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“It is found that the martial skill can be learned … The host does not meet the learning requirements … Switch to the forced loading mode … The forced loading fails … The lack of mandatory loading conditions …”

A reminder should sound at the same time, accompanied by a tingling of the head like a needle stick. Wang Lan’s brow furrowed sharply, his body subconsciously backed away from Gong Jian’s finger on his brow.

“How is it?” Gong Jian asked nervously.

“Can’t learn.”

It was obviously a very frustrating answer, but Gong Jian’s face showed a subconsciously expression of relief, as if it were a stone.

If Wang Lan can really learn S-Rank star martial skill at Star Radiance Realm, then it will be too monster, who can accept it.

“Even if you can’t learn, you want A-Rank Thunder Element star martial skill, right? Okay, I will report it, I will notify you when there is a suitable one.”

“Thank you!”

Although he didn’t get a suitable martial skill, it was worthwhile for Wang Lan. At least, the power output lying in the system proves Wang Lan’s conjecture that he is not a Fire Attribute, he is a full attribute.

If you want to change the average person and learn that you are the kind of all-attribute star martial artist, you must be very happy. What attribute star martial skill? Of course it comes with everything.

But Wang Lan not at all is pleased by the breakthrough mind. The attributes that can be learned are of course the more the better, but the upgrade of the star martial skill requires skill points. In the Chinese New Year period, skill points are sufficient, and Wang Lan almost thought it was a very easy thing to earn skill points.

But skill points are actually not spent. One skill requires 9 points to upgrade to Silver 1000. If Wang Lan really learns the full attribute, then at least 10000 skill points are required.

Are skill points really so profitable? Which time to earn a lot of skill points is not accompanied by danger? And every time it’s dangerous, you don’t need to use Phoenix Form?

There is a large consumption of Phoenix Form inside, and there is a mad swallow of martial skill outside.

The accumulated skill points will never keep up with the speed of consumption.

And this is just the Silver stage. What should I do after upgrading to Gold in my own breakthrough Nebula environment? Once Gold reaches Gold 9, there are 10000 skill points. In addition to 3 star martial skills, there are 5 basic skills.

When the time comes how many skill points do you need? Even if at that time, good luck can fill up nearly 7 80000 skill points, in the back to the Star River environment? Platinum Gold skills? Any more?

Therefore, Wang Lan chose Thunder Attribute not to come out, but after careful consideration.

Thunder Attribute is an attack force and speed attribute of Peak among 7 basic attributes. If it is not restrained by Wind Attribute, Thunder Attribute should not be used as one of the basic attributes.

Other attributes In addition to the restrained attributes, there are one or two attributes that cannot be beat, but Thunder Attribute is all attributes that can be played except Wind Attribute. Wind Attribute is restrained by Wang Lan’s Fire Attribute. So hook up heavenly thunder and earth fire … Wang Lan can fly up.

Leaving Star Martial Guild, Wang Lan didn’t drive by today, so he needed to walk to the bus stop.

At this moment, the peak of work has passed, and there are few pedestrians on the street. A cleaning worker wearing a yellow vest is cleaning the street diligently.

“Boom–” There was a crisp sound, and it came suddenly.

The cleaning workers sweeping the catastrophe paused in unison and looked away in doubt. Wang Lan, who was walking slowly on the street, turned into a gust of wind immediately after slightly started.

At the moment when Wang Lan’s silhouette disappeared, there were several consecutive light sounds.

“How does this sound like the sound of a gun?”

“Liu old man, do you watch more on TV? How can there be the sound of shooting? I thought it would be a movie? I think, which decoration site is nearby.”

“No, I used to be a soldier before. This could really be the sound of gunshots … Hurry, we will call the police.”

“Don’t make trouble, Liu old man, this is Suzhou City, how could there be a gun?”

Wang Lan’s figure turned into a streamer, rushing towards the direction of the gunshot at a speed of 100 meters for 5 seconds, which is a nearby agricultural bank. When it was clear that it was the Agricultural Bank, Wang Lan was almost certain to have been shot.

Although the story of bank robbing only happens in movies, in real society, I am afraid that it may not happen once in several decades. But that’s how it happened.

When Wang Lan was approaching 100 meters from the bank, dynamic vision turned on.

In the right eye, magnifying the distant scene, through the thick glass of the bank, Wang Lan clearly saw three people with black masks and classic bank suits.

But their purpose at the moment is not to grab money, but to kill. Each of them had a short punch on the neck, holding a pistol in hand, and at the moment was shooting impudent at the four people who were fleeing, lost one’s head out of fear.

The bank’s door has been locked, and pedestrians on the road are frighteningly holding their mobile phones while rushing and calling the police.

Such unscrupulous murders made no concealment. This is not a bank rob, it is a terrorist act.

Seeing this scene clearly, where did Wang Lan dare not hesitate, raised his hand instantly, and Blazing Arrow blasted away.

The three robbers in the bank did not hide at all, so they stood in the middle and shot unscrupulously against the 3 surnames. Wang Lan blasted 100 arrows in an instant, and shot into the bank like a breakthrough water curtain. Each arrow accurately hit the eyebrow of a gangster.

The arrows dissipated, the flame remained, and in an instant, the flame spread to the bodies of the three gangsters, burning them into torches.

The change in this scene stopped all the 100 surnames who fled in panic. It ’s not their silly robes, who do n’t know to hurry up and escape. One is because the door is locked, they have nowhere to escape, 2 is because the sudden change is too unimaginable. Even a movie doesn’t dare to be filmed like this.



With a loud bang, Wang Lan had already arrived outside the door at this moment, breaking the tempered glass door with a punch.

Oh la la, the glass poured like a powder, Wang Lan body flashed into the bank.

“Don’t panic everyone, I am the Heavenly Sword Bureau special service, I am here to rescue you.” Wang Lan took out his certificate loudly shouted.

“Is the Bank Chief-In-Charge still alive? Are there only three of them? Anyone else?”

“There are … there …” a beautiful woman in a bank uniform suddenly screamed and emerged from the background. “There are three others. They grabbed the money and drove … car … car …”

Suddenly, the female bank clerk stared in panic, not far away, and just drove the black escort of the viaduct.

“This is the escort car that came to our bank to withdraw money … this is it!”

“Rogues rob the bank? Still use the bank’s escort car?” Wang Lan couldn’t believe it for a while. Is there such a gangster? Do n’t drive the bank by yourself? Is this not going or is it something?

But looking at the three gangsters who had been burned into adult sticks, Wang Lan suddenly felt that they might not come to rob the bank, but to kill. To rob a bank purely for murder.

Without hesitation, Wang Lan rushed out of the bank, looked up at the bank’s floor, and returned to the bank again.

“Take me to the top floor.”

“Good… good!”

Through the elevator, Wang Lan went directly to the top floor of the bank building. At the moment, the escort car was still running on the elevated road. This section of the elevated road was staggered and there were several large carousels. Although they were delayed for two minutes, they did not go far.

Wang Lan rushed to the rooftop and instantly jumped to the roof of the building opposite.

Wang Lan is like a spirit monkey traveling through the forest. He jumps rapidly between floors and rushes towards the other party along the turntable.

In 5 seconds, the opponent will leave the turntable and rush to the fast elevated. The speed limit on the fast elevated is 100, and they will definitely be able to drive to 200 yards. In this case, Wang Lan cannot be chased.

Wang Lan just fell to the top of a building, and rushed out again instantly, turning into a meteorite dropping from the sky, and landed on the elevated road.

“Didi-” Several cars drove by, some scared quickly to turn the steering wheel. 3rd floor elevated, a position where several dozen meters high, suddenly a person appeared. Let me not ask why this person came up, why did you climb up alive?

Wang Lan remained unmoved, staring coldly at the black escort car rushing in. Through the front windshield, Wang Lan clearly saw three criminals wearing masks sitting in the car.

That’s right!

Wang Lan turned sideways, raised his hand, the golden glow in his right eye flashed, and a crescent arrow shot at the car opposite.

“Clang ——”

The glass of the escort car is bulletproof glass, but it depends on what the bulletproof glass is. You can block ordinary firearms, but to block the crescent arrow with a lethality comparable to a sniper rifle, that has no effect.

The glass shattered instantaneously, this arrow, killing one person in the car.

Normally, this is enough for the three robbers to lose all their luck and parked sideways. But the robber who was driving seemed not at all a little panicked, his mind was steady like an old dog, and rushed towards Wang Lan more quickly.


The second arrow shot out.

The left wheel of the escort car was directly smashed by Wang Lan with an arrow, and the car lost its balance and slammed into the side fence.

“Boom–” The escort vehicle rushed out of the protective fence, spun in the air and rolled.


There was another loud noise, and the escort’s 4 feet fell into the opposite lane, sliding across dozens of meters all the way.

The cars in the distance all braked together. There are a few more places to control whether or not to drive against the cultivation, immediately turn the front of the car, and run away desperately.

Wang Lan body flashed and came to the side of the overturned escort vehicle. Blazing blade ignited, driving the door across the board. The three robbers in the car had their heads tilted unconsciously.

One of them was naturally dead, and Wang Lan hit his chest with a single arrow. For the remaining two, Wang Lan probed the aorta in his neck, only to find that they were also dead.

Wang Lan opened the door of the trunk. There were 5 6 large bags in the trunk. The zipper was unzipped, all of which were a pile of cash. But not the new money with the same number, but the old used money.

Wang Lan brows tightly frowns, lost in thought.

Are these 6 people really here to grab money? Although the behavior process is to grab money, but it is courting death’s. Just ask about the 3 goods that were shot and killed indiscriminately in the bank, even if there is no Wang Lan, when the guard arrives, he is also killed by tú tú.

As for these three, are you running around in a special escort car? Are you the Jade Country road monitoring system? Wang Lan bet that within 3 minutes, the police will deploy inescapable net, they are easy to escape.

Wu wu wu ——

Wang Lan’s guess had just landed, and there was a harsh siren sound in his ears.

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