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“Is it possible that Xiaoqin is a professionally trained killer? Wouldn’t it be possible if he had been trained all the year round?” Xiao Lin, who was driving, suddenly asked to break the silence.

“Reality is not about making a movie. You should have what kind of body you can perform. You can use a twisted one’s neck not at all. You can use it regardless of the appearance, but you can show far more than the performance strength. Only star martial artist. “Hu Qing said lightly on the back chair.

“But according to the information, Xiaoqin impossible is a star martial artist. And the fighting traces on the scene are also very clear. A woman can actually bite a person’s throat in a messy knife and tear off the other half of the root. neck.

In the case where the eyes were cut and blinded, a knife could stab a person’s throat to death. This endurance, this determination to perish together with my opponent, makes me unable to understand. My feeling is that Xiaoqin is not an autonomous person at all, like … a tool. “

“Ding Ding Dong, Ding Ding Dong—” Hu Qing’s phone suddenly rang.


“Understood …”

After a while, Hu Qing put down the phone and faced Wang Lan laughed, “The 8 bosses of ancient city will meet at Arirang barbecue tomorrow evening.”

“Negotiate? What to talk about? Shouldn’t Qiu Brother be killed? Shouldn’t they fight?”

“We do not allow police officers to fight, how dare they fight. We chose to prevent them from fighting for the temporary stability of Suzhou City. But if they insist on fighting, we are welcome.

This group of gangsters is so cruel, what is our bottom line, and when don’t you violate our bottom line to understand? This time, the eight elders should talk about choosing a new elder. “

“Since the underworld does not want to be chaotic, then the enemy is killed, who do you worry about chaos?” Wang Lan curiously asked.

“Of course it was Qiu’s men. Brother Li was taken down and Brother Li’s men were in trouble for a long time. At that time, Qiu Ge and 7 younger brothers were in town, and there was not much trouble.

But now 7 is gone, Brother Li is gone, Qiu brother is gone, and Fenglou Hongjie is gone. Brother Qiu must not be upset? “

Hu Qing laughed, “Wang Lan, you said that the person who sent the violin would be the one who wanted to be Elderly Hei in the ancient city?”


“I don’t know, why not go check it out tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow Sunday …” Wang Lan’s words were not finished yet, and Hu Qing’s phone suddenly rang again.


“Captain Hu, the autopsy report came out. 95% of the blood samples at the scene were from Qiu Ge’s two men, and less than 2% were from Xiaoqin.

Moreover, Xiaoqin’s death time should be yesterday evening rather than this afternoon. “

“Last night? Impossible, she only killed someone this afternoon …” The words blurted out, but at the moment of blurting out, Hu Qing paused.

Suddenly he sounded the Flower Snake 6 that he encountered before and robbed the bank. The death time of the autopsy was long ago.

“Hu Qing, what’s the matter?”

“Wang Lan, maybe this time Heavenly Sword Bureau is really involved. The autopsy report shows that Xiaoqin was dead last night.”

After listening to Hu Qing’s words, Wang Lan’s face not only did not stun, but also showed such an expression.

Xiaoqin is only an ordinary person, but can break a person’s neck. And it is unreasonable to be able to fight with those gangsters who are out of the ordinary. But if she had been a corpse controlled by someone, it would be completely reasonable.

“Wang Mingling!” Wang Lan coldly said a person’s name.

When he arrived at the Superintendent, Hu Qing was busy with his affairs, and the younger sister called to report the safety. They have gone home and are safe.

After Wang Lan hung up, he called Wang Qianfeng.

“Wang Lan, what’s the matter?”

“Secretory Wang, Wang Mingling shot again.”

“Oh?” Wang Qianfeng, who was originally reading the materials in the study, had a meal and put the data down and asked, “How did you find out?”

“Today I had dinner with Hu Qing, the police chief. He suddenly received a case. An underground boss in the ancient city was killed by a young lady. I went to the scene with Hu Qing and found that the young lady was a little weird.

As soon as the autopsy report came out, the Young Lady was dead yesterday night. When she killed, it was just a body, so … I suspect Wang Mingling shot again. “

“Wang Mingling, sent someone to assassinate an Elderly Hei? Do you know why?”

“I don’t know! I just pursued this case.”

“Then the case will be given to you, you can report the progress to me at any time, or you can call me at any time if you need support.”

“That … I am following such a big case alone?” Wang Lan was a little surprised. Wasn’t Wang Qianfeng always hoped that he would focus on his studies?

“Well! Recently, Suzhou City was topped by a foreign terrorist organization, and it may have something to do with that Wang Mingling.” Wang Qianfeng said after a while of silence, “Before half a month, a large number of high-priced reward orders appeared on the international black market.

The total value exceeds 3,000,000,000 and involves 100 entrepreneurs in Suzhou City. This reward assassination order has caused many notorious organizations in the world to swarm like cats smelling fish. In response to Wang Mingling’s provocation, most of the battle strength of Heavenly Sword Bureau has been scattered. “

“Such a thing happened in a short time? Wang Mingling must have a purpose. Did he give so many rewards?”

“Although there is no evidence to prove it, it is certainly inseparable from him.”

“So many reward orders are likely to cover people’s eyes and ears, Secret Wang, will his real purpose be related to the assassination of Qiu brother? And … Judging from the information from Duan Ziqi, Wang Mingling’s purpose of returning this time is very good It could be the assassination of Elder Di. “

“Assassination of Elder Di should be Wang Mingling’s ultimate goal, but what he has done so has nothing to do with assassination of Elder Di … I don’t understand. Just follow up on this case and I have confidence in you. What are the difficulties? Do n’t force yourself to go, must make your own safety first. ”


After hanging up the phone, Wang Lan quickly deduced Wang Mingling, or the idea behind the gang behind Wang Mingling, the more he thought, the more his head went up.

Hu Qing has been working all night, sorting evidence, looking for clues, and getting too busy. Wang Lan just slept in the Superintendent’s lounge for 2nd day, more detailed clues were sorted out.

Judging from these clues, Wang Mingling and Qiu Brother have absolutely no connection. The purpose of killing Qiu Brother seems to be simply to see that you are not pleasing to the eye, just to kill you.

In the morning, ten o’clock.

sun shone brightly, ten thousand li cloudless.

Hu Qing not at all drove the standard car of his superintendent, but rented a car and brought Wang Lan to an office building.

Two people have just stepped into the office building, and the beautiful women at the front desk quickly greeted them. “Two gentlemen, can I help you?”

“I am looking for President Zheng.”

“Are there any appointments for 2 gentlemen?”


“Sorry, I can’t arrange for you to see President Zheng without an appointment. I also ask you to make an appointment in advance and come again next time. 2 gentlemen please.”

Hu Qing took out his mobile phone and dialed the number, “Hey, Zheng Ji, I am at the front desk of your company, come and pick me up.”

The beauty at the front desk at first looked at Hu Qing with a hint of joking. I thought Zheng was always who, did you just see it? Why are there some people who are trying to get through the gap between 3 and 5? Also call? Is it a rescuer?

But when Hu Qing said Zheng Ji’s name, the beauty’s receptionist’s face suddenly changed. He lowered his head slightly, pretending to hear nothing. Yu Guang in the corner of the eyes began secretly a large number of these Hu Qing 2 people.

Although 2 people are dressed in ordinary clothes, they look … somewhat handsome. But the imposing manner on the body is really different, what kind of feeling? positive? Safety? sunlight.

After a while, the elevator at the back of the reception opened, and a middle-aged bald man in a black suit and gold glasses walked out of the elevator.

“Zheng Zheng.”

“Zheng Zheng–“

“Mr. Zheng!” The staff at the front desk greeted Zheng Ji constantly. President Zheng turned a blind eye, swept his eyes across the front desk, and quickly strode forward.

“Brother Hu, excuse me for not going out to meet you … Hu Ge please.”

Hu Qing laughed, “Suddenly disturbing, is President Zheng not surprised?”

“When Brother Hu comes, the younger brothers are all flourishing here.”

Under the leadership of General Manager Zheng, Wang Lan and Hu Qing came to the Conference Hall on the top floor.

“Brother Hu, you … why are you here?”

Wang Lan looked a bit strange in President Zheng’s eyes. This Chief Zheng felt … Not a friend of Hu Qing, but rather afraid of Hu Qing. Looking at the smile on his face, he couldn’t see the slightest bad guy.

“Tonight, what are some of your bosses going to do?”

“Ah? Boss party?”

“Are you loading garlic with me?” Hu Qing slowly lifts the head, and his eyes kill, as if piercing his soul through his eyes.

“No … No … Brother Qiu is dead. What happened is that the brothers discussed the way out in the future. Nothing happened, absolutely no idea about it. Brother Hu, if you ’re happy, here ’s Call them and cancel the meeting. “

“Don’t, it’s not good to cancel such a good meeting.” Hu Qing took a sip of tea, “Take me and my brother to see and see tonight?”

tone barely fell, I saw President Zheng usually fell to his knees.

“Brother Hu … My dear brother … You can’t be like this … I’m on the road, which is a deflated 3, to let them know that I brought the guards over … they will definitely cut me into meat sauce … Brother Hu, I want to do business in a fraction of the time. You can give me a way of life … “

Wang Lan corner of the mouth twitched award, looking at this person holding Hu Qing’s thigh and runny nose, can’t believe this is an Elderly Hei? Elderly Hei’s guts? What’s stiff?

“You have done so many illegal and disorderly things over the years, smuggling for people, and entering illegally for people. The sum of the charges is enough for several years?” Hu Qing remain unmoved indifferently asked.

“Brother Hu … you’re forcing me to die!”

“Why don’t you count the accusations of Elderly Hei that you are forced to go to the dead end? In other words, you have provided a lot of evidence from our superintendent. Either, you will cooperate with me tonight, or I will Announce everything you have done. “

“I–” Mr. Zheng never dared to speak with a sloppy voice, “Brother Hu, before you said that cooperating with the superintendent was my only way to live. Now I think it is the only dead end.”

“The way to live is to get those who threaten you into it, the way you have. What do you think?”

President Zheng took out his mobile phone, “Hey, general affairs, send me 2 sets of better clothes over …”

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