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“Oh? What’s your opinion from Captain?”

“No!” Li Ge shook the head said lightly, “From a rational analysis, I agree with your conclusion, but my intuition tells me that Wang Lan may not necessarily lose.”

“Intuition?” Zhang Yeqiu looked at Li Ge in shock, as if he had discovered the New World. Li Ge even said intuition? Is this still the cold and ruthless Li Ge?

“Wang Lan is a miracle-maker. When we think he will lose, there is no chance to win, he will always make an unexpected comeback.” While speaking, Li Ge’s eyes looked at the center of the dirt rolled up Wang Lan surrounded by torrents.

At the moment, Wang Lan’s situation is far less beautiful than Li Ge said. Even … it’s dangerous.

The tornado of the mud surrounding Wang Lan is shrinking rapidly. Wang Lan tried to impact again and again, but was blocked by the mud flow wall. This rotating tornado is the bun skin processed by the pastry Master, and Wang Lan is the meat filling in the bun skin at the moment.

Wang Lan clearly remembered how the demographic star martial artist was compressed and squeezed by Xu Shiyun with mud, and finally became a muddy mud. Although he said that Xu Shiyun would not treat himself this way, but he lost so little resistance, Wang Lan said he could not accept it.

Xu Shiyun raised his hands across his chest, gradually closing his fingers together.

“Wang Lan, don’t you admit defeat? If you don’t admit defeat, you won’t have a chance.”

“Big brother Xu, I think I can still struggle.”

“Then you are struggling! Burial!” Xu Shiyun instantly folded his hands together, and the mud above his head whistled from the sky.

At the crucial moment, Wang Lan instantly switched the star martial skill.

“Twin Flame Cut–“

Loudly shouted burst out of the collapsed mud flow, Wang Lan’s hands Blazing blade suddenly deformed again, the extended Blazing blade was about 2 meters, Wang Lan’s figure rotated violently, the collapsed mud flow was instantly cut by Blazing blade. It’s like a bottle mouth that has been cut away.


A silhouette burst out.

Blazing blade is also a flame, burning suddenly in a closed environment, Wang Lan was suddenly hit by a burst of air pressure, and rushed into the sky from the breach above his head.

Wang Lan, who rushed to the sky, instantly switched the star martial skill, his fingers were pistol-shaped, and the pointed finger towards Xu Shiyun.

“Crescent Arrow–“

A silver white arrow crossed the distance of several dozen meters, and fiercely rushed to Xu Shiyun.

“Huh?” Xu Shiyun’s eyes showed a little surprise, but not at all a little panicked, the soil rose in front of him, and he turned himself into a wall of soil in the blink of an eye.

“Boom–” The crescent arrow hit the earth wall, and the earth wall exploded. Unfortunately, not at all broke Xu Shiyun’s defense layer.

Earth Element’s defense second only to Gold Element, but Gold Element does not have the flexibility of Earth Element. The strength is not enough, the thickness comes together, this is the usual trick of Earth Element star martial artist. Therefore, Wang Lan ’s Xingyue Arrow can penetrate a half-meter stone defensive wall, but cannot penetrate a one meter stone defensive wall.

Seeing that one arrow didn’t work, Wang Lan’s face showed a pity. Xu Shiyun’s face was scared. Only then, he didn’t intend to use such a thick defensive wall. Fortunately, out of understanding Wang Lan’s insidious degree, the calcium carbide fireworks will thicken the defensive wall.

Almost, fall in the sewer again. Sure enough, the attitude towards Wang Lan should be reported to be 100% serious.

Thinking of this, Xu Shiyun’s eyes instantly became solemn, his hands folded, and under the star force surge, the range of control began to shrink, but the control of the earth was definitely stronger.

“Old Wang … what’s going on? Suddenly I feel Xu Shiyun training Wang Lan today?” He Mingxue asked with a smile.

Recently half a month, He Mingxue is indeed a proud of one’s success. The establishment of the Shadow Action Division has allowed He Mingxue’s real power to explode. The Shadow Action Department can be non-existent or everywhere.

It doesn’t need disappear without a trace when it exists, but when he needs to exist, any one of each section may become a ghost in the dark night. Now, the Shadow Operation Division is almost set up. Apart from the Director and He Mingxue, no one knows the list of members of the Shadow Operation.

He Mingxue thought about pulling Wang Lan into the Shadow Operation Department, but suddenly discovered that Wang Lan is the Heavenly Sword Bureau secret service. The identity of the Secret Service was already in the dark, and then pulled him into the Shadow Operation Department where there was no operation.

Wang Lan needs to go to school most of the time. Occasional free time is also the job of Heavenly Sword Bureau. But there is no room for operation now does not mean that there is no future.

He Mingxue’s current motto is to dig Wang Qianfeng’s people and make Wang Qianfeng unavailable.

“He Lao 2, Wang Lan has learned a new star martial skill.” Wang Qianfeng said lightly with his arms.

“I learned a new star martial skill? What does it matter?” He Mingxue asked doubtfully. Wang Lan now knows 3 star martial skills. As far as Wang Lan’s innate talent is concerned, as long as there are no more than 4 star martial skills, it doesn’t matter.

“His newly learned star martial skill is called Crescent Arrow.”

He Mingxue’s complexion suddenly changed, “Vermilion Bird is staring at Wang Lan.”


“This is sooner or later, not to mention Wang Lan’s innate talent, potential, just to introduce him to Phoenix Form cultivation at Stars Realm, Vermilion Bird to come to the door sooner or later.”

“But it is not too late but not early. The rough stones that have not undergone grinding are difficult to form, and the rough stones that are subjected to overweight grinding are easy to scrap. Heavenly Sword Bureau can protect Wang Lan in terms of strength and safety. Vermilion Bird appeared too early. “

“Vermilion Bird sent an invitation to Wang Lan?”

“No, but Wang Lan ’s crescent arrow tells everyone undoubtedly that he is the person Vermilion Bird is looking for. How many people are Vermilion Bird staring at, and how many enemies are they not compelling?

But this time, it wasn’t Vermilion Bird who took the initiative to dig the foot of the wall, but Wang Lan sent it to his door. Are you angry? He didn’t know how to repent, he thought that the star martial skill the more the better, and conceited that he could learn all the star martial skill.

Who is he when he is? Profound Sect? Can you master 100 kinds of star martial skills? I just want Xu Shiyun to give him a lesson. Learning more star martial skills is better than specializing in a star martial skill. Applying a star martial skill to the point of perfection, even if there are more opponents, you can be invincible. “

In the last paragraph, Wang Qianfeng deliberately said loudly that the two people who passed the voice to the battle in the field also secretly wondered why Wang Qianfeng wanted Wang Lan and Xu Shiyun to play a game today.

It ’s not that I bullied Wang Lan. I ’m doing it for him. Wang Lan ’s philosophy has gone astray, and he intends to improve his crooked ways by learning more star martial skills.

Hearing Wang Qianfeng’s words, the faces of all the people watching the battle secretly appeared. This is a necessary lesson for Wang Lan. If you do n’t wake up, Wang Lan will never return on the wrong path.

Innate talent is limited, energy is limited, and quantitative change cannot be sought. Only qualitative change can be promoted to a higher level as soon as possible in a limited life.

Director Wang Qianfeng, deep plans and distant thoughts, is worthy of Wang Lan’s life mentor.

Especially Xu Shiyun, there is a fiery chest, Wang Lan, brother is not bullying you, brother is waking you up. In this case, brother will not keep his hand, star force is surging, Tuhe!

A dozen earth dragons suddenly lifted their heads from above the earth.

“My day, isn’t this too ridiculous?” Wang Lan’s heart shook, and a five to ten meter high earth dragon was erected around the 5 meter circle he made. There is a feeling of being put on the table and being divided at any time.

If you do not move at this moment, it is tantamount to sitting still.

Wang Lan’s figure flew away instantly, his left hand made a pistol shape, pointed finger towards Xu Shiyun blocked by the earth wall. At this moment, the earth dragon also moved, strikes from all directions to Wang Lan’s forehead.


A crescent arrow flew away, and an earth dragon flicked its tail gently, with no difficulty blocking the crescent arrow shot by Wang Lan. The arrow hit and exploded, and the half-tailed tail of the earth dragon crashed into pieces.

Wang Lan’s figure flipped back instantly, stepped on the head of the newly-eared earth dragon, and the left hand Blazing blade was cut with a knife.

The huge faucet was cut by the sharp Blazing blade, and the dragon fell apart. At the same time, the earth dragon behind him came at the same time. Wang Lan’s hand is an arrow, and the crescent arrow is like a laser, piercing the dragon’s mouth.


Suddenly, there was a scream on the balcony of the dormitory building outside Training Ground 3.

A dozen of female guards standing on the balcony watching Wang Lan fighting each and everyone excitedly screamed loudly. The coherent movement that Wang Lan made at that moment was so handsome.

The left hand moves a Blazing blade and the right hand raises his hand to stab the faucet. The whole process of moving the clouds and flowing water is not panic and busy, with a chic calmness in the control of the elegant.

Seeing such a classic scene, Yuanwei’s female guard got out of control on the spot.

“Recorded, recorded … so handsome … I want to make a short video, I want to post on the intranet.”

From a distance, I didn’t realize the brilliant place of Wang Lan, but the few people who watched in the cultivation field could see clearly. Where is this just flowing clouds? Where is it just a sword plus an arrow?

This is the Blazing blade on the left, the crescent arrow on the right hand, that is the martial skill of the composite star.

Compound star martial skill, that is the high-end star martial skill application method that must reach the Star River level to try cultivation and possibly master. Not to mention Star Radiance Realm, don’t even think about Nebula.

But what did Wang Lan do? Exhibiting compound star martial skill with Star Radiance Realm Realm? Excessive? Beasts …

Wang Qianfeng’s expression is without regret, that is, the corners of his mouth are constantly twitching.

What I said just now, is not sophisticated but complex and not pure. Learning more star martial skills can only drag down the innate talent and make the original innate talent become mediocre?

This is mediocre?

Star Radiance Realm can display the innate talent of the composite star martial skill.

A few lines of sight shot at Wang Qianfeng, Wang Qianfeng just felt the hot pain on his face. What I said just now is too full. I almost forgot that Wang Lan was not a normal product.

“It is far from being a composite star martial skill to be able to perform two kinds of star martial skills at the same time. This is just the 2st Step of the composite star martial skill, which is far from the true fusion of the two star martial skills.

Moreover, the compound star martial skill is a fusion use of 2 attribute changing quasi-martial skills. The crescent arrow is a morphological change quasi-martial skill. There is no such condition for the compound star martial skill … “

The voice just landed, Wang Lan followed the earth dragon’s take off, successfully rushed into the sky.

Wang Lan understands that he must take the dignified and correct route to defeat Xu Shiyun. Xu Shiyun grew stronger and stronger, and the longer he dragged, the worse he lost.

The only chance left for Wang Lan is the sword moves with side stroke. With absolute firepower, the world is determined in one fell swoop.

“Human cannon, prepare!”

Wang Lan was standing in the void, and his left hand made a pistol-shaped pointed finger towards Xu Shiyun.

“Purple Flame Bullet.”

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