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Xu Shiyun, who received an urgent order from Wang Qianfeng, hurried to Xinyijiayuan with the most urgent manpower.

Just rushed into the door of the community, I felt a clear wave of star force.

Xu Shiyun crowded the crowd, and the brothers of Heavenly Sword Bureau formed a circle, staring blankly at the straight Wang Lan at the middle station, looking up slightly at the sky, a gesture of loneliness.

The spirit strength of the whole body turns into a whirlwind, slowly turning around Wang Lan.

At the foot is a half of Fiend’s body, the one whose head is no longer visible.

“Xu Shiyun, how is it? Did you run away?” Zeng Xiaomo’s figure flashed and appeared beside Xu Shiyun in an instant.

“Do n’t ask me, I do n’t know … As soon as I came, I saw this brute in breakthrough … breakthrough in battle? Fuck … what is this novel?”

Xu Shiyun already suspected life.

He knows that Wang Lan is a very animal and once broke in public in the backstage of the Star Wars competition. But what was the explanation at that time? Happy, excited, breakthrough.

but now……

What are you doing just now?

Is the prerequisite for star force breakthrough not a star force burst, breaking the original shackles? Do you not consume star force in battle? Can it burst?

Breakthrough, all who have been there have experienced it, so it’s nothing remarkable. What really stuns everyone is that you have just completed the battle, and it is so expensive.

You told me that star force burst and broke the shackles breakthrough?

Animals are not like you.

However, Wang Lan does have a breakthrough, although the progress of this breakthrough may not be obvious, only a little improvement.

Complete a task and directly send Wang Lan from Star radiance 4 to Star radiance 5. This is the correct way to complete the task.

The surge of upgraded star force will clean up the newly raised Phoenix Form repercussions. This time the Phoenix Form was used for more than a minute, and Wang Lan’s body immediately returned to the Peak state.

Turns out … Phoenix Form’s repercussions can be avoided in this way? learned.


Wang Lan spit out in the sky.

“Shuang your sister!” Xu Shiyun unable to bear, lifted his foot and kicked over, “What’s the matter with you? What happened here?”

“This is the body of the leader of the Demon Spy Team. He just successfully deceived Secret Wang and Li with Golden Cicada’s shelling plan, but unfortunately he was a bit stupid, and he exposed such a large weak spot that I saw through.

Then I was punished on the spot and killed here. “

“Well … he’s a bit stupid, is it really stupid for me to be fooled by him?” Wang Qianfeng’s voice suddenly sounded and appeared in front of Wang Lan in a whirlwind.

“No, Secret Wang ignored some details because the situation was urgent. If you let Secret Wang calm down, this Fiend trick can’t escape Secret Wang’s eyes.”

“Go back and write a report to me.” Wang Qianfeng was not free and Wang Lan was poor. He turned to look towards Xu Shiyun. “How are other spies arrested?”

“None escaped, just …”

“Don’t have a live mouth? Are they all so stubborn?” Wang Qianfeng’s face dignified. If the demons are so stiff, it is not easy to fight. Soldiers tenacious, brave, and afraid of life and death, exposed themselves. Against such enemies, Wang Qianfeng is under great pressure.

“It’s not, there seems to be a ban in their heads. Once there is an idea of ​​surrender or intelligence, it will trigger the ban and detonate their heads.”

“It’s cruel!” Wang Qianfeng’s eyes dimmed.

“Notify the superintendent of the aftermath, we will return to the team.”


Wang Lan also obediently returned to Heavenly Sword Bureau’s Headquarters and wrote a report in Wang Qianfeng’s office. Wang Qianfeng left Wang Lan and went to the Conference Hall for a meeting.

“This operation, although the deciphering team beat the grass to scare the snake, did not further expand the results. But overall it met the expectations. When I received the call of your successful operation, I immediately called the Jin City headquarters. .

Zhang Juzuo was happy, he even said three good words, and decided to take a car to Imperial Capital tonight and report to the headquarters in person. You did good. “

Hearing Lu Zhaoding’s keynote, the faces of the sect master tubes suddenly smiled. As long as the credit is good, if the headquarters is pinching the grass to scare the snake to make an article, it will be troublesome.

“Secretary, although it is said that this time the net was successfully collected, an internal review is still necessary. The deciphering team was careless and caused the Demon Spies to fail to expand the results. Even if there was no punishment, a written review report was necessary.” lightly saying.

Wang Qianfeng inadvertently glanced at He Mingxue. He is the Law Enforcement Division and is in charge of internal discipline. He said nothing wrong. But … this can’t be regarded as the fault of the deciphering team.

It can only be said that the Demon Spy is so bad that it even set a misleading password above the password. This has never been precedent before.

“Another, although the Demon Spy Team was completely wiped out, our follow-up clue not at all was completely broken.” He Mingxue said here, red light also appeared on his face.

“I really didn’t expect that Wang Lan of the Intelligence Service not only caught an elite group, but also deciphered the correct password. It is certain that Suzhou City is not only the only group, there may be many.

They are implementing an ant den plan, and the key to the ant den plan is the Demonization star martial artist. Promoting star martial artist Demonization is a kind of medicine. Although there are few clues, it has the value of tracing. “

“The matter of tracing is still handed over to the intelligence department. A Feng! Although you have set your head this time and won the battle, but do not be complacent, the battle will continue, and I will wait for you to make new achievements.

Restoration, you report the loss of this time. “

“Reporting the Director, there are 150 brothers involved in the arrest, including 7 injured and one killed, and 5 innocent citizens were killed by Fiend’s malicious attack.”

“The pension of the fallen brother was delivered to his family within 3 days and was given follow-up care. The injured brother was on leave for 7 days to take good care of the wound. As for the credit given to the head, it was not until Zhang Ju returned from Imperial Capital.

How do you distribute the credit under your discussion? “

“This …” Everyone was hesitant when the words came out.

The credit is obvious, and whoever is more is apparent at a glance, and there should be no doubts.

“Secretary, the credit of others is easy to say! But the credit of one person is not easy to handle.” Wang Qianfeng forced a smile and said.


“Wang Lan!”

“His credit is so obvious, what’s wrong?” Lu Zhao frowned, questioning.

“If according to the normal distribution, he is definitely the first person to work, even if one person takes 70% of the credit. It is no problem. However, he is only 16 years old, and 17 years old after the end of the year.

Moreover, he had just been promoted to Lieutenant within a few days. If he is reported to him with the merits, he will definitely be promoted. He is still young and his temperament is undecided and needs exercise. “

Wang Qianfeng’s consideration is justified, Wang Lan can’t go too smoothly. Wang Qianfeng has high hopes for Wang Lan. He not only hopes that Wang Lan becomes an excellent solderer, but also hopes that Wang Lan will become an excellent leader, even a spiritual leader in the future.

The growth of an excellent Soldiers is inseparable from grinding and frustration.

Can Wang Lan have experienced setbacks from the awakening of star martial artist?

Not to mention the frustration, the cultivation base is flying fast, and the high innate talent can’t wait to strangle him. Forget these two things, luck, and intelligence are so jealous.

Just go to the trial site, you can find the Demon base stationed in the Star Martial army and found it for more than half a year. Just pick a mission, you can find the hidden secret base of the demon.

This time, casually chatting with people, you can find key clues to lock the entire Mozu spy group. Are you saying luck? No, the clue is in front of others who haven’t seen him.

With Wang Lan, Wang Qianfeng is fortunate.

But at the same time, my heart was full of worry about Wang Lan.

Wang Lan is just a teenager. He wants to change to Wang Lan’s age, and has made so much credit in just 2 months. I don’t know what it is like.

As a person coming, Wang Qianfeng understands one thing deeply. Never be complacent. Once you start to be complacent, danger will surely come.

Wang Qianfeng likes Wang Lan, but feels the need to press him.

But Lu Zhao did not think so.

Lu Zhao pondered for a long time, lifts the head, “How does Wang Lan compare with Wang Ling?”

As soon as these words came out, Wang Qianfeng and He Mingxue were stunned. It ’s been a long time since I heard the name Wang Ling, and it caused them a bit of trance.

“Compared with Flame Emperor? Can it be compared?” He Mingxue smiled. Flame Emperor was too high in their hearts, almost to the point of myth. Incomparable, absolutely incomparable.

“Really? When Wang Ling really rose, it didn’t seem to be in middle school? In middle school, she was only at the forefront of the grade but not above others.”

“Can it be the same? Flame Emperor was born in an ordinary family. Without Soul bead to increase the star force, it has been extremely difficult to keep up with the pace of those geniuses by working hard.

And since being discovered by Elder Di, Flame Emperor has just begun to take off, hitting the top of the star martial artist at an incredible speed. “

“You, because you often see in your eyes, you ignore Wang Lan’s supernormality. Can Wang Lan really not mention Wang Ling mention on equal terms?

Wang Lan not at all is taken care of by Wang Ling’s Yu Yin. His Soul bead is all played by himself in the trial field. His star martial skill is practiced by you.

This year, Wang Lan 16 years old, today, Wang Lan awakens star martial artist innate talent less than half a year. He, however, has learned the primary use of Phoenix Form, the advanced use of Nebula sword dance and Blazing blade, he can switch the star martial skill perfectly without any time interval. He is already an expert of Star Radiance Realm Middle-Stage.

It took him half a year to complete all the progress. Even when Wang Ling soared under Elder Di, the speed may not be faster than Wang Lan.

Many people questioned Wang Ling that year, saying that she may not grow well too fast. She should experience some setbacks when necessary. But what did those setbacks eventually become? Stepping stone for Wang Ling Legendary.

Youngsters really need to go through hardships to be able to withstand setbacks. But those are just mortals! For people like Wang Lan, no.

As long as he has the ability to hold high, what about? Hold it high and fear he fell to death? But I think that after all, if you can fall, you will fall.

His credit was reported fairly. How to award is the business of the headquarters. If we deduct his credit, it will only make him chill. “

In Lu Zhao’s words, some Wang Qianfeng agreed, and some disagreed. But since Lu Zhao spoke, Wang Qianfeng also arranged it as it should be by rights.

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