose, you will be sanctioned by the state.

I think everyone should cooperate.

“Yes, yes! Guarantee not to say, not to dream.”

“Yes, there is a bug in the program today, we worked together overtime and overtime repair program, nothing happened.

“Very good, Ayun, let’s go.”

“That Secret Wang … Can I intervene? You see, the clue is what I found. Reasonable in every circumstance I should intervene, right?” Wang Lan asked Wang Qianfeng’s arm with a smile on his face.


“It’s me!” The chick pecked rice.

“Don’t go to school tomorrow?”

“I found such a big clue in my suffer untold hardships. You kicked me off like that? Isn’t it kind? How many times has it been?”

“Successfully cracked them, your first credit is yours, and no one can snatch it. I said how can you climb at a young age like this? How much do you want to earn credit?”

“Big brother Xu, do you listen to Secret Wang’s reasoning? I’m fighting for the safety of mankind, the safety of Suzhou City, and the peace of the world. Secret Wang … even thinking of me like this, it makes me feel so cold. “

“Get out of bed and go back to bed early.”

“Oh!” Knowing that impossible was involved in the case, Wang Lan could only grievously admit his fate.

“By the right, A Yun, give Wang Lan permission to open. From today, Wang Lan has the right to use the B-Rank permission of the Intelligence Department. The latest progress of the case, the latest information can be checked for him.”


Wang Lan just walked to the elevator and suddenly stopped, showing a pleasant smile on his face.

It’s not because Wang Qianfeng promised to grant permission to Wang Lan, but that there was an additional reminder of the ongoing task in Wang Lan’s system. This tip did not exist before coming to Penguin.

Is the task successfully cut in? That is to say, even if you don’t do anything, as long as this spy group is arrested, you are considered to have completed the task? No need to do everything?

“Wouldn’t you just open a permission? What kind of success?” Xu Shiyun said a little speechlessly.

“You don’t understand my happiness, you work hard, I go back to sleep, don’t bother me if I’m okay … well, don’t bother me with things.”

“How did attitudes change so much?”

“Of course in front of the leadership, of course you have to be more positive. In fact, my dream is to do less and take more, and lie down to count the money. Anyway, I received it, you work hard.”

“Brother, you are stable!” Xu Shiyun was speechless and raised his thumbs sincerely.

Back home, after 2 o’clock, I turned on the computer and saw several messages from Jiang Xinyu. I was thinking about replying to the past, but I still think about it. For now, should Jiang Xinyu go to sleep?

Good man, so gentle and intimate.

I should have slept in bed, but my head was so excited that I couldn’t sleep. Tossing and turning, Wang Lan took out his phone. As soon as the screen is lit, a push is lit.

“Wang Lan, number Su E ******, successfully enabled B-Rank permission.”

Before, Wang Lan didn’t know what authority he was, but he didn’t seem to be able to do anything other than visiting announcements and looking at some in-bureau updates. I don’t know how the B-Rank permissions are different from before.

Click to log in to the Heavenly Sword Bureau homepage, a row of buttons suddenly appears in the button bar, from E-rank to B-Rank.

Does n’t E-rank have the authority before feelings? Do you treat me like an outsider without a formal position? Is it too real?

Click the B-Rank permission button, a series of jumps on the mobile page, and finally opened a brand new page. There are buttons for each section, but the buttons for the other sections are gray, and only the buttons in the Information Office are lit.

It may be that Wang Lan belongs to the intelligence department, so it can only have the authority of the intelligence department. At this time, Wang Lan particularly wanted to say something, when will open for me a full Netcom.

Entering the intelligence department, the top is the latest information collection of the case of Chang Yu.

Click on the link, which contains the evidence collected from the Chang Yu’s home by the intelligence department, as well as the pictures taken on the spot.

Chang Yu’s family lives in the countryside. Although the district is in the urban area, no urban transformation has been carried out. The 2-Layer building is very common in rural areas. Although it is located in a remote place, the transportation is convenient. The viaduct is just a half-hour drive away from the city.

Chang Yu’s family consisted only of himself and his big brother. Their parents were killed in an accident ten years ago. The bookshelves in Chang Yu’s room are all medical books. Although Chang Yu failed to enter the medical university and only attended the college of health school, she always has a heart to become a real doctor.

On Chang Yu’s desk is a collection of Andu’s essays, a computer, a lamp and some cute decorations. Judging from the decoration of the room, the former Chang Yu had a naive and romantic girlish heart. Unfortunately, a girl in flower season was killed by the demon.

The room was clean and tidy, even after being searched by Heavenly Sword Bureau, it was still very clean and tidy.

After watching for a long time, my eyelids are getting heavier and he is unconsciously asleep.

Wang Lan, who has not dreamed for a long time, had a dream. He dreamt of stepping into the Space-Time Tunnel and returned to his previous life in a blink of an eye. There is no threat from the demons, and the World is almost exactly the same as this era.

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