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“Demonization star martial artist? How do you know the Demonization star martial artist? You are just a student!”

Wang Lan didn’t expect Wu Changfeng not to be shocked at the Demonization star martial artist, but shocked that he knew the Demonization star martial artist.

“I … is the Heavenly Sword Bureau special service! It is reasonable and reasonable to know the Demonization star martial artist.” Wang Lan returned with some consideration, and his tone was as gentle as possible, so as not to irritate the person who likes to move and streak Guy.


Wang Lan is still miscalculated.

“Boom–” Wu Changfeng flicked the table sharply, “What? You joined the Heavenly Sword Bureau? We in the True Martial group Heavenly Sword Bureau dare to grab?”

“Wait!” Wang Lan raised his hand.

“When did I become a member of the True Martial regiment?”

“True Martial group fancy people! Isn’t it?” Wu Changfeng narrowed his eyes slightly, scanning Wang Lan back and forth as if scanning the code. “No! Where can you be seen by Heavenly Sword Bureau with your brat’s qualifications?

Heavenly Sword Bureau claims to only recruit elites. Unless you have a brilliant record, hard enough qualifications, and have a recommendation letter written by a powerhouse above the Star River level, otherwise, don’t think about it under the Nebula level.

you brat How many days have you awakened star martial artist? How can Heavenly Sword Bureau let you join? Just the year before last, Ren Xingwu’s kid wanted to switch to Heavenly Sword Bureau and failed his application. you brat … Where is that big face? “

“Big Brother Wu, I don’t like to hear your words.” Wang Lan narrowed his lips slightly, disdainfully. At first, Wang Qianfeng flicked him in with threats. Why is it so bad in your mouth?

“Have you ever been on the real battlefield? Isn’t it the meek beast of the trial field, and there are detailed maps for you. It’s real, and the enemy’s battlefield may emerge at any time. Have you done anything on the battlefield?”

“I have Phoenix Form.” Wang Lan returned coldly.

“Uh … have you reached the Nebula realm? And at least the first-class strength in the Nebula realm.”

“I have Phoenix Form.”

“You … you don’t have real internship experience, you are still a student. You didn’t go to college, you didn’t go to the military to experience. You haven’t even met the most basic requirements of the Heavenly Sword Bureau?”

“I have Phoenix Form!”

“Can you say anything else besides this? Why do you justify this?”

Wu Changfeng is so angry that you still don’t understand the intention of labor and management? You have long been regarded as meat in a bowl by our True Martial regiment.

Just thinking about letting you grow for another 2 years, going to college and so on? What about Heavenly Sword Bureau’s hand too fast? Before they are cooked, pick the peaches first? No, Heavenly Sword Bureau is absolutely illegal.

To report, you must report.

“Is this reason enough?”

“Enough fart! You said, what’s wrong with the True Martial regiment? You’re going to go to Heavenly Sword Bureau! Ah? Is our brothers not interesting to you, or is our regiment and you an outsider?”

“I don’t mean this … Isn’t it inconvenient to join the army? I still have to go to school. Isn’t my study going to waste if I join the army? Heavenly Sword Bureau. How good is it. Hanging a post there, without me going to work, I You can still go to school as usual.

And Heavenly Sword Bureau is available all over the country. You can go to Heavenly Sword Bureau to post a report wherever you go … “

“It’s Heavenly Sword Bureau fooling you? Why is it inconvenient to join the army? Don’t you know that there is also a military record? And, we soldiers still study abroad, why can’t we go to school?

and many more! Are you really fooled? That won’t work, I have to talk to the leader. You are so talented that you cannot let Heavenly Sword Bureau pull it away. “

“No, joining the Heavenly Sword Bureau is voluntary. Wait, I forgot about the business.”

“Your belonging is the right thing!”

“Can I correct the matter with the Demonization star martial artist? Are you sure?” Wang Lan blinked at Wu Changfeng, and under Wang Lan’s eyes, Wu Changfeng was defeated.

“You said.”

Wang Lan took out the blue potion from his backpack. “We have obtained definite information before. The appearance of the Demonization star martial artist is related to the Demon Spy, and the one that prompted the Demonization star martial artist is a potion.

Prior to this, we have not obtained a sample of medicament. Unexpectedly, I came to the intermediate test field to try it, but got such a sample. This is the potion of the Demonization star martial artist.

The purpose of telling you is to hope that you will pay attention during the security check and find out that this medicine is under control immediately. “

“Understood. I’ll let you know immediately. You’re here. Don’t say anything about it. We will continue after I announce it.” Wu Changfeng said, turning around and leaving, “Please old one, old six Come to the meeting … “

Stay? joke.

Wang Lan slipped out of the office while Wu Changfeng was not paying attention, and a few blinkers disappeared.

Back at the entrance, Jiang Xinyu and the others came out almost at the same time. This time, Xie Sisi is the biggest. So many Soul bead, one-time absorption, she just broke Star Radiance Realm Early-Stage, she once again broke through to the middle and late stage of Star Radiance Realm, almost catching up with Wang Lan Realm.

Although Xu Xiangwen and Gong Feiyu failed to reach Middle-Stage, they were only one step away from Middle-Stage.

Just after the completion of the breakthrough, the star force limiter is still very strong, not to mention 3000 Soul bead, even 5000 Soul bead, it is difficult to achieve 2 breakthroughs.

And the only thing that they couldn’t accept was that Wang Lan absorbed 3000 Soul beads and there was no breakthrough Nebula environment.

Feeling a trace of contempt in Xu Xiangwen’s eyes, Wang Lan knew that this guy might be itchy again.

Can this blame me? My breakthrough method is different from yours. I am also desperate.

And now Wang Lan does not lack skill points, he lacks experience points.

A Star Wars competition brought him breakthrough to Star radiance 5, and this time in the trial field, the experience value reached 5% of Star radiance 80. Star radiance 5 50000 experience, Star radiance 6 is 60000 … Wang Lan wanted to cry out loud when he thought of the huge numbers.

With 3000 skill points, 1000 was added to Phoenix Form, plus nearly 3000 skill points earned before, and all the basic skills were added to Silver 9, and there were 3000 skill points.

This wave of trips to the trial site made Wang Lan completely fat.

Coming out of the trial site with Jiang Xinyu and others, Wang Lan slipped into the car and started.

The car phone rang just as soon as the file was registered.

“Xinyu, what’s wrong?”

“What’s the matter with you? How do I feel like you are running away?”

“Fuck, are you too keen? Can this be discovered by you?” Wang Lan coldly sweated, only then did he really hold the idea of ​​leaving quickly.

“Little Lan, have you forgotten that Xinyu’s eyes can restore a picture by the way? Xinyu’s ability to capture details is a camera.” Gong Feiyu’s voice rang.

“Actually nothing? Didn’t you meet an acquaintance this time? They are too enthusiastic and run slowly. It is difficult to get out today.”

“Are you sure you did nothing bad?”

“Am I like that kind of person?”

“Don’t say anything else, where are you going to play tonight?” Xu Xiangwen asked roaringly. After each action together, I will choose a place eating and drinking merrily once.

“Is this time changing Oriental Heaven Sect?” Gong Feiyu asked.

“OK! If you play late, you can live in Wang Lan’s house. There are so many rooms in his house.”


“Go back and wash each other. At 6pm, Oriental Heaven Sect Suzhou City Central Square meets.”

“I …” Xie Sisi’s hesitant voice rang.

“No refusal, just arrive on time. No, I won’t send you home, you go directly to my house. If I have more clothes, that’s it!

Wu wu wu ——

The car roared, 4 cars, screamed and rushed to the opposite road, disappeared at the end of the field of vision in a blink of an eye.

Wang Lan not at all went home, but drove directly to Suzhou City Heavenly Sword Bureau’s Headquarters.

Entering the information office on the 7th floor, Wang Lan first went to the assistant office at the door, “Is Secret Wang here today? Is it convenient now?”

“Little Junior Brother hasn’t been here for a long time. Secretory Wang is in the office. You just go directly.”

Long? Forget it, Wang Lan is less than 2 months.

“da da da -“

“Come in!”

Wang Lan entered the office, and Wang Qianfeng was writing on his desk. He lifted the head and saw that Wang Lan didn’t care much. “Today, the sun is coming out of the west? How do you know to look back in the game? “

Wang Lan came to the desk and stood upright.

“Secretory Wang, I have seized a bottle of Demonization Potion, and I will hand it over.”

“pa -“

A pen copybook is just so useless.

Wang Qianfeng lifts the head, his eyes staring straight at Wang Lan. The expression in your eyes seems to be asking, are you teasing me?

Wang Qianfeng’s previous words were just casual jokes. Who does n’t know that Wang Lan has been going to school for more than a month? I have just completed the final exam, and it is not a few days before the holiday. How can I find any clues?

He just complained that Wang Lan wouldn’t come to Heavenly Sword Bureau if he had nothing to do, as if he wasn’t the person of Heavenly Sword Bureau. But didn’t expect, Wang Lan is actually one doesn’t visit a temple without a cause?

“What did you say? You seized the Demonization Potion? Where did you seize it? Where are you going to cause trouble? How can I know nothing?”

Wang Qianfeng’s 3 combos.

Wang Lan took out the blue potion from the pocket of his clothes, “This should be the potion of Demonization. On the 3rd day of winter vacation, my classmates and I went to the intermediate trial site.”

With Wang Lan’s narration, Wang Qianfeng’s expression is getting weird and more and more grieving.

Is this still human? You entered the primary trial field for the first time and found the Mozu base to discover the Mozu conspiracy. Upon entering the trial site for the second time, a Demonization star martial artist was sent to the door, and you also seized the Demonization potion.

The importance of the Demonization agent is self-evident. This is the most powerful clue to understand the cause of the Demonization star martial artist. Imperial Capital headquarters has ordered, at all costs, to identify the source of the Demonization star martial artist, and spare no effort to eliminate it.

The order, issued a week ago, Wang Qianfeng has scattered all the backbone to the present, and no one has responded to the progress.

Did you send the Demonization potion to me so suddenly?

Surprised? Unexpected?

“Are you chosen by God’s destiny? It’s a pity you don’t buy lottery tickets for your luck …” After a half-rate, Wang Qianfeng sighed faintly.

“Secretory Wang laughed, what did I do to buy the lottery ticket, I haven’t confiscated the rent and quickly.”

With that said, what should Wang Qianfeng do if he wants to kill?

However, Wang Lan really agreed with Wang Qianfeng’s statement that he was really chosen by fate. Isn’t the system in my mind the Destiny System?

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