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“No surprise, the three uncles died before I was born. Until now, there are only 3 uncles and 4 uncles alive.

6 Uncle lost a leg and had a job in Tong City Star Martial Guild. It’s just … Have an old age. 4 Uncle is the tallest of the 7 uncles, he is one of the heads of Scouting legion.

Nebula Realm, there are more than 100 star martial artists under his hands. Therefore, my cousin is better than me, and he can often get the Soul bead brought by his uncle. Last summer vacation, 4 uncle’s house wine.

My cousin successfully broke through Star Radiance Realm, he was half a year younger than me, and he was with me. The breakthrough of the Star Radiance Realm means that his last small reputation star Wu Academy is stable. If you play well, you can also go to the first-class Xingwu Academy.

do you know? At that time I admired him much. Cousin’s innate talent is better than me, fooling around with gang of scoundrels all day long, but because of Soul bead, he still walks faster and farther than me.

Did you know that my aunt asked me that day, what realm do you have now? I answered, Stars Realm Middle-Stage. She said, it’s okay, wait until you graduate from college, and go to scouting with your uncle. Guaranteed to be pushed to Star Radiance Realm within one year.

he he he ……

This sentence … I remember now. Wang Lan, my 7 uncles, are the current status of the star martial artist at the bottom. I don’t want to stay on the ground floor, I want to climb up. I never thought about how high I would climb, I just wanted to climb to the height that would not drown me. “

Wang Lan leaned against the wall, and he knew that the world of star martial artist was dangerous, but did n’t expect such danger.

But … Since the world of star martial artist is so dangerous, why do so many people yearn so much?

Wang Lan has come from this past life and has gone through this life.

The two worlds are so similar in terms of culture and technology. If there is no star martial artist and Mozu, Wang Lan will not feel the difference between the two worlds.

So Wang Lan does not understand that since the star martial artist World is so cruel, the bottom star martial artist is so difficult … why not return to human society and be an ordinary person?

“Student Xie Sisi, haven’t you thought about … give up the status of star martial artist?”

“Give up?” Xie Sisi’s eyes widened and an incredible expression appeared. This look is like … you finally won the 5,000,000 jackpot. Someone suddenly suggested that you won the jackpot. Don’t you donate all the money for charity?

“I don’t mean that, I mean … since star martial artists are so dangerous, why not like star martial artists who live in big cities … that … open a dojo, be a bodyguard and so on ? “

“Do n’t Wang Lan know the regulations of the star martial artist ’s obligations? If there is a sudden emergence of alien space and a large number of beasts in the city. People in Tong City have the right to evacuate or go to the refuge. Star martial artist, regardless of identity Take part in the battle.

The meaning of Scouting legion is to eliminate those randomly opened space from the source. What if all star martial artists do not scouting or fighting, as you said, when the space of different degrees comes to us?

This is tantamount to sitting still.

Moreover, since they have become star martial artists, who is willing? There is Soul bead for hunting and killing monsters, and Soul bead can improve. And the more you hunt, the more awards you receive.

The country will not allow any star martial artist with innate talent to be deserted. If you have strength, the country will cultivate it. Star martial skill, wealth can be.

I’m not saying that the star martial artist at the bottom has no chance, I just don’t want to … The starting point is so low, it might have been dead before the time to show value.

Moreover, isn’t the existence of star martial artist just to protect human civilization? The country’s star martial artist guards the country, and the human star martial artist guards humanity. “

Brainwashing the ideas of star martial artists, Jade Country is probably the best that Sky Blue Star has done in more than 200 countries.

“Well … so, that’s why you insisted on going to the trial site with us.”

“I am in the late stage of Stars Realm, and I must break through to Star Radiance Realm before the end of high school 3. Only in this way can I have the opportunity to pass the not bad Star Wu Academy, and I can reach the strength of Nebula before graduation.

In this way, whether I join the army or go to scouting, I will not be placed in the cannon fodder of the first echelon. “Speaking of this, Xie Sisi’s eyes are full of longing.

This little girl, so clearly arranged the plan behind so clearly. Wang Lan can be arranged for admission to university at most, but Xie Sisi has already been arranged for half of her life.

“wu wu wu ——”

Suddenly, the stern sirens sounded. Just downstairs in the new hostal building.

The delivery little brother who hurried away finally chose the police.

Hearing the siren, Xie Sisi’s complexion turned pale. Being with Wang Lan is very reassuring and makes Xie Sisi forget her situation. Looking back at this moment, I realized how ridiculous the future she imagined was.

Once captured by the guards, all future plans are futile. Xie Sisi will face several years of prison … it may not even be able to get out of prison alive.

“Student Wang Lan, there are a lot of guards outside, what should I do? Would you like to pack your luggage?”

Wang Lan: “…”

Xie Sisi quickly glanced around to find the source of the sound.

“Student Wang Lan, the guard sent you a communication request.”

“Connect communication.”

Wang Lan turned around and looked towards the TV on the wall, and the TV turned on, and several guards wearing police uniforms appeared in the video.

“Huh? Hu Qing? Have you become a guard?” Wang Lan’s eyes appeared Hu Qing’s familiar face.

“Wang Lan brother? Is this your home?” Hu Qing obviously saw Wang Lan unexpectedly.

“Wang Lan brother, we received an alert that a star martial artist dangerous element fled into your house?”

“Come up to three people, don’t have too many.” Wang Lan said, giving Xiao Ai an order to open the elevator.

The video communication went out, and Xie Sisi curled up shiverly coldly behind him.

Wang Lan smiled gently, “Relax, my guard knows me, I can work for you.”

He came to the closet and opened the door. “I don’t have women’s clothes at home. Fortunately, you are about the same height as me. The clothes should be able to be worn.”

Throw a shirt and a pair of pants to Xie Sisi, and then turn away.

The elevator doors opened quickly, and three guards headed by Hu Qing entered the living room. The first reaction is to look around. Both guards showed flashes of shock on their faces.

This one is too big.

“Wang Lan, I heard the reporter report that you seem to know the star martial artist? Your classmate?” Hu Qing asked straight to the point.

“I do know that she was drugged, and she was attacked in self-defense when someone tried to violate her.”

“We will investigate this situation, but now the victim has several broken ribs in his chest, and he is a local entrepreneur who hired a lawyer. Even if this is the case but there is not enough evidence, your classmates are in a bad situation.

He claimed to be a suitor of Xie Sisi. In order to pursue Xie Sisi, he smashed a few 100000, and had originally agreed to open a house, but didn’t expect Xie Sisi to kill him. He has a record of transfers, and there are also witnesses, and Xie Sisi did use the star martial skill against him.

A star martial artist, using star martial skill for ordinary person is completely different in nature. Unless it can be proved that Xie Sisi was really dispensed, and that the chief agent of the dispensation was him. If it is not for the victim to participate directly, an attempted murder cannot be run away. “

“Hu Qing, don’t talk to him, take the people back and talk again.” A guard next to Hu Qing said suddenly, “It’s so late, I go home and go to bed after work.”

“I won’t let you take her away.” Wang Lan lightly saying.

“I’m afraid this won’t work, unless you want to be the suspect’s associate.”

“Regarding the case of star martial artist, theoretically it should be the responsibility of Heavenly Sword Bureau?” Wang Lan took out the document from his pocket and reached it in front of the other party.

“You …” The other party’s complexion changed and took the document carefully and turned it over.

Hu Qing was also stunned, “No, Wang Lan, aren’t you a student?”

“I am a student.” Wang Lan smiled slightly and was as gentle as the warm sun. “It’s also the Heavenly Sword Bureau special service.”

“Fake? 16 years old? Lieutenant?”

“There is a security code, you can check it.”

“Fuck, really? Suzhou City Heavenly Sword Bureau Lieutenant Secret Service …” The guard looked at Wang Lan in disbelief after the inspection was completed. That expression, what the fuck.

16 years old Lieutenant, and it is not elsewhere, it is from Heavenly Sword Bureau.

Heavenly Sword Bureau, what is their slogan? Only cultivate elite, only need elite.

And they also heard that there is a very strict rule for being a Secret Service of Heavenly Sword Bureau.

No matter what you are like before, no matter how high your previous level. From the day you entered the Heavenly Sword Bureau, everything was cleared.

This is why, in the Heavenly Sword Bureau, hidden dragons and crouching tigers expert as clouds, but their ranks are not high. Perhaps, in your opinion, it is just a middle age person of ordinary non-commissioned officers, once the rank of a captain.

Therefore, a Heavenly Sword Bureau Lieutenant is very rare and extremely difficult to achieve. But the young man in front of him is only 16 years old and already a Lieutenant. Incredible.

“Is the inspection completed? Heavenly Sword Bureau took over the matter.”

“Wang Lan, I know the classmate you want to help you, but now it is a legal society. Even if you have the background of Heavenly Sword Bureau, you ca n’t help if someone insists on suing.”

“I know, rest assured, I can handle it.”

“In this case, then I will not disturb, please have dinner when you have time.” Hu Qing pats Wang Lan took two people off the shoulder.

Wang Lan was about to turn around, and suddenly Hu Qing stopped Wang Lan.

“That … Wang Lan, how to open this elevator?”


“Student Xiaoai, send them a bit.”

The voice fell and the elevator door opened.

Wang Lan pushed the door open, and Xie Sisi was dressed and stood timidly beside the bed.

Xie Sisi wears clothes very well. Originally, Wang Lan thought that even if Xie Sisi was as tall as herself, her clothes would look fat on her body. But Xie Sisi knotted the shirt on the lower abdomen, instantly making the sack youthful and fashionable.

“It’s okay, except that the trouser legs are a little bit fat, and the length fits nicely.”

“They … gone?”

“It’s gone, but your trouble is still there. First find Zhang Zhiyun who gave you the medicine. Find the breakthrough mouth from him. Do you know where he is?”

“I don’t know.” Xie Sisi shook the head.

Wang Lan picked up the phone and dialed a number, “Hey, I’m Wang Lan from the Intelligence Service, number … Please help me check Zhang Zhiyun’s whereabouts. He is the boss of Yunhai Hotel, okay.”

Xie Sisi stared at the beautiful eyes and looked at Wang Lan curiously. After a while, Wang Lan received a text message.

“Let’s go.” Wang Lan led Xie Sisi and took the elevator straight down the underground 2-Layer.

At this time, Wang Lan did not push his little eMule, but came to the 4 luxury cars and looked around.

Then chose a relatively wild, a bit like a large off-road model. As soon as the fingerprint was pressed, the door opened.

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