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“You say a woman? What kind of woman?”

“I don’t know her identity. She is a person every time she comes. She wears thick makeup and wears sunglasses. You know, the woman finished her makeup, and even her mother couldn’t recognize it, let alone me.

“Did the crow see you with that woman too? It seems that you are trusted.”

“That’s not true.” Hu Qing tightened the sheets on her body. “This woman can find crows as do one one pleases, as long as she wants, at any time. Sometimes when the crows are in a meeting, the woman pushes open the door and comes in. .

And every time a woman comes in, the crow will not get angry, but immediately put down the matter in the hand and speak with the woman alone.

Today the woman brought a box to find the crow, and tonight we had dropped a bait waiting for the crow to hook. I think the crow and the woman must be sneaky, so I sneaked into his office while the crow was caught by us.

Found the box, these two blue bottles are in the box. But didn’t expect was seen by the two Nebula star martial artists, and was chased here. “

“You said the crow hooked tonight, is your superintendent going to close the net tonight?”

“Well, it was originally planned for the new year, but the boss said that this kind of garbage is still kept for the New Year? It was done years ago.”

Wang Lan asked Xiao Ai to order clothes and send them to the new hostal building. About half an hour, the clothes arrived.

“Student Wang Lan, Xu Shiyun is here.”

“Let them wait in the underground garage, and I get down immediately.”

Wang Lan and Hu Qing of changed clothes entered the elevator together and reached the underground 2-Layer.

“Big brother Xu, did you call all the brothers of the intelligence team?”

“Someone dared to move the mascot of our intelligence service, that is, to declare war with our entire action team, the brethren are here. The Devil wants you to pass the New Year, the brother will accompany you for the New Year, Laozi wants to see, which Devil does Open your eyes. “Xu Shiyun’s domineering shouted.

mascot? Wang Lan heard this title again, and felt … maybe this title will last forever.

“Wait? Mozu wants me to have a bad time? Have you received the information?”

“Isn’t that what you called? You met the assassination today and went to your home to assassinate. Who is the one who killed you besides the Devil? If you choose to assassinate you at this time, isn’t it to declare white terror? Laozi Let ’s see who ca n’t survive this year. “

“Big brother Xu, are you sure that I am not greedy for my 500-square-meter small room?” Wang Lan smiled bitterly. You are a bit overkill.

“Which way, I’m greedy for your 36th-layer’s new hostal building. It’s about 500 balls, and Laozi’s family has 200 levels anyway.” Xu Shiyun knew that Wang Lan was joking to ease the pressure and returned casually.

“Brothers are here … that’s fine. But this time it wasn’t really the Devil who troubled me, Big brother Xu, brothers. What do you think I got?”

Wang Lan took out two medicine bottles and shook them. Most of them were confused, but only Xu Shiyun was stunned.

“Demonization potion? Did you get 2 more bottles? Wait!” Suddenly, Xu Shiyun was shocked and looked at Wang Lan in shock.

If Wang Lan has 2 bottles of Demonization potion in his hand, then it makes sense for him to be attacked.

“You … won’t you find the whereabouts of the Demon Spy again? Didn’t I tell you why you found the clue not to be singlehanded? Notify our brother, don’t rob you, but how much can take care of your safety.

“No, I really did n’t do anything today, so I cleaned the hygiene stickers at home. The Hu Qing brother of this superintendent was undercover next to the crow. He fled to my house with 2 bottles of Demonization Potion , And then encountered the expert chase.

Today, the police will collect the underground triads in Suzhou City, and the crow of the leader is directly connected to the Demonization agent. Grab the crow and you will know where the Demonization potion came from. “

At this time, all the brothers of the action team understood. Looked towards Wang Lan’s eyes also became even more weird. You cleaned your house at home, and then someone took 2 bottles of Demonization Potion to your hand?

We are also cleaning at home, why no one is giving us benefits? Did you save the galaxy in your last life?

“What are the brethren waiting for? Don’t wait, Li Ge’s kid was sent to assist the superintendent’s action, maybe this time. It’s late, and the credit is Li Ge’s.” Xu Shiyun suddenly shouted.

Wang Lan got into Xu Shiyun’s car, and Xu Shiyun quickly contacted Wang Qianfeng as soon as he got on the bus.

“Secretory Wang, I have an urgent report. Today Wang Lan got 2 bottles of Demonization potion, which was obtained from one of the underworld commander crows in this superintendent’s operation.

We concluded that the crow had a direct connection with the Demonization potion, and the action team requested intervention. “

Wang Qianfeng on the opposite side looked stunned and took a few seconds to react.

“You can intervene. I will call the Operations Department and the Director.”

“Thank you Director.”

Wang Qianfeng, who hung up the phone, was still a bit stunned, digesting it for several seconds before came back to his senses. Picked up the phone at hand.

The location of the crow for the net is in a rotten building in the peripheral zone of Wu District, Suzhou City. Originally, the government intended to plan this area as a key development area, but the government had not yet made a decision, and real estate took off.

Quickly fry real estate here, fry schools here. But later the government’s plan changed, and development here was postponed for ten years. The large-scale rotten building appeared, and the Chief-In-Charge of the real estate fled overseas and was caught back.

Although the funds that were taken away were collected back, no one had taken over these rotten buildings. This time the crow’s trading location is selected here. Of course, the so-called bulk transaction is actually the police’s operation of closing the net for 2 months.

Now the siren sounds and the net has started.

Xu Shiyun quickly and instantly hangs gears. While Xu Shiyun quickly hangs gears, Wang Lan grabs the armrest with lightning. Once in Xu Shiyun’s car, I knew how flirty the car was once it floated.

Sure enough, Xu Shiyun’s vehicle instantly ran out of a zigzag lightning trajectory, and immediately broke away from other vehicles and rushed to the ramp.

“Big brother Xu, I think we can catch up at normal speed … No … No need to be so anxious …”

“It’s better to arrive early. You won’t be able to eat the soup when you slow down. 10000 Once the crow is killed, it won’t catch anything.”

Fast as lightning all the way, just ten minutes outside the position surrounded by the superintendent.

The entire construction site was dark, but countless police cars were driving bright lights from all directions to illuminate the construction site. In addition to the glare on the ground, there is a helicopter hovering above the sky.

Xu Shiyun and Wang Lan jumped out of the car and a guard in a senior police uniform strode forward.

“I am Zhao Kai, Superintendent of Suzhou City Superintendent. Which section are you from?”

“Suzhou City Heavenly Sword Bureau Intelligence Team Action Team, did you have a crow in the net-closing operation this time?”

“Raven is the primary target of our operation. He is in this appendix. He and his men are in Building 3. Our people are monitoring them in all directions. The police have now surrounded Building 3, and the Raven is absolutely impossible to escape ”

“He has important clues to him, we need to catch a live mouth. Can we go in?”

“Of course it’s okay to go in, and the Lieutenant from Heavenly Sword Bureau is alone in the arrest. It is inconvenient for us to move in the dark. I originally planned to trap them and then warn them to surrender.

But Lieutenant said he didn’t need to be so troublesome, he could do it alone. Our manpower has been arranged around, and the strong light has also passed, but here to remind you to be careful, each of them has a firearm. “

“Relax, we are all professional, and firearms are no different from Fire Burning Stick in our eyes.” Xu Shiyun waved his hand and Wang Lan 4 people rushed to the so-called Building 3 that Zhao Kai said.

No lights were turned on in Building 3, but it was not dark. It is a rotten building itself, and there are no doors or windows. Coupled with the glare of all directions, the entire building 3 is like a lighted lantern.

Before approaching Building 3, Wang Lan and the others heard the gunshots coming one after another.

On the middle floor of Building 3, the crow evacuated quickly under the protection of a dozen men.

Although the crow’s face was still fierce and fierce, he never had the ease to control everything in the past. Although forced to calm down, but the heart was panicked.

He can’t escape.

In this single building, all the guards are outside. As long as you walk out of the building, there will be countless eye-catching faces at you, and you will be instantly turned into a horse honeycomb.

Without leaving the single building, it is tantamount to sitting dead.

What’s more terrible is that the one behind him is still a star martial artist expert. Damn it, just know to bring 2 Xingwu experts around to protect yourself. There are 2 Nebula realm martial experts, and he still has the power to fight.

With these dozens of guns and dozens of guns around, dealing with a Nebula Peak is tantamount to a dream.

Guns are still lethal to star martial artists below the Star River level, but this is when the opponent is unprepared. If the star martial artist is prepared, do n’t say anything about the Star River environment, even a Stars Realm may not be afraid of guns.

The bullet can really hit the star martial artist below the Star River level, but only if it can hit. The speed of star martial artist, ordinary person’s eyes can’t keep up, how to fight?

There are dozens of people, dozens of guns, and 6 automatic rifles. But what can it do? How can I not see the silhouette of the other party?

The crow escaped carefully to the staircase and walked upstairs quietly alone.

Leave a dozen men to guard the stairs.

“Come out! Are you not a star martial artist? Don’t star martial artist deal with our ordinary person and dare not come out? What is the pride of your star martial artist? Come out, see who we die …”

The ravenous roars of the crow’s men, Li Ge hiding in the corner of his mouth slightly sneered.


“Sting–” Suddenly, an electric arc exploded. When the electric arc appeared, it seemed that a spirit snake had hit everyone’s feet.


The thunder ball burst, and the current spread like a spider web like a spider web. The dozens of people at the stairs immediately had their hair upright and fell straight.

No secret gunmen threatened this layer before Li Ge came out of the dark. Stepped on a scorched black, I don’t know if it was a dead or alive crow hand down to the stairs. Looking up, I saw the silhouette flashing above the stairs.

Li Ge glanced at the alloy stair railing, a sneer sneered in the corner of his mouth.

The palm of your hand pressed against the armrest, and in an instant, the whole body’s arc exploded.


Suddenly, a scream came from the top of the head, and the electric current would blacken the whole body of the dozen people who were running on the handrails, and fell to the ground in a mist of smoke.

Li Ge body flashed, turned into a thunderbolt and rushed to the upper level.

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