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Wang Lan’s cry out in surprise also instantly awakened Wang Qianfeng and the others.

Yes, is it just a virus installed in the connection? This is still an alarm device. The deciphering method thought by the deciphering team is not too difficult. Decoding will be completed within a day.

Even if so much disguise is done in the information. And once the key point is found after the number, breaking these links is almost every minute.

Mozu will not think that Wang Lan has found the correct way to read it, and as long as someone downloads their linked movie, it is equivalent to telling them that your chat information has been captured and cracked, then these 3 groups have been exposed.

In a hurry, Wang Qianfeng picked up the phone, “Secretary, we have been trapped, and the target’s alarm device has been triggered. They already know that they are exposed.”

“Then arrest.”

“Yes! I ask He Mingxue and Li Weixin to participate in the arrest together. This is an elite group of elites, and their strength should not be underestimated.”

“Agree, I will call them immediately.”

After 3 minutes, all the combat units of Heavenly Sword Bureau were all concentrated.

For the arrest exercise, Heavenly Sword Bureau has simulated many times these days, very skilled.

Heavenly Sword Bureau has eleven red-clothed elites, but it does not mean that this Brother Eleventh red-clothed elite is all the Nebula advanced battle strength in Heavenly Sword Bureau. In fact, in the white clothed Lieutenant, there are also many people in the late Middle-Stage of Nebula.

To really count on strength, Wang Lan, the Lieutenant, is definitely mixed in. Star Radiance Realm Middle-Stage, Heavenly Sword Bureau white clothed Lieutenant, nobody said it.

So even if catching 4 targets at the same time, Heavenly Sword Bureau is also easy to handle.

“Wang Lan, please arrest Qin Jiaqing with me.” Wang Qianfeng lightly saying.


At the beginning of the Huadeng, the lights were brilliant. During the peak hours of off work at night, the city’s traffic police began to block roads to open the way for the Heavenly Sword Bureau action. The stern sirens sounded almost throughout Suzhou City.

These 3 people are distributed in various districts of the city. And when the night came, they all had a change. It’s just that they are all under the Heavenly Sword Bureau’s 20-hour surveillance. Even if they have to escape, it’s too late.

Wang Lan took Wang Qianfeng’s car and came to Xinyi Garden with Li Weixin. Qin Jiaqing is the security guard of this community. The car is not close to Xinyi Jiayuan, and a hurricane suddenly blows in the area of ​​Xinyi Jiayuan.

The hurricane is so intense that it is almost unsightly. Residents’ clothes that were exposed to the sun were swept up into the sky by the hurricane. Qin Jiaqing, who is opening and closing the door at the door, narrowed his eyes slightly …

“It’s so fast!”

Suddenly, a net composed of a wind blade formed from the sky and turned into a large net dropping from the sky.

In this scene, the pedestrians near the door could hardly detect it.

Qin Jiaqing body flashed, as if the space flashed generally appeared on the roof of the gate guarding pavilion, and a fire dragon sprayed up against the sky.

flame subdues wind, the extremely sharp wind blade net can cut water, cut soil, cut metal, and even cut thunderbolt. But it is impossible to cut through the physical and intangible fire.

On the contrary, the wind blade net encountered a flame and was instantly torn open a huge mouth. And at the moment when the mouth appeared, Qin Jiaqing turned into a gun battle and rushed into the broken hole.

Suddenly, Qin Jiaqing’s eyes condensed, and a gushing water column fell from the sky into a galaxy.

“Drink—” Qin Jiaqing raised his hand and cut the water column into two. And he fell helplessly again at the moment.


The security pavilion shattered, and the splashing water poured out all around. But it was blocked by an invisible Formulation, but it only spread to a range of 50 meters.

“Ah-” At this moment, the surrounding citizens realized what was happening, and lost one’s head out of fear fled towards all around.

“Other people helped to evacuate the crowd. The Formation team stabilized the Formation for me. He, gave us two.”

Wang Qianfeng and Li Weixin locked Qin Jiaqing after one other. At this moment, Qin Jiaqing also quickly changed from a little old man who was fifty-sixty years old to a two-meter-tall demon Soldiers who were all wrapped in carapace.

Seeing this Fiend, Wang Lan was a little surprised.

Wang Lan has always thought that Fiend is like a biochemical weapon with a disgusting bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, full of dense fangs.

But the one in front of me is more like an anime hand.

The two huge yellow eyes on the face, like the compound eyes of insects, have no nose and mouth features, and there is a light blue chest light in the chest like a gem. The body armor division is very reasonable. It’s like wearing it specifically.

The slender figure and distinct muscle lines are definitely not the bloated and disgusting appearance of Chang Shuangyue.

“Suzhou City Heavenly Sword Bureau, Wang Qianfeng, Li Weixin. I didn’t think you really could see me, and even let the heads of the intelligence and operations departments join forces to catch me.”

“Not much nonsense. You should be a senior in the Demon Spy. Look at your figure as a high-level Demon. If you have the idea of ​​being loyal to the Demon, I will give you a chance to break.

If not, I suggest you obediently surrender. You know, you have no chance to escape. “

“But I can kill you–“

When the words landed, Fiend’s figure disappeared instantly and appeared in front of Wang Qianfeng in the blink of an eye. With one claw, Wang Qianfeng was instantly divided into several pieces by sharp claws.

In this scene, see Wang Lan complexion greatly changed. But in an instant, Wang Lan’s face relaxed again. Wang Qianfeng’s figure turned into a breeze that dissipated, and appeared again behind the opponent. A sharply rotating wind blade round knife fiercely pressed Fiend’s back.


Fiend’s speed was so fast that he responded in an instant, a hand knife popped out of his arm, and he cut off Wang Qianfeng behind him.


Although it is a light sound, the endless hurricane winds up the water within the realm, instantly hiding the entire within the realm in the dense mist.

Wang Lan and the others outside can no longer see the scene of the war inside. But the aftermath of the low and fierce battles sounded from the inside. Although it was invisible, it also felt how intense the fighting was inside.

The people in the community are being dispersed quickly. Although Wang Lan is worried, he can’t help. He was brought, but only to get credit. If two Heavenly Sword Bureau Star River environment experts can’t figure out their opponents, they will lose their faces.

“Don’t, the Formation can’t hold it anymore, the brethren come over and take the hand.” The person who maintained the Formation suddenly shouted loudly.

“Come!” The Heavenly Sword Bureau, who had evacuated the masses, had more than a dozen to join the Formation to maintain. Wang Lan also wanted to go up and take his hand, but he would n’t.


A strong explosion suddenly sounded, and the glass was shattered on the nearby tall buildings. Some of the people who were evacuating were instantly shocked by the explosion and became paralyzed on the spot.

“Hurry up, don’t lie down, hurry up and evacuate–“


Suddenly, a more terrifying explosion sounded. A terrible coercion struck my heart. The surging water waves were all around swept away, and the 30 Heavenly Sword Bureau expert maintained the Formation, which was suddenly broken in the battle.

A residual image turned into a streamer lasing away in the distance, and two silhouettes instantly chased away like a streamer.

“Fuck—” A comrade who was swept by the aftermath, fell to Wang Lan’s side, scolded again, and turned over again. “The strength of the Formulation can’t be stopped. Formidable power is at least Star Sea? “

Wang Lan hesitated for a moment, and body flashed quickly followed. Although Wang Lan is only the strength of Star Radiance Realm, as long as Phoenix Form is opened, the proper Star River environment expert is available.

There are also 1000 skill points in Phoenix Form, and there is no problem supporting two minutes.

Xinyi Jiayuan is a large community with 7000 households. How can it be so easy for the evacuation of people in such a large community? Although they have worked hard to evacuate the masses, there are still many people who have not left home late.

Therefore, this battle must not be expanded and must be killed in the shortest time. As for live capture, Wang Qianfeng they don’t want to.

When Wang Lan rushed to Wang Qianfeng, Wang Qianfeng and Li Weixin both stood beside a residential building. On their ground, there is also a demon corpse cut in half.


“This is his carapace, he escaped.”

“He must have been hiding in the vicinity, and the injury was not light. Impossible escaped in front of one of our eyes.” Li Weixin said lowly.

Wang Lan glanced at all around, and suddenly found several black spots on the outer wall of the residential building around him.

“Secretory Wang, look, is that blood stained?”

“On the 20th floor, go up!” The words landed, and Wang Qianfeng rushed into the residential building in such a rush, and ran up along the vertical wall of the outer wall.

Wang Lan also wanted to run up, but found that he had not yet learned this skill. Helpless, can only rush into the residential building. In the elevators and stairs of the residential building, intermittent people rushed out in a panic.

After 3 minutes of tossing, Wang Lan came to the 25th-layer through the elevator.

Just out of the elevator, fierce fighting sounded from a family. Wang Lan rushed in instantly and was about to open Phoenix Form to help. A shadow rushed out of the window and disappeared into the night.

“Want to run–“

Wang Qianfeng shout out loudly, his figure turned into a wind rushing out the window and chasing the shadow. Wang Lan didn’t even have Phoenix Form, Wang Qianfeng Li Weixin had already chased it out.

“Quick, here—” I remembered the voice of Brother Heavenly Sword Bureau.

Only at this moment did Wang Lan notice that there were 2 dead bodies in the family’s home. One male and one female, about 30 years old.

They may be planning to eat. The woman walked out of the kitchen with the dish, and then Fiend took a paw in the chest, digging out the heart and dying. The male’s lose one’s head out of fear ran to the right hand. The target might be the bedroom, but Fiend dug his heart from behind and died.

The strong bloody smell stimulated everyone’s nose. Everyone looked at this scene and their eyes were red.

“What about Fiend?”

“Escaped from the window, Secret Wang and Lee chased out. Just now I saw Secret Wang hit Fiend again, it is estimated that He is unable to escape.”

“Damn Fiend! What are we going to do?” The dozens of people around looked directly at Wang Lan.

“Uh? You guys ask me? I’m new.”

“But you are white clothed, we are all green clothes, and of course listen to you.”

“We … stay here and wait for the order.”

“Who!” Suddenly, a star martial artist stared at a room in the house alertly, shouting sharply.


Kicked the door open, rushed into the room, but saw a little girl in her twenties hiding in the corner in horror, looking at them in horror.

“Who are you … Why would you come to my house … my father’s mother …”

“Are you alone in the room?” Wang Lan asked in a puzzled way to the room.

“I have a fever … I have been sleeping all afternoon. Who are you? Why are you at my house.”

“Little Sister, don’t be afraid, Uncles are the police. Just now the bad guys are coming from the community, I’m here to save you.” A Soldiers said softly, walked in and gently held the little girl’s hand.

Probably, the military uniforms on them gave the girl a sense of trust, and the girl looked up, “Military Uncle, what about my father’s mother?”

“Your father’s mother is injured and is being sent to hospital for treatment.”

But in the living room outside, her parents were already cold.

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