You can search for “I have countless skill points” at in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“The winter vacation has already begun …” Jiang Xinyu said suddenly after taking a break.

Everyone froze for a moment, but it was instantly clear in just one second. This was planned long ago, and it was also promised by Jiang Xinyu during the summer vacation.

“There are ten or four days before the New Year. We will take a day off tomorrow to make preparations, and then go to the Peach Garden Intermediate Proving Ground the next morning.”



Wang Lan smiled and did not speak, leaning on Xie Sisi’s head next to Jiang Xinyu, his head slightly lowered, and there was a trace of loss on his face. Even if she wanted to follow up, she had no money.

She is now only 500,000, and the intermediate test field is 100000 a day, and 1,000,000 days is 1, she can’t bear it.

“Sisi, are you going with us?” Jiang Xinyu’s next words made Xie Sisi violently lifts the head with a stunned expression on his face. A little unbelievable, a little surprised.

“Sisi, the last time I rejected you was because it was too dangerous to enter the trial site with your strength. But now, your strength has reached Professional grade. As long as we follow our team, we can still take care of your safety . “

“I understand, Wang Lan and I explained … just … how many days will you go in?”

“Ten days.”

“Ten days … I don’t have enough money.”

“Cut–” Xu Xiangwen cut out, “You don’t have to worry about the money, just a few of us, which one lacks the money? It’s alright, we’re out.”

“That won’t work …” Xie Sisi quickly shook his head. “That’s 1,000,000, not a small number. Even if you treat me as a friend, it won’t work. I … can’t afford it.”

“It’s okay, Sisi, did you tell me that you had 500,000 last time? You took out 500,000 and I gave you 500,000. Wait until it hits Soul bead, and then you can pay me with Soul bead.”

“This … alright.” Although Xie Sisi felt like taking advantage of Wang Lan’s, it was barely acceptable.

Now that he is determined to go to the trial site, Xu Xiangwen and Gong Feiyu will soon leave home to prepare. Wang Lan felt that there was nothing to prepare, he just needed to cry with a devil.

While planning to continue to practice with Jiang Xinyu Xie Sisi, and by the way to save skill points, Jiang Xinyu gave Wang Lan a glance that you understood, and pulled Xi Sisi to go shopping?

Shopping? Is it helpful to improve strength?

The answer is obviously no.

Since there is no help, what should I do? You guys, Wang Lan, I love learning the most.

At this time, let alone Jiang Xinyu was speechless to Wang Lan, even Xie Sisi looked at Wang Lan as if hell. It’s almost 20 years, how can there be such a creature in the world?

Two days later, Wang Lan drove to the entrance of the Peach Garden Intermediate Proving Ground by himself. When Wang Lan arrived, Xu Xiangwen and Gong Feiyu had already booked tables at the barbecue restaurant at the door.

“Yo? How did our Old Antique get rid of it today? Knowing to drive out the luxury car at home? Don’t you like electric donkeys and buses?”

Xu Xiangwen has long coveted the 4 luxury cars in Wang Lan’s garage. It’s just that Wang Lan’s protection was so tight that Xu Xiangwen didn’t touch it, let alone lent him to open it.

These 4 vehicles are all customized, and the entire Sky Blue Star does not have the same model.

Moreover, with Xu Xiangwen’s veteran eyes, it was carefully screened that they didn’t see which company these cars came from.

“Aren’t you afraid of the wind when you talk? You’re going to repair a subway for me or open for me a bus to get here! I don’t come by car, do I walk?”

“Xinyu hasn’t arrived yet?”

“She said that she would arrive in 20 minutes, but …” Xu Xiangwen suddenly looked a little ugly.

“what happened?”

“When I called, I heard Xinchen’s voice, indicating that she hadn’t set off yet. 20 minutes … hiss!”

For a distance of 42 kilometers, 20 yards is enough for 100 minutes. But considering going downstairs, launching, and adding traffic lights … that would be terrifying. No wonder Xu Xiangwen will suck in a breath of cold air, Jiang Xinyu This is to rush over 200 yards.

When Wang Lan and 2 people chatted with each other, a red sports car seemed to be galloping from a distance. A beautiful drift parking, the sports car parked just above the parking space.

The Duck Wing door opens and Jiang Xinyu and Xie Sisi get out of the car. It was obvious that the pace at the foot of Xie Sisi was a little bit floating. Wang Lan said it was completely understandable, and that was how he came last time.

“Early!” Jiang Xinyu saw three people walking with a smile and said hello.

“Early … a ball.” Wang Lan straightened back, “Are you speeding again?”

“There is no car on this road, and speed limit is a superfluous design.”

“I think that getting you a driver’s license is a superfluous design.” Xie Sisi, who still had red cheeks, looked at her. “Don’t you be scared?”

“No… no.”

“Hehe …” Jiang Xinyu sneered, “Do you have any misunderstandings about Sisi? She not only did not fear, but also made me drive faster. Her face was not excited because of fear, but excited.

In this regard, Wang Lan believes!

Because Xie Sisi was excited, Wang Lan was afraid.

“The trial site opens at 9 o’clock, 20 minutes before the door opens. Have you ordered?”

“It’s already ordered.” Xu Xiangwen extended the hand and snapped his fingers.

The waiter hurriedly arranged to serve the food. Everyone had a plate of roasted meat, a whole piece of bread that was as large as toast.

“Okay, the cost of going in this time, Feiyu and I have two packages. I am 2 200 and he is 5 200.”

“You’re only 200 5!” Gong Feiyu was so angry on the spot that he could solve this problem with a fork.

“I …” Xie Sisi lifts the head. “I brought the money. Wasn’t it good last time?”

“That’s too much trouble, we handed it in. As for what we said last time, wait until it comes out.

“But I brought all the money.” Then, Xie Sisi also raised a slightly cute canvas bag in her hand. This canvas bag is very big, it may be the trend.

But in the next moment, everyone in Wang Lan 3 stopped his movements, “You won’t … bring 500,000 cash?”

“Ah! I don’t have a bank card … And all the money I earn is cash.”

“Little Lan, you have found the same kind, and all the primitive people crossed over.”

“What time is it, and still bring cash. Forget it, if there are lockers in the trial site, when the time comes, put the lockers, it is not safe to put them in the car.”

“Oh!” Xie Sisi’s cleverly nodded, cute Jiang Xinyu on the side wished to pinch her two.

After 20 minutes, quietly passed by, Wang Lan 5 stood up and walked to the intermediate test field.

“Five people, ten days.”

“5,000,000.” A lean young man said indifferently, “Shua card or scan code?”

“Shua card.”

“Huh? Wang Lan brother!” Suddenly, the other party found Wang Lan standing behind Gong Feiyu and shouted.

Wang Lan looked up and looked familiar, but couldn’t name it.

But everyone knows you, is it not polite for you to respond?

“Oh–which one are you … which … which …”

“Which fart! I don’t know who I pretend to know? I’m the bad luck egg with one arm cut and lost. You took it back to me.”

With that said, the thin man suddenly stood up and performed a military salute to Wang Lan, “True Martial Regiment 3rd Ensign, Gu Jia!”

Wang Lan quickly returned a military salute, “Gu Shaowei, I will remember you in the future. What happened at that time, how can I remember?”

“Understood. Are you with them?”


“Beep beep, successful deduction, 2 1000000!”


5 people looked at Gu Jia’s question mark.

“Wang Lan brother is free to enter the intermediate test field, and his friend is 5% off.”

“Is this not against discipline?”

“Of course not to violate, this is the instructions of the regiment. Wang Lan brother, with your strength, I won’t talk more about nonsense. Be careful, I wish you all a return.”

“Thank you!”

Change the combat uniform, and the 5-person team will reconcile.

“We haven’t been to the intermediate trial site, and we are not familiar with the terrain and the monsters. What monsters to choose?” Gong Feiyu first asked.

“Several points, a large amount of food and drink, used to close combat, there is soil and water. Is there any screening object?” Wang Lan asked.

There is no need to explain the large amount of food and drink. It is a waste of time to ask for a few tribes. It is needless to say that it is suitable for close combat. If there are 5 people in the team, Jiang Xinyu has long-range attack capability. Gong Feiyu Earth Element is at best a restraint.

This is not a primary trial field. Individuals in the Nebula state may appear at any time in the beast. Jiang Xinyu’s strength cannot form an absolute suppression of the beast. Ordinary beasts may be most of Stars Realm Peak’s garbage, but Star Radiance Realm is also a lot.

All in all, the difficulty is more than twice the primary trial field.

“Yes, Vajra Mantis!”

“Vajra Praying Mantis, located in the mine area, mainly feeds on ore, and Metal Attribute is a beast. They have metalized their bodies because they have been consuming ore for many years, but these metallization enhancements are not actively generated, but metal Attribute deposition leads to armorization.

Their joints and gaps in the abdomen deck are where their weak spots are.

The main attack method of Vajra Mantis is his forelimb mantis knife and their terrifying giant mouth bite. And Vajra praying mantis is very fast, and has the ability to fly at low altitudes for short distances.

Normal Vajra praying mantis has no attribute attack ability, but the variant Vajra praying mantis can still launch other attribute attacks. Any attribute is possible.

Vajra praying mantis has high attack, high defense and high sensitivity. Generally star martial artist is not willing to provoke. “

“Fuck, I let you screen, you just screen out such a thing?” Wang Lan asked Xu Xiangwen without looking at him.

“Although Vajra Mantis may seem strong, its shortcomings are also obvious. The fact that it is rare to have an attribute attack is in line with our hunting standards.

Our team, 3 individual skills, a powerful output, an investigation class, a group control class. I feel no problem playing Vajra Mantis. “Gong Feiyu said in an analysis.

“That’s it.” Jiang Xinyu snapped a finger at the moment when Gong Feiyu’s voice hit the ground to determine the goal.

The team hurried to the location of Vajra Praying Mantis, which was ten or eight kilometers away from the entrance of the trial site. Even if you rushed at full speed, it took at least 8 minutes.

“Are you nervous?” Wang Lan asked Xie Sisi softly.

“No … not nervous, I feel my condition like never before.”

“Follow me later, and you must not leave the squad 3 meters away. This is the intermediate proving ground. We are all here for the first time.” Jiang Xinyu continued.

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