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Although it is only a selection in the city, it is also an important annual event for Suzhou City No. 1 Middle School.

On Monday, all three grades of the Star Martial campus are closed, from high one to high three, and they are concentrated early on the playground stands.

The campus next door will have an autumn sports meeting every fall. At the Star Martial campus, the annual Provincial grade martial gathering trial is equivalent to the general grand celebration of the autumn sports meeting.

The opening ceremony and the opening literary and artistic performances are not lacking.

Of course, the opening art performances were all performed by the students in the general campus next door. This is also one of the few opportunities for students from the next campus to come to the Star Martial campus.

At the age of 3, 16-17 years old, child’s thinking gradually matures. Whether it’s hospitality or youthful eruption, a group of star Martial campus students who are always dedicated to the art performances will always surround them.

Those who handed water to send snacks, exchanged mobile phone numbers and exchanged penguin numbers were very happy.

Wang Lan, who is a star on both sides, is naturally the focus of attention of bilateral campuses. Soon, a fan next door came to say hello. After a while, a friend from the past came and gave a long-lost hug.

“Little Lan, do you know that in the semester without you, I’m so lonely …” The squad leader of Grade 3 in Gao 1 painted exquisite makeup and rushed to Wang Lan with a grieving face to tell about the suffering of Acacia.

Under the gaze of Jiang Xinyu and Xie Sisi, Wang Lan only felt the chills of his back.

“Squad leader Qiu … Didn’t you feel that you are so affectionate to me? Every time I quietly approached you and talked to you, you basically gave me a big eye and a roll.

“At that time, I saw you every day, I didn’t feel it … But after you left, I finally realized how difficult it was for you for so many years. — ”


Sure enough, the squad leader was still the squad leader, even with makeup, beautiful and alluring moving could not hide her temperament. The sudden imposing manner changes, causing Xu Xiangwen to spray a rainbow of salt soda.

“Is the brethren in the class all right?” Wang Lan asked with a smile on his face.

“Okay, okay! You didn’t know that when you awakened star martial innate talent to the Star Martial campus, everyone except the Master Miejue was so sad and sad, everyone was fortunate even.

Especially the guy who posted it, sang a poem on the spot, and ended it as a swan song. You guy finally found conscience, no longer harm us. To this end, we also held a farewell party in private. “

“Why don’t I know?”

“Then how can I tell you? 10000 What if you are not willing to come back?”

“Relentless–” Wang Lan clutched his chest, his face sad.

“By the way, what show will Squad leader Qiu perform in a moment?” Xu Xiangwen leaned up and asked.

“Ancient zither! I play, the junior sisters of high 2 dance, all of them are peerless beauty, do you want me to introduce you a few?”


“cough cough -“

After the enthusiastic speech by Principal, the opening ceremony of the cultural performance began. There are rumors in the lakes and lakes that experts are in the private sector. In fact, what should really be said is that experts are on campus. Especially in Suzhou City No. 1 Middle School, it is hidden dragons and crouching tigers expert as clouds.

Perhaps, an unnamed person, he may be a descendant of an intangible heritage. An ordinary person may have reached the level of a professional singer. Street hip-hop, cool and elegant, an ancient zither, shocking.

The atmosphere on the spot was instantly pushed high by several popular programs.

Provincial grade martial gathering, Suzhou City team trial, officially started.

Only 80 people signed up, but they also had to go through 4 rounds of selection, 3 rounds of preliminary rounds, and 4 rounds of challenges, divided into 2 days.

In the middle of the playground, the huge electronic screen will extract the names of the two players. In the first round, there will be 40 matches, and only half a day in the morning, so there are 2 blocks in the playground, and the two sides will play at the same time.

The official competition begins, and the first stage of the two venues takes place under the focal point of ten thousands.

Listening to the screams and exclamations in the stands, the expression on Wang Lan’s face gradually became weird.

Is this the true standard of the third-year student battle? There is no comparability with the Star Wars competition. Although the star force level may not be under the Star Wars competition, it is not the little bit that has a poor fighting consciousness and combat experience.

If it is said that during the Xingwu hegemony game, both sides played a fake match, then the two matches in front of them are the scene of a car accident that is more fake than the set fight. Although they played very seriously and were not fakes, they often made mistakes and mistakes. How dare they sign up? Wang Lan could only say one word in his heart, and his courage was commendable.

Most of the exclamations in the stands were also sent by students from the next campus to perform arts. For them, it is worth shouting to see the star martial artist on the spot.

Wang Lan thought so.

“In the next game, Xie Sisi will play against Song Ting and will be on the battlefield on the 1st.”

Xie Sisi stood up and strode towards the venue.

“Song Ting? This name … is a bit familiar.” Wang Lan touch the chin asked softly.

“Isn’t it the 2 3 Vajra of the Civilian Genius Society? The Civilian Genius Society created by Duan Ziqi has harvested 100 members in 2 years. Among them, 2 backbone members are called 3 2 Vajra. Frost on the ground, high 1 invincible, ten 1 Vajra.

The bubble name of 3 years is the time of verification today. It was blown for 3 years. I do n’t know how many can score in the 1-person team? “

“What frost in the sky and clouds?” Squad leader Qiu sat beside Wang Lan, wrapped in a down jacket curiously asked.

“Heavenly cloud refers to Mu Shaoyun, and the frost on the ground is of course our Great Ice and Snow Queen.” Xu Xiangwen said with a sneer with irony on his face.

“Oh … Sure enough the tree will not die without doubt, people will have no shame, invincible in the whole world.” Squad leader Qiu even heard of the names of Mu Shaoyun and Jiang Xinyu in the campus next door, but 2 Vajra? Have not heard. Furthermore, as friends of Wang Lan and the others, of course, they must stand on a clear stand.

“Song Ting Song Ting, ten thousand li Wuyun!”

“Thunderbolt 10000 Jun, Song Ting strikes—”

Opposite the stands, a scream of nymphos cascaded like landslides and tsunamis. It seems that apart from one class, the other classes are really brainwashed by civilian genius clubs.

Song Ting’s figure turned into a thunderbolt and appeared in the venue. And this scene looks in the eyes of other experts, most of them dismissed and deflated.

To enter with a star martial skill, is your star force free? It’s so naive to waste star force just to be handsome!

Song Ting gently extended a finger, and the cheers on the opposite stand abruptly stopped. Self-righteous action, but watched all the teachers shake their heads.

“Xie Sisi, right? In just 3 months, you can be ranked in the top ten from 150 in the whole year. How did you cheat? But it doesn’t matter, I will show you in 30 seconds. Teacher, you can start What? “

Xie Sisi remained unmoved calmly, standing motionless in silence.


The moment the words landed, Xie Sisi’s figure turned into a sharp arrow. Xie Sisi itself is a melee specialization, even if she learned 3 star martial skills, but her focus is still melee. At least in Star Radiance Realm.

These days, Wang Lan focuses on training Xie Sisi’s melee attack ability. So Xie Sisi’s advancement is extremely fast, such a fast advancement speed, not to mention the Song Ting on the opposite side, that is, the referee Teacher is slightly stunned.

By the time Song Ting responded, Xie Sisi had already penetrated half the distance.

In a hurry, Song Ting’s body thunderbolt flashed, and a thunderbolt shot from his palm.

“Thunder Palm ——”

Xie Sisi swayed, immediately evading the thunderbolt attack and burst into the distance again.

“Thunder Needle Rain Dew–“

Song Ting’s complexion finally changed, and he did not hesitate to consume a huge amount of star force to perform a range of star martial skill. Thunderbolts composed of countless thunderbolt squirted out of Song Ting’s mouth.

“Water bomb steel gun–“

A star force formed a transparent aperture half of the magic array in front of Xie Sisi. A ball of water was instantly launched from the aperture. Fiercely passed through the thunderbolt steel needle launched by Song Ting, which cleared a safe for Sisi The breakthrough route.

“How is it possible? When you start the star martial skill, you can run quickly?” Song Ting subconsciously issued cry out in surprise.

This cry out in surprise directly amused Wang Lan.

Can’t move when launching star martial skill? Even if you did n’t teach, you should watch the Star Wars competition in the past year? Even during the preliminaries, evading quickly when launching the star martial skill, the rush is the basic operation, right?

Moving the star martial skill when it is launched will indeed affect the star martial skill. This is like doing something else in the hand when thinking, which will cause distraction. But launching star martial skills during high-frequency battles is a skill that star martial artists must master. Not even this basic can be done, ten 2 Vajra is ultimately a joke.

When Song Ting exclaimed, Xie Sisi had successfully rushed into Song Ting in 5 steps. When Xie Sisi rushed into this distance, even Xu Xiangwen could be spiked by Xie Sisi, not to mention Song Ting.

In an instant, Xie Sisi’s figure seemed to become mist and fog, one after another afterimage appeared in front of Song Ting. Then, there was a general blow of howling wind and torrential rain.

The picture is too cruel, so it is not convenient to describe it in detail.

Anyway, it took 20 seconds for Xie Sisi to stop. From the beginning to the present, count the ten seconds of the rush, and the remaining 20 seconds of beating, a total of 30 seconds. Not much, not much.

Xie Sisi turned and walked towards the stand, Song Ting bloody nose and swollen face, lying straight on the ground in constant convulsions. With a strong sense of both eyes, Song Bo on the stands narrowed his neck slightly, and a corner of his mouth hooked up taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

Until Xie Sisi disappeared into the Bidou field, there was still silence on the stands.

Song Ting, one of the ten 2 Vajra of the Civilian Genius Society.

Ten 2 Vajra, only Mu Shaoyun, Peak Xinyu Peak Expert. Just by a sudden rise, a person who was unanimously considered cheating was defeated within 30 seconds?

Is Xie Sisi really learning? Or ten 2 Vajra is just a bubble?

Even if Xie Sisi is a real learner? The Civilian Genius Club is not claimed to be invincible high 3 times except Jiang Xinyu 3 Peak experts?

This scene made countless students who had touted the extremely believe in the civilian genius club cast doubt on the civilian genius club.

After 3 years, is it just a false genius strong in appearance but weak in reality?

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