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“But I said Wang Lan …” Mingyue Wucheng said suddenly, “Did you find out that the reason why you can easily defeat Xu Xiangwen is because Xu Xiangwen’s star martial skill is completely restrained by you?”

“Well, it is!” Wang Lan will not refute this point. If it is not restraint, Xu Xiangwen is very strong. In particular, as long as the martial artist of the legal system is invaded by Xu Xiangwen within 5 meters of his body, Xu Xiangwen can basically crush his opponent.

The speed is too fast, only a shadow can be seen, the next moment the ghost knows where he can attack?

“Then you never thought that you are very easy to be restrained?” This question made Wang Lan’s face instant changes serious.

How can Wang Lan not know that his star martial skill will be restrained? Not to mention anything else, when he met the Water Element star martial artist, his Blazing blade was basically obsolete. Not only Water Element, Earth Element, Thunder Element all have certain restraint ability to Wang Lan.

In the Star Wars competition, Wang Lan played against Water Element, Earth Element, and even Thunder Element. In the end, Wang Lan also won! But at that time Wang Lan was Star Radiance Realm, and his opponent was also Star Radiance Realm. What Wang Lan can win is the basic skills of smashing.

No one in the hands has a powerful star martial skill, and the C-Rank D-level star martial skill has reached its limit of such formidable power. The star martial skill level is not as good as Wang Lan, and the star force level cannot be crushed. This is the reason why Wang Lan can pass through all the way.

But in the next meeting in the province, Wang Lan’s opponent is the graduate expert of the entire Jiang province. The Nebula environment is the majority, and the star martial skill of these Heaven’s Chosen Child may be B-Rank. A-Rank, and even mysteries may be Chinese cabbage.

Not to mention anything else, it is the martial skill that controls the field star that can restrain Wang Lan’s death.

“It seems that you are also aware of this problem, I can only give you a reminder, how to solve the problem of restraint depends on yourself.”

“Martial City! Xinyu told me more than once that you are our real number one expert. It’s been half a year. I don’t know how strong you are. Let me experience the fear of being restrained? “

“Oh? Hit me seriously?”


“No reservations?”


“Okay!” Mingyue Wucheng stretched his waist and twisted his neck.

The others spread out quickly, leaving Wang Lan and Mingyue Wucheng with a small circle in the center.

“I will introduce it formally. My name is Mingyue Wucheng. The clansman of the Mingyue Family clan. The ancestor of the Mingyue Family clan Illusion Technique is unique. Illusion Technique has restraint effect on all star martial artists.

My attribute is water, earth, fire 3 series. You are careful, and you start talking. “


When Wang Lan’s words fell to the ground, the world in front of Wang Lan suddenly changed. Above the vast earth, a bright moon hung in the sky.

“Illusion Technique!” In an instant, Wang Lan launched the Blazing blade star martial skill.

Before the time to mobilize the star force, the world in front of him was broken, and Mingyue Wucheng appeared in front of Wang Lan. At the moment, Wang Lan has been enclosed in a column of water.

The water column is like a cast cement column that usually engulfed Wang Lan. I couldn’t even touch my finger. Not to mention the Nebula sword dance, and Blazing blade, don’t even think about it. Even if the smoke can’t escape, it will be wiped out by the water.

Mingyue Wucheng’s hand was pressed on the water column, as long as he kept using the star martial skill, Wang Lan could only be drowned alive.

Mingyue Wucheng gently released his hand and the water column collapsed with a bang.

After Wang Lan got rid of his difficulties, his panting eyes revealed fear. When locked in a water column, Wang Lan instantly thought of all the ways, but … there is no way.

That kind of despair, helplessness, makes Wang Lan very uncomfortable.

“This is water punishment, and it can’t actually be counted as an attack type star martial skill. The developed role of this star martial skill at first is used to interrogate prisoners.

As long as you can force my palm to remove the water column, you will be out of trouble. If you are an Earth Element star martial artist, you can stand on your feet and control the star martial skill to attack me. You can also use the technique of earth to sneak into the ground to get out of trouble.

If you are a Thunder Element, you can get oxygen through electrolysis without being smothered. You can also launch lightning to attack me.

If you are Wind Element, you can stir the water column to break my spell. If you are Water Element, it is more perfect, you can easily walk out through the water column.

The reason why I use this technique to you is because this technique is only a lowest E-rank Water Element star martial skill, but it can restrain you. Once you get stuck, you can’t help it. “

This is an extreme situation, but it happens to restrain Wang Lan who is extremely extreme.

No wonder that after the Star River environment, the primary cultivation of a single attribute star martial artist is the cultivation of the second attribute. Because the odds of a single attribute being restrained are too great. Double attributes and familiarity have no worries in this regard.

After coming out of school, Wang Lan was a little unhappy, and Jiang Xinyu stopped talking a few times. Finally, Gong Feiyu slapped Wang Lan’s shoulder indifferently, “Wang Lan, don’t be too sad. The attribute star martial artist accounts for the overwhelming majority.

Look at our severe brothers, Xinyu is Feng Shui Bing 3 attribute, Old Xu Yang Attribute, I Earth Attribute, Sisi Water Attribute. I want to meet Thunder Attribute, don’t take a break? “

“I’m not thinking about this …” Wang Lan lifts the head with a smile on his face, “Yes, Sisi, why did Teacher Liu take you to leave alone? Have you been there for half an hour? “

“Well, Teacher Liu taught me a star martial skill, a C-Rank water gun steel gun.”

“Does he want to accept you as a recipe?” Jiang Xinyu asked in surprise.

“No …” Xie Sisi shook the head, “He said he was looking at me with such a good innate talent, not a martial skill. Unfortunately, I hope I can learn before graduation so that the college entrance examination can be better. School now. “

Liu Jie is not obliged to teach students the martial skill. At the senior high school stage, the main thing is to lay a good foundation. Theoretical courses, the knowledge points that star martial artists must master, and Wrestling body art and so on.

The star martial skill, generally speaking is an advanced skill that belongs to the university. For most students, the Xingwu Academy, whose name can be named, won the college entrance examination. Obviously Liu Jie has higher expectations for Xie Sisi, this star martial skill can be said to send carbon in the snow.

“Then you have to work hard.”

“En! By the way, are you going to cultivate together tomorrow?”

“That … I might have something tomorrow, the day after tomorrow?”


“To understanding!”

“That …” Xie Sisi suddenly hesitated to stop a few people, “If the day after tomorrow … I want to invite you to dinner? Can you do it?”

“Why?” Wang Lan asked doubtfully.

“Nothing, just to thank you for taking care of me these days, and also, are you not my friend? I learned the new star martial skill, and celebrate!”

“Is that so? Okay …” Xu Xiangwen reluctantly responded. He is not unwilling, but thinks that Xie Sisi’s conditions are not very good, and several of them are star martial artists, so it costs a lot to eat and drink.

This cost is not drizzle for the four of them, but it is very big for Xie Sisi. I’m afraid Xie Sisi’s pocket money for a few years is not enough for a meal.

Every time the five people have a meal, four of them are rushing to pay. This time Xie Sisi made an invitation to rush to pay.

“Okay! No problem, Sisi when the time comes to come directly to my house, I’ll settle the restaurant, you will pay the money.” Jiang Xinyu said Xie Sisi with a smile.

“That’s all right? No pigeons!” Xie Sisi said happy with a smile.

At the school gate, Wang Lan and them separated, and Wang Lan sank into the system again.

Because of the problem of attribute restraint today, Wang Lan wondered if there was a way to learn the second attribute. Although it can be said that the 2nd attribute must wait for the Star River environment to cultivate, the Phoenix Form in the Star River environment can be mastered, and the composite star martial skill in the Star River environment will be available. Why not learn the 2nd attribute?

Then, staring at the task attribute page and watching the bare fire above didn’t look good.

At this moment, Wang Lan suddenly recalled the details that he didn’t care about before.

It is this attribute layout that did not appear at first. When the system was initially activated, there was no attribute column on the page. Then, after learning Phoenix Form, the attribute appeared.

What does the image left by Mother say? Wait until you grow up to the Star River, and then cultivate the Fire Attribute to learn this star martial skill customized for you?

Then a system hint occurs and can be forcibly loaded. Fire Attribute appeared?

Could it be … my attribute was not Fire Attribute? Because of the cultivated Phoenix Form, did the Fire Attribute appear?

This is unimaginable in common sense, but normal star martial artists will not be so brain-filled.

But is Wang Lan normal?

He is not a self-deceived brain supplement. From the beginning of last semester, Mingyue Wucheng taught when Wang Lan attribute changes.

Wang Lan was still strange at the time, he omitted a step, but successfully completed the nature change of attribute. At that time, Wang Lan thought it was better to have a letter than a book, this step is not suitable for everyone.

Looking back now, if there is such a big omission, how could it not be pointed out and corrected for several decades? It seems that it is not the textbook that has the problem, but the problem.

If the guess is correct, Wang Lan may have sent it. Do you own a full legal attribute?

Go to Star Martial Guild to ask tomorrow.

On the 2nd day early in the morning, Wang Lan got up and waited until the time was almost up and took the subway to Star Martial Guild.

At the Star Martial Guild Star Martial Skill Exchange, Wang Lan first took a tablet to find a wave of Martial Skill.

As expected, Star Martial Guild’s star martial skill is all C-Rank Class D. B-Rank is very rare, not to mention A-Rank and above. But there are many types of star martial skills.

ding dong ——

A message popped up on the phone suddenly, from Jiang Xinyu.

“Tomorrow is Xie Sisi’s birthday, I checked her ID number.”

Seeing this information, Wang Lan instantly understood. I said, why did Xie Sisi treat dinner suddenly? It must not be a simple celebration to learn the star martial skill …

Wait, star martial skill?

Xie Sisi’s birthday, there must be a lot of gifts.

The Xie Sisi people are stronger and unwilling to accept their kindness. Just like last time I went to the trial site, her 500,000 Wang Lan did not want it, but Xie Sisi insisted on giving it.

In the end, I was in a hurry, saying that when I was a friend, don’t pity me.

From this point of view, although Xie Sisi is gentle, it is soft outside and strong inside, sticking to its own principles. This also led to Wang Lan who had no way to help her, for fear that Xie Sisi would misunderstand.

But tomorrow is her birthday, can you choose a star martial skill as a birthday gift?

The star martial skill does not need to be too expensive, and she will not accept it if it is too expensive. But must be practical …

Wang Lan turned to the Water Element area and quickly browsed from top to bottom.

“Water shadow avatar, C-Rank, create a water shadow avatar to resist the attack? It looks good.”

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