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“His name is Yingying Fei, a biological scientist of our human Peak. He was obsessed with human experiments and was sanctioned many times by the law. Then, he completely crazy and ridiculous experimented with himself and his family. On his laboratory bench.

But in the end, he disappeared from the face of the earth. No one lives, no dead bodies. If it weren’t for the video you brought back, his whereabouts are still pending.

Man is really a complicated animal. Everyone has independent thoughts, independent values ​​and principles of behavior. Therefore, so many traitors, scum, and beasts will be born in humans.

Since ancient times, such people have always existed.

Song Zifeng died of an experimental failure, but in the end we didn’t find his body either. He might be crushed, and he might still be alive. But at least for sure.

Suppose, the Demon created the accident. Suppose, the purpose of the Demon is Song Zifeng. Suppose, the Demonization potion is made by Song Zifeng.

One thing is certain, Song Zifeng will not be replaced by the Demon Race. Because Song Zifeng’s value lies in his value creation. If these assumptions are true, even if Song Zifeng betrayed the whole World, he should still have something special about Song Jia. “

“Secretory Wang, if your hypothesis is true, he has already given up his position as a human being, would he care about Jiajia?”

“How do you know if you don’t try it? But your response is not satisfactory. You didn’t make a lot of noise and break up with the Heavenly Sword Bureau, which gave the plan a little shadow.

You are still a member of the Heavenly Sword Bureau, and your identity will make the other party dare not act to blindly without thinking … especially if you are the one who caused the Mozu to suffer huge losses. “

“Or … now we have a fight?”

“Does it still make sense?” Wang Qianfeng sneered, “Although you didn’t follow my script, your performance satisfied me. I made you think simple.

When you encounter sudden occurance, you have not lost your judgment. After learning that Heavenly Sword Bureau caught your closest person, you calmed down quickly without impulsiveness, and immediately analyzed the conclusion closest to the facts.

You … are indeed better than many people.

In particular, the evidence that the Mozu gave Ms. Wang Qi a blame is very sufficient to allow us to really arrest her, but you can immediately confirm that this is the stolen blame of the Mozu. “

“She is my aunt, can I still believe her?”

“Perceptual trust is not the same as rational trust. The reasons for your trust are very good, and the argument is very rigorous, not just because she is your aunt.

Ok, now you should go back and comfort Song Jia. You can tell her that Ms. Wang Qi is safe and there will be no danger. But for the time being, I can’t let them contact. “

“Where is Auntie now?”

“Heavenly Sword Bureau! Someone has been protected for 20 hours. It’s just that her mood is a little low now.”

“That assumption may not be true.”

“But she is very convinced that the genetic formula is known only to her and Song Zifeng, and can produce the Demonization Elixir, except that she only has Song Zifeng. If Wang Qi is not so firmly convinced, I will not make a plan pinned on the hypothesis.

I believe she believes that if that person is really Song Zifeng, then my bait may not catch the fish, right? “

Separated from Wang Qianfeng, Wang Lan returned to the aunt’s villa. Entering the living room, Song Jia fell asleep on Jiang Xinyu’s lap. Jiang Xinyu raised a finger, but Song Jia raised his head.

“big brother ……”

“En!” Wang Lan came to the edge of the sofa, Song Jia threw himself directly in Wang Lan’s arms, raised his head, and looked at Wang Lan pitifully.

“Jiajia, my aunt is fine. The person who took the aunt is a friend of the big brother. There are bad guys who want to frame the aunt, so the friend of the big brother takes the aunt away and protects it. You can rest assured that the aunt will be fine soon.”

“Really?” Song Jia raised her cute eyes and looked at Wang Lan.

“Really! Do you live with the big brother these days, do you live in the big brother’s house or the big brother live here?”

“Big brother lives here … if mom comes back one day, I can see mom immediately …”

“Okay! Listen to you.”

When Jiang Xinyu was taken out of the door, Jiang Xinyu looked at Wang Lan worriedly, “Whether I want my family to help, let me work for you.”

“No, didn’t I just say that? My aunt was protected.”

“Do you think I will believe if I cheated the little child?” Jiang Xinyu certainly would not believe Wang Lan’s remarks to Song Jia.

“What I said is true.” Wang Lan’s face showed a smile of found mystery.

“Uh?” Based on Jiang Xinyu’s understanding of Wang Lan, it is true that Wang Lan said this time. Just kidding, Wang Lan never says second time.

“You just said … Wang Qi Aunt took your friend?”

“Ah! It’s my colleague.” Wang Lan beckoned to Jiang Xinyu, and Jiang Xinyu approached suspiciously, “I’m Heavenly Sword Bureau special service, don’t tell others, I want to be low-key.”

Jiang Xinyu’s eyes suddenly widened when Wang Lan said this sentence.


“of course it’s true.”

“How could … you … when are you?” Jiang Xinyu certainly knows the existence of Heavenly Sword Bureau. Not only does she know, she also knows the nature of Heavenly Sword Bureau.

She even thought about it when she imagined the future. The first choice is to join the army, and maybe join the Heavenly Sword Bureau in the future. But these are plans after she completes her studies and stepped into life completely.

Jiang Xinyu can’t believe that Wang Lan at this time is already far away from her.

Let ’s say that two people sit together and make a wish. I will become an entrepreneur in the future and start a company to make a lot of money.

Another said, I am already.

It was such an accident, and it was such an unexpected opening that Jiang Xinyu didn’t react for a long time.

“The first time you come back from the trial site, so you don’t have to worry too much about me. Of course, don’t tell anyone. Just don’t know anything.”


After sending away Jiang Xinyu, Wang Lan returned to the house to accompany Jiajia.

I received a call from Song Jia after watching the movie with Jiang Xinyu. I was emotionally not at all feeling before, but now, a strong sense of hunger strikes.

“Jiajia, are you hungry?”

“Hungry!” Maybe Jiajia’s mood became much better when she learned that her mother had not committed the crime and was taken away by the guard Uncle. It is only at this age that children are more liable to be cheated. At a few more years of age, Wang Lan is not so easy to fool.

Entered the kitchen and found some ingredients from the refrigerator. In the New Year, there will be ingredients in the aunt ’s refrigerator. Wang Lan is not the two aunts and Mother who are different from the 2-character kitchen. He can cook and the level is good.

There is only one reason for ordering takeout all the time, and that is laziness.

After getting some food, it was already dark after finishing.

It must be impossible to fall asleep so early, and Song Jia’s mood is a little better, but it is still very low. Wang Lan simply accompanied her to sit on the sofa and watch TV.

“After our clinical verification, Life One can effectively suppress cancer cells. The three people standing next to me are the results of the clinical verification of Life One.

A year ago, their cancer cells had spread throughout the body. Even lost the ability to eat. After taking Life One, the cancer cells were effectively suppressed, and after 2 months of taking them, their cancer cells began to shrink.

After half a year, their physical condition has been effectively improved, and now, although they still have cancer cells in the body, they can already live like normal people.

Through clinical analysis, they only need to continue to take it for another 3 years, and the cancer cells will be completely eliminated. Life One is a milestone in the history of human medicine … “

On TV, Suzhou City News is broadcasting evening news. Humans have conquered cancer, which is an epoch-making victory for humans, just like the announcement that the smallpox virus has been completely defeated and the whole world is boiling.

Neither Wang Lan nor Song Jia are interested in the news, but when they saw the news, Wang Lan’s change of channels stopped abruptly.

“Life One …” Samma Technology emerged again in the mind.

Ma Bo is the sister-in-law and Song Zifeng’s Teacher, and Song Zifeng was still studying with Ma Bo when he was in trouble. Although I do n’t know why my aunt is so sure, Ma Bo does n’t know the genetic formula left by Song Zifeng. But in Wang Lan’s view, he has the possibility to get it.

Moreover, on New Year’s Day 30 yesterday, Mabo also intends to use the entire Senma Pharmaceuticals to cooperate with her aunt, but today released the high-profile Life One? And my aunt was so taken by Heavenly Sword Bureau today.

In all respects, this is like a bureau.

The aunt once said that once his genetic medicine came out, he could fundamentally change the human body. It can quickly cure diseases carried by the body itself.

It can treat cancer, but it’s not just cancer.

If Auntie ’s achievements are announced, this is a perfect stop for Life One. The two are not a dimension at all, and Life One has absolutely no power to fight.

Then the contradiction came, Ma Bo was willing to pay such a big price yesterday, obviously the research result of Aunt Understood. But this time it was released in high profile, because I knew that my aunt was taken away? Or for other reasons?

Is there any other purpose besides deviating from the direction of Heavenly Sword Bureau to trace the aunt’s purpose?

The brain is running fast, and there are countless possible collisions in Wang Lan’s head in an instant.

At this moment, the broadcast screen in the news was switched to Ma Bo, and a cold female bodyguard beside Ma Bo.

The camera gave the female bodyguard a sideways flash. But in an instant, a strong sense of familiarity struck my mind.

This female bodyguard, he may have seen.

Otherwise, impossible has such a strong familiarity.

But Wang Lan was so sure that she had never seen her before yesterday. Otherwise, with Wang Lan’s mind, people who have seen it will definitely have an impression.

The collision of thoughts in the mind still continues. Suppose, assuming that Ma Bo is the third to know the genetic coding formula left by Song Zifeng, then all the reasons why the aunt was framed have become reasonable.

But, Ma Bo, who is so close, why didn’t the aunt ever doubt it?

Is it because Ma Bo is willing to pay such a big price in order to get Song Zifeng’s gene coding formula? It may not be necessary to really pay for such a big price, if it is to postpone the advent of genetic medicine? Or is it just optimistic about the generous future profits of genetic medicine?

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