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In the distant woods of the National Defense Hospital, a middle-aged man in a black coat slowly took off his hat and calmly spit out a plume of smoke at the aftermath of the hospital’s hands.

“I’m understood, brother, go!” The words fell to the ground, Xiao Xiao’s fallen leaves fell like colorful butterflies, the leaves fell in flight, and the silhouette turned into butterflies and disappeared.

“Skipping grades to kill, reward experience value 1000, skill points 50.”

When the sudden appearance of the demon elite was killed, the system sounded in his mind. At the same time, the aftermath of the battle outside the ward exploded again.

The arc flashed and the wind blew. Between He Mingxue and that Wind Attribute Fiend, I do n’t know who restrained it. Wind energy Clay, but He Mingxue’s Fire Attribute can also restrain the wind.

The wind has the speed of the wind, and the thunder also has the speed of the thunder. The two players played dozens of rounds without any difference. Once again, the two separated after a violent confrontation.

“Withdraw–” The elite demons loudly shouted.

The voice has just landed and is about to move. 2 Dao’s body was standing behind a group of Fiend like a ghost that appeared suddenly.

Wang Lan, surrounded by blood energy, and Wang Qianfeng, flashing with sorrowful winds all around, blocked Fiend’s whereabouts.

Seeing this scene, Fiend’s eyes flashed, and his body exhaled a breath like death. Suddenly, one after another powerful star force waved away. Also in this instant, Wang Lan 3 shot instantly.

3 The head of the horn rises into the sky, and the gem of azure is broken like a mirror.


The body of Advanced Fiend was instantly exploded on the spot by the horrible star force.

“Skipping grades to kill, reward experience value 1000, skill points 50.”

“Destroy a demon elite group, reward experience value 10000 5 and skill points 800.”

Two prompts sounded, and Wang Lan’s face showed a satisfied smile. This matter can be regarded as a paragraph.

Some people were left for the aftermath work, and Wang Lan and other main staff evacuated the hospital in an orderly manner and returned to the Heavenly Sword Bureau for a post-war summary report.

“In this fishing operation, although the traitor hidden in the Heavenly Sword Bureau was not successfully fished out, on the whole it was a success of Perfection. A demon elite spy team was wiped out by the National Defense Hospital.”

After explaining the whole process of the action, Wang Qianfeng made the action conclusion in public. After listening to the conclusion, all the brethren involved in the action showed a thoughtful smile on their faces.

“Mingxue, the traitor hidden inside the Heavenly Sword Bureau still needs you to worry about. In the future, the confidentiality level of the intelligence in the Heavenly Sword Bureau will be raised by one level. The traitor will not be removed, and our information will always be in danger of being leaked.” Lu Zhao said with a smile but a serious tone.

“Secretary! From the analysis of the results of this operation, we have analyzed two points. First, the traitor has a certain position in the bureau. Otherwise, the Demon Impossible is willing to abandon a spy team to protect him. Second, the traitor may not be Residents in the bureau, I have gone through a full range of investigations, and there are no suspicious people.

Then, the suspicious person must have been ruled out by us before. And this range is too large, and it is difficult to accurately lock. “

“So, it’s your long-term and unrelenting job to investigate internal suspects.”


“Renovation, what do you have to say?”

“Secretary, from this incident, I feel that our internal strength still needs to be strengthened. Previously, we still firmly believed that our strength could protect Suzhou City. However, judging from the demons encountered in this year, the demons have a strong reputation for City’s attention has exceeded our estimates.

Since October last year, we have achieved national victory. Among them, there are no less than eight high-level demons killed, all of them are Star River realm strength.

But is this the case with the advanced Mozu spies in Suzhou City? I’m afraid more than that. It is more likely that there will be a double, twice the Mozu expert dormant in Suzhou City. In our Heavenly Sword Bureau, there are only eleven battle strengths in the Star River, and only eleven red-clothed captains.

We are in the light, the devil is in the dark. Such strength is probably not enough to cope with the increasingly severe situation. Secretary, should I mention it to the headquarters. “

“Huh? Restoration, did you say anything when you heard something?” Lu Zhao suddenly asked with a faint smile.

“No, no!”

“Here are the backbone of our bureau, and they have really fought with the devil, and shed blood for the country. I don’t hide from you, the devil is begin to stir, and the new war may come soon.

In order to cope with the increasingly severe situation, the Ministry of Defense intends to focus on the original architecture with 100 key Heavenly Sword Bureau sections to form a strategic defense network covering Jade Country 20 4 provinces.

These 100 Heavenly Sword Bureaus must have independent operations in the future when they are very severe, and the responsibility of independently guarding the localities must be able to operate flexibly even if they deviate from the superior leadership instructions.

Because Jiangxi is adjacent to Modu, these 100 places account for 3 places. Jin City, as the headquarters of Jiang Province, must occupy a quota. And the geographic location of Jin City is exactly the same between Jiang and Hui provinces.

The remaining 2 places could not be competed in Suzhou City, but who made our achievements so brilliant this year? Suzhou City is likely to become the preparatory headquarters of Jiangnan Defense Zone in Jiang Province.

In this case, Dong Neng responds to the magic capital, Nan Ke responds to Shanxi, the north and Jiangbei brother city are in the same boat, and the west is fighting side by side with the Jin City headquarters. “

“Really?” Even Wang Qianfeng, who has always been calm, heard this news and his eyes widened. “If Suzhou City becomes one of those 100 places, will Suzhou City want to be a general there?”

“Hahaha …… This is indeed true from the level. And this is still preliminary. If the battle is really on, no one will know what will happen in the future. Well, these all are off-topic, no matter whether Suzhou City can win For one of these 100 schools, we still have to work hard, prudently and conscientiously to accomplish the tasks within the points.

The credit for each section will be reported to me within 3 days of each place, and I will report to the Jin City headquarters. Director Zhang should be very happy to see Suzhou City make new achievements. The sect masters of the ministries remain, others can go back.

By the way, the award will wait until the reply is given. The brethren who took part in the operation today will be on leave for 3 days. During these 3 days, people may not be on duty, but the phone must be turned on for 20 hours. “


Wang Lan took a breath, walked out of the Conference Hall and looked at the time, it was more than ten o’clock. I took a leave of absence for 4 days, tomorrow is still Sunday 6 Sunday. I’ve been invited for a week, don’t you care about such a day?

Wang Lan decided to skip classes, but just sent a message to Jiang Xinyu and the others on the way.

“Isolation lifted, let’s play together tomorrow!”

“Little Lan, you are finally released … What did you do to get caught in it for so many days?”

Seeing this message, Wang Lan’s good mood suddenly disappeared. Xu Xiangwen knows why he can still be so smashed. The recommendation report he joined Heavenly Sword Bureau is still pressed on the desk … for another week.

“Ding dong ——” prompt sounded again, Wang Lan picked it up, it was Jiang Xinyu’s reply. Very short, just 2 words.

“No problem?”

“It’s okay, let’s say you are in class at this time? Don’t you keep your phone away?”

“Little Lan, rest assured, my hands are on the table, absolutely safe.”

“Then how do you type? Do you dare to speak?”


In Wang Lan’s mind, Xu Xiangwen immediately stepped on the phone with his feet, his fingers flew, and he quickly entered characters. And the surrounding students were stunned by the biochemical weapons on the spot.

So toxic.

Just put down the phone, ding dong ——

Wang Lan picked up the phone, just glanced at it, and almost threw the phone excitedly.

“Dear Mr. Wang Lan, the star martial skill you booked already matches, please contact your buyer as soon as you see the information. Buyer Jian Jian, mobile number 137 *******”

The red light in front of him was skipped, and the moment the green light was on, Wang Lan, who was planning to turn right, decided to go straight. Roaring all the way to the Star Martial Guild. I had already called Gong Jian in the car before, so when Wang Lan’s car stopped at the door of Star Martial Guild, Gong Jian in a suit was already standing by the door and waiting.

“This is Gong Jian, the manager of the star martial skill exchange?” Several star martial artists from the Star Martial Guild saw Gong Jian’s laughter on the face and suddenly put a smile on his face and pulled the companion away.

“The manager of Star Martial Skill Exchange? Zhentai’s?” The other asked in a northeast accent.

“It’s a fierce person!”

“What is fierce person?”

“Star Martial Guild, who is at the same level as Imperial Capital, is a fierce person?”

“Star Sea? I’m going. Star Sea runs Suzhou City to guard?”

“He seems to be and the others like this?”

“Just kidding, he should have come out bask in the sun …”

“Wang Lan, are you here?” Gong Jian saw Wang Lan coming and smiled as she walked forward with a smile like spring breeze.

“I said Brother Jian, you really made me wait. Last time, the crescent moon arrow, you arrived within ten days. How can I wait for a month this time.” Wang Lan complained though , But his face is already impatient.

“Are you thinking that the A-Rank star martial skill is Chinese cabbage? Anything you can get it?” Said, taking Wang Lan’s shoulders around and carrying them in.

“He younger brother?” Not far away, a star martial artist in a gorgeous dress asked as if she had found prey.

“It should be, but I promise, you dare to wave against his younger brother, tomorrow you may be on the streets. Flowers, don’t be impulsive.”

“Get off! Will the old lady make waves? That’s love!”


Brought to the office by Gong Jian, Wang Lan sat down on the sofa.

“The star martial skill is here.” Gong Jian put a delicate iron box in front of Wang Lan. “Star martial skill, Thunder Snake, A-Rank Thunder Attribute star martial skill, single Attack Type star martial skill.”

In the A-Rank star martial skill, the single Attack Type star martial skill is already few, you still blame me for the long time? Even if there is a suitable star martial skill, what if someone does not intend to sell it to you? Can we still grab? Some star martial skills are family secrets, can they still be given to you?

We can get this Thunder Snake, but we have done a lot of work, okay? “

“Are people still alive?”

“Alive!” Gong Jian subconsciously came back, and in an instant, looked at Wang Lan with an unbelievable look, “Fuck, even you got the words?”

“No, I just ask casually.”

“Relax, this guy is an international hunter organization. Although it is not a killer or something, the black and black trade has never been done. The last time we blacked our 2 freighters in the Soma Strait.

Originally … he appeared and disappear unpredictably, did not keep his hands, it took him a little effort, and it was not worthwhile to dispatch special operations troops for 2 cargoes.

But the company commander heard about my report and went out for a walk in the name of training. Well, he is a spoils of war. “

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