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“Do you … do you want to live here tonight?” Wang Lan asked awkwardly when Xu Shiyun’s car whistled away.

“My father should be worried about me … can I call back?”

“It should be possible now, to give family peace.”

“Can you borrow your mobile phone?”

Xie Sisi was stripped of only underwear, and of course everything fell into the mobile wallet. Wang Lan gave her mobile phone, and she went to the corner to call.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe half an hour, Xie Sisi came with red eyes.

“Give it back to you, thank you very much this time. If it were not for you, my life would be over.”

“Classmates, help each other.” Wang Lan took the phone and set it aside.

The basement suddenly became quiet, and the fragrance from Xie Sisi came under his nose. There were only two of them here, and the atmosphere suddenly became enchanting.

“That … Xie Sisi.”

“En!” Xie Sisi’s nose sounded so sultry. Like a current flowing through the body, Wang Lan almost shivered.

What kind of goblin is this?

Don’t look too far, Wang Lan glanced at the cultivation room. Unbuttoned the jacket and took off, revealing the white tights inside.

“It’s so late, so many things have happened to you. I think you can’t sleep tonight. Or … shall we practice?”

The words in the front sound like normal people’s words in Xie Sisi’s ears, but the words behind … are human words?

Should we practice?

a male and a female together alone, and the widow is still in trouble. Such a man-made danger … No, it’s a godsend opportunity. You even came up with a sentence, right?

Xie Sisi stunned as she folded her coat and put it down next to Wang Lan. The expression on her face was so petrified.

Xie Sisi had almost guessed the plot after hearing the previous words.

I think you ca n’t sleep at night, or … should n’t we sit down and chat later? say something? Then doing some intimate movements, and then I rubbed something?

Is your turn a bit off the plot?

Right training? In this situation, do I feel right to practice?

“When you were just released from the box by me, that skill was quite powerful. At that time, you were not conscious, but you had such a powerful skill. It shows that your strength is extraordinary …”

“I … I cultivated late every night. I created a weight-bearing tool for myself, I kicked, ran and jumped with a weight of 30 kg every day.

My father will make some cement piles for me to practice my punches and feet every few days. Every day I will break one … I told you that I am very hard working privately.

It ’s … it ’s … I ’m very nervous during the competition, I ca n’t control my own tension … “

“But you can escape the guard’s pursuit when you are conscious of fuzzy, and you can show such a sharp hand, which shows that your true strength is very powerful. It’s just that you can’t overcome the tension, which leads to a serious partiality of your combat ability. .

I guess that’s why you didn’t have who to accompany you to practice the game. Play against me and see if you can overcome yourself. “

Wang Lan be eager to have a try, the expression of seeing others do what one loves to do, one is inspired to try it again.

Wang Lan has always thought that his basic Wrestling ability is already the top among peers, even Wrestling Teacher Liu Jie is not his opponent. But tonight, another Xie Sisi gave Wang Lan a lesson.

Sharp Wrestling, a powerful strength burst. Moreover, Wang Lan clearly felt the fluctuation of the star force in Xie Sisi’s moves.

She used the star force, but not at all to display the star martial skill. Other people may not understand how Xie Sisi applied star force to Wrestling. But Wang Lan understands.

After Inch Jin Fist reaches the Silver level, the strength of the body alone can no longer exert the formidable power of Inch Jin Fist. Therefore, star force is needed as an aid, and star force will be mixed with luck skills to explode the strength of normal people who are absolutely impossible.

One stone punch to the ground.

Xie Sisi, however, can apply the star force to all Wrestling skills, every punch and every foot is strong as an ox. This skill, how not to let Wang Lan drool.

This is definitely the Peak application of Silver-level Wrestling. Although you can learn by adding points, aren’t skill points expensive? To be able to comprehend it by yourself, isn’t it saving a lot of skill points?

Xie Sisi looked at Wang Lan’s expression, barely nodded. But I knew in my heart that the feeling of tension and fear was never simply tension. This feeling has haunted her for many years.

Since the beginning of 9 years old.

“Okay …” Xie Sisi came to the cultivation stage with Wang Lan.

“Here’s what I used to practice against the instructor. Let’s start with fists and feet. You attack!”

“Okay!” Xie Sisi had just shaked the gesture style and her hands began to tremble.

That kind of trembling amplitude, even Wang Lan, who is 2 to 3 meters across from her, can really see it.

“Come on, don’t be nervous.”

“Good … Classmate Wang Lan, please advise.” After that, Xie Sisi rushed to Wang Lan with a broken step, and wanted to punch Wang Lan’s chest stiffly.

This fist, imposing manner is not only absent, but also very old. Xie Sisi leaves no room for change.

So Wang Lan was only a slight sideways, hitting Xie Sisi on the shoulder with a striker knife.


Xie Sisi collapsed and covered her shoulders with a pitiful look.

“What are you doing squatting? Are you gaining mercy? The enemies on the battlefield will show mercy to you because of your weakness? The beasts of different degrees will let you go because of your weakness?”

Originally, Xie Sisi thought Wang Lan would squat down and asked, “Xie Sisi, how are you?”

But absolutely didn’t expect heard Wang Lan’s sentence.

Grievances, grievances.

The nose is a bit sour, but he can’t hold back the tears.

“Understood!” Xie Sisi stood up again.

“carry on!”


Until now, Wang Lan gave his classmates a warm man with a warm smile and a gentle speech. But at this moment, Xie Sisi saw Wang Lan completely different.

Wang Lan is not warm, especially when fighting. The sharp moves are very spicy and the attacks are crucial.

Can you believe it? Xie Sisi has such a beautiful face, Wang Lan actually punched him up.

Anyway, this fist goes on, Xie Sisi is totally ignorant.

The head was dizzy, as if World had been stripped away.

Wang Lan didn’t mean to stop at all, swiping Xie Sisi’s throat with a blow. And at this moment, Xie Sisi actually backed away from Wang Lan’s knife.

The steps were staggered, and the distance was 2 meters.

“Okay!” Wang Lan’s eyes lit up suddenly, and Xie Sisi’s dodge at the last moment finally looked like a bit.

“Come again–“

“Wu wu wu ——” Xie Sisi in front of him actually squatted down to cover his face and cried.

Seeing this scene, Wang Lan later realized how brutal and painful the previous series of sharp attacks was for a girl. Wang Lan’s attacks are all face-to-face.

This is not to blame Wang Lan, Huang Feilong taught this way.

In the battle against Wang Lan, Huang Feilong’s missing fist and Buddha Mountain Shadowless Foot chain. At the beginning of half a month, the wall of Wang Lan hit every day to separate.

It is precisely because of this very spicy and unrelenting teaching method that Wang Lan had the Bronze LV3 body law before awakening the star martial artist.

This teaching method is very good for Wang Lan. The process is too cruel.

“wu wu wu ……”

“Don’t cry, I … sorry.”

“No … I didn’t blame you, I was blaming myself … how come I’m useless … I …”

“Remove your hand!”

“No, I must be the same as the pig’s head now.”

“How can I treat you without taking it away.”

Xie Sisi took his hand away and was bruised by Wang Lan on his face. Indeed … a bit cruel.

Press the palm of the hand against the wound, and after a while, a face was restored to its original condition.

“I’m sorry … I know that this way of playing is too cruel to you. When I practiced, the instructor beat me like this. The reason why my Wrestling strength can have the current level is also due to this method of battle Given.

This kind of battle can train your dodge ability, reaction ability, and adaptability, which is a comprehensive and comprehensive improvement … “

“Is my face better?”

Xie Sisi suddenly interrupted Wang Lan’s words and asked nervously.

Wang Lan instantly felt that a thread in his brain was about to break. Is there something wrong with your woman’s brain circuit? I’m explaining to you the necessity of training methods. Do you only care about your face? Again, I practiced you?

“My face … is it still ugly?” Xie Sisi asked nervously when Wang Wang didn’t respond.

“It has been restored.”

“Really? Then … will you treat me if you hurt?”


“Then let’s go on!” Xie Sisi stood up happily. This mentality recovery ability was beyond Wang Lan’s expectations.

Feelings Just now Xie Sisi was crying, wasn’t it right to be beaten? Is it sad that your face is swollen? This … is the woman’s mode of thinking?

“Student Wang Lan, please go ahead, I’ve suffered a lot.”

“Okay! At this time, I will continue for ten minutes. I will not stop within ten minutes. My exercise method is different from the school. The school ends when you admit defeat and you are overthrown. Will stop. “

“Okay! Please start.”

Ten minutes, with the frequency of Wang Lan’s attack, for Xie Sisi, it was simply hell torture. Wang Lan’s attack seems to be everywhere, and pain can be heard from every part of the body every second.

However, after Xie Sisi felt the initial stiffness and numbness, the one-minute attack he suffered later was obviously much less. Especially with a few punches in the face, the head was in a state of dizziness, and by virtue of this instinct, it was able to avoid most attacks.

Wang Lan was also aware of this situation.

After ten minutes, Xie Sisi fell down like a wooden man. Wang Lan quickly gave her treatment, and just finished the treatment, and the phone sent a communication prompt.

“You rest for a while, let me go and see.”

At this point in time, it should be Xu Shiyun’s message.

Click on the phone, and it turned out that Xu Shiyun sent a video. Wang Lan clicks to download, and the video download is complete after a few seconds.

Click to play.

“Zhang Zhiyun, from 5012 to 5018 in the ephemeris, engaged in triad activities, ** young girls, issued usury, persecuted others’ families, and bullied others.

After the trial by Heavenly Sword Bureau, Zhang Zhiyun was convicted of **, persecuted prostitution, homicide, illegal fund-raising, crimes against society, punished with multiple crimes, sentenced to death, and executed immediately. “

In the picture, Xu Shiyun held a folder to announce the verdict to Zhang Zhiyun kneeling on the school ground. Behind Xu Shiyun, there were two brothers in green.

After Xu Shiyun read the book, close the folder.

“carried out!”


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