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The voice just fell to the ground, and there was an instant absolute silence above the playground.

Liu Jie’s expression was stunned, and he rubbed his ears as if he had heard it wrong.

“Teacher Liu, I want to play against Song Bo.”

Song Bo sitting in the crowd has been a little low-key recently. Since last being warned by Mingyue Wucheng, he ran to complain with Duan Ziqi. I was thinking that Duan Ziqi could support himself.

But the answer received made Song Bo’s heart cool and cool.

Mingyue Wucheng is no exaggeration. In a class, at least 5 people are not under him.

Song Bo at first did not understand this, but Duan Ziqi understood it after explaining it.

In Suzhou City No.3 Middle School, Star Martial campus is in the third grade and Duan Ziqi is in the top 3.

This is a fact.

But does this ranking represent the real strength ranking? Obviously impossible. Some students are very low-key, such as students of Star martial family. They have family backers, and they have resources that ordinary students cannot imagine.

Even in the future what school to go to and where to go to work after graduation, the arrangement was clearly stated at birth.

After understanding this, Song Bo was very low-key and dared not speak loudly all day long except to talk quietly with the group of four.

Does low-key mean that anyone can step on it?

You Xie Sisi What Wrestling level do you have no points in your heart? Just because you and Jiang Xinyu got close to them recently? Good relationship? Even you dare step on my face?

Song Bo is angry, very angry.

So, when Xie Sisi’s words landed for 3 seconds, Song Bo stood up with a whizz.

“Since the squad leader named me, I will naturally accompany.”

“Wait … Classmate Xie Sisi, is it better for you to change to a female classmate? After all, the male and female classmates are fighting, which is not very convenient.”

These words are pure deception. Liu Jie has brought a class for almost two and a half years. When did you care about this? Just after Xie Sisi was accidentally injured by Song Bo last time, Liu Jie started to assign seriously, okay?

Moreover, is there any difference between men and women in the world of star martial artist? No, it ’s all brotherhood.

There was even a stalk from a Scouting Legion circulating on the Internet. After a team of star martial artists fought hard, there were only 2 people left. One of them was seriously injured and may not be able to return to the base alive.

The only thing intact is a female Soldiers. The female Soldiers asked the injured comrades, what is your wish. The comrade said, I am the only son in my family, and I broke the incense after my death.

The female soldiers killed her comrades on the spot and went back to be a test-tube baby. After 8 months, she left a child for her comrades. The news caused a sensation in Jade Country, and was asked about it. The female soldiers pointed to the scar left by the cesarean section and said frankly for the brother knife piercing both sides.

On the battlefield, who cares what you and men should not touch hands when they give or receive things? Let’s talk about surviving.

So Liu Jie’s remarks made it an excuse.

“Just Song Bo, after that incident, Song Bo has been guilty and guilty, and hasn’t talked to me for a long time. As a class leader, I have an obligation to enlighten my classmates. I will fight again and unlock Song. Bo student’s heart. “

With that said, Liu Jie rolled his eyes on the spot.

Are you the one who is grinning? Why is Song Bo hiding from you?

But since Xie Sisi insists on this, Liu Jie can’t say much. You can only stand alert and stand close to the battle circle. Stop it as soon as you notice something is wrong.

“At the end of the month, Xie Sisi played against Song Bo. Start!”

tone barely fell, Xie Sisi moved instantly. The speed is fast, like a fast passing car.

Everyone has witnessed the strength of Xie Sisi. Even half a month recently, she played alone every afternoon watching Wang Lan abuse Mingyue Wucheng and Jiang Xinyu.

Everyone thought that Xie Sisi had given up.

But Xie Sisi knew that this kind of practice had no meaning for her. Only Wang Lan’s time-based attacks like howling wind and torrential rain can make Xie Sisi overcome psychological obstacles.

Now that the psychological barrier has been overcome, the strength has returned to normal levels in an instant.

Although in Wang Lan’s view, this is far from reaching Xie Sisi’s limit level. For Xie Sisi, this is enough. Over the years, self-mutilation cultivation should not be so capable to stand with a single blow.

At this moment, Xie Sisi’s extremely sharp eyes rushed to Song Bo in an instant.

Punch your face with a punch.

This is what Wang Lan taught him. The human head is the most obvious and easy to attack.

Song Bo is still at this moment, Xie Sisi is too fast. He was stunned for a moment.

When he realized that it was time to block, Xie Sisi’s fist had fiercely hit his nose bridge.

In an instant, the indescribable soreness and pain, like a mouthful of mustard bite directly into the head.

At that moment, Song Bo even forgot everything around him, his consciousness was only painful except for pain.

But Xie Sisi’s attack is far from over. She firmly and thoroughly implemented Wang Lan’s Wrestling philosophy. The enemy was not knocked down, and his fists and feet could not be stopped. Even if the enemy falls, the fists and feet cannot stop.

Xie Sisi’s weight-strength strength and daily attacks on the assisuous cultivation of cement blocks have made Xie Sisi’s boxing speed and strength reach a level that many class students can’t imagine.

In an instant, in Liu Jie’s eyes, Xie Sisi’s hands were blurred, and countless fists fell on Liu Jie like stars and stars. Liu Jie stood there in the same way, but seemed to be trembling for 30 seconds as if being shot by a machine gun.

“Stop-stop-” Liu Jie only reacted at this time and hurriedly called to stop.

Xie Sisi stopped her hand instantly, her body retreated from the distance of 3 meters away from Liu Jie, and her hands were standing in front of her for defense.

You defend against a fart!

At this time, Liu Jie’s inner beast roared wildly.

Liu Jie has been hit by your Astral Projection. In his state, can you fight back?

Sure enough, Song Bo shook his swollen face like a pig’s head hard, took a step staggered, and then fell straight. The face-down funding is very tragic and heroic.

If the body does not smoke, the picture should be beautiful.

“What’s going on? What’s going on?” Liu Jie shouted loudly for 2 consecutive times.

The students around each and everyone stared at the round eyes with a terrified face.

They also want to know what is going on.


Getting fine?

Magic girl changed?

This is the squad leader who can not to stand a single blow?

Is this still the one that has always been a squad leader?

Is this too fierce?

But … wasn’t Xie Sisi half a month ago? Hasn’t she given up on this half a month? Half a month, isn’t she not practicing in the game?

what’s the situation?

“Xie Sisi, what’s the matter with you?” Liu Jie frowns asked.

“Report Teacher, I …” Xie Sisi made another nervous problem, “I didn’t mean it … Teacher You taught me that the best defense is offense. So, we are attacking.”

“Offense? Is this an offense?” Liu Jie felt Xie Sisi didn’t quite understand the difference between offense and ravages? But if you think about it, beating and attacking seem to make no difference.

“Why didn’t you stop after you succeeded in attacking? Continued to attack for 30 seconds! After Song Bo classmates lost their ability to counterattack, you continue to attack to intentionally hurt.”

“I’m sorry … I … I don’t know if Song Bo has lost his ability to fight back, so … as long as Song Bo doesn’t fall down, my attack can’t stop.”

This is … it seems to be fine … but … your angle of attack is too good, right? If you don’t fight elsewhere, you will stare at your head.

If the stability of the object is used, the rapid attack of the head with fragments means that killing people may not be able to fall down. The direction of force is not an operation that knocks people down.

“Wang Lan ——”


“Treat Song Bo classmates. Wang Lan will not refuse this request. If Song Bo is really hit, Xie Sisi will also have bad luck. It’s just that Wang Lan didn’t expect the seemingly simple and harmless Xie Sisi, think carefully that it is so bad.

The problem is that it was obviously intentional. She could stare at the innocent eyes, leaving Liu Jie speechless.

Wang Lan no longer believes that there are really simple girls in the world, simple? What is deceptive.

“The next group–“

Wang Lan’s medical capabilities are born for the battlefield, and Song Bo’s injury is just a wave to Wang Lan.

The bruise on his face disappeared, and Song Bo became a handsome man with dashing eyebrows.

Wang Lan fanned Song Bo’s cheek, “Student Song Bo, wake up.”

“Ah? What happened just now? Here is … what day is it?”

“Hahaha …” A group of students burst out laughing on the spot.

“Wang Lan, Song Bo, what’s wrong with him? Not here … something wrong?” Liu Jie pointed his head and asked.

“Teacher rest assured, this is a fragment that appears after the brain is hit hard, and I will remember it later.”

What thrilling happened not at all in the back game, but Xie Sisi suddenly became awesome, which made Liu Jie always uncomfortable.

“Xie Sisi.” After the exam, the first class started daily physical training. Liu Jie called Xie Sisi and asked about Xie Sisi. Xie Sisi at first said nothing with her head down. It wasn’t until Wang Lan saw Xie Sisi’s status that he went to explain to Liu Jie.

“It turns out this way …” Liu Jie suddenly realized, “It really corresponds to everyone, the method is the most important. Xie Sisi students apply the pairing method you said, so they can be advanced by leaps and bounds in a short time.”

“Teacher Liu, I think, my method is suitable for all students. I was also trained by this method. You and Master Huang were once comrades in arms, you should know.”

“Huang Feilong’s former nickname was a lunatic. Whether it was killing a strange animal or training a player, it was a crazy attack.”

“Teacher, I think it can be promoted in the whole class, the students are not talented, and I would like to recommend myself to help the Teacher train this group of students. In the future, we will contact each other, we will follow the student number, and each and everyone will practice with the classmates …”

Wang Lan’s attempt was once again exposed to Liu Jie’s eyes.

“Get out! Laozi is going to use this method to abuse students. Tomorrow Laozi will roll out and get out. This kind of pairing requires strong psychological qualities, and it is very close to the relationship between the two people who practice. Become a personal grudge.

You do n’t know when Laozi? That’s how Huang Feilong dare to teach you that. “

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